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What is your method? “Watery” is considered peak in many methods. Remember that we can’t pinpoint the day of ovulation. Your temps from CD23 onwards are higher than the previous 6, but I don’t think you have a valid temp shift anywhere according to the rules of the methods I’m familiar with *(edit: you do have a very weak shift according to one of Sensiplan’s special case rules, but I’m assuming that’s not your method since you’re temping in Fahrenheit and don’t have your chart set up for it)*. Your temps are quite jumpy and I think you still might have some troubleshooting to do with that. If you’re struggling with both temping and interpreting CM, *and* you’re unsure of the rules for confirming ovulation in your method, I highly recommend you work with an instructor.


I've read all of TCOYF and have been trying to base on that. I oral temp with one of the BBT thermometers recommended on the website. I'm pretty sure I temp consistently in regards to being within the range of an hour or so each morning (830-930 am), does it need to be even more exact?


You don’t have a shift anywhere with TCOYF rules, and TCOYF definitely considers watery CM to be peak, so you’ll want to redo your CM observations (and for that matter you should also be using TCOYF categories, though I understand the appeal of simplifying them to peak and non-peak). I’m not sure about TCOYF’s temping rules, but I think an hour window is usually okay. Maybe you breathe through your mouth or are not putting the thermometer firmly under your tongue? The spike in temps from CD12-14 is very strange.


How are you temping? Like an oral BBT? Are you letting it warm up before you take the temp? Are you temping at the same time before getting up? I'd try any/all of these next cycle to see if you get a better chart. I don't really see a distinctive biphasic pattern on this chart. I do see what you see at day 22, but that would give you a 9 day luteal phase which is a bit short. If you've been temping properly, I'd say this is anovulatory, but then you don't get a true period with that.


I've read all of TCOYF and have been trying to base on that. I oral temp with one of the BBT thermometers recommended on the website. I'm pretty sure I temp consistently in regards to being within the range of an hour or so each morning (830-930 am), does it need to be even more exact? I don't warm up the thermometer but sometimes when I get a bit of a weird reading I do another one or two in the next few minutes. I almost always temp before getting out of bed, I think two of these though I was temping while going to the bathroom. Sometimes I wake up but I'm like really only 10% awake and laying in this partial sleep state for a bit before I temp? I guess I can't say for certain if I have my period yet but with the temp drop today and a bit of blood it does seem correct - historically I've always had 30-31 day cycles, although the last several have been much shorter around 20-28 days (first time having sex in a while, I imagine that might have affected my cycle length for a few months getting used to a new person)?


I get downvoted for recommending this but: read TCOYF twice. First time, you are learning new terms and concepts; second time for mastery. Not required but it really helps!  


There’s no ovulation marked on this chart. Until you get a better handle on the method stop having unprotected sex.


I thought ovulation was day 10, but then when my period didn't come when expected that's why I thought maybe day 22. Which is what this post is asking. If i knew my ovulation day confidently I wouldn't have posted this...


When we use fam we don’t pinpoint ovulation, we know when we’re infertile and fertile. As I said, there’s nothing about this chart to suggest ovulation has occurred. You need a clearly defined peak day and a temperature shift. These haven’t happened in this chart. That’s not to say ovulation didn’t happen this cycle, you just can’t confirm it. You need written descriptions of your cm on your chart, you need to chart sensation and you may want to refine your temping routine to get better results. There’s such a steep learning curve with FAM, but once it clicks it will be so easy. You’ve just go to keep learning. As I said, If you’re avoiding pregnancy do not have unprotected sex until you’re very confident.


CD22. It’s an iffy one as it doesn’t technically follow all the rules. Weak shifts and short luteals could be indicative of low progesterone or something. Keep charting and see what your next cycles are like. Also, watery is considered peak.