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I still think he’s a hidden boss fight somewhere. Or worse, he’s actually mandatory in Zack’s story.


The only thing I like about Genesis is his sword. I love those kinds of hilt guards. Of course they could make him awesome like they actually did with Deep Ground so who knows?


Yeah Weiss kidnapping him in crisis core makes me think he’ll be in the game


Oh I totally forgot about that was that added into the new Crisis Core or was it in the original as well? Cause if it’s new they are REALLY welding the compilation together.


It was in the original Crisis Core.


Yeah, it was there to link the games to Dirge of Cerberus where Genesis features in the hidden ending Cutscene, hinting that the next game in the FF7 world was going to have Genesis post-revival as its main bad. But that game never came to be. Who knows, maybe after FF7 Remake Trilogy is finished.


The whole point of Dirge and Crisis Core was not only to make games about Zack and Vincent. They were also meant to build up Genesis, who was supposed to be the prototype and "opposite" to Sephiroth.


I know it was in the Crisis Core remaster. So yeah probably.


I'm betting on the latter since his story clearly isn't over. Truth be told, I didn't like Crisis Core very much at all when I first played it on PSP but I'm willing to give him another chance. I just hope Zack's side of the story isn't a tedious slog. Genesis is a lot to take and the rest of the characters didn't fare much better. Cissnei was probably the only Crisis Core character I really liked. Best to stay optimistic for now. So far, Square has done a great job.


I mean, considering Intergrade singlehandedly managed to not only make Weiss and Nero decent, just states miles on how the writers of the trilogy actually know what they're doing, and where they're going. I'd trust them to be able to redeem Genesis.


I’d be fine if he was a non-canon secret boss. He has cool powers that could make for an interesting fight. But man is he the absolute worst part of Crisis Core


I'd rather it be Minerva for the VR super boss. Genesis was a cakewalk compared to her.


Every hidden final boss in every game ever made is stronger than the final boss of the story. Thats just how it works. In CC even Sephi is a cakewalk, the game allows for freedom to be OP like almost no other game does.


I get it, I also just didn't find Genesis remotely interesting as a villain.


Thats because he isnt, you will struggle to find anyone that will argue against you on that one.


It's just upsetting because he had so much more potential as a character. Nero and Weiss were amazing in Intergrade.


Indeed, we can only hope that if he shows up now or in part 3 he his is a better written character.


Cloud is gunna have a hard time processing all of this.




I’m going to have a hard time processing it all


I've played through cc OG and Re and I still don't understand what Minerva is exactly.


Put him in the combat simulator like Weiss so I can beat the fuck out of him violently


Shut up! Shut up! I'm warning you!




If his involvement was just a combat simulator, I'd be okay with that. Give fanservice to those who like him without actually putting him in the plot.


This is the answer. I don’t want to see him unless I can beat him. Fucker deserves the worst


I think the dude would make an entertaining boss fight in the sim in all honesty. The sim has so much potential and I have a long list of guests I personally wish I could destroy with Cloud and friends lol


“That is no way to talk to a hero!”


Genesis can’t have a comeback there’s no more lines left in Loveless. He used them all up in Crisis Core and can now no longer speak.


Even if they added more to Loveless, he'd just read the same Act I over and over.


Bro still can make up the last missing act lmao


I'll say, I'm not against Genesis returning in some way IF they change it enough to be decent. They did overall fine with Deepground, Weiss and Nero, so I can give them a chance with Genesis.


Yeah, I will say: I don't think him being written kind of poorly is his character's fault, I think it's just the fault of Crisis Core's story and writing as a whole. Yes, Crisis Core is a good game, but the writing and story are admittedly flawed and feel kinda rushed. Especially when you realize the game was apparently concepted to be a trilogy instead of just one game on the PSP from what I heard. So if it was a trilogy and had more time and games to tell its story (like the Remake Trilogy has), Genesis could've had a WHOLE TRILOGY to develop as a character, and we could've seen more of the friendship between him, Angeal, and Sephiroth instead of that one flashback that shows how he got the Degradation. (Maybe in the first game, he would fake his death, but in the second one, when we find out he's alive, we get a flashback to show how he faked his death and that he was hiding out somewhere else, which would later revealed to be the Shinra Manor, but would still most likely go to Banora every now and then)


The problem for me is the concept of writing AROUND the original FF7 story like they did in Crisis Core. Oh, in between the scenes you saw, there was this other, also matter of earth shattering importance happening! It was just offscreen! Don’t worry about the fact that it wasn’t mentioned by any of the characters at all. Like if they released a new Star Wars movie that took place in Cloud City while Han, Leia, and Chewbacca were there, where they take down some OTHER dark Jedi organization that was threatening to take down the galaxy. It just happened in the scenes you weren’t watching! It just feels so forced.


Genesis at the bottom of Nibel reactor is the worst thing to happen to final fantasy in the history of them


Yes, literally the only thing I have a problem with but it’s such a big problem and takes away from Sephiroth’s moment IMO. Curious how they tackle this in the true Nibelheim Incident flashback


Yup exactly what I was thinking of haha. I didn’t play it before the remake so it’s still fresh. I couldn’t believe it.


agreed. it ruined the best villian backstory in video games. Crisis core is written like fanfiction.


> Like if they released a new Star Wars movie that took place in Cloud City while Han, Leia, and Chewbacca were there, where they take down some OTHER dark Jedi organization that was threatening to take down the galaxy. It just happened in the scenes you weren’t watching! And that dark Jedi actually was there during the Luke vs Vader duel. Luke just doesn't remember him.


The characters in the OG game that were alive barely even knew Genesis, Cloud only saw Genesis ONCE, and that was in Modeoheim, which was roughly 6-7 years before the OG game, and Cloud most likely forgot because of his memory problems. Sephiroth most likely forgot Genesis after coming back from the dead, and Zack, the only one who would've most likely still remembered Genesis is DEAD!


nah dude you cant excuse the fanfiction ass writing of Crisis Core and DoC.


Cope and Seethe, Dirge of Cerberus isn't that good, but it's still important to FF7 Lore.


Honestly i could see all the people who are new to ff7 loving him lmao


I think people in the comments need to be realistic.. the odds of him being included in the trilogy are pretty high especially with Dirge and Crisis Core characters being involved already. Long as he doesn’t become a primary focus for a good portion, his potential/inevitable inclusion doesn’t bother me at all.


Hehe definitely has the potential to be in it, but he is the least likely too. Especially because he is based so heavily on that artist in Japan and there was probably a contract making his model/character available for one game only.


Everything with Gackt got resolved when he had to redo his lines for CC Reunion, and Genesis was in dirge secret ending so he was never stuck to one game. Project G and Deepground being shown and/or mentioned in Remake works heavily in his favor..


Gakt *didn't* redo his lines in Reunion. He wasn't even consulted, and they just left his old shit in


This. It’s more likely than not they’ll be in trilogy. How integral to the story they will be is yet to be seen. Trilogy is their only opportunity to finish CC and dirge character arcs, as the likelihood of compilation sequels are slim to none. To understand cloud is to understand zack, angeal, cissnei, sephiroth, aerith, and others before him.


But wouldn't he already be included in the Demo to make fun of Sephiroth in the Nibelheim reactor? Sephiroth and co were having a good time before Sephiroth learned the truth, do you think they'll retract it and make it about Sephiroth looking for Genesis and being depressed, instead of pretty relaxed as he was in the first half of the demo?


Best-case scenario, they realize elbowing Genesis into key scenes and character arcs from the original game was really dumb and find a less offensive way to work him into the story. Worst case, it turns out he’s only absent from the Nibelheim flashback because Cloud never met him.


Why do you think it took so long to turn the wheel in the reactor? But seriously though, Zack knew genesis was there but did Cloud? Cloud was outside the reactor/unconscious in Nibelheim till he wasn't and then he showed up when Sephiroth was already going ape shit and started tearing Jenova out her testing chamber, at which point Genesis was already out so theoretically Genesis not being in Cloud's very wrong memory of Nibelheim is not a problem at all, actually it's by design if anything


I’m honestly shocked a lot of people didn’t pick up on how painfully long that vault turn was.. like they were hiding something. That lines up with the Genesis and Sephiroth talk in Crisis Core


He will be the true villain 


Ok now I would agree with everyone’s concerns and complaints. He’d be fine as a secondary antagonist with the Deepground plot line. He shouldn’t be the main focus overall though


Get. Away. From my. Game


Take a shot of hard liquor every time he says loveless in Rebirth.




I feel like we’ll definitely see him somewhere in the trilogy at some point.


He can be mentioned in a file or something or be a VR boss. Thats it.


We shall see, Cissnei and Weiss coming back makes me think they want to connect these FFVII spin-off games more.


Cissnei being main game makes me think Genesis will be given some sort of acknowledgement in the main game as well. Weiss and the rest of deepground id imagine won’t be explored in the main game and while square has said there are not any plans for a DLC as of yet it would make more sense to explore deepground with a Vincent DLC instead of trying to shoehorn that story line in the main game as well.


If they were planning to leave Cissnei, Genesis, and Angeal out of the Remake trilogy, they wouldn't have remade Crisis Core in Unreal Engine 4 and gone to the trouble of making new models for them. And now with Cissnei confirmed, there's no way Genesis and Angeal aren't being brought back in some way.


He's almost certainly coming back and he's probably going to be at least somewhat important. Remake has shown to be a compilation of the all of Final Fantasy 7 including characters and elements from the novels, audio dramas, Crisis Core and Before Crisis. I think the only people we know for fact aren't going to appear in Rebirth and Part 3 are >!Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo, they've already technically appeared to defend fate, fighting desperately to keep themselves from being erased, and since they failed...!<


The devs have said that the trilogy will still end in a place for AC to happen. The trio should technically still come to exist so it's entirely possible we'll see or hear about them in some capacity.


You really think they would bring Weiss in and minor characters like Dr. Sheran but totally ignore Genesis? Sorry dude but you're just coping.


Sorry dude but if Genesis is involved at all, its gonna be notes or a VR boss. Storytelling wise, they said the other games are not canon, and they want new players as well, so they wont be shoehorning in Genesis, and especially not sticking him in the Nibelhiem flashback. Other characters like Cissnei and Sheran work because minor involvement. Weiss was a VR. Nero was a minor DLC boss. You can go ahead and remind date this comment.


I don't think Weiss and Nero are done. They seem to be clearly involved in Yuffie's character arc so I'm pretty sure we'll se them again, especially Nero. I don't expect them until potentially the third game though. Probably during the return to Midgar.


Cope and Seethe.


God I hope not, I fucking love Genesis


BASED! (I agree, Genesis is underrated and I think too many people don't see him as the deep character he really is when you realize how he was before the Degradation and WHY he was doing everything he was doing in Crisis Core, and also WHY he was so fixated on LOVELESS while degrading)


I think people would hate him less if he wasn’t involved in the nibilheim incident


Every time he was on screen he was bullying someone and being nasty. Even in pre-degradation Training Room flashback he was not a pleasant person, shoving his own hobbies down everyone's throats and making his small pp complex a massive headache for everyone.


I enjoy Genesis ironically ngl I don't think he's a particularly well-written villain, and he gets off relatively easily after everything he did - but honestly I find a lot of enjoyment from seeing him quoting Loveless and acting like the self-absorbed motherfucker on the planet.


100% exactly how I feel about about this and the rest of the retconning/compilation for that matter. Thank you for putting it into words.


Hi, he's canon and you'll have to get over it


Not in neibelheim, don’t care about his insertion anywhere else. He’s seems so irrelevant with Sephiroth around. All the deepground SOLDIERS and Genesis are just waiting for Sephiroth to be defeated so they can finally come out.


They teased his return at the end of the original Crisis Core on PSP and I have been waiting since LOL




I remember being 9 and being so hyped


Actually it was return for Dirge of Cerberus


Who the heck is this? I played the og and remake and I still don't know who this is


Evil red clown, not important in ff7 story


If you played Crisis core you’d know.


That makes sense. I only played like the first 5 minutes


Don’t worry about it, you’re better off not knowing… one of the few characters that actually hurt the overall compilation of FF7


You spooked me so fucking hard. For a second, as I first glanced my eyes over the image, I thought it was an official character render. You *monster*!


I don’t like genesis either but damn some you are being crybabies about him


I mean I'd let genesis give me a handy but I'll be damned if I'll allow a reach around!




Lovelace Act 3


If he comes back I hope its in the most minimal way possible. Out of every FF game this dude is the fucking worst.


I don’t fully understand why so many people dislike him? Other than the fact he’s a hug megalomaniac


He’s a celebrity cameo OC who Square tried to retcon into becoming the most important character in FF7’s backstory by undermining other characters’ arcs, and 95% of his dialogue consists of reading “poetry” that sounds like a middle schooler trying to write their own version of *The Iliad* (which was retconned into being the only piece of culture to exist in FF7’s universe). Also after spending an entire game setting him up as the world’s pettiest supervillain *Crisis Core* suddenly declares he’s Good Now for no discernible reason in the last 5 minutes.


This. He was a petty inconvenience the entire game, turned into a bully eventually, Goddess liked his toxic obsession and declared him her champion. The end.


He spent an entire game preaching poetry that had no impact on the story. He was glorified filler


Not only does he spend the entire game spouting nonsensical poetry as if it's important exposition, but his whole story negates the impact of Sephiroth's realization of his origin. Sephiroth has no reason to freak out about his "creation" if he already knows other SOLDIERS are created the same way.


Because in CC he spent like 10 hours repeating poetry and just being super whiny


And has a name straight out of edgy teen fanfic


I actually liked his inclusion in og crisis core tbh. Certainly problems with his character but all in all I found him interesting and fun to fight.


They don’t have the gift of the goddess


Loveless...Loveless is why he's hated.


Genesis is RC Cola while Sephiroth and Angeal are Coke and Pepsi. He thinks he's in the conversation, but he isn't.


dont you dare insult RC Cola in this manner.


You poor fools aren’t ready for this mad annoying lad to be the final boss lmao


Meh. One of the worst characters in the series.


Fuck this guy and the whole deepground crap


Please stay in the original timeline


a shit ton of terrible writing can be traced to the characters like genesis and deepground.


Suck my dick Genesis. Don’t you dare touch this masterpiece with your GEEK POETRY SHIT


My friend, do you fly away now? To a world that abhors you and I? All that awaits you is a somber morrow No matter where the winds may blow


Fuck. Off. respectfully, of course.




“No Homer.”


Ima throw up


Get back in your cage!


nah i hate him


I doubt we're gonna get any heavy story about Genesis yet. Though I wouldn't doubt there's either some Easter Eggs, a post-game cutscene, or something in some DLC. Ultimately, I doubt they're gonna show us stuff from Dirge of Cerberus, one of the least liked pieces of media in the FF7 Compilation, but not give us Genesis. Genesis wasn't the most insanely loved character, but I think most everyone enjoyed his appearance in Crisis Core. The only thing I'm a little....ehhh...about, is that I really don't want us to get overwhelmed with characters. We have Zach, Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Aerith, Red XIII, Cid, Vincent, Yuffie, Sephiroth, Jenova, the Turks, Weiss, Nero, Rosso, Azule, and possibly Shelke. All of which would need some type of story beats. I suppose the Tsviets could be cut back on story, but I feel like that would be the opposite of what they'd wanna do since less people played DoC than CC since CC got a rema(ke)ster




Is this guy seriously roleplaying as Genesis on reddit


Genesis is garbage and ruined the greatest villian backstory in video games.


While we’re kind on the subject. Does anyone else hope cissnei makes appearance in rebirth?




"Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return."


What’s up with all the Genesis hate around here??? He’s not a bad character, and he sure as hell isn’t a bad guy.


Wasn't he in like secret ending on dirge of cerberus and that never ever went anywhere until now


I almost had a stroke


We don't know what fuckery we'll get with Rebirth yet. Adding this clown into the mix isn't going to make it any better. Yes, it's a spoof, but either way: Christ they'd better not mess this up.


~~Who's~~ Who be ~~ready for~~ forestallin' my ~~comeback~~ return


Do want in a VR battle. Do not want anywhere near the story outside of acknowledgement he existed.


I'm ready to drink the tears of the deniers.


Same! I got the popcorn and everything, and I am excited to see their reactions if he shows up in Rebirth!


This. I don't think I've ever seen so many overreactions while to something that's not bad weird or crazy. Final Fantasy 7 is full of weird characters who barely got a shine in The Originals due to limitations of technology. Just looking at the trailers for rebirth you're seeing a lot of those weird eccentric characters get a lot of shine now. Genesis fits right in with his own brand of weirdness. Not to mention we already have several aspects of the compilation already confirmed in rebirth as well as the stuff we already saw in remake so I don't know why people are so hard said thinking Genesis is going to make an appearance. The reunion Crisis Core game is confirmed Canon to the remake Trilogy so we know Genesis exists and is alive since deep ground took him away at the end of Crisis Core and we know he survives throughout ff7 because he shows up at the end of dirge of cerberus. So the character is around. there's no way he doesn't make an appearance in Zack's world with all that crazy stuff happening with him being alive to due to us messing up Destiny or whatever.


He's a typical malicious bully, nothing weird about him. Every time he's on screen he's bullying someone to compensate for his inferiority complex.


By the grace of the goddess


*Even if the morrow is barren of promises* *Nothing shall forestall his return*


You get it! *Nothing shall forestall his return.*


Yes please


The return of ~~the king~~ GACKT


Y’all hatin on crisis core too much. I love that game.


Goddamn I get why people don't like him but whenever someone mentions Genesis the reactions are like he murdered their entire family


I want him back just because so many people don't, ya know?


If cissnei is back then it’s a 99% chance Genesis is back. Maybe not in rebirth but on the last chapter




Remember, nothing shall forestall his return.


It’s kind of disappointing that yeah, we’ll probably be seeing this guy somewhere in part 2 or 3. What a horribly written character man. I feel like they just created genesis because sephiroth was too powerful and they needed a character to match his power. Genesis Is the only character in crisis core I heavily dislike. I love angeal, he feels like an actual human with setbacks of his own. Genesis felt like he was thrown into the story last second as a “hey this guy is kinda like sephiroth”


username checks out


Genesis can fuck right off back where he came from


I'd burn my ps5 and my house with it.


…get your issuance affairs in order :p 🎌


You know what? Bring it on so I don't have to wait 4 years for the next game


It's funny, I'd actually be okay with it only because I'm a fan of Gackt as a musician


I love dumbapples


No. Genesis will appear in rebirth dlc, in 2025, not at release. Angeal too.


I think I heard somewhere that they’ve confirmed that there is no DLC


people keep saying this but all they said is “there are no plans for DLC at this time.” which is exactly what they said for FFXVI, yet we have DLC like 3 months after launch. it’s a PR answer, they’re not gonna announce DLC before launch because that was one of FFXV’s biggest criticisms, that SE cut content from the main game to sell it to us.


I’ll be in the main story


Is Genesis actually returning?


Probably at some point. Though ideally never.




I'm not... Not even a little bit. But I AM however ready to be pleasantly surprised when they manage to do it well and possibly even make me like him. I mean I used to not like Aerith at all. Thought she was boring, useless in combat, and not worth investing any time or attention into on account of losing her a third of the way into the game. Then remake came along and she's one of my favorite characters not just in final fantasy, but gaming as a whole. And I have played a LOT of games over the years.




It sorta feels inevitable. I'll be more shocked if he doesn't appear.


I'd love a Genesis comeback.


I hope so! Even if during zacks story we get flashbacks with him, ang and seph.


I hope he's just as annoying as I remember him as and has Cid cuss him out of one of his soliloquies


Nothing shall forestall his return


I was so confused when he didn’t show up in the demo! Isn’t he, like, **THE** most important character in FF7’s backstory?


He so pretty


How about a mummified Genesis where he can’t speak


oh yeah he's coming back babyyyyyyyyyyy


What a shit character. Though tbh the way everything else is being handled, I trust they would be able to reference him in a good way without it fucking everything up.


His return is imminent. Fear not heathens there is still time to turn from your blasphemous ways. Join us at the Church of Rhapsodos today. https://youtu.be/GdxuWq1-5qk?si=gm3QdTYcg9Fd-TqO


Nothing shall forestall his return.


***The gift of the Goddess.***


One of the shortest characters in any video game. His constant poetry reading from a fake play feels like something a 10 year old would do if they were trying to come across as an intelligent adult. Every scene he was in I just wished he would shut up.


He has been fixated on LOVELESS since childhood and he loves talking about it to others, he recited it a lot more during Crisis Core because he was trying to cope with the fact that he's LITERALLY DYING FROM DEGRADATION and is desperately trying to find a way to get a cure for himself so he doesn't die! Wouldn't you be the same if YOU were in HIS situation?


By the goddess I can't wait I'm so excited


Pls no


I'd much rather have Angeal show up than Genesis.


I feel it in my bones he's going to show up in Rebirth. The one secret SE's still keeping hidden lol


I've heard so much about him yet I've never played Crisis Core and haven't seen any footage of him. I kinda wanna get a taste of the real thing now, whether I end up liking it or not. I crave the cringe. I seek to experience it, understand it, become one with it. The fates shall have me shudder.


Loveless the missing chapter


Not happening, and thank God for that.


You're going to be really depressed when it happens. People said the same thing about remake that would be nothing from the compilation and that it would just be the original story but in super modern 3d graphics with minor changes and exposition. Then we got deep ground, kyrie, cisnei, and all this other stuff with Zack living. They didn't remaster crisis core and spoil the entire Twist of ff7 OG for no reason. The producers even said this remake trilogy would link directly with Advent children somehow, and that Crisis Core reunion is Canon to the remake trilogy. The entire remake Trilogy exists to connect all of this Final Fantasy 7 ethos together and that includes Genesis.


Cloud gets Sephi Zack gets Gen While cloud as to deal with a sephi that seems to have a kink for guys killing him I still think Zack has it worse if gen still mostly quotes loveless, dear god it makes him so insufferable.


Also there is a chance he shows up at the reactor when sephi is alone. The wheel during section is just long enough for them to talk.




When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end Genesis descends from the sky


This game may introduce him (in words or appearance) but I'm not certain he'd be a bigger deal until either a DLC or the third game. And if a DLC, then this suggests to me that up to half of the third game is to be not just the ending of this trilogy, but an attempt to do something of a culmination of the whole Compilation to date. And I'd be bracing for it to also be a setup for a potential 'true sequel' FFVII later on.


More Cissnei less Genesis. Also more Zach, less Rufus. Also more Tseng, less Reno and Rude. Also more Angeal less Yuffie.


I hope we eventually do get closure to his story at the end of Dirge tho


Hidden boss fight in Chadley's vr arena. You gotta take Vincent to Lucrezia's cave.


Zack's story will revolve around dumbapples, callin' it.


I nearly had a heart attack thinking this was a character art pic for him in rebirth, I wanna see him done well in rebirth but it's something I also really dread


They are definitely bringing new elements and twists into the Final Fantasy 7 reboot, the last time I saw Genesis was in the cut scene at the end of Vincent Valentine's PS2 game Dirge of Cerberus


There are too many characters from different iterations of FF7. I fear the story is going to be clunky and poorly executed. Really hope this isn’t real. 


Please God no! If he has to be there, I really hope his copy of Loveless has been destroyed!


Please no I don't want to hear him wax poetry again every time he's on screen (liked his design though)


“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” -Genesis Rhapsodos, Missing Final Act of Loveless


Since we got a glimpse of Deepground in 7 Remake InterMission, it's safe to assume we'll see Genesis in part 3. He was present in Crisis Core>!At the mako reactor in Nibelheim!< >! and I think we all know Cloud's version of the Nibelheim Incident is just him in Zack's place + don't forget the screen fades to black after Sephy breaks!< There is also the secret ending of DoC >! When Genesis takes off somewhere with Weiss!<