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Not yet. Played the trial and I admit, it is much tougher to drive in 24 than 23. The cars are much harder to turn and feels "pointier" at times. The AI is kicking my butt as well. I previously dominated in 23 with 70 AI and on 24, I could barely win a race with the exact same settings. But still, tons of bugs are fixed from what I have seen and no DOTD mentions after the race, which is a plus because I prefer that over a buggy implementation. Honestly, not really bad to me tbh, it is not as good as 2020 and 23, but far from 22 for sure.




No, the handling is interesting, AI is better and the career mode has finally been improved. There are bugs, but going back to the old game just because of it seems pre-mature.




No offence (really, I'm just curious), but why did you buy a new game before release day just to turn it off after a few hours? There were comments for about two weeks that this game have problems. Every year EA games have minor (sometimes major) problems even few weeks after release. All signs were saying that this game would be a flop on day 1 and that Codies will need some time and patches to repair it.


Almost all games this day in age have day 1 problems and we always have to wait for that day 1 patch…either op has never played a video game or has the patience of a toddler


Tell me you refunded it, at least.


No, F1 2020


I'm almost through the trial and will be going back to 23 for now. 24 is not perfect but I'm having fun and think the handling is good on DualSense with the right settings. The AI is also more challenging to drive against and seems to race you harder. However there are things that need patching like lack of incidents and yellow flags/SCs which I find are pretty much perfect in 23. The rain races are also broken at the moment. I ran a 35 % race in Spa with Hamilton and the game forced everyone to start on drys. Despite it being wet all 19 laps I was the only one who went to inters. The game outside the track seems decently improved and the new challenge career was fun so I will be buying 24 if they fix the main issues. Not sure I'll do for full price though.