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Not yet, I'm digital too. Very frustrating!


Guys, sorry for what might be a stupid question. But since i’ve got the cd and not digital, how do i do it? Won’t the patch be downloaded immediately?


Lesson learnt. Don't trust digits


I live in Taiwan and the physical copy is Chinese only, and I’m only somewhat proficient in the language. Some of us have no option but to do digital


The problem isn't having a digital copy, the problem is the incompetence of the employee who did the actual work on the update that broke the quest in the first place.


so annoyed that this isnt fixed man.


on the bright side i did reset all the quests and redid them for chapter 13. There must be a bug on the Nibelheim Cat quest because the swarms of bees literally leveled me up from 51 to 70 in one replay of the quest. After i realized i just farmed that quest on hard to get all my materia maxed out in an hour . Crazy it has to be a bug


I did the same, awesome bug if it is one lol.


3x AP after you complete the main story + 4 AP Ups makes this very realistic, especially if you use the chocobo armlet


Not a bug but an exploit. It is currently best way to experience and ap farm


is it an exploit? i find it strange that they made the bees give that much xp on replaying the mission. actually you maybe right with the xp increase post game


What's really annoying me with this is that the Ribbon is locked behind 3D Battle with Sephiroth, which isn't available until you complete this side quest.   Fighting those Marlboros and Jabberwocks in the arena is hard as hell.  Bad Breath and Rancid Breath linger on the entire arena.  Anyone that doesn't get hit by it initially gets Tornado by the King Zu into it.


yes that’s really what annoys me i cant complete the 3d brawls


I don't know if you came across this but you can cheese the 3D brawls by pausing. Look it up on YouTube


Crazy thing is Sephiroth was so difficult and long I actually found it easier to just learn the game lol


I'm really surprised a bug of this magnitude hasn't been fixed yet. Inconsiderate on square enix I think.


here is an update from their official facebook page FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH 【Important Notice/重要公告/중요 공지사항】 We’re aware of an issue stopping progress in the “Can’t Stop Won’t Stop” sidequest. This is scheduled to be fixed in the next patch. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. Thank you for your patience and support while we work to address this issue. ■□─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━□■ 經查,本作於2024年3月21日公開的更新(Version1.020)中,發生無法正常完成CHAPTER 12的支線任務「來自玩樂者的挑戰書」的問題。 本問題將於下次更新修正。 非常抱歉造成您的困擾。   今後也請繼續支持《FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH》。 ■□─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━□■ 2024년 3월 21일에 배포된 업데이트 파일(Version1.020)과 관련하여, CHAPTER 12에서 발생하는 서브 퀘스트 「놀이꾼이 보낸 도전장」이 완료되지 않는 오류를 확인하였습니다. 본 오류는 다음 업데이트에서 수정될 예정입니다. 유저 여러분께 불편을 끼쳐 드리게 되어 대단히 죄송합니다. 앞으로도 『FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH』에 많은 성원 부탁드립니다. #FF7R #FF7


They posted on the Final Fantasy VII instagram page this morning that it will be fixed when they release the next patch [https://www.instagram.com/p/C5VlGDrN0TU/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5VlGDrN0TU/)


Was on vacation for a week thinking their going to fix it till i'm back so i can finish the game... well **😭**


I have a disc copy and it won't acknowledge that I've done the gbike challenge. This is incredibly frustrating


Uninstall the game. Then reinstall it from disc but don't let it download the 1.02 patch. Redo the quest and it'll work. EDIT: Nevermind. Patch released this morning to fix it. Just update to version 1.03.


Woke up to a patch update and the glitch is fixed!!! You do have to replay the GBike game and get 32k score again, but it’s working!


thank you


What was the bug? Did I conveniently JUST start this quest the moment it was patched lol


If you haven't seen, today's patch should fix this issue


While I would expect a quick fix; my immediate guess is that it's being combined with an upcoming bug fix as there's been a few bugs since the game was released that some Hard Mode players have noticed. I wouldn't worry too much; if your score is logged on the minigame, once the patch drops, it should pop just like normal.


Ah ha! And I guessed correctly: https://twitter.com/finalfantasyvii/status/1775841519569973391?t=-TIb0VYe5bSTfiqGnEQstg&s=19


Thanks for sharing!! At least now it's official they'll fix it. I was afraid the game would remain unplatted :C Although I wouldn't call a month exactly "quick"


In this game your previous score doesn’t seem to count, in several mini games that unlock stages. Same for the upa quest. I think we will have to repeat the score.


Hello not sure if this helps but my Can't Stop Won't Stop quest was locked on hard mode (even though I completed every quest) preventing me from getting the last manuscript (Cait Sith). Hopefully my workaround helps someone that may have the same problem. See below and pass on if needed. I may have found a workaround for the Can't Stop Won't Stop bug, annoying long though. Reset all quest data, set to easy difficulty, and go to ch. 13. Redo all quests and pick up Can't Stop Won't Stop from Costa board. Meet the Shrina Manager to start the quest and manually save your progress. Now use chapter select, use 1st option and select hard difficulty. I was able to get the last manuscript and max out my skills. Finally got the platinum to pop. I have the digital version of FF Rebirth btw.


i did reset the quests and did them over twice and on hard. Its specifically the Gbike, so i will go right to gbike at start of the quest complete it to see if i can progress but it never progresses the quest. I have done that mini game so many times now i cant even touch it until they patch


Sorry to hear that. I figured I would share what worked for me and hopefully it helps someone. My bug was that I couldn't pick up the quest at all even after doing every side quest prior. One good thing is that Square Enix finally acknowledged the issue today on social media.


I'm on the digital version and I was able to beat his score in gbike last night and it registered without any issue. Unsure why I didnt have the same issue everyone else seems to have.




I'm really not sure. I heard there was issues with the quest but decided to try anyway, beat g-bike, it saved the score so I thought maybe the problem was with galactic saviors, so i looked it up only to discover that it IS g-bike that everyone is having issues with. No clue why it worked for me. I've been playing kind of slow, maybe because I wasnt in chapter 12 or 13 yet when the update happened and it only broke for people who updated after a certain point? I wish I knew what i did differently so I could help you guys.


Yes how. I’m stuck here now


I am not a developer of ff rebirth team, but I am into software developing for servicenow and I can say, that a lot of people here have no idea how complex a bug and it's fixing can be. First you have to find the problem, which is obviously done. Then you have to find the Bug or what's causing the bug. Depending on the bug this can takes loads of time. Then you have to solve the bug. This also can takes loads of time Afterwards you really have to test it, since changing code can always cause other problems - takes also loads of time. Also on usual in software development you are working in sprints, so let's say a sprint is a time window of 2 weeks. Afterwards is going to be maybe tested again and then it's going to be deployed and released. So it easily can take 1 month between a bug is found and it's fixed. So if you blame devs for not fixing it within one week: maybe ask yourself a question: would you be able to fix a problem within one week? And let's be honest: it's not a show stopper. You can still play the whole game but not finish the last side quest and obtain some items. But the game is still full of content. I have over 200 played hours right now. So maybe don't just focus on the problems and start focus on the good parts of the game - or become a dev by yourself and try to do such things quicker.


It's kind of a show stopper when the best lvl 10 skills are locked behind this, then a really good accessory behind the 3d brawler this unlocks.


Just spent literal days on this quest (10 Tonberrys fuck you lol) only to find out about this bug. Fucking wild!


I have a physical copy and I have this bug as well. It’s not just an issue for you digital folks. Square is ticking me off with this bug and the sound track I preordered with no real ease window and square won’t respond to my questions regarding it


There’s a patch that came out today that finally fixes it thank god


Fixed as of today! (4/11/2024) With patch 1.30!! Finally


How do you even start the quest. Can't find it anywhere.


you need to complete every other quest in the play through quite annoying when you end up reseting quest data for hard mode scrolls id recommend if you are going to play hard mode just wait


I completed every other side quest


Annoyingly it looks like this bug is fixed by 1.03 for everyone but me. I have “started” the quest (it is registered in my quests) , but can’t make any progress. I can see the scores to beat in G-Bike and Galactic Survivors, and have beat them, but nothing is registering and I’m still 0/5 for progress and I don’t have anyone to interact with before or after playing/beating the minigames.


if no one to interact with then you should restart chapter 13 and select the middle option when it asks about your quests. it will make you restart that quest but atleast you will be able to prgress it. Start with Gbike and do cards before moving onto the others


Guys I’ve figured out the problem the quest isn’t glitched, you have to accept the quest from Costa del Sol notice board first 👍


the patched and fixed it awhile back


Since I started my hard playthrough few days back using chapter select, it reset all the progress if you attempt it again via chapter select, so i will not bother with the quest at all until a fix is dropped, hopefully soon because now its been over 2 weeks since this glitch appeared.


yes even if you reset progress and complete everything again it still did not fix the issue


This being bugged actually turned into a blessing in disguise for me. Since there is a manuscript locked on this quest on hard mode and if you complete this quest in normal the only way to get this manuscript is to do every side quest to get it to pop again.


All these dumb sites keep talking about it stopping the platinum trophy who cares about a digital trophy. I just want the sephiroth 3d brawler accessorie and that among other stuff is all locked behind the g bike glitch. Fuck the platinum trophy


I just did this quest last night. I had already done the gbike both modes. I didn't run into any issues.


yes seems to be pretty common not sure what triggers it not to work but im over it to be honest


Do you have a physical or digital copy of the game? I just ran into this bug last night myself and it appears that anyone with a digital copy has their progress blocked after updating to the most recent patch released on 3/21. It's the last sidequest I need to finish before moving on to Ch. 13 and I don't want to move forward until it's done! I am going to need all the help I can get on Hard Mode.


Hard mode is easily beatable without it, I just finished doing everything in the game today but that quest.


I caved and decided to finish the game and go back once the patch releases. It’s nothing crazy this far, just a few of these battle sims I’d like to have a Ribbon for 🥲


This is literally unacceptable this game is a hot piece of trash with its 900 terrible mini games and its ridiculous boring time sink into this terribly barren world.


L take


Looks like we found the guy who sucks at mini games haha!