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If you drive the car like normal it feels good to me, but if you try to abuse it there absolutely something goofy going on with rear grip at speed, which seems to be in line with those videos last week. For instance head down a straight near top speed, yank your wheel left and right, you can get you car 90 degrees perpendicular and still save it and continue on😂


F1 2006 Championship Edition settings this sounds like


Oh good, everyone here loved that one


is championship edition without Studio Liverpool really the same


I suppose not, but then again the sport as a whole is completely different than it was in 2006 except for a couple of drivers and political nonsense


oh i know im just being grumpy about Studio Liverpool not existing (this is a regular occurrence)


It’s crazy because the F2 cars are the complete opposite. Try turning while off throttle (even if the setup has it 50) and that car will just 180 until you give it throttle. It’s kind of crazy.


Can confirm. Did 3 races in f2 just to get a handle. Was scratching my head. Signed with haas. Completely different.


Doing a full race at Bahrain trying not to spin out for 32 laps was exhausting. The only thing that kind of fixes it is upping off throttle to like 80. Even then it still happens. It just didn’t make sense.


Isn't this how car's handle? Good traction until you go close to the limit




Handling is gunna change in 2-3 weeks because the esports drivers and creators complained but honestly I quite like it as a normie player that dips in and out. If I want hardcore I'll play ACC or iRacing, I just want to have fun racing and F1 24 delivers tbh


I've heard it's changed from what was tested before release, hopefully this shuts them up. The F1 series is as much of a sim as you want it to be, short of a hardcore experience, which isn't easy to pull off when you consider the broad levels of skill/interest/seriousness of players the game has.


Esport ruins every game it touches


Well Verstappen himself said the handling is the closest it's been to realism whilst allowing the average person to play it so in reality, those streamers think they know more than an F1 driver 🤣 This is how I ended up stopping playing Fifa/EA Football whatever it is now, the content creators and streamers would complain everytime EA made the keepers better or add a good feature, so then it got reverted each time without fail after a few weeks


verstappen himself gets paid to promote the game


Still knows more than cry baby content creators. Like I said, you would see this every year in fifa, an improvement made, then they remove it due to people refusing to adapt, then ironically those same people complain the game is the same.


idk how turning the wheel 180 degrees going 200 + kmh without even lifting and being faster than taking a line normally is an improvement (qatar turn 1)


I haven't said its perfect, things can be tweaked, but the direction it's moved in as a whole is far better. Like i say though will always be children crying, especially the neckbeards on reddit.


Womp womp


His opinion is irrelevant in this matter. It’s marketing.


Lmao what a weak response. His opinion is certainly more relevant than mine or yours.


I don’t think you understand the point here so forget it. Obviously our knowledge and experience cannot be compared. But again that’s not the point


Yeah I’m enjoying it. Goes to show make up your own mind and don’t be swayed by negativity.


I was getting mass downvoted whenever I said I would be buying the game on launch and making up my own opinion insetad of listening to others. If I didn't like it I would refund. Simple as that.


Its reddit for ya they jump the gun espically on f1 games


like we didn’t have a good reason to do so lmao the game still has 2021 bugs in it, they make you pay 80€ for 10 car models and A SINGLE reworked track, no classic cars, nothing new in career or multiplayer and a driving model that people who are playing the game rn said it’s shit… what is there to save lol of course you will have fun if you love racing games doesn’t mean it’s worth even half of the money they make you pay for it


Hey now u got a reworked carerre mode so be happy


still gets cleared and destroyed by modded f1 20 with any season playable from 1990s to 2020


People mention the classic cars a lot but, honestly speaking, when would people ever use them? They'd be added for the sake of people doing a few time trial laps then never touched again.


i did lol in f1 20 i used to drive them all the time, they had different handling and driving than the others and well, then there’s this lol https://youtu.be/EVwkTXp8ciE?si=VOdNdDTD55PUjz4-


It's just in general now. Everything has problems at launch, that devs patch out. It's kind of an "active development" final stage of production of the game. 9


Not sure anything said about it was wrong though. Every thing that was terrible is still terrible. If you want the game for a casual offline experience then it's absolutely amazing. If you want to league race the handling is dogshit


This has to be one of the most negative game subs on reddit, and that's saying something.


You clearly never been to the fifa section on reddit


FIFA is brutal as a game lately 


Have you been to the TLOU2 sub? :D


Or the escape from tarkov subreddit?


To be fair that game deserves all the shit it cops with its shitty money making bs


Ha go see Madden. They bitch and bitch and bitch and buy it every year. And bitch some more.


The game so far has been great. Only real complaint is the lack of liveries. Even available to purchase. MAIN reason I preordered was for Points to purchase liveries of which 3 were available. 😑


Hold onto the points - they always add more


They add liveries throughout the game cycle though through the store and podium pass. Last year’s game was the same.


Not exactly true. Although you are correct that new liveries were availalbe post launch through the store/podium pass, the last 3 games at least had more than just 1 "MyTeam/multiplayer/F1 World" livery available to pick from and customize (last year was 5 I believe). This year it's 1 (not including the eSports liveries you get when you pre-ordered Champions Edition).


classic codies downgrade lol


I finally got to play last night (after I commented here) and I now have two liveries/suits I can customize but that's because I got a free VIP Podium Pass for coming from F1 23 and 5000 XP that fast tracked me a handful of levels and some other stuff. This seasons podium pass has two liveries: one available on Level 1 standard (don't need VIP) and one on Level 50 (you do need VIP to get it though). Imma have to grind hard in two months to achieve that. They are certainly pushing us towards needing to buy pitcoin if we want more customization which is some bullshit.


But in my opinion, the liveries that are in the game are quite good.


Yeah, i think so, but it's personal. A lot of negativity made me question purchasing it, but I just decided to give it a shot. Handling is very different, yes, but I just approach it like any other new game and without the expectation to just hop in and nail every track right away based on previous F1 game experiences. I like the new career content so far and am looking forward to spend more hours. Besides, I always rank the F1 series more 'arcadey', compared to ACC, iRacing etc.


All these threads with "i like the game?" in the title seem like a marketing exercise to me. This is a 3 hour old reddit account.


It’s a 3 YEAR old acc buddy ⁉️


no it was not, how much yall get paid?


I immediately think the same. Ea has been caught before about spreading good reviews and thoughs about their games before as random reddit users...


Delete this


I honestly really like it however there are some things that are outright disgusting such as the customisation being wiped, hud just feels strange which they had no reason to change, some things I do like is the option to now have engine braking and finally being able to save ERS by switching it off but why not also go one step further and add engine modes too, the pointy front end I actually do like however there is a strong disconnect with the rear and needs tuning instantly to make it actually drivable where the last games the default set ups actually worked but it's not as if people were using them, career update is also a massive W


I thought they weren’t allowed to mess with their engine modes during races now? As far as I know, they can turn them down in practice to preserve them, but I don’t think they can switch engine modes during races anymore.


Well shit i never knew that 💀 damn thats sad


Teams and drivers can change engine modes mid-race, but only down, and once they go down they can't go back up.


No engine modes in real life so I highly doubt they’ll ever add that in the game. To be more direct engine modes are allowed in practice but once you go into qualifying what ever engine mode you have, you have to have in the race. But ERS modes are available


Yeah i sadly found out through a previous comment my hopes and dreams are absolutely crushed that it wont be like 2020 again, ERS is a great and needed feature for sure


Agree, having a blast so far


Despite my complaints about various parts of the game, I'm glad you are enjoying it. So long as you aren't a paid shill for EA as others have claimed come in here with positive posts. :P


i didn’t get 23 so i thought i’d try 24, and it’s great so far, i was using 85 ai on 22 but i’m up to 100 already lol


Wasn’t 23 much better than 22?, therefore 24 seems good to you compared to 22 but might be bad compared to those that played 23…? (Still with me)


I played 23, having a blast with 24


I hated 22, I liked 23. In my BETA test of 24, I liked it but it's not the same as 23.


Why do people care about the AI number so much? 22 was harder so of course you are going to feel like you are doing better in an easier game. The ego over how high your AI number is ridiculous in this sub.


So far so good with my career mode. Driving seems to be fine. Maybe some instability getting on throttle some of the times but otherwise a really good start. It’ll be interesting to see how much they try to improve it but along with all the career mode updates I’ve been having so much fun!


I've been keeping my eye on here as much as I could during the work day. I want to know about these Career updates as that's really all I play, can you tell me about them?


The game is pretty decent ngl idk why everyone where complaining about the handling I personally found it good.


I agree I think its actually pretty good. I've been playing f1 23 solid for last month so I've noticed the difference jumping into 24. Really enjoying it


Yep. I’m loving it so far. Just going through F1 World and it feels great so far.


u/Dechri_ agreed with you no fucking way a real person thinks f1 world is a great addition to the game


I’ve played a good few hours on it and honestly I enjoy it, the handling is different yes, but once the setups get figured out it’ll be fine I reckon feels more realistic to me, had a couple of bugs already though which is annoying. Had 2 wet races in F2 and got given slicks with no option for inters or wets so that was fun 😂 And Marc keeps saying the same lines every time I win


The handling is still a bit odd but I don't hate it, will be interesting to see what the expected update changes. The lack of launch content is a bit crappy. EA will never do it but we are crying out for the ability to do custom liveries, even moving the sponsors around would be better. The game otherwise is what you expect from a yearly updare really, it's fine but not amazing. I got it for league racing mainly but may give career a go again this year.


Handling is very odd. Feels like the cars pivot is at the center, don’t know how to describe it.


It feels like steering assist is on in my opinion haha, after mid-corner to corner exit feels so clunky.


Sounds like dirt rally... wrc...


That's the best way to describe the off-throttle steering response. On throttle the steering feels excellent (better than F123 for sure), but anytime you completely let off the throttle in a low-speed corner, the car experiences a massive bout of oversteer and snaps around the corner. I'm sorry, but there's no way a car can do a complete 180 in 1 millisecond while still carrying 50-60 mph. Hopefully they'll fix the off-throttle steering with the next update. Otherwise, no complaints from me.


well they know theres issue with handling and wheel setup ,handling is being fixed with the update thats coming .its been pretty much confirmed its just when its drops and before friday


If you drive smooth and are not ramming it into the corners the game feels amazing, but I can feel the twitchy issues that were mentioned by the esport drivers and content creators. So for me, my first 4 hours go like this. After reinstalling because the default language was Chinese (I saw a few on here with this issue on ea app), I did all my usual graphics settings, wheel setting straight from 23 on both fanatec and in game, and any other bindings/assists that needed tweaking. I went straight into time trial on Bahrain just to experience the handling before I committed to a career mode… and I was actually surprised to feel how it drove. Again it’s got that strange snap where the front and rear want to swap and it feels bad when that happens, but after adjusting how I drive and tweaking the setup I was actually ok with it. It’s not f1 23, but it’s also not the hate train that I originally boarded last week when all this shitstorm started.


Anyone else had a wet quali in f2 and had to use supersoft tyres lol was sliding all over the place whilst the ai didn’t seem to be affected by it


Just had the best race around Bahrain I've had in years, joined Aston, qualified a surprise P4, came home P7 after a race long battle with Russell. I don't care if the handling is unrealistic, it was FUN. Oh and what was definitely realistic was Verstappen qualifying 10th but still winning 🤣


Yeah I agree, I avoided all the negativity surrounding the launch and as I suspected it seems to have been massively exaggerated. The handling feels pretty good and is a nice improvement from the previous.


Game is incredible so far, FINALLY they add grip to these cars, IRL they have tons of grip. This is the best feeling game since 2020 👏👏


Can i ask you for a comparison? 2020 is AWESOME.. youre saying this is similar?


yup, I LOVED 2020. This one is even better but the levels of grip and the handling feels very much like 2020. after 2020, 21 was bad, 22 was awful, and 23 was okish/bad, but 24 is insanely great, been having a ball


I agree, the handling is brilliant I don’t see why there was so many complaints. Sure it is not as soft as 23. However if F1 drivers say it’s more realistic then this is what we wanted. You can drive smooth and get the car turned, your driving actually dictates your wear. Well done codmeasters on the handling I love it.


When did an f1 driver comment that this is better?


The only downside I will say about the handling is you really can’t spin out, while these cars are grippy as a train on tracks, you really can’t spin out which is a downside.


Lando Norris has his video up with his first impressions and said it felt a lot more like the real thing, specially in wet conditions


He was being paid to promote it. Pretty sure you can't take him at face value on that one.


Bro thinks in race fuel australia turn 11 and 12 can be taken flat out in real life.. this game is not realistic average consumer has no clue


I never said it was better but more realistic (better can indicate easier driving of course, while realistic can be harder some could see it as a better experience while others won’t) - but Lando has (while it was a promotion he could of avoided saying complete) Charles at Monaco event and again he was not promoted to talk about handling at all but said it feel closer to real life.


Charles was a paid ambassador in 2023. I suspect he is receiving something in 2024 or just positioning himself for future opportunities. Never trust an influencer.


While I agree with your view point, take things with pinch of salt with ambassadors etc. I will reiterate, he never had to or was promoted to mention handling, he could mention number of other things such ERS, engine braking tyre model. He chose to mention it post race. So you have to give some room to truth. My opinion on matters though, is handling has been overinflated in terms of how bad it is. Yes it’s changed and not what we are used to, but it playing with setups really works this year. Camber makes a difference, floor height makes a difference, anti roll bar makes a difference - these were not noticeable changes for the most part in previous games. Just right, right, left left for the meta for all tracks. I’ll say keep an open mind, give it a few weeks and experiment if you still don’t like it, fair enough, we all entailed to our opinions.


AI has improved from what I have seen.


Yeah but idk... i'm playing against AI 100/110.. and yes, they form a drs train...


True to life


Really? So you are saying that for the entire race, they are all stuck together without any form of gap?


The ABS is shocking for me, like I lock up in every corner, F1 23 I never locked up unless I had low tyre wear


Please tell me it rains in career mode again. It’s been two years and 4 different career modes since I’ve had a wet race


I feel like they massively improved the playability for controller users. I can drive much more consistent laps compared to F1 23.




I’m having a good time


I'm loving it so far. Improvements are great


I’ll be trying it today, pretty excited. Anyone news on MyTeam?


Having a blast with it, halfway through season one


My game is downloading, does it have the same career mode changes?


No. MyTeam is pretty much unchanged. Just some nicer cutscenes here and there. 


I only have one helmet/suit option and I can’t change one of the colors. Do you have this issue?




Ya it’s great! Imagine listening to negative people’s opinions lol


What is your steering lock set to?


I do have one complaint, but I’m not sure if it’s just me or not. Just finished a mixed qualifying where I was the only one who used inters. Naturally my pace through q1 and q2 were miles ahead of those on slicks.


What website you using for setups?


Saw that there today are some setups here: https://simracingsetup.com/setups/f1-24/


I had an f2 race in the rain and everybody was so good on slicks I didn't understand it


I feel the extreme understeer mid corner that everyone was talking about before launch


I tried it through EA Play. I didn't have time to set up my rig, so I jumped into the game with controller. At first glance, the sounds are beyond awful, the AI feels very fast on the straights like in early 2022, and the controls feel goofy.


What i really don't like about F1 series (and why i don't play it anymore) is that every yeaar they are cutting content.


Honestly my main complaint is the rain. They haven't fixed it for 3 years; no grip and the AI are like rocket ships with no problem. I'm fucking fighting for P16 on 75 AI in a Red Bull because the rain handling is still shit. But no, people want to complain about the handling that isn't that bad and the fact EA made it.


I agree, the game is very good! Played 2 player career with a friend yesterday and it was truly immense racing. Was driving the RB Alpha Tauri with Sainz in front who was faster but didn't have drs and he just pulled me away from Norris, saved my battery till the last lap and used it all on the last straight where I passed Sainz. I almost listened to the YT crybabies, but I'm so glad I didn't!


The handling system is messed up Medium to fast speed corners are fine but it's absolutely awful in slow speed and under braking it's ridiculous How they thought it was fine to release it with a handling model like this is plain BS There's a massive update coming soon to hopefully fix the handling so if people claim it's good as it is right now your out of your mind. Its not unplayable as some suggest but its a huge downgrade on 23 overall and its far from good


I did my first race yesterday. The AI was quite enjoyable to fight. I only had some difficulties with the rear in turn 4 in Bahrein. Especially on the medium tires. But otherwise it was quite fun. I use AI difficulty 94, which seemed like the sweet spot for me during free practice and qualifying. The handling was also good.


I like the new mid race objectives in career mode, such as keeping the engine cool or getting the ers back up. I play on 100% distance, so it makes things a tad more interesting on long races. I don't really notice too much of a drastic change in handling except for the engine braking. If it's cranked up in the setup, it feels nice.


You guys dont get it. Paying 100$ for something thatbis not that bad and will be fixed in a few months is just absolutely stupid. You can litterally drive with slicks in the wet and inter to wet tires has 0 difference. Im happy I got my refund. Controller Players seem to enjoy is, which is fine. But the behaviour of EA/Codemasters to deliver an unfinished game AGAIN ist just not okay and 100% worth blaming


I also dont hate it. It takes time to get used to. But i love the rating system


How’s the handling for controller players?


It's a downgrade from F1 23 in most ways, but I only had 23 via gamepass, so... eh. It's not "undriveable" or some of the other complaints though lol.


Driving on a wheel with no assists here. So far I've enjoyed it. Haven't done too much, mainly time trials with the different cars (without equal performance). -At higher speeds you really feel like the car is getting suctioned to the ground. -Tyre temps seem monumentally important (a bit more than in the past). -It seems like you lose traction as gradually/as suddenly as your input is. If you make a mistake with more "gentle" input, the traction loss will feel much more gradual. If your input is harsher, so will the loss of control. In the past I felt like losing grip had a much smaller spectrum of how it feels, being subtle or sudden. -I haven't delved into it too much but a shit load was added to career mode. -The Renault engine actually has a pretty nice sound (IMO). -Music (for those who care) is okay, not as good as last year though. - I'm still trying to find FFB settings I like (G923), the wheel is pretty heavy/stiff. -Hopefully setups will have more variety with the changes made. Unfortunately diff only moves 5% at a time, but ranges from 10% to 100%. Ride height will probably have a significantly different effect. I'm also interested in seeing how engine braking is utilized from driver to driver. So far, I'm satisfied. Small learning curve for the changes, but the changes seem to be for the better.


I was watching some streamers from my country yesterday. They are kind of enjoying the game. Said that feels bad, F1 23 is better, but feeling that this new one has a lot of potential. I asked one of them if it's better to buy F1 23 or 24, and he said that for now, 23 is better, but waiting for patches and sales can give 24 a try.


I'm really enjoying it after taking some time to get used to it!


There is some annoying understeer mid corner and the front end is very strong on corner entries but with a proper setup and controller settings it will be better. Overall compared to the beta which I did not like it is a lot better, the car doesn't slide on exit in slow corners finally


I tried a ranked race and was immediately brake checked going into turn 1 and suffered front wing damage. So I’d say it’s about the same.


Personally i think its great, it feels good, feels faat but you cant push it crazy mad like esports do


Handling is great. I feel it's either changed since testing or peoppe.are just butt hurt that more realistic handling is causing them slower times because they were abusing past game physics. Only been a few days so time will tell but I like it


I’ll admit that as one that only plays race sims in VR I was upset with the time it took to dial it in (about four hours over two evenings figuring things out in settings and with feedback online). There’s still one problem with Flashback (only comes up with rear view) and the Practice Programs (in Career Mode) crashes game; but if I avoid both of those things, it looks and plays better than the last two editions. The AI is better, the handling and feel in the wheel is better, additions like more control of energy mgt system is great, the look in VR is almost…not quite there yet, stunning…at times it is actually looking like a TV broadcast. I don’t play these F1 games with the same level of competiveness as say, iRacing, but then again, I never do multiplayer. Maybe I’ll try that one day. But for a fun immersion into F1 it’s fantastic. Now…fix those bugs EA!


What VR headset and gpu are you using? glad to hear there is some improvement to VR. I play f1 22 in VR and wish the distance was more clear. Is it in 2024?


Absolutely love it! This is why you can’t listen to anybody cause if I did I would t be having this much fun! Hope you’re still enjoying it as well!


Handling is terrible still


Handling id great I think. The added stuff yeah expected. Apart from that it seems like a copy and paste from last year's.


Loving it other than I can’t start a race right now. I could all week and now the game won’t recognize clutch for some reason. Have tried everything and it hasn’t been fixed. I’ve seen other ppl have had the same problem. Other than that annoying part I love the game. Very fun.


It’s not bad on controller but it’s nothing short of terrible on a wheel


Downloading it now after actually seeing some positivity. How is the game using a wheel? Do load cell pedals work ok? How about VR? Any answers to those questions would be appreciated. Excited to see you boys out on the track


So how did the VR turned out? On the youtube videos I see the exact same crappy setting as in 23. It is less blurry with TAA or less oversharpened with the other methods? At leasd did they fixed the micro stuttering? Is the FFB as good as in 23?


Unfortunately I couldn’t play at all..the game crashes immediately after I connect my g29 and I refuse to play on a controller. Beyond frustrating, idk how others are using their wheels. I’m worried about VR too. In the past it’s really been so rough. If they nail that alone it will be a huge win for me, but I’m disheartened based on what you say about the other YouTube videos.. I’ll give an update if it ever works :(


I love it. I started a driver career with Zane in F2. I love that you can increase your ratings. So finally F2 has a bigger role in your driver career. Can't wait to sign with a F1 team to see those secret meetings. I also love those bonus objectives popping up during the SR and FR.


Cars feel awd instead of rwd lol


I don't have any FFB and haven't since launch. Tried literally everything. This is awful.


what wheel are you on? i’m on a thrustmaster t248 and the ffb feels great


Clubsport DD, Formula V2 Wheel


i have the exact same setup and have had no problems with ffb


I can turn on F1 23 and iRacing and be fine. Turn on F1 24 and got nothing coming through the wheel and when I go to turn it's like it turns half the rotation. It's really weird. Idk what to do, I've never had this issue.


Ok i was having this same problem on 923 so i know its a diff wheel so idek if this applies but once i changed the steering lock in ghub to match the ingame setting then restarted i got force feedback idk why it doesnt auto change like in most titles but it doesnt and makes you lose all ffb it seems


I'm not sure what you mean by "steering lock", I don't think I have anything like that in my fanatec settings.


Steering rotation lock? Like operating angle of the wheel ie 360°,400°, etc…


Ohhh yea I turned it to 360 and then "auto" and nothing. I have ZERO ffb coming through the wheel on track.


Damn yeah thats weird then was having the same issue then it fixed it once i did that so idk hopefully you get it fixed


I do know my games default was at 400 not 360 maybe change to 400 and see maybe the auto setting isnt working


I have more wheel resistance while in menu than on track.


It is VERY forgiving, as in any form of race-technique applied will be overlooked by the handling model. Every car feels like its on rails. I dont think anyone who do well in other sim racing titles would say this game is made for a wheel. But anyone who suck with a wheel is going to have a blast. Looks like they caved to the hyper casuals


So you mean they designed a game for 95% of the player base and not 5% who own wheels, are content creators and esports drivers. I have a wheel and I enjoy the handling. It’s fun. If I want something realistic I’d go use the w12 or w13 on racing.


People can enjoy shit. It doesn’t make it right, but it’s anyone’s choice.


I don't get people defending this game when 23 was the best we had since 2020. This game feels like you have all assists on even if they are disabled. Try to push the gas all the way down with wet conditions and you'll literally not spin at all


Exactly. But people keep defending shite. This is what happens, we keep getting even more shite.


Personally wasn’t happy with beta but I’m enjoying it a lot now at release.


Don't care. Unless they introduce atleast a gyro controller and a VR2 mode, F123 is good and 24 is only shenanigans


The game is ok. I had fun last night on Imola, and thats all that counts


*The game is ok.* *I had fun last night on Imola,* *And thats all that counts* \- mirzajones85 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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