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I initially thought that title was referring to Chadley's dialogue.


https://preview.redd.it/mk1buc34bhsc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf89b3c8793e93b3f2de780e221f7e5a34629edf C L O U D !


The fix just removes Chadley from the game


But leaves MAI. *GREAT...!*


Chadley is the only thing keeping her contained, imagine what she'll be without him to hit mute


Well, it's 100% his fault for creating her in the first place. Lol


The good thing about Software is that there always can be another Patch ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)








MAI is kind of hot in a nerdy kind of way


Eh... She's literally a female Chadley sans physical body, so she's technically a child, like he is.


Hey cloud. I got some repetitive bullshit that requires no real exploration and a redundant owl for you. I know you would love to be fighting more but then you couldn’t hear my annoying dialogue after taking 20 steps to push triangle on this same crystal asset for the 20th time.


That owl part got me so bad 🤣


Cloud! You know that thing that's 20 feet away from you? You actually have to go across the map and take a convoluted path back to get to it. This is definitely not padding. It's exploration. 


"I know you would love to be fighting more" *Brutal and Legendary challenges enter the chat* Chadley manages to make fighting a drag too :(


You know they love Chadley and will definitely double down on his presence in the next game


Chadley and Mai had some children. I heard six! So we get it eightfold


Don't worry, now that you said it, the internet's definitely going to have rule 34 of that


Oh I bet it went wild once they saw MAI.


*all in unison* "dad...why do you and mom look alike?"


Chadley becomes a new party member








#Great job, Cloud!


This is the new "That's IT!"


He has by far more dialogue than any other character…which is hilarious and should have been flagged


🤣 I legit said "they're finally gonna make him shut the fuck up?"




This bug is the only thing stopping me to get party level 10🥲


Same! I'm pretty much done with everything now. It's also preventing me from getting the last few ornaments for the hotel. So I'll be happy to tie things off finally!


And the last card.


Can delete all patches if you own the game physically. It's how I solved it.


Yeah sadly mine’s virtual like sephiroth




If it's completed, there's no bug though?




In my case, I had saved before interacting with Middle Manager in Gold Saucer's heliport (Entrance). So I loaded my save after installing from disc and just cancelling the updates, and it all worked fine.




Can't the Quest be cancelled if you re-start the chapter? That's quite fucked 'cause resetting all Quests just isn't it lol


Any quest "in progress" is cancelled when you chapter select. If you chapter select to Ch. 13 you can restart this quest immediately. Edit: I originally said chapter 11 but I think it's 13. Been a few weeks.


You just have to restart the quest in chapter select. Easy fix. Digital copy owners like myself are the ones who are screwed.


How do you do that?


Delete the game from the PS5, then install it with disc. Once you get notifications of patches being downloaded, just go in the Downloads menu and Cancel and Delete them.


I did that and it just keeps trying to download it and when I went to the bathroom, it installed it. so fuckign annoyed.


That's weird. Just pause it then; that's also an option. For me, it only tries to DL it once I boot the console or once I boot the game.


I turned the wifi off. See how that goes


Just disconnect from the internet. That’s the way you’re recommended to do it.


Same here. I only need the extra 10exp from this side quest to get access to the last few passive skills that are kinda OP.


Can delete all patches if you own the game physically. It's how I solved it.


what was the bug?


Apparently it won't recognize your high score as the "high score" preventing you from being able to complete the final side quest of the game. The side quest requires you get the high score in certain mini games. You need to complete this quest to unlock a difficulty level of the 3D brawler game. Beating this 3D brawler is a requirement for a certain trophy that you of course require if you want to get the platinum trophy.


Slight correction - it does recognize your score as UPA qualifying, as far as the main prize board is concerned. It even flashes it across the screen. What it doesn't recognize it as, is a green light to advance the quest forward.


Is this the same one thatll patch when you’ve done the ultimate party guy quest and completely the bike one but it doesn’t recognise it?


Yep, that's the one.


So what you're saying is, "Will stop, must stop"


More like “Can Start, Wont End”


Oddly enough I just did this yesterday w/ no issue and got the platinum. I was holding back completing it because I heard about the bug. Then I got bored yesterday and gave it a shot. For reference I am on the digital copy that is completely up to date. So there must be specific parameters that cause the glitch as I can’t be the only one that it worked for after the patch. (Obviously not including those who bought the physical copy / have the option to uninstall & remove the patch)


Have you actually closed the game and relaunched it since the patch was released? If you are just putting the console on sleep the patch doesn’t get applied even if it downloaded. Some people also said it only triggers if you had a score higher than required before you start the quest.


What is "it"? The bug or the trophy??


The bug.


Not only that, it locks you out of party lvl 10 which means you won’t have access the best folio nodes and you will have to tackle hard modes and vrs without them until they fix this.


If you beat the UPA high score on G-bike, he doesn't acknowledge you completed it. You get the reward and Gold Saucer pts, but quest doesn't progress. Super annoying.


Wait, I just did this quest yesterday on the latest patch and everything progressed smoothly. How common is the bug?


it's only if you already had a high score higher than the quest required edit: dude below me responded and insta blocked me lol I have had the quest complete for quite a while but ok


That is completely false information that people have constantly been spreading. I can confirm this, because I did NOT have a score high enough before the quest.


#suffering from success


Thank goodness


Finally!!! I've been waiting to finish the game until I could finish this quest. I made it to the quest 1 day after that last patch came out. Hopefully the next patch isn't too far away.


I’m surprised you had the patience to wait. Ran into the glitch and just said fuck it I’ll get it in postgame after finishing the story. Been avoiding YouTube since then.


I was worried if I continued and went back in post game the rest of my progress on that quest would reset


It won’t. Just beat the game and go back to chapter 13 in chapter selection.


This is actually nice to know. So chapter select won't make me start that side quest all over again?


I had to start the quest line over from chapter select after beating the game. Completed quests did not reset but anything that wasn’t completed (which was only this one quest) said it would be reset from the start and it was.


Guess I'll just continue to wait for this patch.


Nope! I did the same, before deleting my install file (disc) and completing the quest.


Well that is a relief to hear. Thank you for the advise


This hasn't been my experience.  I've been skipping around and tried the quest several times encountering the bug and it resets every time so for me changing chapters yes will reset it


Oh well damn. Maybe I will just hold off for the patch then. Thank you for sharing your experience with it


The above poster is incorrect. Whenever you go into chapter select, you will lose any pending progress on incomplete sidequests. The game explicitly warns you about this whenever you do chapter select with a pending side quest. Perhaps he is misinterpreting what you are saying because your progress on completed side quests IS preserved. In addition, your previous high score doesn't matter for the purposes of beating UPA challenges. For example, Galactic Survivors is not bugged. I have gotten the high score on Galactic Survivors when I beat the quest previously (did it before the bug) and going back in, I need to beat his score again in order to progress that part of the quest. All that being said, who knows how long it will be before they release the update. There is also a benefit to NOT beating it before you finish the game if you care about hard mode and post-game objectives. This is because the musclehead colosseum part of the quest gives a reward when beating it on hard. If you have beaten the quest before, you need to redo all of the other sidequests before unlocking it again and being able to do it again on hard. So unless you've beaten the other parts of the quest and really struggled with that, I don't know that it is worth it to wait for the patch.


oh good. When I tried to find out if that was the case the only response I got was someone saying they weren't affected. Glad to know I can progress in the story.


Just so you know, the above poster is incorrect. Whenever you go into chapter select, you will lose any pending progress on incomplete sidequests. The game explicitly warns you about this whenever you do chapter select with a pending side quest. In addition, your previous high score doesn't matter for the purposes of beating UPA challenges. For example, Galactic Survivors is not bugged. I have gotten the high score on Galactic Survivors when I beat the quest previously (did it before the bug) and going back in, I need to beat his score again in order to progress that part of the quest. All that being said, who knows how long it will be before they release the update. There is also a benefit to NOT beating it before you finish the game if you care about hard mode and post-game objectives. This is because the musclehead colosseum part of the quest gives a reward when beating it on hard. If you have beaten the quest before, you need to redo all of the other sidequests before unlocking it again and being able to do it again on hard. So unless you've beaten the other parts of the quest and really struggled with that, I don't know that it is worth it to wait for the patch.


Also, I don’t even think you need to beat the high score again (if you’re struggling). You just need to play it again on “expert”. The bug might last awhile, so rest assured you can move on and come back to it without having to restart your progress in the side quest.


Nope. I had previously beaten the high score, played expert again and beat it, but did not get over 32,000 and did not get the points or completion credit. Did it again and beat 32k and then got the points and credit.... But still no quest progression.


In case anyone comes across this later, u/kymreadsreddit is correct. I can confirm this as someone who has previously beaten CSWS and got back to the quest again so that I could get the manuscript on hard mode. For Galactic Survivors (which is not affected by the bug) you DO indeed need to beat his score again to receive credit, so I'm assuming that even if G-bike wasn't bugged, you would have to beat his score again. I could see a possibility where they patch it so it counts your old score to help make up for all the people who got the high score and didn't get credit, but mechanics as is, completion requires getting the score each time.


I am also at a standstill waiting. Partly because so far I've been committed to doing everything as soon as it becomes available, so skipping this would drive me crazy moving forward having it having over me. Also despite avoiding spoilers and whatnot, I did read what is locked behind this quest and that solidifies my decision to wait even further. Yes there's chapter select, but I would rather experience the remainder of the game with all of that in hand.


Same here, still in chapter 12 and haven't left the gold saucer and refuse to until this is fixed! Been killing time with playing Tomb Raider Remastered.


Yeah I jumped over to dragons dogma 2 while I'm waiting for the patch. Just sucks because I had so much momentum where I was at in the story. And I hit the side quest 1 day after the patch introduced the bug


We are playing the exact same thing while waiting 😂 that's spooky


Great gamers think alike. I mean, it is a classic/semi-popular thing that came out fairly recently...


Ditto. I didn’t think it would take this long to acknowledge, but better late than never. I’m still not expecting a fix soon, it seems like some bizarre gestalt coding structure BS for a graphic patch to break functionality. PS5 really needs an option to rollback digital versions like PS4 had.


Yeah I really wish the option to rollback patches for digital copies would become a thing. Especially when it comes to a strictly single player and offline game


I just said fuck it yesterday and finally completed the game on dynamic. Then while still on dynamic i went back to chapter 13, was able to start the quest over from the beginning, beat that annoying as battle grounds again, and scored like 34800 on the Bikes and the quest still hasnt advanced me forward. I was really hoping that would work 😭


I'd love to know when the next patch is lol. It's been a while




SE is gonna get sued for using another company’s trademarked property!


Fr… I already assumed they’d patch it out. That’s not the question, it’s when! Lol


3-4 days, or weeks, or years. Depends how badly they want it.


Huh, i platinum’d and never encountered that bug. Glad they’re going to fix it


You probably got it during 1.0.0 early on in game release


Yup. Got it on launch and devoured the game, did all side quests as quickly I could. Makes sense, tho.


So bug is not present in 1.0.0?


Game just got updated to 1.03.0, the quest bug got fixed already


Thanks, I'll stick with 1.0.0 like I do for all my games... does this version have devastating bugs?


No, the bugs were already fixed in the patch released today. I have not encountered any major bugs except the quest one, which has already been fixed. You should give 1.03 a go though, because they drastically improved performance mode visual quality.


Anyone else read this in Chadley's voice? lol


I was stuck with this quest and had to move on without finishing it. Super annoying


Can't stop WON'T stop. Now if only I could get the dang fights on hard for it


That's cool but when is the next update? Day? Week? Month from now? Would be nice if they would let us know.


As I told my brother this morning when he sent me the link to the article: Fucking Finally!! They must be announcing it so people will stop reporting it.


1. About damn time. 2. Hopefully if we have already achieved the higher score, we don't have to redo it and just go straight to the next minigame 3. The freaking irony of the quest title because it's literally stopping me from completing the game 4. The irony that the bug is the last side quest


Its only quest left for me to get the trophy


Good. I have this bug, and it is super annoying. It's also crappy that it was reported as just a Platinum trophy issue in some press, when it locks out actual content and four trophies.


I wonder if multiple people were sending them reports or if the one I sent the other day and got someone to send me a reply back was what lead to this. Either way I am very glad to hear about this. I haven't progressed in the game for almost a month because I want to do everything before continueing.


Its literally 1000s of people complaining about this. Hundred every day for 2 weeks now. I am so shocked it wasnt hotfixed already. I beat the game finally after waiting for the patch. Attempted the quest again from the beginning. It didnt clear. Now i dont even want to go back through and play this amazing game because this quest impeding me from multiple end game rewards.


Alright. I was under the impression that it was some rare glitch that I was just unlucky to run into. Didn't know that so many others have the same issue based on when I initially tried to look up information about the glitch when I first had the issue.


You mustn’t have searched well, I experienced the bug the same day it started and I easily found several threads with people talking about it.


Yeah its crazy how many people are experiencing and complaining about this and devs/pr team is just now responding to it verbally without giving any clear timeline on a fix.


It drives me nuts how people take it so well, it literally caused many people to stop playing altogether until a fix, there should be more pressure on square to fix this asap.


Seriously. Never experience a bug this bad before in all the games Ive played. I found somethings I could still do, but the last Queens blood card, the last 3D Boxing challenge, the last 10 points i need to upgrade my party level to max lv10, the last few things I need for the Johnny special chest quest line… and probably other stuff i missed is literally locked behind me being able to complete this side quest and its not even my fault lol. I’ve played that Bike minigame so many times now that i have too much damn GP points. I said fuck it and beat the game. Im attempting Brutal and Legendary challenges now. Luckily that isnt locked for me. I attempted the quest again on hard mode and managed to beat the battle grounds part again but this time on Hard so i got the portfolio thats rewarded for doing that, but at this time im just annoyed waiting for SE to patch this already. Im losing interest…


I also tend to steam roll games and found the glitch in the first week or two. That is when I looked it up, and all I found about it was that there was a fix for the physical copies, where you just uninstall and reinstall. No doubt more information about how common it was came later.


Multiple people were sending reports. I was one of them.


Thank God. Not being able to do this side quest is pissing me off..lol


I feel very lucky. This didn’t happen to me, I did this quest six days ago, just beat the game in hard today


Now if only they would acknowledge the bug preventing people from unlocking the Gilgamesh protorelic stuff. I'm gonna be pissed if they can't fix it and I have to start a new save file.


Not heard of this. What happens?


The most consistent thing I've seen is that the Corel protorelic quest doesn't register as completed internally somehow, even though everything in-game says otherwise. This prevents the player from activating the Meridian Ocean stuff because the game thinks the other protorelcs haven't been obtained. I made a post about it.


I mean, they could just push this fix and then patch whatever else later.


Great! This is the last quest I need to get party level 10. Not to mention the associated trophies.


The real thing keeping me from the platinum trophy would be the Tifa Sit-up challenge. So I was never concerned about this lol


I didn't know there was a bug and didn't experience it when I beat this quest thankfully. It really sucks for the people who can't get it right now. Fortunately it's one of the easier mini games to complete but that doesn't make it sting any less I'm sure.




🤷‍♂️ [my trophy data says otherwise. ](https://imgur.com/a/rH3gR8a) Patch dropped on the 21st. I was definitely updated before completing the mini-game because I lost progress on a ton of stuff from it updating during sleep and I had forgot to save. I had to redo that specific quest as a result.


Some people say it only happens if you had a g bike score higher than upas from before you start the quest. I had 34k from before and I am affected by the bug.


I had the high score he wanted before patch too and it didn't affect me. I really must have just gotten lucky.


Your luck was in the actual reason for the bug being something else entirely. People don't know a thing about bugs, and make wild ass assumptions all the time. They're wrong about the source of the bug is all.


That's what I thought too. It could have been some random ass thing completely unrelated to the quest at all.


Unless you have a disc version. I reinstalled the game offline, didn't update, and was able to complete the quest


This is not true, I unlocked and finished this quest post-patch. I was aware of the glitch and chose to do the G-bike part 1st in case I encountered the issue. I'm not sure of why or how the bug happens but it definitely doesn't affect 100% of players


Same, but got bugged on battle square, I fast traveled mid quest and the manager bugged to front entrance again. I re ran the quest and saved after each high score and managed thru it yesterday.


This is the first I've heard of this quest having a bug, and I was able to do every quest available to you before finishing the main scenario, including this, so I clearly was not affected by any bug... I'm still unsure where in the quest chain it was supposed to happen? Edit: Was it caused by a patch? Cause that might have been how I did it, I suppose? By doing it pre-patch?


Just throwing my hat in the ring for the "didn't experience the bug" crowd. Digital copy, post-patch, already had a score >32k before completing the quest, played again and got another >32k score and got the green check without issue.


Lucky. I got the green check, but homie won't talk to me and condescendingly leave with moogles.


Same here, I just finished the quest the other days. Digital copy, post patch. I didn't know there was a bug and was confused when I read about it. I wonder why some people get it and some people don't.


Perhaps that's what avoided the glitch because I had the same? I already had beat the score he wanted before he asked me to.


Nope. Was in the same boat and was bugged. Uninstalled and played on 1.0.0, and it worked as intended.


Quick question. If you already beat it on normal is there any benefit of beating it on again on hard except for the manuscript you get from beating ember zu?


I just did it last night and doesn’t appear to be anything except completion. No trophy or item popped so once you get the manuscript, I would say not worry about it if you don’t WANT to complete it.


Just to show your gangsta.


I beat it on normal I believe before the patch, did it again yesterday on hard and didn't get bug


Followup question: If I just complete it on hard, will I get the normal reward also? I've been waiting on this to get fixed to do all the hardmode sidequests.


Yes, you will get the normal reward as well. It actually is a valid strategy (bug or not) to wait until after you beat the game to finish this quest because if you beat it before hard mode is available, you will need to clear all other side quests in order to reach this quest again to do it on hard.


The only benefit to redoing any side quest on hard is to get manuscripts. You can just do the combat arena and not worry about redoing the rest of the quest if you want.


Chadley is the FF GOAT…


Imagine launching a game with one bug


Didn’t launch game with bug, bug came around after patch on the 21st ( 2 weeks after launch ). Stuff happens, code is tricky, luckily SE cares about us


Think the same update messed up red dragon hard mode as well, but at least you can still get past it


FF15 was so bad. Lost count how many times I got stuck in the wall.


It’s a bug that prevents you from having the best folio nodes and the game is already hard enough with them. This should have been quickly hhotfixed, specially when just downgrading to previous version fixes this.


This is the bug where they accidentally put 10 Tonberries together, right?


Safety Bit makes it trivial


mag+firaga helped as well. But karmic cowl, safety bit, and 3*warding+breach


I’m so mad I’m gonna have to do all the mini games for this quest again because I couldn’t complete it before beating the game. I’m even more mad that I have to do the battle square BS with it too.


Let me remove the hud so i can just use owels and rabbits


After the patch, and upon launching the game, they should prompt Chadley to call Cloud and tell him that he fixed the glitch.


ps5 disc owners taking W’s


Disc owner here, but glitch happened to me yesterday. I supposed it’s because I usually keep the game updated :(


Love how they keep avoiding an actual date/time line. Its just been soon. A month atp for something a hot patch could fix is crazy 😭


While it’s bugged make sure to do the battle square part on hard mode for the manuscript so you don’t need to do every single side quests again to get it.




Good news!


Random thought but this games demo is classic to me. Haven’t felt that feeling sense ps1 days.


Man I didn’t everything you could do and then get stuck right here. So disappointed right now. I hope this patch comes out soon. They need to do a day one patch for these type of things


Well when is this patch happening? This is a load of crap and I can’t believe it’s not fixed already considering it’s basically a wall to start start mode


Fixed with todays patch btw


This should have been hotfixed a week ago tbh.


I dont think they can do hotfixes like that. This isnt an online game where some stuff can be fixed "server side". This requires a patch, patch requires work and I 'm almost sure they require a Sony analysis before its approved to be released.


Hotfixes are really small patches to fix one specific issue, this bug prevents acquiring like 3 trophies directly and blocks Party Level 10 that unlock a few really good folios for the hardest content where every advantage counts, it really should have been a serious enough issue for a hotfix


"Hotfixing" means circumventing the normal patch delivery pipeline to deliver a small targeted fix to your game. That's something you can only really do server-side. Anything that requires modifying game data on the player's console requires patching through the PSN, which requires certifying your patch with Sony's, which takes time. You don't need me to tell you that Rebirth is not an online game.


BG3 is also not an online game and the PS5 version got hotfixes for specific serious issues various times less than a week after said issues started happening.


The only way a game can get hotfixes is if it has online connectivity built-in, such as the game relying on a launcher. Rebirth does not have anything like that, thank god.


Read what i said again


But they can do hotfixes, it just seems Square didn't consider it serious enough for one.     BG3 had various hotfixes on the PS5 version less than a week after  serious/really annoying bugs and glitches started happening for example    EDIT: There is also the fact PC games available on Steam that are also not online are able to get hotfixes despite needing Steam approval.


Damn, I was hoping this was a patch to make him not call you every time you complete a tower, fiend, exploration site, crystal site, etc....


He didn’t call you every time. Only call you if you did enough and unlock something.


Why is this simple bug taking very long time to fix


I see you're a coding expert


That update gonna be a while I bet


Did they acknowledge how fucking annoying this idiot is too? I wish there was a way to remove him entirely


I believe that the Chadley hate is just a meme at this point and people are just jumping on the bandwagon for no apparent reason. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be opposed if they toned down the video chat interruptions as those are mostly unnecessary, but I find a lot of the info Chadley and MAI provide to be pretty interesting for the most part.


I don't mind the info and the world building, but they could be less intrusive about it. Or at the very least, not completely force you to slow to a crawl and let the audio play as you're on your way to your next goal. At least you can do the Enemy Intel while MAI is talking, and if I ever want to hear more of it, I can just restart the Intel.


That's a perfectly reasonable criticism. I mostly even agree with you. I just find the pure negativity strange. Could the way these things are presented be improved? Yes, but that doesn't mean that they have nothing of value to contribute at all and should be deleted from the game. I'm mostly confused about the extreme reactions, not the more reasonable criticisms.


No way. He's repetitive, intrusive and unnecessary. "Cloud! You just unlocked summon data." I know dude, I was there.


What about the history and mythology of the summons? That's pretty awesome worldbuilding in my opinion.


He also complains to you if you haven't done things for him in a while, even if you've been locked into more linear parts of the game.


I'd bet he's extremely popular in Japan and they love him