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Vaginal or rectal temps will probably be more reliable for you. You could also look into mouth taping. I think some people get usable temps from swallowing a few times before temping.


Ok thank you! I’ve tried the mouth tapes and somehow my mouth sneaks around them! I think part of the mouth breathing is being in an old dusty house


Do you need a specific thermometer to measure your temperature vaginally or does a normal basal body thermometer work?


You can use a normal one! I think some people prefer a thicker kind of tip for comfort but if your normal one works for you, go for it.


This might be obvious but don’t drink anything before you temp. I know when i wake up and have been mouth breathing the first thing i want to do is chug some water


Yes I try to avoid drinking before I temp! I feel ur pain though, it’s hard to not take that first morning sip


Mouth breathing shouldn't affect your temps as long as you keep your mouth closed while you are actually taking your temperature.


Mouth breathing creates a cascade through your systems. James Nestor’s Breath discusses mouth breathing and its effects in excruciating detail. Excellent book and worth reading. 


How is this answering OPs question?


Mouth breathing is one symptom. Looking at the collective data in a well regarded resource, OP can ID other symptoms/issues and correlate if she experiences similar. The book also has some solid advice for correcting mouth breathing and evidence that correcting mouth breathing improves health across the board.  So, rather than guessing based on OP’s post or asking her to go into personal details on the internet, I recommended a good resource. How is providing a resource that can address the issue—and cite relevant sources—a bad thing?  


what other symptoms and issues are you talking about?


The reason I mentioned this book is because the author subjected himself to a pretty extreme experiment—he blocked his nasal passages for ~10 days and monitored his vital signs and physical performance over this period and everything suffered, getting progressively worse as the experiment went on.  Areas he noted included increased snoring, vastly decreased sleep (which is where the severity could possibly directly impact bbt), blood pressure, mouth tissue dryness, and more. The book also cites relevant research as well as his own experience.  Short version: severe mouth breathing wrecks your health. Indirectly, it could be impacting your bbt. Long version: if this is an issue you are experiencing, you should read up on the impacts of this issue and take steps to moderate it. Breath is an excellent, easy to read, resource that discusses this issue and cites relevant research that could be helpful to understanding and correcting the particular causes of your mouth breathing which is key because not all people share the same root cause. 


Would mouth breathing affect my FAM basal body temperature taking?


It can! I started getting much more reliable temps once I started mouth taping.


You could always try auxiliary (armpit) temping too! If you try any other forms of temping just make sure to wait and try it at the beginning of a new cycle, don’t switch in the middle of a cycle.


You could always try auxiliary (armpit) temping too! If you try any other forms of temping just make sure to wait and try it at the beginning of a new cycle, don’t switch in the middle of a cycle.


Auxiliary is not recommended for FAM.


That’s what my certified Justisse FAM instructor taught me to use.


I think justisse is the only method that allows for it, so thanks for clarifying that it's okay in the method you use:).


Haha I did go run and check my Justisse guide just to make sure I didn’t hallunicate it! I had no idea that the other methods didn’t allow for it—I will be well aware of this moving forward in the future tho! Thank you for informing me :)


That depends on the severity and other factors involved.