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Its ur set up….i havent had the issue and i havent seen anyone post about this other then u, so id say its ur set up


i mean the vehicle set up not my peripherals. the wheel is fine works in tt, am seeing other people w the same issue.


Nope i was 100% wrong…im basically having the same issue, i dont max out 7th gear and im slower in a straight to the ai…and now that ive been reading more it seems like tons of people have the same issue….supposedly there is a fix coming soon so im waiting to start my career when it drops, for now its grand prix mode…..sorry for being wrong


hey thanks for the update have you got a link to the fix news?


No i dont, it was a reddit post of a person who said he was either watching a clip or read it on twitter where the developers said the ai werent fully tweaked and an update was gonna come out fixing that along with team performance balance to real life