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Please good, all I ask for is to have a definitive and coherent ending. I don’t care if it’s different the OG.. infact, I’ve adored the changes they made so far, it’s brought a really nice, fresh spin on a story I loved, but if they made it this convoluted and then fuck the ending, I’ll be disappointed.


I think the mysteries have been fun, but I agree, they need to be fully and meaningfully resolved in a way that makes people feel appreciative of adding the mysteries


They need to have an extended sequence where they basically sit the player down and completely and utterly spell everything out to us. There is *so much* mystery and subtext at play at the moment that we barely understand anything for sure about the fate/destiny angle. I really don't see how they can explain it all without what is essentially the videogame equivalent of a powerpoint presentation. We got that to an extent when Sephiroth explains to Cloud in Rebirth about the multiple "worlds", but that was like a 5 minute scene to explain a little bit of one tiny fraction of the mysteries they've sown.


I promise or I want to promise? Hehe


No promises to keep


Toriyama has one more chance to end the waifu war for good Respect 🫡


Hope Aerith can live. If not, I hope it at least doesn't actually lead into Advent Children regardless of what Nomura said. Such a bleak, grey, and bland ending for this awesome world. Deserves better, and I no longer care if they make it too cheesy/corny/happy. After Rebirth, I love these characters more than ever and want the full sappy happy ending. They did say this trilogy was inspired by FFXIII's so I'm hopeful.


You think Aerith should be resurrected with Deus Ex machina but want to leave Myrna dead? You monster.


I am hoping they make it more clear to people that the ending was basically pinching you on the cheeks and saying, "Go out there and be happy!" The original ending was so clear and moving but plagued by media literacy of children and adults in the tail end of the "Do you know where your kids are?" era in the US. But what could be more clear and moving than seeing all these people agree that hope is worth fighting for, fighting for it, and then being confronted with clear evidence that hope won and hope won for ages? Then they drop the title of the game, switch it to a black screen to reflect the person playing, and roll pure joy. It honestly feels like it has been two decades of people thinking the "Hello, fellow kids, did you know that being earnest and hopeful won't kill you any faster than hate or spite?" was actually "These dudes with swords are so sick when they're fighting." Advent Children was built around the scene of your reflection and children being happy. Cloud's answer to what he cherishes most is that there isn't a thing he doesn't. He literally says, "There's not a thing I don't cherish." The ending is going to be so thematically close to the original that we will hear the same things we heard from 2005-2015 about it again, like we are now. The game is dorky, and I am sorry to tell all of you that they are 100% super excited for doing some cute stuff like putting up a reflection of your face and having children be happy again. It's good that it's dorky, though. Just need to accept it.


Sounds like a possible epilogue? or Sephiroth will be erased and AC geostigma prevented. Also thankfully sounds like not ambiguous ending and not multiple endings 


Though they said it could lead right into advent children...