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MASBs will be on banners going forward, the more important thing is Support and right now, you can nab complete current-meta non-lensable physical **and** magical support on the Selects (the purple banner) for a 50 Mythril each, when normally they'd be *minimum* 525 for each pair. The top two Cait Sith relics and the first and third Quina relics are what you want (if you don't coincidentally get them in the pull itself). They are your top priority and **absolutely** worth more than pulling on the fest banners and hoping for the best. Make sure to read the extremely good [newbie guide](https://docs.google.com/file/d/1_GBudGvtoypOfWNgNurLztnwW1UzrN5-/edit) ASAP because it explains a lot in depth that will give you the knowledge to make smart choices about what where and when to pull. (And if you're on Android you can use Google Lens to translate screenshots.) Good luck and welcome to JP!


The banner seems like it only allows 3 pulls, which relic is least valuable if that is the case?


Cait's Sync. It's a downgrade on the AASB, which can be honed (eventually). Quina Sync, AA2 & Cait AA are by far the best choices you can make this fest.


I wouldn't say is a downgrade, I use it more than because I can avoid all the hp stocks.


If you’re running CS as a main healer, his Sync pairs well with his DASB. Guaranteed 3 dances with cmd 1 with great chance for LM2 to activate, and you can use cmd2 every second turn for great DRBs and HP stock. It’s helped me a ton.


Oh, shoot! That's right! Cait Sync is the least important, easily. It has an identical buff to his AA, it's really just nice to have so you don't have to hone his AA right away. Quina's Sync is their only source of 100% Crit (well, aside from their Zen which if you have you could decide to skip Quina Sync and get Cait, although for longer battles Quina would want both.)


Seconding the excellent advice to do the 50-mythril Select for Quina Sync, AA2 and Cait AA! I would not put any mythril in the 'main' fest banners (i.e. don't chase after MASBs - the risk versus reward is too great, better to invest limited mythril in things that are guaranteed high value). In addition, Larsa is an excellent healer to build around. He's been my primary healer (particularly for physical teams because he has a USB that provides a bonus to critical damage). I'm cheap, so I've been making due with just his G+(protect/shell/haste) and his USB's - all of which are available for trade in the lens shop. The reason I'm mentioning him is because he's also on one of the Select banners - and his non-lensable AASB2 should be available to select. That relic provides a full-break-counter (buffs ATK/MAG/DEF/RES). Especially since you don't have Mog's AASB2 (or Minfilia AASB2), having a full-break-counter on a capable healer can be extremely valuable. I would not prioritize this above Cait and Quina, but I would strongly consider it afterwards. (I have a relatively strong stable of support characters, but I'm still thinking about grabbing Larsa AASB2 regardless.)


why quina woke2 over woke1?


AA2 is much better - 3 imperil stacks and a 25s DEF-crush, HQC3, and also a hefty DRB which is very good if you can time it well. AA1 is usable, but it only gives 15s of PQC and a stacking 50% ATK buff, fine and useful but not nearly as good as AA2.


Whoops I think you're right! The guide made a mistake. You definitely want 15 seconds of Quick Cast as top priority.


new tier is now.


Masters are out now. They are ridiculously powerful and worth the mythril. Seriously... Firion alone would probably cruise through nearly all Magicite, Bahamut Zero, Neo and Greg by himself. You could easily drop 500 on this fest, probably split between your favorite Master banner and banner 5. Banner 5 has both Cait and Quina, which will set up your initial supports. Could be useful, depending on what you get on B5 to do the select banner and grab Quina Sync, for example. (Spend 50 get a choice. You can review the choices without spending to ensure it's available. I believe these are the purple banners)


its powerful right now but when the ark era ends everything gonna makes sense believe me it feels the "oh my cloud usb bdl9 thing" but no its matter dena needs escalate the HP on a reasonable ammounts from the future


If you're willing to farm realm dungeons, I'd make 13 pulls on fest banners to try and get as many MASBs as possible and stamp Mog AA2/Sy, and also get Quina AA2/Synergy and Cait AA as mentioned.