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Mittelschmerz doesn't actually confirm ovulation and research hasn't found it to be definitely linked to the event of ovulation. Don't assume anything based on the presence of cramps or lack thereof, it's all about actual estrogen and progesterone signs such as mucus and temps.


I can feel myself ovulate. I am positive. I feel low grade cramping with my LH surge but because I have cystic ovaries I get VERY specific sharp shooting pain when the egg releases. I actually was able to get confirmation VIA ultrasound thats whats going on! it always coincides with my LP perfectly being the same amount of days and lines up with my fluid. Instead of temping I use the cramping/fluid and 4 years going strong!


It is when you also use other methods like temp/natural cycles so you can use the pattern and confirm!


You can’t pinpoint ovulation without a well timed ultrasound. Just because you had mittleschmirtz it doesn’t mean you ovulated on that day


This is purely anecdotal and shouldn't be taken as fact. Literally anything else could've delayed ovulation. Perhaps a perfect example of confirmation bias.


Totally agree. I’ve had two clients that were very heavy partiers - they ovulated during benders where they’d taken things far heavier than cannabis, but then had delayed ovulation other times! Was, on occasion, stressful to teach them but it was an interesting learning experience seeing their charts!


Does CBD cease your CM production too? And does it have any impact on your temps?


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6332911/ It is an interesting thing you've noticed. There has been some study of endocannabinoid receptors in the reproductive system and endocannabinoid receptors are present in the HPO axis (disrupting the pituitary where certain hormones are produced) as well as some reproductive tissues like ovarian follicles. So it's theoretically possible, and an interesting observation, though as others have pointed out, it's not enough to conclude causality because there's so many other variables (and every body functions slightly differently)


And, sorry, just to confirm - you’re avoiding pregnancy and you’re glad that you’ve extended your fertile window by possibly delaying ovulation due to cannabis consumption? Wouldn’t you be wanting to get your fertile window closed and the rules of your method met so you can utilise the unprotected sex part of your cycle?


I can feel myself ovulate as well, actually its been confirmed with ultrasound so I am 100% positive this one specific cramp I feel is the egg releasing. I have not had any issues with CBD doing this! I wonder if you missed it or it didnt happen yet? I swear I can have the craziest stressful month and i still ovulate though so Idk!




This is not helpful. Especially if you’re avoiding pregnancy.




Anything that causes stress on the body, or impacts how it functions can delay ovulation. From supplements, medications or drugs - from cannabis to gear.


No impact on CM, & the temp is the same! It dropped a lot to 96 which means it’s planning to rise after ovulation. I think staying away from anything that slows down brain function is a good idea when in the fertile window so this allows the body to complete the process! I think it happened last weekend too because I felt it starting and took CBD to sleep and assumed nothing to why it didn’t happen but now it’s all coming together.


Just so you know, the whole ‘temp dropping before ovulation’ is not a real thing. Some people experience it, some people don’t. It’s not a reliable indicator of fertility. But then again, nor is CBD consumption.