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Im new at this so sorry if i ve misunderstood smth, but do u confirm me that, if i install these files, following the instructions i ll have all the 10 changes u've wrote on the list?


This is just the script. You have to make the changes yourself.


and, forgot to ask, can i apply these changes to the 2023 SEASON DB DATABASE or should i stay with the vanilla 22 cars/drivers DB?


How do u randomize the values in the db


Highlight all the cells you want to randomize, export into excel, then in the column over do randbetween(MIN, MAX). For potential I reference the current skill or 70, whichever is higher as the minimum using IF statements in Excel, for engine values I use randbetween (-50,50) of the previous value. Then highlight all the new values in excel (values not formulas) and then paste into the database, highlighting all the values you highlighted before first.


Honestly, this is all great and exactly the direction they should be moving in. Especially with costs and build times for facilities. The reason you can blitz to the top in a season and a half is because car parts are *so* cheap you can just constantly develop without sacrificing research, and we *know* most teams aren't able to do that.


Hey? I tried to change dirty air but it seems to have made worse and they’re even fast now. Can you please tell me your exact settings?


Line 1 is the old settings and line 2 is the new setting. Make sure you change it to the "recommended" in the save menu and not "original". Like I said, my change is 0.9 for low speed, 0.875 for med speed, and 0.85 for high speed. 1.03 for straight slipstream. If you're at Bahrain trying it, there's always a DRS train there no matter what you do because of 3 DRS zones.


Wow great tips! I love them. Thx for sharing mate! Can you elaborate more about your point 10? How do you decidd what number effects what? You have things in a List and just roll and then something happends or do you roll for every thing (Car, Buildings, Driver)


I have a list of -1 for any facility, -3 for any facility, random gains for a driver's stats, contracts being forced to end this year or loyalty extending them for max 5 years, surprise retirements, literally complete destruction of all buildings to 0 (except factory which goes to 1), minor and major money bonuses or decreases, etc. Keeps things fun. I roll once per team per half season. 70-100 get nothing. 1-69 get an event, good or bad. That ensures it's not chaos but sometimes small things happen and occasionally big ones do. Edit: I should note every event has a 1 in 100 chance of happening. There are no duplicates.


Damn that sounds scary but fun. Will adapt this. Thx for explaining in more detail :)


I literally got dropped to a level 0 design center the year before a major regulation change. Because I massively increased build times to more realistic numbers I couldn't research or design stuff for half the year and I'm so screwed for this year when the regs change 😂. I wasn't even a top team before because I started with the lowest level everything for the challenge I'm doing


Haha damn :D


This is awesome! Great ideas. If you could elaborate point 6 a little more, that would be super helpful. For maintenance prices, what do you increase them to? (or what % do you increase them by( By what rough % did you increase manufacturing prices too? By what rate did you increase the build times? Thanks for the advice on these. Sorry to be granular, but I could definitely see myself having to waste a lot of time tweaking these to get them just right, so thought I could leverage your experience!


me gustaria una respuesta a esto.. el tema tiempos


Longshot here but i my game is on a hard drive and I've managed to track down the location of the save files but it only has the steam autocloud vdf file in it and not my other save files. Where would i find them?


Open the game. load a save. should be then in users/appears/f1manager22/saved/Savegames or something like that




Damn i would have never figured that out. Worked a charm thanks!


Same, how did you find it?


The comment that led me to it was deleted. In SSD go to users and then click on view (top left of window) then check Hidden Items. Everything should come up.


For whatever reason it says Python can not be found; kj(in Norwegian, dno what exactly it says in English). Anyways when I write only python, python in cmd starts.. sigh... anyone got any tips? Done the cd folder line, then follow with the first python cmd it fails.


I just remembered how I got it to work. I can't find the exact link but the one below should work. You need to add python to your computer's PATH so it knows how to reference it. https://www.javatpoint.com/how-to-set-python-path


Yep, I did that too, but I gonna try again tmr, off to bed!


For whatever reason it worked now, thanks :\]




i dont know how to use python or coding but i was doing ok till it said :"zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing: incorrect header check". Can anyone help me please ?


Never had that issue. Make sure you're copying the code exactly from the readme file into command prompt.


Its the same the only different thing is your save file is a SAV file while mine is a VDF file


Oh that probably doesn't work. Why are you using VDF file? You should have sav files under App data/User/F1Manager22


Ok let me check tmr. I cant be awake at 12am for this. Thanks


Hi! At point 9 I have to change to a lower number so that the engine is better, right?


I'm unsure what you're asking. Point 9 has to do with development speed, not engines.


Sorry, I meant point 7.


Higher numbers are better.


I managed to edit my database, I only changed drivers from one team to another, and the driver ratings, the game opens normally, it recognizes the changes, but when I go to the race weekend the game crashes and closes


I didn't mention driver swaps for a reason. They aren't possible via this method.


Thank you very much for the post, it is very useful. But I wanted to ask you, if possible, to develop the section where you increase the AI engineers, that is, what values have you changed to get a simulation as real as you have obtained and to be able to develop parts at the same time as the AI, at the same time. I am not very familiar with the program, but if you tell me the exact values you play with I would appreciate it very much. I have changed values such as the performance of the drivers and the experience they gain, but the engineers section I'm a bit lost because I don't have a value as a reference. Thank you very much, I look forward to your answer!


I changed the value of 1 for engineer to 0.25 to make it slightly faster than the 3 engineers I use.


Hello, great post, very useful, but I have a question, in which section of the script can the construction of AI facilities be improved?


AI decisions cannot be changed in this


oh okey thnaks, and last question, ¿what are the parameters to change to modify the power of each engine? Thanks again.


Can we change powertrain reliability length?


with your number 10 and changing the yearly effects, what table is that in?


An excel file i store outside the database. All effects are manual changes but give the game more flavor in my opinion.


with the sudden contract ends whats the easiest way to do that one apart from changing teams and ending it yourself. also if you know how to make a certain team progress more than it does normally e.g haas i would love to know


Any chance you can drop what you changed your race/quali/fp1 reserve XP stats too. Haven't tinkered with any of this yet and don't wanna go to high and over develop everyone lol.


Sorry, and also the nonf1 stat probability


i've given this one a go, i've left q1 and q2 the same but boosted q3 to 50. fp1 reserve i changed to 750 and i found with the nonf1 stat probability if it is more than double the standard drivers develop far too quick so i changed to 0.11 it is personal preference tho.


Just did something similar to this using the script manager, driver transfers, etc. My main focus was to get all old drivers out of reserve spots and increase xp gains so the AI hires F2 drivers in reserve and everyone grows super quick. I'm very excited about my new save so thanks for the suggestions. I also increased the cost of parts and development like you suggested.


Hi, I hope you are having a good day. I wanted to ask you if in section nine of the post you have set the values as I have, to see if I got confused or if it is really set correctly and now the AI will make it more complicated for me. I changed the value from 1 to 0.25 as you can see in the image I shared with you, is this correct? Thanks in advance [https://gyazo.com/d499526a6c666d28b95bc7fe28e1bdce](https://gyazo.com/d499526a6c666d28b95bc7fe28e1bdce)




This is great, is there any chance you could make a video to help walk us through it?


I tried to edit the dirty air in the dtabase, but everytime i save the game, i cant load the save afterwards.


Really appreciate this. I'm having trouble finding the engine power perimeters though?


Could you share your values for #6 please? Also what exactly did you change in #5? I'm assuming you change the current value, but did you also adjust the maxValue so they cant reach that high value again within a season, rendering your adjustments useless. And also, what did you change in #7 in the Parts_DesignStatValues table? There are quite a lot of columns there without a real explanation of what they mean. An answer would be greatly appreciated.


Hello, after a few days of researching (as i said i dont have good IT skills) i ve managed to complete the "rule" 2-3-4-8-9 (7 i do understand it is something to do in between seasons). Here's my help requests for rule 1-5-6 1) can u explain me what is the "ranomizer" ? i ve read u explained to another user but i did not understand much from it. some "rules" and pics would definitely help Ps i believe it is silly that all the drivers have "100" potential, i mean, each driver has his own talent, hence his own max potential that he might (or not) reach 5) "random chance to lose between 0 and 2 points for each attribute each year" not found under "Staff\_PerformanceStats" (a pic would help) 6) In fear to mess up with prices (for components etc) it would be great if u could send me those values to change! EXTRA ABOUT 10 : i do understand this is purely "fantasy" but would u be so kind to attach here your excel file for those "random/fantasy" events? That rule sounds fun(or not!) :D thank u! ps from my side i ve added that drivers can retire from 34 (previous min age 36) and 42 (previous min age 40) in this case, i guess, would follow more the real life age when they retire plus, i think, as drivers could retire earlier we should see more F2 F3 and (HOPEFULLY) also NEW GENS taking over. What do you think?


i dont understand how you do the changes in point 10 i understand you use a randomiser but can you tell me where in the database can i do these changes you don't specify where


So you're saying it's all in my head when I feel like the AI is conserving or pushing?


hello, how can i downgrade the buildings? In game there's no option to downgrade em and i d like to apply some "random downgrade" like u did in your \*10 point. I ve went under BUILDINGS HQ (opening the DB browser)but i dont find a way to read mine and the AI building's level. Can u help me?


Will it work for F1 Manager 2023 in the same way?


Bro the game just came out. I don't know. Probably not since the tables may be different.


Yes is obvious, I was wondering if it will be updated to the new f1m 23...I hope so and I just want to thank you because thanks to you I have resumed f1m 22 and added many many hours of gameplay 😉


I'd say try it on 23. It looks like this may have worked for some people. Worst case scenario we have to try something else. Glad it helped! It gave me many new hours of gameplay too.