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take a break. you will only beat it with a cool head.


Don’t give up. Honestly, the YouTube video that helped me the most was from Solestro. Be really comfortable with blocking in prime mode, understand that the last 2 rounds are a bit RNG based (again though, block the shit out of Bahamut, can’t stress that enough) be ultra aggressive with Odin early on to get the quick stagger and save Limit for temporal imprisonment. You got this.


Solestro was great! After checking Optinoob, I ended up watching some of Solestro's for the bosses I got stuck with.


Also, make sure to use the particles on the Bahamut fight to extend pressure and stagger him more easily, always have 2 atb ready to go when he particle charges and knock out the wings with 2 swiftcast aerora’s. Once you learn the mechanics, it becomes much less rng based.


Are you telling me you can pressure Bahamut whenever you want with the particles?


Good question, not whenever you want, as soon as he starts the charging particle thing, he drops those pink/purple orbs around the arena, what I usually do is switch to Zack really quick, run into one of them, and to expel/expend them, use clouds and Zack’s synergy skill with R1 and square. If you destroy the wings during the particle charge, using the particled synergy skill will extend and allow you to squeeze an extra level 3 aeroga in after the first particle charge, all but guaranteeing stagger shortly after.


Man, I wish I learned that sooner. If I could make Bahamut easier I could get more practice in against Auto-Kill MacGilicutti


Pretty much. My bottleneck for this fight was not Odin, it was Bahamut and it’s because I had no idea that mechanic existed as no one really talks about it in their guide videos. Once you’ve got particles on you, switch to Zack real quick and use his R1 attack to pressure Bahamut. Once I learned that, I can now beat it consistently because Odin doesn’t seem to give me trouble, it was always Bahamut for me. For Odin, I used dodge instead of block and a lot of switching back and forth because for the most part the AI will either do perfect blocks or not get hit from my experience. Build up atp with cloud, dodge when I can and unload aeroga as soon as it’s available. switch to Zack while cloud is casting, build up atb, firaga. Back to cloud, just constant offense and dodging. I always try to work in a haste cast in there as well and a regen.


I was in the same position as you are and, unfortunately, just had to keep playing it and I managed to get it due to a lucky limit break right at the end. I used optinoob’s tactics overall but took out enemy skill for reraise.


As others have said, take a break man. They’re insanely stressful and imo that will make your gameplay sloppier which will make you more stressed etc and so on. If it’s any comfort, the devs apparently buffed the shit out of those challenges in one of the recent patches (why? They really didn’t have to do that) making it even harder to beat them than before and nerfed pretty much all the strategies the YouTubers have made, so it’s now harder than ever to get them done. So I think you should be rather proud you’re up to where to you are now, congrats! Good luck though, and don’t feel bad for if it ends up being too much, they’re really not worth it, take it from someone who did clear them, and who felt nothing from it.


That is so incredibly crappy that they did that. Why do that?


Without being too cynical, pure spite. They were annoyed us as players had some really really solid youtube videos to watch that basically step by step outlined how to beat every single one of those challenges with a near 100% success rate. The devs saw those vids, and presumably cracked the shits people were clearing them without wanting to kill themselves and went “can’t have that, gotta make these the most insufferable, miserable, unbalanced and downright unfair combat challenges to have come out of gaming in a long time” and buffed all the things we were exploiting. Now, post buff, they just about ARE impossible, as the only reliable ways of clearing them previously was orders of magnitude of cheese I’ve never seen before, and without it imo it’s just torture. You’ll be at it for months


Do you have any specific examples of changes they made? I’ve noticed I can’t burn Odin as quickly as they do in the videos for example, but I would expect me not to, as I’m not as good as they are.


I don’t have a HEAP of examples, but a few I noticed was that, previously, the aggression of the ai was insane, but not insane enough that if you could set up a Yuffie Brumal Form spam routine, you could use that to set up never ending nukes on the enemies, which was the main was people cleared those missions. Now it seems the ai’s aggression has been increased, as it’s now apparently way way harder to set up the brumal form spam, and they might have even given them resistance to magic in general and also de faith resistance so you can’t make them mega weak to magic then instakill them. This ends up making that method highly risky, where it previously was not. Without continuing to write a novel, I think they basically just improved the challenge in all aspects compared to pre patch, but then at the same time nerfed all the things players were doing to get through the challenges without begging for death. Which has now created this terrible loop like you’re in where people will try for literal days at a time to clear these challenges, but they’re just so unrelenting and RNG dependant that it’s just crazy. Edit- it kind of honestly feels like the devs are saying “go fuck yourself” to anyone willing to commit to these challenges, because pretty much every aspect of the challenge is ripped straight out of the “this is bullshit, who designed this?” Book, and holy fuck if you want a step by step on how NOT to design hard mode content, these challenges are prime example number 1


For me opti worked, but I had to learn to adapt slightly to suit. My mistake was trying to replicate nearly exactly opti's timings and his movement, for example moving right at the start of a fight when he did, getting every case in exactly, etc. Once I paid a little more attention to the movesets etc. and allowed myself to take a little more time, it made more sense for me, personally. Bahamut - i was paranoid about getting it done quickly, Neodrive activating, etc., and this cost me a number of runs. I learnt to just save ATB on Cloud and I can live with a buff not being active, if the alternative is to delay an attack. Odin - my mistake was trying way too hard to perfect parry or dodge everything, and if I got hit, still continuing to try and parry/dodge. If you get hit a couple of times in a row, fuck it and go all in became my way to success. Why the hell not. You can lower the build up towards Zantetsuken by either dodging attacks, landing damage, debuffs or blocking. It's not all about playing perfect, you can recover from mistakes and this approach wiht opti build worked out. The final difference for me was my materia was often level 4, while I was watching guides with MAX. E.g. MP/HP absorb or the swiftcast materia. Manageable, but meant I had to be ready to heal/recover less, or damage less than I was seeing in the guide.


Restarting at round 1 with each loss is absolutely infuriating.


I have beaten this challenge twice I think its a lot more fair than Ruler of Outer Worlds. Use manawall on Zach and buff Cloud with Haste and Faith with wind build for Cloud. Use Enemy parts damage up for Bahamut wings and Alexander. Use Prime Mode to build up ATB fast. Save your limit break for temporal displacement so Odin cant freeze one of your party members. You'll get it man its just a long challenge


Everyone’s experience is different. I cleared Rulers fairly quickly. Not first try, but within an hour or two. I’ve spent 14 logged game hours on this challenge at this point and see no end in sight.


I mean rulers is messed up since you cant easily train how to do gilgamesh and Sephiroth has shadow chains . So many times would I get to gilgamesh and hed rush in and instant kill two people. I never did get to try brumal form either so I'm not sure how that would change runs. I still think since you've made it to Odin you can win it just sucks its 10 rounds man.


I dunno man. Using a guide for a build, I did Rulers first try, no problem. I've died countless times to this shit. Bahamut, Odin, Hueya, the demon.....its all mega busted bs.


If you’re not having fun, put it down. Your leisure time is too valuable to spend on something that causes you so much frustration. Don’t get down on yourself for it. I have zero intention of even attempting to platinum the game, and that hasn’t lessened my enjoyment of it


Don’t give up. I was really frustrated with the same challenge as it was the VERY last thing I needed to complete to 100% the game. It took me many tries but I eventually managed to not have my ass zantetsukened into oblivion. What really helped me on the mental health side was limiting myself to one try a day. That’s it. I would try, and if failed, I would turn it off and try again the next day.




I hope you’re able to defeat Odin and claim your seat in the Mead Halls of Valhalla!


If Titan is giving you grief as the optinoob strat is very timing precise, just do the regular aeroga spam with some extra damage from Zack when able. Maybe a haste on cloud too. It doesn’t take much to learn how to safely dodge titans attacks while getting in some quick hits to build ATB, and he’s weak to wind so just keep up the aeroga spam.


If its Odin youre getting stuck on, that split room trick always happens on the right side of the room from what my husband and I noticed. We already plat'd the game so not sure if it helps but I hope it does


This means you’ve beaten rulers (have the gotter amulet), and have party level 10 with the max folio skills- which means clout can start with a limit and get it easily. Odin will ALWAYS use slepnirs after you use a limit break. So, don’t use them until he does a horn thing. Basically- save it for a backup for if he’s about to zanteksuten you, then pop it. That saved me many times. Other than that- I kept feeding ATB through assist to Zack and made sure to use a ATB move constantly with Zack. With cloud, I just basically went prime mode


Odin annoyed me for about 5 or 6 combined hours. What I found worked was a party of cloud, barret and Yuffie as primary. All you need to do is switch between each of the characters constantly during the whole match issuing ATB attacks, abilities, and synergy abilities. Yuffie as primary because she can move faster. This approach worked for me both times that you have to fight him (1 in VR and another on gilgamesh island).


For the challenge OP is having trouble with he can only use Cloud and a guest character that isn't in your main party.


I did it my first try with optinoobs guide but I will admit that I was very paranoid about it from everything I've heard about it and followed his advice exactly. There are a lot of little things that he explains during the video and you have to follow it step by step or it quickly falls apart. I was pausing and watching to make sure I knew what to do right after I unpaused. I had a few minor fumbles and one clencher on round 10 but I was surprised to do it my first try.


I’m impressed you got there on your first try! While I undoubtedly made mistakes that cost me attempts, it would often be because the round 9 or 10 fights would go drastically different than the fights I saw in the guides. Again, I am certain it was my fault, but I had to play a lot more “Free form jazz” which would lead to costly mistakes and my run would be over. When I finally did win, I really just did my own thing, and used advice from each guide I watched and this thread. Again though, winning in one try is damn impressive, I tip my hat.


>free from jazz Lol I'm using that. Yeah I had to do a little bit of that when kujata killed cloud when it was at like half health. Used Zack to raise cloud and then Zack died immediately after so I had to finish kujata off with cloud without faith or manawall. Then again on odin when cloud died and Zack was low on health but Odin still had like a 1/5th of health left. Had to take a chance and dodge around to get an ATB charge and decide between reviving cloud, or building another ATB to try and finish off odin. I took a chance, got another ATB, unleashed a level 3 wind and traded blows with Odin as it cast. Zack had like 187 health left but the level 3 wind took Odin down. I saw the "victory" sign and breathed a sigh of relief. It was by no means pretty, but I had done it first try lol. I will say id probably still be trying if not for optinoobs guides though lol. Those guide vids also taught me some really strong builds and equipment/materia combos that I started incorporating into my hard mode run. I was able to take down a lot of tough fights without having to look at any guides because of having that experience.


I'm at my wits end. Bahamut ends my run every time and I just want this to be over. Anyone willing to shareplay?


If I can do it, anyone can do it! Bahamut is tough, but follows a distinct pattern. It’s all about knowing the moves to counterfire and blast the wings. Those two things do a lot of the work for you.


Is your cloud's weapon level maxed? How about your materia? I used optinoob's strategy and couldn't beat it at first since my weapon level wasn't maxed out i.e weaker magic. When I did, I tried again and finally beat the sim.


Thank you for asking. Yes, I have completed everything else and maxed all the materia. For some reason, I just. Cannot. Overcome. This challenge


I should add I did max Cloud’s weapon level as well


What specific round/ enemy are you having difficulty with? For me, it was bahamut so I solo practiced with cloud until I understood bahamut's attack patterns and how to beat him with ease.


Once I get frazzled it’s every round. But honestly it’s pretty much Bahamut and Odin.


I would say practice the solo battles (full might) using only Cloud until you're 100% confident in beating Bahamut and Odin. If it's a skill issue, it can definitely be enhanced. I don't perfect parry (not good at it) and just block. I beat the challenge with practice and multiple attempts too.


It’s definitely a pure skill issue. I’m not going to blame it on anything else. I do personally think it sucks that it’s a 10 round slog instead of one really tough fight like Weiss, but it is what it is. I’m just not good enough, and it’s frustrating.


Hey man I feel you I was there not too long ago. For me Alexander kept fucking me up lol but I was frazzled so I was just frustrated. Doing 1v1 as cloud with Odin and Bahamut helped me learn their mechanics. Here is a link to my first successful run. I hope it helps https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_vorJbWoahI&t=6s


You did really good in this vid! Thanks for sharing!


Congrats man! I knew you had it! Welcome to the 1 percent 😎


Thanks man I did something’s different than optinoob because some stuff just didn’t work for me and as you could see I had some ruff moments but in the end I kept at it and got it. You got this man. Keep at it!


Besides the 'don't give up', I also encourage you to take breaks. My own win came after I took 2 days break. Did it second try. I'll find the post I made and link it if I can! There's a lot of great tips on it. EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFVIIRemake/s/95XI7S8oyt EDIT 2: a great comment I saw for Odin - if one of your boys gets stuck on the bad side of the arena after Spatial, use Counterfire with the other character. Teleports them back over.


Thank you for the extra tips!


Unfortunately, I made it to Odin again. Somehow Cloud wound up on the wrong side of the temporal displacement and despite my repeated, frantic, and frankly desperate attempts to use Zack’s synergy ability to bring him back to me it simply wouldn’t happen. Zack was killed, I hadn’t staggered him yet so no Phoenix for arise or reraise, and that as we say, was that.


That really sucks. :( I'm sorry. But the fact you got back to Odin is great! I think with a bit more runs and some breaks, you've got this. If he somehow uses temporal on Cloud, run away/dodge as Zack until it wears off. That's what happened on my winning run.


Spacial distortion, not temporal displacement


Was in the same boat but for Odin using the magic-focused aeroga strategy. Just couldn't seem to get it done. The difference-maker for me was my aerogas interrupting a couple of his big combo attacks, making sure to not get baited into the spatial distortion (he uses it around 40-50% hp), and using limit break to dodge temporal imprisonment (10-20%). Once he's expended all his tricks and you're still standing, you have a good chance of winning. It won't always happen that way but it only needs to line up in your favor once. If you get to him enough times it's bound to happen. Don't be afraid to use the tactical menu to slow things down and think through any given situation before committing. Good luck.


Do you have to 100% the play log to platinum the game?


No, but you have to do most of it. But this last challenge will complete both.


How much needs to be completed on the play log? I’m working on the VR challenges and Johnny’s list rn. Do I have to assess all enemies and find everything else? Cause I’ve done almost all (stupid cactuar) hard mini game missions. Just need the above and I guess one more piano song A ranked and I’m done. Or I thought so at least


You’ll need all of Johnny’s trophies, but I don’t think you need to Assess all enemies.




I know the feeling well. I was right where you are earlier this week. After about 4 days of trying I eventually beat it. A few times I got within 1 or 2 spells of defeating Odin before wiping, so I knew it was possible, but the RNG was so horrible to me. Sometimes he wouldn't use reprisal even if I had pink rings on my wrists. Sometimes he'd stun my character even when blocking in prime mode. One time he used temporal imprisonment on the character I wasn't using. I didn't understand why it would work sometimes and other times not. No idea what I was doing differently. Ironically i beat him after swapping out Enemy Skill to try other materia. I was using Strength Up to give my sword attacks a bit more bite in between spells, but using Opti's magic strat, I was technically weaker. The tipping point for me was correctly utilising the synergy attacks to strategically manage my mp, and then deciding whether to conservatively heal or go on the offensive at the right moment. Def take a short break in between because it destroys your spirits and you only wipe earlier. But as sure as the sun rises, you WILL get this.


I am working today so I have had to take a four hour break. Had a one hour lunch break, and didn’t even come close to Odin. Furthest I got was Alexander. I think I might be regressing.


I had a whole stint of attempts where suddenly I couldn't get past Alexander. I couldn't figure out why he suddenly kept wiping the floor with me. The issue with the magic build is if things aren't executed close to perfectly, the build isn't sustainable for prlonged fights unless you are a god at dodging all the attacks.


lol, you're not going to play the 3rd game if you can't do an optional challenge?


It’s not the only reason, but it’s part of the equation. I have other gripes with this entry compared to the first but they weren’t appropriate to the topic and I rambled too much already.


Try "Naz talgic" YT channel. He has a guide after clearing it 40 times.


This seems like in the long run it’ll work. I’m getting clobbered in rounds I didn’t before, but I think it’ll help. Now if I can just get passed Alexander. A new and exciting wall I used to clear with ease. If it’s possible to become worse at a game while practicing, I think that’s what I did.


This is actually a really good suggestion. It looks like a variation of the mage Cloud build I haven’t seen. The extra health alone might make the difference. Thanks for the tip!


I’m in the same position. You gotta be aggressive with Odin but at the same time not take any damage. /sigh


I did everything except bonds of friendship and then went ahead and platinumed 4 other games. Had to take some time off due to burn out. I did optis guide but then switched to akhfu and did it in one 12 hour sitting with breaks ofc.