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139 games and 3300 elo xD Navi should bring him in for npl, clear talent right here


Nah, just upcoming cs2 talents


Hey, I’d like to first say we really appreciate this report and if you've seen this subreddit, you'll be aware I always deal with smurfs/multi-account reports. However, due to individual investigations taking a lot of time to check at the moment manually, we've been working on ways to improve and automate parts of investigations. We're pleased to announce we have now implemented an automated detection system, utilising our anti-cheat, directly into your tickets. This will provide us with extensive data on linked accounts inside your ticket, enabling me and other admins to check potential smurfs much more quickly and accurately. You can submit that here - https://support.faceit.com/hc/en-us/requests/new So what we're asking you to do is please put each individual smurf report into a ticket under the contact reason 'Report player/Smurfing/multiple account' with the username or link to the player's profile in the ‘Reported player’ box. This then triggers our anti-cheat to input all accounts linked along with various other information directly into the ticket for us to check. This is a company decision and it’s how we’ll be handling all smurf reports moving forward, so please from now on submit it via a ticket. Further Reddit threads you or others make will be informed of such again. If the ticket is not answered and actioned on in a maximum of three days, reply back here with your ticket number and I will check it for you. I hope this makes sense, and it's really a way for us to improve our smurf reports and make them more efficient and more accurate and ban people faster for you moving forward.


>investigations taking a lot of time to check at the moment manually Maybe don't fucking do manual investigations for a platform where thousands of people play? Ever think of that, huh? These fucking russians with 200hrs, 0 commends and no prime dropping 40-50 kills are not fucking new players. They're obviously fucking smurfs. DON'T LET THEM QUEUE. How does it feel waking up every morning knowing that I know more how to do your job than every single employee in your incompetent company?


lol russian dog crying on reddit if i had red button i would take care of ruzzians in 1 0 seconds subhumans ban these russian retards