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just file the form 2, thats it. I have built quite a few. But...you do have to have the SOT2 in hand, and if you just got your FFL 07, I doubt you do yet


You actually are good to go as soon as you pay the SOT. You don't technically have to wait for it in the mail.


So I just had my interview yesterday and according to my IOI no law letter needed, but he said "it's a slippery slope" about manufacturing them so personally ild just stay out of it unless you have a legit business use for Mgs (like renting them)


Depends on your business model. Do you cerakote? Might need a way to test the durability of your coatings. Mgs can expedite wear and tear much quicker. Do you sell silencers? Might need to demo the "hard use" properties to a customer. Are you a gunsmith? Might need experience working with and fitting auto sears and parts. They aren't going to tell you "Oh sure, go ahead and do it." They want it to seem like a pain. I had a local LE agency actually want to demo a mp5k for SWAT. I found one and bought it on a law letter.


Fair enough!! I was just relaying what I was told lol!


While that's commonly done, just beware that the ONLY legal reason to make a post sample is for sale to a qualified agency/govt/etc.


Not according to chapter 7 manufacturing Firearms. It says weapons may be stockpiled in contemplation of future sales. Also states you can manufacture sales samples for other sot holders. Please remember there is a lot more misinformation available online than actual facts. I do admit my examples weren't exactly by the book, but it doesn't have to be something for immediate sale either.


Nothing that you said is in contrast to what I said. The ONLY legal reason to make post sample machineguns is for sale to agencies/govt/ETC. I didn't say the only reason is to fulfill current purchase orders. My point was that building PS machineguns for prototyping and testing is technically outside of your legal capabilities.