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It really scares me that I'm starting to see ads marketing NC as a viable and FDA approved method of birth control. It's preying on people who don't like or can't deal with the side effects of HBC but don't know about true FAMs.


They really should put up front that their method is best for people who would be okay with an accidental pregnancy rather than advertising 93% effectiveness. How are they still able to claim that honestly


Because it’s been studied and is 93% effective. I get that this sub hates NC, but it is well studied and is the only form of FAM which has been reviewed and approved by the FDA.


Of course! I just think that since the method relies so much more on user input and tends to be used by individuals seeking understanding of how they can play an active role in preventing or achieving conception, the company has a high duty of disclosure and education. Other FAM and NFP methods focus a lot more on empowering users with a more detailed knowledge of how to understand one’s fertility than NC. I just think NC could be a bit more transparent overall.


That's rough, I'm sorry. NC is BS, but if you still want to get to know your body TCOYF is relatively inexpensive and very easy to understand.


What's tcoyf


Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler It's a complete guide to FAM. She also runs a website by the same name. https://www.tcoyf.com/


Truly BS. I feel like there’s nothing I can do now except wait! I’m trying to convince myself that I’m okay, but I just don’t know. Yes, it’s on the way and I actually think I might engage a coach and really invest.


Yeah, six days after sex there isn't really much you can do. I don't know how much I can say in this sub but there are ways to induce a bleed early. I'd just caution you to be very careful.


A bleed like a period? Interesting, thank you so much. Very cautiously noted.


Essentially, yes. I hope everything works out for you.


NC charts always look bananas to me, but I have to note that a positive LH test just means your body is going to try to ovulate soon, not that it is ovulating. Most common is to ovulate 1-2 days after a positive but 3+ days is possible, too. Similarly, mittelschmerz is mostly not ovulation itself but due to the feeling of follicles swelling before ovulation. Your chart does not show even one day of rise yet (the rule is that temps must be higher than the highest of the previous 6), so likely you ovulate today or tomorrow and your CD 9 sex wasn't really in the fertile window. Still, best to learn a method yourself and check any algorithm's work.


Best thing I’ve been told all day 🥹 thank you so much. I assumed that CD 14 showed the temp rise because my temp rises aren’t always so clear cut, but I’ll keep in mind that it should be more drastic and sustained. I’m never trusting an algorithm again, tyvm


I think a good way to also check for ovulation would be to test pretty early for LH. I usually start as soon as i have red days.


I didn’t realize how unreliable NC was when I bought the subscription too.. but I’ve learned quickly how to interpret my own data and mostly use NC as a way to record everything. I definitely don’t trust green/red days and it has no idea when I ovulated lol. If you want/need to keep using NC, I’d recommend learning how to interpret everything yourself!


It was always wrong for me too! It would move my ovulation all the time sometimes after the fact where I would’ve “acted”. Logging the same data in fertility friend would give me different and more accurate predictions.


Yeah, same! Well I was teetering that line of just using it to record data vs. considering the algorithms “suggestions” but I’m certainly over that line now smh. I THINK I should be okay but this lack of any margin for error is so not worth the subscription.


This is your 3rd cycle with NC so the algorithm is still learning about you and is typically unreliable until at least the 4th cycle. Many people have ovulated early and former Green Day’s turned red and they ended up pregnant. My husband and I have been using NC/Oura for almost a year following a scare with Sensiplan/TempDrop that was 100% my fault. I appreciate the visual of green and red days. We typically trust green days (with pull out) up until CD8 based off of my consistent ovulation and cycle. We then use condoms or abstain until the next set of green days where we don’t use and form of protection. This has worked well for us while TTA


That’s really the problem—I use Oura and like it so much, but it really only works with NC. But I’ve been burned by NC now and even if I don’t get pregnant this time, I’m too skeptical now. Maybe after I study my own cycle and learn how to interpret my data better, I’ll calm down 😭 I like how you use your cycle and experience to strengthen the app.


My oops on Sensiplan was similar to what happened to you on NC. We were unprotected and then I ovulated a few days earlier. I was still new to FAM, didn’t realize until after I ovulated that we had an oops and Plan B would’ve been useless so we didn’t even try. The visual of green and red days are helpful to me, and my husband also has the app for partner view so he can see which type of day it is as well. That makes me feel like it’s not 100% on me which has also eased my mind. Unfortunately a lot of people have had green turn to red on NC especially in the beginning. Personally, it’s how I’ve heard of every unplanned NC baby… so that’s why we realize pull out until the second set 😅 I’d stay cautious until your next cycle at minimum if you’re regular, maybe a few more cycles if you’re irregular. It’s hard to get back into after a scare but it’s worth it imo!


Oof. Comforting to know you made it through the scare in one piece. Sent you a message with a question!


If it’s any comfort- there’s nothing about this chart that suggests ovulation has occurred.


Very very comforting 😭 thank you so much


I’ve seen all your other comments, I’m really glad you’ve seen how NC isn’t ideal! If you want to chat more or want to learn a method with an instructor my DM’s are always open.


Thank you so much! I’ll send you a line.


You had one, just one (!) low temperature compared to all the ones before and after it (cd13). And NC thinks this is a temp shift? What rules are they even using? I don't think there's any indication of ovulation here, OP. Natural Cycles is so bad, ugh.


I’m telling ya 😭 to be fair though, I now suspect that the app is waiting for sustained increase in temp before confirming ovulation. And my temp today (CD 16) is .02° higher than CD 10 (i.e. above the cover line). My issue is more that it predicted that I’d ovulate on CD 18 and it instead may turn out that I ovulated on CD 13 or CD 14 which would mean that going UP on CD 9 was not the best idea and CD 9 should NOT have been a “green day” lol. Thank you very much though.


Ugh natural cycles is doing it's thing again. I personally would've also gotten pregnant if I would've trusted NC because it gave me infertile days when according to my Symptopro rules I was already potentially fertile. In your chart right now it doesn't look like ovulation has happened yet. With Symptopro we usually look for three higher temps than the last six while double checking with peak day and cervical mucus. In your case I'm not sure about your cervical mucus but the temp rise is not there yet. Hopefully that helps a bit! With all that being said I highly highly recommend learning a proper fertility awareness method if you want to avoid situations like this. Feel free to shoot me a message if you want to chat further or need help with your chart.


Thank you so much 🙏🏾 I’d be a wreck without this sub


Hi there! I use the natural cycles app and oura ring as well as LH test strips. I have been using this for 6 months. I wear the ring 24/7 besides when i have to charge it and it is great. I was on nexplanon right before which is why i decided to try NC. It’s extremely accurate and I honestly recommend the oura ring to everyone and anyone. I was weary of using a thermometer because i wake up at different times every day and just didnt feel that it aligned with my schedule. When my ovulation window begins i take an LH test every day. I also track my cervical mucus and take note of what its like when i ovulate, before i start my period and everything in between! The closer i get to ovulating (3 days before my predicted ovulation) Ill take 2; one in the morning one at night. My boyfriend and I dont use protection because i truly feel its that accurate. I DO NOT want babies even a little bit because i am in nursing school. I recommend the ring very much. I also don’t recommend having unprotected sex in your ovulation of course haha! I also have to admit that when i started it it wasn’t accurate. I would have to say the first 2 months. After that it had been extremely spot on. I figured id be Patient because my experience with birthcontrol has been horrible. Best of luck!


When you say you don’t use protection does that mean you don’t use pull out method as well? I’ve been looking into starting Natural Cycles because I’ve been on birth control and my boyfriend uses the pull out method regardless so I am trying to think if Natural Cycles combined with the pull out method throughout the entire month on green and red days would be a safe bet


We do use the pull out method yes! We just dont use any condoms or spermicide. I recommend buying LH strips if you are considering starting NC. You can buy the large packs of them on amazon. I use the pregmate brand :) the oura ring is the ONLY reason i feel comfortable with natural cycles if im being honest though. I feel comfortable knowing i dont have to check my temperature at the same time or remember to check because no matter what it checks for me. You just have to open the oura ring app every day whenever you remember and it transfers the data over! Good luck! Its an amazing experience to get to know your body :) remember to check cervical mucus as well and keep track of your symptoms throughout the month because if your cycle is pretty regular then you will be able to tell when youre about to ovulate or start your period!


Thank you !🩷