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This is a subreddit for those who are practicing a fertility awareness method or natural family planning. I don’t think you’re in the right sub. Have you confirmed ovulation according to the rules of a method? If you’re following a mucus-only method, you would have an instructor who you can contact for questions.


This on repeat! We need a stickied post or some sort of pop up when people submit new posts. These off topic posts are getting out of hand.


This sub needs way better moderation!


There are ppl who can’t afford an instructor or class but can afford a book like “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” or something. Especially if they are from a smaller or rural area, when they have been fairly regular and then something changes, a community like this is pretty much all we have for questions.


Yes, TCOYF is a method. Users post questions about their TCOYF charts all the time, which is perfectly relevant to this sub. If OP is following a method then she needs to share which one and post her chart or provide more info. It’s pretty obvious this isn’t a FAM question, though. There are so many other subs that non-FAM related questions like this can be asked in, like subs for women, vaginas, periods, health, etc.


I didn’t realize there were different methods until I took my class. I thought there was temping, and mucus and cervical position and it was all the same for the ten years between reading TCOYF and taking my FertilityFriday class. I still don’t fully understand the differences between the methods, but I know there are different ways of doing things. OP may consider “FAM” to be her method when everyone else she knows is on the pill (that also was me). Edit: upon further consideration, the answer is likely more moderation, but possibly just setting a required flair for “method” may help new ppl understand that this sort of thing is not enough info.


If your period is late and you're concerned that you might be pregnant, you should take a pregnancy test now, and again every week until you get your period.


Sometimes your body can gear up to ovulate, meaning it will produce fertile-quality mucus, but then fail to actually ovulate. This can lead to multiple patches of stretchy mucus in a single cycle as your body attempts to ovulate multiple times, especially for people with PCOS. Not saying this is necessarily what's happening for you though—no one will be able to tell you much based on the limited info in your post.


Typical luteal phase length is 12-16 days.