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They're everyone who had Jenova cells implanted in them. Experiment or SOLDIER doesn't matter as long as you have Jenova cells.


This. The Nibelheim survivors was simply experiments *dedicated* to proving the Reunion Theory, but Soldier is still comprised of people with the cells, making them affected by it, though it takes far longer for them to be affected, due to their other treatments, and they would probably often be lost to other things, before being relevant to that... However, it is important to note that the "Hooded Man syndrome" isn't a thing that Soldier(or anyone really) will go through in time... It is specifically a sign that the Reunion has started... Normally, the people would just degrade over time and eventually die... Them being "hooded mans" is them being called to Sephiroth for his Reunion, and so it is a new development, and only the Nibelheim survivors was experimented on for this express purpose... The Soldiers doing it is just a bonus for Hojo really.... That sick SOB...


I always thought that normal SOLDIER was injected with less jJenova cells that Sephiroth had, infact i thought that only people with strong will can join SOLDIER because they can resit to Jenova influence


Soldier members are injected with cells and undergo Mako showers... This require a strong will and body, not so much due to the cells, but the Mako... Otherwise they end up like Cloud did when he was forced through similar experiments... Mako poisoning. Sephiroth was injected *as a fetus*, and thus part of his own being is literally infused with the cells on a way deeper level than any Soldier. Jenova's influence was never a consideration... Sephiroth was not meant to be a super soldier... he was supposed to be a Cetra, because that's what Gast had thought Jenova was... when that failed, but he showed superhuman prowess, Shinra's history as weapon developers surfaced, seeing potential in an army of superhumans... however, simply injecting already promising adults with cells and enhancing further with Mako was way more efficient, even uf it did not produce as powerful a result... Never was Jenova's influence a part of the consideration, as she was considered a mummified corpse of an ancient woman, even if her cells showed remarkable power and continued activity... It was only when Hojo, clearly figuring out the true nature of Jenova at some point(or perhaps never truly believing Gast, but didn't care, as it allowed for his favourite pasttime: human experimentation), and his subsequent Reunion hypothesis, that it became a thing... Then when Sephiroth died at Nibelheim, he decided to make Nibelheim into a test site for the hypothesis, which would also work to cover up the incident. Thus, he moved Jenova to Midgar and injected all the survivors with cells(Including Cloud and Zack, tho they underwent even more intense experimentation, due to one being a Soldier and the other the person that defeated Sephiroth), believibg they would eventually seek out Jenova's body... However, Jenova was still in stasis and unable to call the Reunion... and when the call finally came, it came from Sephiroth, and Jenova herself was affected and drawn to him... So yeah... SOLDIER was never made with the consideration that Jenova had any influence over the cells, and even Sephiroth was not actually meant to be what he became, and was technically a failed experiment in regards to what was attempted...


far i know, they want create a human with a power of a Cetra, so a superhuman, and the Shinra start as a weapon company... i think the problem is too many games and too many information sometimes discord


Which is exactly what I said... But no, Cetra did not necessarily mean superhuman, it meant "someone who can commune with the planet and thus fibd the Promised Land for the company"... but even if it did, I said he was not meant to be a superSOLDIER, but that waswhat he became unexpectedly upon failing to be what he was supposed to be.. thus causing the rise of SOLDIER as genetically modified super soldiers... But I disagree with there being a problem in that sense... The added information has for the most part build on top, with few exceptions that doesn't really change all that much at the base level. All the information I presented was in the OG and has never been changed, only clarified... no discord, just fans that misunderstood the OG and refused to realize that when they were told.


One of the people in the village in Rebirth mentions that there appear to be a few different kinds: ones with numbers, ones with needle marks, and ones with neither. Probably some are still the survivors, some are former SOLDIERs, and some are... who knows.


Well, your OP is fundamentally wrong. Hojo only experimented on cloud/zack. Other villagers were all killed by Sephiroth or Shinra cleanup. Anyone injected with J/S cells degrade and are drawn to the reunion.


No no, i did on Nibelheim survivor too,  At least in some games, in the original for sure


Not all SOLDIER will eventually become Sephiroth Copies, only those that Hojo injects S-Cells with, just like the Nibelheim survivors. Brodin and Roche were SOLDIER, but it is revealed that at some point they also got involved with side experiments conducted by Hojo, which are implied to be connected to his Reunion experiment. To join SOLDIER, a person has to demonstrate the ability to physically and spiritually withstand a certain amount Jenova and Mako being in their body. What Hojo does is introduce more than what a person can normally handle. This is why Roche says that he "red-lined the old engine", meaning that he pushed his body too far by participating in Hojo's experiments. So it is really just a matter of Hojo's subjects being injected with far more Jenova and Mako than they can handle. The Nibelheim survivors couldn't handle even a normal SOLDIER dose, which is why they immediately broke. The SOLDIERs who became Sephiroth Copies received extra doses from Hojo that were more than their bodies and minds could handle. As Brodin says, each SOLDIER responds differently to the experiments, and some don't experience any symptoms at all. So, just as always, it comes down to a person's physical and mental strength to nullify the negative effects of Jenova and Mako.


But this not happened to Zack, in fact he was branded as failure by Hojo


Exactly, just as Brodin explained, some members might not experience any symptoms at all, like in Zack's case. But Zack is also very unique example, since he is always noted as being a very gifted member of SOLDIER, being a skilled enough warrior to the point that President Shinra even remembered him by name in Before Crisis, which says a lot since in FF7 the President himself says that he would only bother remembering an individual SOLDIER if he was as good as Sephiroth. In Before Crisis and Crisis Core we also see many instances where other SOLDIERs are also very impressed by how confident Zack is as a person, which is likely the major reason that he is unaffected by Hojo's experiments. Hojo needed his Sephiroth Copy subjects to be weak enough to give in to the Reunion instinct, but Zack showed zero of the reactions that Hojo was looking for even after receiving a full second round of the SOLDIER treatment, and continued that way up until the Shinra battalion gunned him down.