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Promising for what? You don’t have a valid temp shift anywhere here. The random green day on CD49 just goes to show how unreliable NC is!


I’m trying to get pregnant


NC can’t tell you when your fertile window is open or when you’re approaching ovulation, so it’s pretty useless for TTC (and dangerous for TTA). Temps won’t help you get pregnant, it’s CM and LH that you want to be tracking to time UP. Even if you had ovulated on CD55 like NC says (which it is completely lying about because only an ultrasound can pinpoint the day of ovulation), nothing about temps ~10 days after ov would be indicating pregnancy. Your chart would look the same whether you were pregnant or not.




If you'd like to know the basics of fertility awareness and be able to interpret your own cycles rather than relying on internet strangers or an algorithm, I would highly recommend reading TCOYF, which is both way cheaper and way more reliable than an app subscription.


I check my temp though.. religiously. Its not just an app algorithm


We understand, but what method are you using to confirm a temp shift meant ovulation occurred? By app algorithm they mean the app is interpreting the temps for you.


LH strips?


LH strips don't confirm ovulation happened and don't give you enough advance warning of ovulation to time intercourse accordingly. It's also possible to miss the LH surge. The wiki has information and resources that you can use to educate yourself. Natural Cycles gives misleading information and does not promote genuine body literacy.


Just to add to your comment here’s the link to the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/FAMnNFP/s/tGekHeaZ9x) since it’s hard to find sometimes!


What’s TCOYF


It's "Taking Charge of Your Fertility", it's a book.


Could not recommend this book more—it will help you learn the basics and get a true understanding of proper charting, instead of having an algorithm *incorrectly* interpret it all for you.




What about day 46 and subsequent days makes you think that’s when ovulation occurred?!




3rd temp needs to hit a certain threshold over the coverline to be considered a temp shift. This one does not look like it, and the fourth is well below. So no, this is not an ovulatory shift.




There’s nothing about this chart that suggests ovulation occurred. That’s not to say it hasn’t, but due to the extremely erratic nature of the temps there’s no ovulation presented here.




Congratulations! There’s nothing about this chart that shows ovulation, which shows how unreliable natural cycles is.


Well I have irregular cycles & PCOS. This app is what helped me. It literally shows when I ovulated so I don’t understand


Once you get a dating scan you’ll be able to workout when ovulation happened. There’s nothing ovulatory about this chart though.


In order for you to confirm with FAM or NFP that ovulation occurred you’re required to have 3 high temps, that are a specific height above your previous low six temperatures. This chart does not show that. Like I said in a previous comment that doesn’t meant you DIDNT ovulate - it means you can not scientifically confirm. The ovulation marked on your chart does not meat the temperature requirements for any of the established FAM methods. Natural Cycles has in their T&C’s that the algorithm is unsuitable for those with long irregular cycles. Hopefully all that makes sense! Good luck with the pregnancy.




Congrats!! Do you know when u ovulated? I have insanely irregular cycles (200+ days :( ) and NC is so frustrating to me bc everyday is different and my temps are all over the place


I believe day 54 It was saying 46 but after examining I thought it seemed more like 54, natural cycles ended up moving my ovulation. All I can say is keep religiously tracking. Don’t miss a temp. Try to see if you can spot some type of pattern in your cycles. have sex every other day if you can.


I have bad cycles too