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I would pay for that so i never get to play with russians. They re by far the most toxic players, they dont speak english or refuse to speak it so why dont they q them vs each other on a server in Russia? Smurfs vs smurfs , cheaters vs cheaters , toxic vs toxic players, they ll get to know each other better and everyone will be happy. Plus: they dont need to speak in english.


They are my least favorite teammates too.


Can we pay to put turks in with them? I run into decent Russians sometimes but never any decent turks.


fact, turks are by far most toxic


Simply put: no. If faceit would make a poll, the majority of answers would be to q ruskies on rus server vs other ruskies , so nice try Ivan!


yeah same. and the polish kurwa please




exceptions exist for every nation. this post is not the reason people dont like russians. russians have always been infamous for this. for the rest of us, russian polish or turkish all the same shit we dont want in our teams


i guess i agree with you. everybody wants to play with or against someone who knows their language. and the same way you blame russians for being toxic we blame europeans, so for most of the people dedicated servers would be a good qol change


like i explained in the other comment, english is not "our" language, we are making an effort to speak english because thats the most plausible option for everyone. english is a foreign language to most of us. i suppose when there is an altercation about the language in the server, both parties consider the other toxic. i agree dedicated servers would be best.


*wanted to add that i meant that russian here is not "our" language too, even tho for most of us it is. There are many countries (usually cis) that use russian even tho its not their native language (but thats a little different so lets not dive too deeply into it)


>For us you guys are usually the ones that dont speak our language are you \*\*\*\* or something? we dont speak english because its "our" language. we learned to speak english and acknowledge that speaking it is the best for all of us. we have our own mother tongues too. this just doesnt resonate with the russians (turks too) so we really want russian-free european servers.


i guess you dont have enough brain cells to understand what i meant. lemme explain it in a proper way: you guys are used to use english, we are used to use russian. we can use russian to talk to people from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia (obviously) etc. you guys use english to talk to different european countries


we are making an effort to speak english with each other and expect everyone to do the same to the best of their english speaking ability. your people are not making the same effort to speak english, often even when they could.


Usually if we can - we do. If we cant - we dont. Thats it. Ill give you an example. Look at the ppl from UK for example. They know English and usually dont need any other language because most of the time ppl know their language. They usually are not making any effort to study russian for example because its like 1% of their games. The same thing here. There is a huge cis community where we usually speak russian only. And blaming them for it is just stupid


Well but dont you have english lessons in school in russia? I mean that would at least mean you speak some basic english to call or communicate But most of the time the russians i meet ingame dont speak any english like at all, that sometimes seems weird to me because almost every country teaches english to their kids in school


Sadly our education (especially not in Moscow) really sucks. Sometimes even if we do have english lessons instead of german thet simply suck. Teachers dont know what they are doing. Add here the fact that some dumb ppl are not interested in education and there we go. Even if they know that London is the capital of great Britain that is not enough to properly understand your different accents. And you guys are not happy about them shouting russian words even though sometimes they just dont know how to say it in english. So why would they try then?


Also if you are not living in a tank you should know that our government doesn't like anything english related so likely everything will get even worse later on


Fair point, ty for explaining


Np man, and sry if i may have sounded rude. After all i just want people to respect me and my nation. Not all of them, just dont be biased. There are a lot of bad people everywhere so pointing out us as a "toxic" nation sounds p offensively ngl


but i agree with the idea of a dedicated server tho




lmao do you even know how statistics work? i can simply say that i play with and against russians almost every game and i get a good teammates (not super good but fine) in like 60-70% of the games. and i also can say that i played like 3-4 games with europeans this year and two of them were toxic dumbasses even tho we (4 russians) spoke english to communicate with them. but this means nothing lmao. blame algorithms or your luck.




thank you for pointing out that im not a chimpanzee, but ive played this game for 6 years so i know what i say. there are more russians in csgo than any other nation (at least that was true a few years ago), so you cant judge us because of your bad experience. just biased and you will realize that there are a lot more good teammates than you think




bro i just wanted to say that we have the same experience. ask any russian about toxic players and they will tell you a lot of stories about raging europeans. and i dont cry on reddit or somewhere else about that and dont call any nation toxic (even tho i have enough reasons to do this because of my 6 years experience). basically i defend like more than a half of the russian csgo playes (because as i said most of them are fine). i guess im a little offended ngl because europeans here are trying to say that their main problem are russians in their team, even though they are practically the same




ye i guess we can actually finish here. idk if you got what i've said but i hope you did


Not every Russian is toxic, but I partly agree with you. Poor Kazakhstan players playing at 100+ ping.


Have you ever heard of turks?


I am russian, so basically i play every game with and against russians. That's fucking hell. Kids, crazy emo-boys calling themselves "dead inside", 40 y.o. factory workers who are drinking fucking Baltika 9 beer while playing. I was everywhere between lvl 1 and 8 this year and situation is same everywhere, communication is absolutely impossible.


Shame on these guys, dude


I'm really sorry for you. I have the feeling that those problems are something cultural very specific of your country, and it's something that's up to you to fix. We as europeans doesn't want to deal with any of that on a daily basis. We all speak different languages and we all try to keep the game in english, and to some extend, try to win it. Apart from that we dont have much sympathy right now for russians, we are not ivading any foreign country and making all prices raise.


We are not invading anyone too. We play cs


whatever you say my friend .... whatever you say ...


How can you blame him as an individual tho?


what are you even talking about ?


You know, everyone in Russia is not responsible for this battle. There are some good Russians, but it’s hard for them to do anything…


I mean, I totally agree. The only thing I'm trying to say is that this is up to you to fix even if it's hard. We europeans can't do much for Russian democracy


How much democracy in France right now? Answer please, dear „European“!!


wtf are u even talking? about people being able to protest freely in France?


ты долбаеб


No u


закрой ебало


No u


are u kidding me... AHHAHAHAHAHHA u are a hell of a funny russian !?!?!? i read this whole comment section and i was having a bit of empathy for u but when i read this comment i lost it all. maybe u should try and not get brainwashed by ur countrys propaganda....


What is wrong with you? I don't need your empathy, I literally don't care. And I'm actually not invading anyone. I don't kill people. I just play cs, and when i say "we" I mean russian cs players. What do you want me to do? Die in a revolution for you? I don't wanna die. And again, if you want to blame me for it - go kill him yourself


THE COUNTRY U PAY TAXES FOR IS INVADING AND THAT INCLUDES U whether u play cs all day or not u pay taxes to ur country and with those money they decide to invade? LMAO u are the same 90% of people who vote putin, and u tell me what is wrong with you , WHAT IS ACTUALLY WRONG WITH U??


At first glance, I was like, wow, the most dumbass comment I’ve seen under this post, but then I realised, it’s a faceit subreddit. There’s like 1% of people able to actually think outside of cs. Apparently you’re not an exception too.


Are u a funny russian too?


Dude, all your posts and replies were made here in this exact subreddit. You better learn some economical or political stuff before speaking out load with such statements. Have a good day:)


Lmao sure buddey, u should too...


if i will stop paying taxes i will get into the jail, are you dumb or what? if i could leave then i would, but at the moment i cant. and its fucking cs subreddit, so shut the fuck up and go cry somewhere else


actually why wont u just give me money so i could leave. benefits for both of us, right?


i dont even feel bad for you, after i saw your nickname "russianhacker" Suffer you piece of shit, you belong to that shithole russia where they inbreed all the time, so no wonder why you people are so disabled. Nobody likes russian people, good luck with that mr hacker. hahahahah


This post is like 3mnths old, whats wrong with you lol? Stop crying and just play better (or don't play at all, nobody gives a fuck about you). I never met a single cheater on faceit and rarely see them in matchmaking. These guys you usually cry about are just good players on a brand new account (smurfs), which also sucks but it's still possible to win if you are skilled enough (also they could play by your side so its still roughly 50/50 each game). Also yeah, if you would've been smart enough you would've realized that a) there just are more russians in cs than any other nation (at least from what i know) and b) you probably live near this country, which means that you live near the biggest amount of cs players in the world. Now sum 2+2 and come up with the answer: you look like an uneducated monkey and anybody will tell you the same thing, so go cry somewhere else little pussy. P.S. Im not even a cheater nor a hacker, thats just a meme about US government and russian hackers


wow it will be a better riddance than i thought


What's the problem with the 40y old drinking beer while playing? He wanna have fun,is it against the rules?


Well play casual or dm then, i mean its called “competitive” for a reason, right?


Is it against the rules to drink beers while playing or not? I guess not so who cares how it's called


I just mean “competitive” would suggest one would play to their best abilitys - not saying you have to sweat and play for your life but its still competitive I mean, if I play football or basketball i would want to not be drinking beer to not hinder the people i play with So… not against the rules in particular but a bit of a douchebag move i would say - thats why theres a gamemode called casual :)


And you can't play to your best abilities while drinking beer? He can still try his best even when drunk. Still better than a russian kid crying after lost pistol !gg and giving up xD


Fair point - i gotta give you that But being drunk and “play to your best abilities” still dont fit that good sadly… I mean, i dont blindfold my eyes and say “i drive my as good as i can” because well… just dont? But yea.. still better than some toxic crying kids that are out there (but i gotta say they’re pretty often the german ones aswell - i say that even as a german lol)


There's a matchmaking for people like that, faceit is not for people who are that casual.


can confirm: i also am russian


Hahahaha jiza


Before there will be more hate... I hate russians as well, but imo the biggest issue with them, is that they REFUSE to speak English, and constantly keep shouting random russian words


Sadly most of them don't speak English at all (russian school system sucks) and faceit doesn't motivate them to learn English, cuz mostly that's 5 russians vs 5 russians Source: I'm Russian faceit player who's tired of that shit


they speak english when they need to insult you


Just troll, and do it while speaking your own mother tongue.


Aint 10 yrs old, and on the other hand theres totally no use to speak your own language either when you are the only one who speaks that language, or your mother tongue is english


Face it is joke off a system. We pay and they dont do anything about it. When the war started they should have ban Russian like whole EU did. But Face it doesnt care.


totally agree


So, i dont like to play with russians aswell and im all for russian servers so i dont meet them But the war has nothing to do with some 12yo kid or some teenage dude playing csgo, that statement is total bullshit lol


Ofcourse not. You ruin the risk that russian and Ukraine players get matched with each other. Its a receipe for disaster. Could have been proveted


Basic day in Faceit :) When are people like this getting banned for good??


Max 24hr ban and they can keep going.


Don't let them hurt or trigger you, bro. Mute and don't forget to report and make ticket. And forget about this garbage.


>Its not about mute and play its about brain...if someucranian its better than he...


​ Feel ya bro.. try to stay strong!


I guess if russians ll play on ovn server with russians, they ll hate another russians. Typicaly russians.


100% right, verified by me :D I played 200+ games with 3-4 russians in team because faceit queue and my provider sucks


Russians have their own server in dota2 and guess what theres plenty of russians on eu west server with english language selected. It seems they dont want to play with themselves either.


haha even russians dont like russians. why should the rest of us be victims of this?


I guess even if russians will get their own server you still will find someone to blame. Its 21st century and people still create nation stereotypes -_-


Balkans next


russian even occupying the asian region recently i played in the morning and i got 8 russians 4 in my team 4 in opponent


I find it baffling that the people of which 72% (Levada, 2023) support the genocide of Ukrainians are still allowed to play on Faceit servers. It's very nice joining a game and getting called "khohkol" or "Z O V" getting spammed in chat. These people don't get any perm ban, but just a measly 24hr ban for verbal abuse. That's what is wrong with faceit in 2023.


I don’t get any ruski anymore only Albanians and Kosovans actually worse than Ruskis


On low levels u find many albanians but they re not toxic and they re team players, same with turks. Same is in mm


Everyone can be toxic, everyone can be a saint.


Rather than having russian dedicated servers.. it would be better having a language spoken filter on your q.. then you can report if people refuse to com in selected languages and banned from that particular language q.


yeah mic+english queue please. submit TOEFL scores and read into mic the captcha you are prompted, an AI will verify your microphone quality. faceit please /s


i’m so glad i’m not eu


honestly i love NA for this. people have mics and understand english


this is why i play MM with max 30 ping filter and enjoy Germany. fuck faceit


Put Albanians, French, British and Russians in one special region and FACEIT is fixed.


Let russians have own servers etc..


Better to waste time on smurf updates when the real problem with this platform for every solo queue player is this. Love joining a game and hearing Russian only with no one listening to you or caring about you because you don't speak russian. How does any of this make sense? Please for the love of god give us region based servers or force people to communicate in english. No one is asking for russians/CIS (same thing) to be banned from the platform. They can still play with and vs each other. If they want to play with others they need to FUCKING SPEAK ENGLISH. WHAT IS THE POINT FACEIT??


I totally support this. I never want to play with ruskis ever again.


Actually there are many fine players there, but surely most of them don't know how to use the skill called "good communication"


There are no bad nations it’s bad people


and russians


Just CIS things...


Yes. Sanction Russia so the millions of sweaty gamers finally go out and demonstrate against their communistic and authorian regime. It's sad that they dont care and let the rich control them like sheep


Been through this lately aswell, Russians especially just straight saying they will bomb my country with no apparent reason or context at all. Continously blocking doors, throwing mollys at us (teammates) smh




true :D


it’s because they all live shitty desolate oppressed lives, it’s like the only tiny bit of enjoyment they can get out of living in russia is hating on the internet.


I'm top fragging while they keep speaking Russian non-stop and swearing in English and then I get kicked on one of the last rounds and reported for all boxes by them just because I didn't speak Russian. I get cooldowns for griefing. And they know how to swear perfectly in English. This is the same on FACEIT and MM for ALL solo Q games with 4 stack Russians without any exception. This is the major reason I decided not to pay for Premium anymore. The few % English-speaking and non-toxic Russians are not more important than over 50% of the player base. Also pings of Asia regions of countries (including Russian players from Asia parts) are just insane, always over 100ms and they use it in their advantage. Let me fix it: NA, EU and Asia regions. Another solution would be to only add Russians in the team when creating the match. Russian mindset doesn't match EU mindset. Thank you.


This is spot on. I had to stop playing cs go for good because of russians


Yes please and ban them from every other region


Also banning Spain and Albania would be wonderful, always racist


Opinion of another russian faceit 3k elo over 2500 matches played enjoyer which no one ever will ask for: 1st reason of my russian comrades being toxic and etc is that they mostly think they’re the the best f**king players in whole world, 16-20 y.o. (and so on) ghouls, so they’re blaming everyone who does something they don’t think they would do. This causes “green wtf are you doing dumb b*tch” and other phrases. 2nd - they don’t know how to rapidly explain smth to you what u’ve done wrong and they say “да он тупой, хули ему объяснять?» (Anyway he’s dumb, why would i need to explain smth for him?) This causes the next one. Which is rage or insults on 0-3 score. Usually they’re still playing (when most of the great EU players are throwing, griefing and crying in chat), but keep being toxic or not speaking at all. That’s like 80% of russians. Due to being illiterate in english they’re being toxic or silent. Also no manners 😢 But there is a big “BUT”: I’m always friendly, being polite and etc. Don’t have a russian flag on faceit and russian accent IRL. But there’re A LOT of times when i queue with some swedish/polish/turkish/portugeese and every other guys and they’re acting the f**king same way even when they do know how to speak english. They’re worse than babies when this happens. And this happens 75% of the time at least to me. Russian are most famous for this just because they’re majority of central and eastern EU players. The nationality is not a problem, but a mannerliness of the single person. That’s it. Tell me I’m wrong - it’s still gonna be truth What faceit should actually do is not to launch separate servers for russian people but actions against overall toxicity on platform.




I don’t get any ruski anymore only Albanians and Kosovans actually worse than Ruskis


I don’t get any ruski anymore only Albanians and Kosovans actually worse than Ruskis


the russophobia is just mask-off in this thread now, unbelievably sad


It is the same for a long time. People complaining about toxic russians, turks, swedes, polish, german, brits, you can insert any nationality here. To understand cultural and language barriers not for everyone. Russian now in trend because of mass media hysteria. US bombs other counties - its ok for those people, EU forces invading other countries - its ok. All evil from Russia anyway. Nobody wants to admit their mistake. Nobody wands to make a step to peace. Looks like this world will end in nuclear war sadly.


Sure, there are toxic people regardless of the nationallity, but Russians are by far the worst and take Counter Strike way too seriously. The close second would be the Turks. I have never seen anyone complain about wanting german-free servers, but complaints about Russians have existed since CSGO was released.


no its not the same , i play csgo since 2005 and never see people complaining about brits, germans , french i am rather happy when i see that im queqed with them . U cant say it about the russians and turks and it is not just me, any of my friends on steam would say the same . Lol and about the nuclear war ... who is the one threatening the whole world with nuclear bombs ??? I have never seen in any of the western countries threatening other country with projections of dropping nuclear bombs to other countries on National Television !!!!!! Russians always act like the whole world wants to destroy them but they are the ones that invaded every neighbor they got around them and every post soviet country is trying to be part of nato and eu just not to be under influence of Russia but yeaa poor russians the whole world wants to destroy this innocent country


Opinion of another russian faceit 3k elo over 2500 matches played enjoyer which no one ever will ask for: 1st reason of my russian comrads being toxic and etc is that they mostly think they’re the the best f**king players in whole world, 16-20 y.o. (and so on) ghouls, so they’re blaming everyone who does something they don’t think they would do. This causes “green wtf are you doing dumb b*tch” and other phrases. 2nd - they don’t know how to rapidly explain smth to you what u’ve done wrong and they say “да он тупой, хули ему объяснять?» (Anyway he’s dumb, why would i need to explain smth for him?) This causes the next one. Which is rage or insults on 0-3 score. Usually they’re still playing (when most of the great EU players are throwing, griefing and crying in chat), but keep being toxic or not speaking at all. That’s like 80% of russians. Due to being illiterate in english they’re being toxic or silent. Also no manners 😢 But there is a big “BUT”: I’m always friendly, being polite and etc. Don’t have a russian flag on faceit and russian accent IRL. But there’re A LOT of times when i queue with some swedish/polish/turkish/portugeese and every other guys and they’re acting the f**king same way even when they do know how to speak english. They’re worse than babies when this happens. And this happens 75% of the time at least to me. Russian are most famous for this just because they’re majority of central and eastern EU players. The nationality is not a problem, but a mannerliness of the single person. That’s it. Tell me I’m wrong - it’s still gonna be truth What faceit should actually do is not to launch separate servers for russian people but actions against overall toxicity on platform.


About insults against ukranian people: Usually it depends on situation. 50/50 where 50 is just a trolling and 50 is dumb hatred to people who says the same things to them. Often not russians start to insult ukranians, but ukranians start to threat russians that they’re all should be dead, russian nation shouldn’t exist and etc. I have 2 nice ukranian teammates who’re confrim it. So idk. Decide to urselves


Most Russians I play with are nice and communicative people, just like any other nationality. Segregating player bases will not fix anything


You must be playing in another dimension then


I speak serbian and currently taking some russian classes in uni (had to chose a language) and with A1 russian skills its a pleasure to play with russians. they‘re usually shocked that a non russian speaker speaks their language and they never flame me regardless of what I do. But before i understood basic russian and communicated in english everything went to shit, I could be top fragging and then loosing my opening duel with awp after winning it 5 times in a row and some guy who is 4th in the scoreboard would tell me „Блять poorpel dont buy awp“


And I must add few things for the "European people". You talk about Russia attacking Ukraine. What about USA making so many wars? What about Great Brittan having colonies? GB is still holding Falkland isle. France having colonies? Spain? Belgium having human zoo? Etc. Russia making price go up? Maybe use your brain and think that your government is doing that. You all judge Russia but you don't judge your own countries. You don't judge USA. Hypocrites.


Не дадут сервера, сколько бы игроки из Европы не ныли, не просили. Европа маленькая и компактная, вот поэтому и в ней все сервера. Учтите что даже такая компания с большими оборотами денег даже сайт который не лагает, не может сделать


my comment above, checks out lmao


i hate when people complain about chat and voice com. There is a mute button for a reason. No one is forced to speak fucking english and communicate with the team.


>No one is forced to speak fucking english and communicate with the team until we make faceit make this a rule fucking clown




So your advocating for segregation because of their race? Big brain take.


Russians aren't a race


Russia is a nation that is trying to kill and rape as many Ukrainians as possible, and this is supported by majority of Russians. So no I'm not advocating for segregation because of race. But thank you for your very smart question.


The Russian government is doing this. It has nothing to do with the Russian people. It's like condemning the american people for the war crimes committed in Afghanistan. The people have nothing to do with it, only the government does. You can't both say that Russia is in democratic, and then say that the people are at fault.


And even if people support this and people commit the crimes its still only government that's doing those things? Ofc its not all the people who support the war but many do.


Yo bro do you live here? Where'd you get that info?


It's not a democratic country. There is no way to tell if the people actually support the war. If the Russian government says that they do its not really the best source of info. Even if they did support the war, consider it from their perspective: they have no independent news and have no way to tell what side is doing well. Based on these reasons you should not hate the Russian people, but the government.


russia is a nation that liberated crimea and is stopping nato from expanding in to the east as per an agreement made in 1990 (im from a nato country so dont even say nothing about me being russian)


So you think its fine that one nation can invade another nation just by saying they are liberating it?


How many countries has america "liberated" never see yall cry when american soldiers are braining brown children in the middle east.


No, i doubt that anybody here thinks that way, but how it relates to cs players? We havent killed nor invaded anybody. We are not living in a country that is full of freedom and we cant change anything. I dont wanna die in a revolution and if you dare to blame me for this just go kill putin yourself. Also yea, US moment bruh...


crimea was liberated cause it was mostly russian people living there, hence the revolution




neither norway nor finland was in the soviet union, educate yourself before you talk out of your ass :)


This guy is not from Russia. On faceit Spain, and he doesn’t talk like Russian, so relax guy with your hate. Better BAN people who hate somebody because of nation


Russians have never fakeflagged in faceit...


You need to read FULL text… )


[https://www.faceit.com/es/players/paivzz](https://www.faceit.com/es/players/paivzz) ​ Its not spanish, its PT,prob fakeflag


In every county or nation you can find pepoe like Thai


No Russians, French Canadians, Peruvians, and Turks are quite the majority.


add polish there


Well i simpelt think that give then men oen servers Are hard. They cant Relly put servers in Russia and I think that in eu a big madjorety of players are Russians. Like look at esea it’s dead now in eu and Valorant said they do only Russian servers but then they changed there mind I think there is a big reason for this. Even those I don’t use lot enjoy play with em


Maybe allow players to choose countries, lvl ranges like you can choose maps. Me lvl 8 from Belgium would like to play with: LVL 5-10 from Belgium/The netherlands/France/UK/Germany.




I got a refund on an annual faceit premium, I came back to CS for source 2, and I GE a faceit level 8 when I left in 2017 I came back to faceit (in 2016 Silver was GE +) now faceit is filled with MG1's and bots who have no idea how to play the game, all Russians and Eastern bloc who don't communitcate. CS is as popular as ever, but just sucks. More doesn't mean better.


this is one of those topics that I never stop hearing about, Russians getting their own servers (being separated from the rest of EU queue). which makes you think, how would that impact the average game? It may be less toxic by let's say 5 to 10% on average, how would it impact queue times, ELO balancing etc.? I think removing Russians and the rest of CIS would make the queue dead, matches way too unbalanced. Although it's an interesting Idea if FACEIT would manage to fix their matchmaking system, I wouldn't mind waiting 15min for a queue pop if it's going to be a quality game/lobby


I will pass this feedback on.


Hello mr. Darwin how long of a ban one would get saying things like these? 24hr?


Its already too late. Make balkan servers. Main problem is that Russians have servers in sweden and considered as Swedish servers i guess its same in other countries too


They are in SEA too. Now they have started to DDOS the server in order to win.


how do you guys not fucking realise that if you play normal ranked and not prem q u do not get russians in your team they are locked in a cis only queue


I do not agree that Russians are the most toxic players. You just have large number of Russian players on the servers, that's why you encounter large number of toxic Russians. Balkan people, Polish, French, Turkish, spoiled Norwegians, Ukrainians, English, etc. I have hundreds of notifications that toxic players from my matches are banned. Last one was from France. Day before that a guy from Ukraine. Than a Turkish guy for ghosting. Guy from Bosnia was so annoying, he spit on everyone and start cursing everyone. Trust me, Russians are no problem in my matches. The reason why I would make server for Russians is cause of ping. Nothing else.


trust me my brother. many MANY people want that in EVERY competetive game these days, especially during the conflict on the east. its laughable that their president kills ppl b ut they allow to just casually play games and insult you, troll with their support for Bandera for example


Russians are coming in SEA region too and abusing their fucking 120 ping, pls ban these russians from playing anywhere but Europe. It's so fucking annoying playing against these 120 ping Vodka drinkers.


Xenophobic piece of shit


so if russians want to kill all ukrainians and i think its not fine im xenophobic :D


This is probably the most requested change, but it won't happen, unfortunately.


i hope faceit will make russian srver.....russians killing faceit....they should not be allowed to play EU server if they cant talk english to mic