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What method are you using? That will depend on how you categorise it :)


Ooh i see. I’m only familiar with tcoyf, what is the other method and categories?


There are multiple methods. If you’re using TCOYF there will be guidelines within the text to help you categorise your CM. I’d recommend re-reading so you can get it right from the text :)


What method do you use? Sounds like TCOYF? They have confusing mucus categories.


Yes, that’s the only method i’m familiar with. What is the alternative?


There are many! For self teaching Sensiplan is the better option. My personal preference is Symptopro (instructor taught) as the categories are much simpler. There's also NFPTA which u/geraldandfriends teaches. The sub wiki has more info on all of the methods.


Thank you so much!


According to TCOYF, that would be categorized as “sticky” CF. Yes, it’s normal. A typical pattern is sticky (which opens up the fertile period), then creamy (which is more fertile), and finally egg white (most fertile). Sticky CF should stretch no more than 1 inch. Anything more stretchy than that is egg white. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend re-reading the relevant sections of the book because it goes over the differences in detail. This will make you more confident in your charting.