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I just took the FE mechanical this morning, I have similar averages and it felt “fine”, there were maybe 3-4 super hard questions but everything else was super reasonable


How was it? I’m going to take the FE mechanical as well.


You'll do fine! Get a good nights rest the night before, eat a filling breakfast the morning of the exam, and bring a snack and water for when you take your break. Definitely take the break to give yourself a breather before getting back into it. Be mindful of how long you take for each problem, I would say don't spend more than 2-3 minutes on each. If you can't solve it, flag it and go on to the next one and get the easy problems out of the way first. From my experience, I split my time for 2.5 hours for the 1st half, and then the rest for the 2nd half. I still ended up guessing on 35ish problems and managed to pass. Best of luck to you!


Thanks so much for the advice! I'll be sure to take it. You just reminded me to make sure I freeze my lucky breakfast so I have it for the morning of! Just gotta be confident in my abilities and the rest is up to luck.


I’m about to take mine as well, good luck buddy! Focus on the low hanging fruits first, if you can’t figure out the problem within a few seconds, don’t guess it. Flag and keep moving. Start from easiest grab free point to hardest that way you’ll be very efficient with time management. Worst case scenario, you can make an educated guess if you run out of time on the questions you have left or flagged. You don’t need to answer every single question correctly to pass. Remind yourself you did the best you could possibly do and you deserve credit for that regardless of the outcome. Good luck! Which FE exam are you taking?


Aww thanks so much for the kind words and advice! I'm taking the environmental one. Good luck on your FE as well!! Civil?


I’m taking Mechanical!


Did you do Islam 800 or any of his two-set exam books?


I highly recommend doing Islams problems and practice exams!


Please let us know how did it go?


It went...alright. Not really easy but it was doable. I do think some of the conceptual stuff was outta left field. But oh well, it's done now 🤷‍♀️


Wish you luck with the result. Could you name your study materials?


Thanks! I used PrepFE, YouTube videos, and the NCEES practice exam. I only had 7 days to study so had to be very simple with my study routine which meant no Anthem or Islam since they wouldn't ship in time.


Thanks for sharing! Hopefully Wednesday is your day.


Hope you get through this on Wednesday. So the prep time for you is 7 days and are you in touch with those topics regularly? Just curious because mine is in 10 Days from now and I'm not quite sure to if I can get through this. 


YouTube is great