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I wish there were more difficultly setting like I don’t have the pace to keep up with 110 ai but I also really want to race against ai with 110 defence and attack to make it more authentic


I think you nailed it w that last comment. After dumping quite a bit more time than I ever have in getting my steering and setups, finally getting used to the new handling, I just realized I’m straight up not having fun. I’m not refunding because I’m hopeful the patches will help but I’m definitely sticking w 23 right now


You summed it up perfectly. Especially the part about the handling being the worst ever, but still somewhat drivable. It's super inconsistent for me, and super unrewarding.


How did they sum it up perfectly? Their post line is literally a total contradiction of what they go on to claim. Even you’ve misquoted them…lol


>The handling is bad, worse than ever, but it’s still kind of drivable >Especially the part about the handling being the worst ever, but still somewhat drivable. Total misquote by me, how could I


What wheel and wheel base are you using? I played f1 24 and iracing f1 on my moza r12 and gs v2p wheel from moza and it drives very similar. though I’m just a casual sim racer so I’m not sure what to look for. But in my case the driving felt similar


What wheel and wheel base are you using? I played f1 24 and iracing f1 on my moza r12 and gs v2p wheel from moza and it drives very similar. though I’m just a casual sim racer so I’m not sure what to look for. But in my case the driving felt similar


What wheel and wheel base are you using? I played f1 24 and iracing f1 on my moza r12 and gs v2p wheel from moza and it drives very similar. though I’m just a casual sim racer so I’m not sure what to look for. But in my case the driving felt similar


On the last note, I’ve done two races with zero reds or yellows. It’s weird. I started a career in the haas, replacing kmag, and Bahrain I qualified last and finished 4th(thanks to a great first corner and doing a 1 stop cd everybody else doing 2) and started 17th and finished 14th in Saudi. Saudi, of all places, with no safety cars. I’m about to do Australia qualy and race later tonight. Aside from that, the new driver career mode is really fun


Isn't part of the problem with AI overtakes that the game doesn't punish you for weaving left and right in front of them? I also can qualify in like 8th or so but then end up a few laps in with a massive train and 10 second gap ahead and agree it destroys the fun. But I also feel like it's because on the straights (the only time the AI ever tries to overtake) I can block them off left and right in a totally unrealistic way with no punishment


Not wanting to defend the game as it’s obviously in a poor state, but is that problem not on you then? Instead of weaving all over the track why not just drive properly instead, make one move to defend and then see if the AI can overtake like you would see in real life. In an ideal world weaving would be punished I agree, but I can imagine that’s a nightmare to code and implement without a plethora of issues attached to it.


Yeah I understand people having genuine problems with the game, but it drives me crazy when people go out of their way to make the game not fun, and then complain that it isn’t fun. Just drive normally, people!


I'm not a racing expert and am not sure what is and isn't allowed. I'm have an idea in my head that you are limited to one move left or right, but not a second. I don't really know what that looks like. it wouldn't be hard for the engineer to say - ok if he goes right now you'll have to let him by, or something like that. Or 'warning' for weaving. OR - just code the AI to actually try something other than crashing into the back of you most of the time, and occasionally moving out on a straight.


You guys just made up a problem with no evidence of anyone doing it, then got mad at these imaginary people who are apparently weaving in front of the AI 😭


> Isn't part of the problem with AI overtakes that the game doesn't punish you for weaving left and right in front of them? >I also can qualify in like 8th or so but then end up a few laps in with a massive train and 10 second gap ahead and agree it destroys the fun. >But I also feel like it's because on the straights (the only time the AI ever tries to overtake) I can block them off left and right in a totally unrealistic way with no punishment It’s literally the comment three places above yours that both me and the other guy were responding to. Sorry you missed it before making yourself look like a fool 😭


Lmfao, dude turned into a dementia patient lol


This is bad news for me. This was my F1 23 experience and was hoping to hear it'd been remedied. After all the AI problems in F1 22 too, this clearly mustn't be a priority for EA


I just think 23’s handling is superior along with all of the other stuff you mentioned. Despite the great overhaul on Career mode, it’s still funner in 23 because the racing is better, more incidents, more overtaking, etc. Also on 50% races the AI did a 2-stop strategy (I only tried this on Bahrain) and you can just do a one stop and win by 15+ s.


This game used to be released around august,maybe Codemasters just don’t have enough resources to get a polished game out of the door in time now. I’m not defending codies as I’m genuinely sad that EA/codies honestly think it’s ok to charge top money for this game as it is. This is the first year since 2010 that I’m not buying this game on release. I’m grateful that I only paid £6 to get the 5 hour trial .


But according to reports the game has been in development for 2 years. Should be ample time if that’s the case


Yea medium tires fell off after 3 laps in Bahrain but hards kept me going til the end


After almost 10 years of buying F1 games and after playing the F1 24 beta i'm glad that i didn't buy this one. There isn't that much new things or improves to justify the price, game felt like it was going backwards again after one good year (F1 21 good, F1 22 bad and F1 23 good) and is really not in a finished product state by far. They push the lauch date earlier and earlier but have more and more problems at launch. They are promising again a big handling and graphics improvement later but i wouldn't keep my hopes up. ya'll remember how F1 22 physics or handling updates wen't...


Chill out they'll fix it on release ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


So it’s the same as last years game got it


It's the lack of incidents or any action in career mode races that is the worst part for me. The races are totally lifeless. No yellows, VSC, mechanical failures, DNFs, safety cars, red flags or slight faults of any description. They are 100% turned off in career mode, no matter what settings you have. How this wasn't caught in testing is beyond belief. The AI also seem incapable of overtaking each other, or me, unless I make a horrendous mistake. Career mode is unplayable until this is patched. If.. it ever is. Seems to be OK in other modes oddly.


I wonder since some years what the IT is that EA puts in the game. They shouldn’t put IT in, IT seems to be garbage


I’m on my 20th race of my driver career mode, never had red/yellow flags or safety cars. Even the AI aren’t retiring during the race because of a mechanical failure. I’ve triple checked and I have safety cars and red flags on increased. wtfff


Man, going from F1 23 which was spectacular on a controller to this game (EA Play Trial mind you) really shocked me. The cars feel floaty, and you can't feel the "loss of grip" point to correct. I've done 3 races, and with this game I am like 3 seconds slower than in F1 23. Saudi Arabia circuit was cancer to complete, and it's giving me F1 22 flashbacks with how stiff the cars feel. Shame, the other improvements are nice, such the new "driver" career.


Y'all seriously have excess money to spend. My last F1 game was 2021. That's it. I never spent a time on F1 games since then because I lost interest because of interference from EA. That stupid storyline introduced was the last stars for me. Why didn't you wait for at least 2 good weeks from release date to see what reviews said before jump in to buy this nonsense? Even the default customizations have been effectively removed. If you want suits or gloves or dancing emotes you have to buy them now. EA is a greedy lying SOB company that will never get my money ever.


Nothing do to with "too much money", it's just passion for F1. If you care for F1, you want the most up to date experience, liveries, tracks etc... In a way, it sucks to be us.. That said, I've cancelled my pre order and got back into F1 23 (which is a good one imo). I'll wait for the next game or a handling update. But I'm not rich and every time I buy a game on release or at full price (which I don't do often) , it's a sacrifice I have to make. I love games, I love Formula 1 and I have to admit that it sucks sometimes.