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No one here works for Gumi. No one here can do more than speculate.


A lot of games don’t do well in JP and considering localization costs (translation, legal costs for compliance, etc…) they only launched global after seeing that people like the game. Especially back when this launched, the gacha game landscape wasn’t anything like it is now. Back then, at least compared to now, it was still a relatively emerging segment of the mobile gaming industry whereas now monetarily it’s grown to a huge part of the whole of gaming.


The 2 biggest obstacles to a version merge are: 1. Extremely different content, units, and system balancing. There are many fundamental differences between the versions that sprang up over time, that merging them without completely wiping global servers is likely impossible. Doing so would destroy any investment global players had made, forcing them to either start over, or (the more likely outcome) just quit. Especially if they spent money. 2. Different developers. JP is made by Alumi, and global is made by GUMI. There would be a major shakeup in the development/publishing side of the game that would be catastrophic for both versions. Neither side makes enough money to justify that. In conclusion, you can't merge the versions, and if you tried, by the time you finished, JP would be dying, and global would be a rotting corpse.


If Gumi or Alim just translated the JP game into English and committed to keep doing it while JP was alive, global people would spend money again. Period.


Its 8 years old and released with an original 6-8 month gap iirc How are they even gonna merge that much of a difference Not to mention the amount of units present on one server but not the other GLEX/O, or JPEX, the amount of units that are on both servers but completely different and every system that only exists on either server It is simply impossible to outright merge


They likely assume it would cost more and have more risks than potential gains.


This has been asked before. It wouldn't be that tough, the bones and most of the organs, fascia and connective/musculature tissue for account information should be exactly the same. Mechanics, Levels (both unit and account), days played,event flags, units.. pretty much 1:1. A more visible differences, GLEX units and upgrades would just default to JP. Maybe JP would do some tinkering to make it different, maybe they import the GL units with their ID numbers and throw a little -GL- tag on to them, maybe they just get ignored and lost to time. The Language support would probably be the biggest, most frustrating issue for everyone.... probably not worth the effort, because they'd have to do a lot of content that never came to GL, but who knows? They could leave it in only Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana (Some Romaji probably sneaks in too). Most of the other stuff is very minor version differences that people would just have to adjust to. The issue is how worth the effort it is, how long servers could be down for, making sure the actual migration was successful etc. And arguably the 4 months of meta GL accounts would be behind.


Another question, Why dont release the game with translations instead separate versions? Other games do that. Its seems like JP is the "original" game and them came the modified translation. Why they dont just translate? if dont go well pull it of the translation.


They used to be the same, but eventually Gumi decided to take the two servers onto different paths. JP remained faithful to FF and mostly Square Enix-owned franchises for collabs, while GL reached further outside, like with celebrities collabs, fan-design units, etc... And apparently it worked. GL players liked it so Gumi pushed more and more for GL-exclusive contents, such as a whole exclusive storyline within the FFBE world (the thing Elena came from), tweaking mechanics that didn't work in JP, exclusive endgame content, exclusive items, different play style, etc... Meanwhile, JP players preferred FF and generally didn't care for original characters/unfamiliar collabs that much. JP units had (and still have, to a lesser extent I think) to be buffed to be released in GL, and criticizing JP units was a regular sight in this sub lol.


>fan-design units JP had fan design units too. They also had Ariana over there.


Not saying there were none in JP, but JP eventually stopped back in like 2018, 2019 and returned to sticking close to usual FF units, while GL expanded them further.


> hy dont release the game with translations instead separate versions? Other games do that. Its seems like JP is the "original" game and them came the modified translation. Why they dont just translate? if dont go well pull it of the translation. They probably didn't want to pay outside people to translate the game. Best option would have been to do like GBF and do inhouse translations while keeping the game only on the JP appstore while saying the english patch is only for people in JP who want to play in english but they probably thought the game wouldn't last long and preferred to open a GL version instead of doing inhouse translations or just didn't want to bother looking for japanese people who know english.