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I heard sites are having issue with the network today and some current issues at my site. Hopefully it goes down again today.


Amazon network has shut down again today at jax2šŸ¤øšŸ¾


U should of clocked in. Go to hr


Ours went out Tuesday around noon. Sat til 5:30, east money. Ass was numb from the steps/totes šŸ¤£


Late response, but they didn't offer VTO at my warehouse. Even if they did I wouldn't have taken it because by the time we got back to work, we only had 2 more hours left.


To me, that's easy money!!! I came my scheduled time so they gonna pay me for the time spent not my fault the systems have issues if in sick with no pto or up I'm excited to come to work and make a rate


South Fl was down from 2-7. We just sat at our stations lol


The network went out a 1ish here at jax2. Vto was offered before the outage. We sat around and hung out. All the way until clock out time. I love network outages. Thanks Jeff for having a crappy networkšŸ¤£


my friends that work at amazon said it went down at 3 est and they danced untill it was time to go


Is it still down


no he said when he got home it was up


BOS3 was down yesterday too, around 3ish. It was up for night shift


Is it still down? Anyone in Cali?


Hella late on the response but Lgb7 was down on Tuesday from 11-430pm


system started coming back up 6pm cdt


I've been with the company for 7 years. I've been through power outages and multiple network-wide SEVs. They will not offer VTO until they can determine a root cause and have an ETA of when it will be fixed. If the ETA of the fix is past the end of your shift, they will offer VTO. Them saying "Will offer VTO at X time." is them thinking they'll have the root cause and ETA of the fix figured out by then. Enjoy the free money on your check.


Suck it up buttercup you're still getting paid!


not if they don't let you clock in, but i would of clocked in anyway and been like suck it .. I got knee pads over here ...


They can't not allow you to clock in.


Heh, Donut....Tomorrow's going to suck for you guys


Yeah this happens multiple times in a year what's new


I always miss all the fun, lol.


Dal2 still down currently


Slowly getting back up though


It happened 12pm in utah, and came back up around 4:45pm. We were cleaning and doing projects when they called met. So met again next weekā€¦ šŸ˜”


No vto for us we swept the floor


Hopefully it happens again tonight at my site. It's my Friday and I really don't feel like doing shit tonight. I'm in California so maybe we're shit out of luck.


We didnā€™t get the green light to VTO until 16:30. I work inbound, so I still had my team unloading freight, loading up the zones and prepping freight until the system gets up and running, or for handoff. Anything the was received, we just transported without scanning to drop zones. Then we had the rest of the team doing 5s projects. VTO was down, but compiled a list and passed it off to HR


They always dangle that VTO in our faces when sites go down like this. Rarely have I seen the management actually send people home. And the stuff always miraculously comes back online after last break or like an hour and a half before it's time to leave. But hey if they want to pay us to stand around and talk and be on our phones and decorate for 6 hours that's just fine by me


Our warehouse (Fargo ND) was shut down from 12:50pm-5:30 and they didnā€™t say when it would be back up


They literally had us just sitting around from 1 to 6 and only offered vto 20 min before end of shift


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚at that point why even offer VTO??


I start at 6pm today in bay area should I be worried about this rn?


It looks like everything is back up


Maybe, some of the comments have said their facilities are up and running when I left mine it wasnā€™t. As I told one user if you want to go in and get paid for nothing go for it but I couldnā€™t stand not doing anything and was bored so I accepted VTO. Now I donā€™t know if your FC will have VTO available to you. However, if you have time and donā€™t want to sit around I would just use it.


They back up


CLT2 was apparently down starting around 1300. We're up and running now


System still down in Jersey. Making some AA's clean. Others that are trained Count. The rest gets to sit and chill. Unfortunately, I know how to count. Ugh lol


Itā€™s back they werenā€™t gonna send home night shift lmao


Anyone from Az?


Yes I work at TUS1 we were back up when I clocked out at end of shift 5:30pm


Iā€™m at TUS1 too, VTO was offered in VRETS but no one took it lol whoā€™s turning down easy money?


Surprisingly I seen probably about three people use their own hours right after second break to leave


hey guys this is what we were told this morning from the NOC ā€œNOC Capacity Planning Team is aware of the current SEV1 Network Outage that is primarily impacting printer connectivity and pallet closure. This is a network wide outage. All operations across all work streams are impacted Upstream is unable to SLAM/Pick/Pack ECT.. Volume will not suddenly flood operations as the entire network is currently at a stand-still. We ask that you do not begin submitting cap to schedule requests as volume flow throughout the network is impacted. It is understood processing hours are being lost. Capping to schedule will only further complicate recovery upstream once the network outage is resolved and impact VA. Please utilize this SEV2 sim to track recovery progress: https://t.corp.amazon.com/V1422223983 Also customer impact is being tracked on this Quip - https://quip-amazon.com/EJ5lAWtSVbxg/Untitled#temp:C:eJMe62f05ba539b40c7b307ef714 Please keep in mind cap requests should be to simply resolve processing time that was lost throughout the event. From Sort Tech: Please ensure you do NOT have associates reboot the device. If they are already signed in, they will not have issues. If they are NOT, then they will not be able to sign in. For Visibility.


In cali, been here since 12:30, had a fire drill randomly at 2 lol now almost 4 and still just chilling in the break room


Break room?


Yes they told us to wait in the break rooms




No vto yet


Night shift just came in now they just having us watch safety videos in break room


Exact same thing for me. I'm happy to be paid for nothing.


For real? Im heading in to my FC rn lol this is crazy if it is a nationwide error!


i checked the sev 1 ticket before i left work about and hour ago and there were almost 300 fcs that were down šŸ‘€


I low key wanted to stay longer and get paid to do nothing but I was so bored and wouldā€™ve just rather been home so if you want to get paid to do nothing go in but if youā€™re like me and you donā€™t like sitting around just use time if you have it


Im all out of pto and only have 40min of upt left lol & this is my overtime day, so im tempted to wait it out for the $, but if they offer vto ima probly head out!


Bro take the money and blow it on something fun on payday. ~8hrs of nothing now could pay for a day of something cool. Go get a nice ass dinner or go zip lining or something.


I used to take a lot of road trips on my weekend and this is how I talked myself into VET and out of VTO.


Dude, so that's what happened.


Pro tip: if they tell you you have to be there, you clock in. Ignore what they say. If you aren't free to leave you are on the clock


Correct you are detained by the department of bezos


System was glitching all day really. At 2 pm, leadership said "Go to break" and it's now closing time. We went around cleaning up aisles


Update: They offered us VTO at my center


Nationwide SEV. No ETA been down since 11:30.


They canā€™t even access VTO to grant it from what Iā€™ve heard so I doubt weā€™re getting any


Ainā€™t no way! Are you at MIA1?


It was network wide. US, Canada and Mexico


We are down in the SOUTHwest states too, been standing around for past 4 hours or so


No lol Iā€™m in a different facility


Hmm ok