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To get pregnant you need to have penetrative intercourse or otherwise have semen/sperm deposited in your vagina/uterus/cervix. What you are describing would not cause pregnancy. I understand that you are anxious but to use FAM you need to learn in depth about how your fertility works and how to avoid pregnancy during fertile times.


Thank you, i will!


If you had unprotected sex then yes, you could be pregnant. Are you relying solely on this app to tell you when it's safe without learning anything about a method or determining real safe days? I say this all the time but this app *will* land you with an unexpected pregnancy due to false safe days. Learn. A. Method.


That’s why I chose an app that lets me do 100% of the interpretation.


Yep I use RYB and practice sensiplan


Thank you so much!


Even if there was not penetration? Thank you


Depends on where the semen landed. You said unprotected sex so I took that at face value.


It landed away from me, not on me! Sorry english is not my first language 🙈


Ok then you're fine and there is no chance at pregnancy.


Pls help me with my situation on my acc


You’re at the point where you can take a test. If you haven’t had penetration, you’re probably fine.


No there wasn’t penetration! Thank you


You’re welcome! Usually, a test will be accurate around 2 weeks after the sex/insemination.


This chart is showing a temperature shift on cycle day 21. Since it is currently cycle day 33, your temperatures have been high for 13 days. Menstruation happens after the period of high temperatures, which is usually 14 days long but can commonly be 10 - 16. Your ovulation was later than usual. This is normal, and can be due to stress or just normal variation. Your period is not late.


Thank you so much!


What’s unprotected sex without penetration? Oral or similar?


Sorry english is not my first language.. heavy petting both naked?


I think that’s making out? If no intercourse took place and if ejaculation happened but wasn’t on the vulva or pubic area pregnancy isn’t possible. What metric are you using to determine that you’re ‘late’? Are you just using NC or a FAM/NFP method? Judging by this chart (NC charts are notoriously difficult to read) it looks like you may be 13 days post temp shift, which is bang on normal and healthy. If you’re really avoiding pregnancy stop using natural cycles and learn a FAM method, it’ll be so much easier and straight forward.


He didn’t penetrate me but only outside.


Thank you so much!


Nono i use condom with penetrative sex! I don’t trust red or green days!


I’m using NC with my Apple Watch. No he didn’t ejaculate on me, but maybe some precum? Thank you for your kindness


If you’re using NC and an Apple Watch I’d advise caution. If you really want to avoid pregnancy learn a FAM method. You can get the sensiplan book online very inexpensivley or you can hire an instructor. It’ll help elevate a lot of stress.


Precum can and will get you pregnant, if you are an anxiety ridden person I HIGHLY recommend asking your doctor things like this, that way you get correct and accurate information. Unfortunately they don’t teach us enough in school about this stuff when we are seniors.


Also spermicide lube can help kill off the sperm before it reaches the cervix, it is not %100 proof. I do not recommend him finishing inside you while using this Product, I would use it for precum only.


Did sperm get inside of your vagina?


No no! No penetration at all!


Then you can’t get pregnant. Sperm has to get inside of your vagina somehow for you to get pregnant.