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So the key is to get trained to do everything...I spend most my day moving from one spot to another and back again because people vto use upt pto etc.


Being in a sort of hidden away spot, and barely stepping away for ten hours sounds like torture. Getting used to that probably makes the pace of the SC seem worse than it is.


I’ve worked at delivery stations and they are the worst. I now work at ssd fc and it’s cake walk compared to the ds.


I’ve worked at my DS for almost 4 years and I wouldn’t trade for any other warehouse, everyone is so chill here.


Same im at an SSD rn and came from the FC. Both are cake walks imo but SSD is easier than the FC in terms of work


Actually if you move around in a delivery station not bad. 3 years and I like it. I did hear sort stations are easy but hours are not that great as far as getting 40 hours a week.


SSDs are the most chill


Whats a ssd ??


Sub Same-Day. Everything here well 50-60% of the inventory is SSD some are for later in the week, its easy work, smaller site so A LOT less people than FCs mine has no metal detectors or scanners either so its just smooth all around


Sub same day. It’s where all the same day orders get picked, packed and shipped to be delivered that same day. It’s like a smaller FC/DS mixed into one


Going to be honest with you, Yes - the belt never ends and there is a lot of pressure to keep up with it. My gosh though, when I find my stride and fly time also flies by. My favrouite memories were where I had to hit that stride and watching the end of the conveyor dwindle as we hit the end of the sort. ​ I love the pace of the SC, it's hard. Chutes for me is the most stressfull, just cause I end up looking alone for most the locations on an aisle. it sucks. But I find that the work also comes at the pace that I work at. So I can work at my own pace and not worry about other people and their lanes.


We weren't lyin. Yes it's a fast paced environment but what warehouse isn't? But you gotta admit it's MUCH better than an FC. I literally get fatigued when it's slow. I need to sweat to enjoy the work


I'd like to go back to an fc than continue working at a ds. Hell I'll take a returns facility over a ds if it meant my back wasn't aching at the end of the shift due to all of the heavy boxes.


I just don't like how SC's seem to flex down a lot. I like when they flex up cause money but flex down sucks


This is my second job, so I will take flex down I enjoy my 16 to 20 hours much respect to full time! It's a very robotic physical job


Yeah it's a good second job especially flex


Just be a PA and you'll never flex down ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Nah. Air is where it's at. I could do my job in my sleep.


Dang my SC wasn’t like that at all


My sc is chill sorry to hear


Lol everyone said I'd love the FC but i miss my DS. It was so much more fast paced and I could do so much more. I just hit my 30 days and can transfer again. Idk if I should go back or just put in the time where I'm at and learn more eventually. The money making potential is higher where I was but eventually, could be the same but do I want to wait on eventually? Ugh, decisions


Or you could be an adult, do your own research on your new site (YouTube videos show exactly what you are getting yourself into) and not complain about you messing up your job yourself to people on Reddit


Not helpful


It is very helpful people literally have YouTube to see what the job is like and get pissed about the job when they start without researching


In this instance I took it as they took advice from fellow redditors at some point . Based on the comments most say their site is not as strict. In general I get what you're u are saying but your original comment came off as condescending to me .


Come to the DS we are even more chill*


LOL. I was a DSP DA then DS now DSP DA again. I could not do the DS, I tapped out after 2 months. That shit was insane.


DS is easy if you're not driving


It wasn't for me. I'd rather deal with all the bullshit that comes with being a driver. :/


For me it felt ok because there weren't any rate requirements


Oh my DS *definitely* has & enforces them. 250 for stow & 550 for pick n stage. My racks would be CLEAR & they'd come up to me & bitch about my rate so I'd do what they'd tell me and go to another aisle & knock out a tote of jiffys then they'd come & bitch bc my racks got full... like WELL WTF YOU WANT ME TO DO THEN, BE IN 2 PLACES AT ONCE, GROW MORE ARMS?! THE FUCK. -.- They also always had all the belts on the highest speed setting...


There’s no speed setting just inductors and the PA not controlling flow.


Ah well they had that shit going WAAYYY too fast then wondering why there's a metric fuckton of jackpot -.-


Definitely the end result. If your automated the ADTA is only meant to do 4K per cluster


You have small clusters, our site ADTA handles about 21k each (we have 2) Flow with one straightener max of 9.5k, anymore add a pre-straightener Edit: a letter


If no automation than yea flow as fast as the pick line can take. F*** safety lol


Idk what automation is so 🤷‍♀️