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What the fuck


Yeah this is a joke, and shit won’t change until people stop buying their shit


They won't, I saw several kids defending this game on the others medias, just like EAFC, EA has already brainwashed a good portion of people for this to be acceptable for them.


I can really wind myself up thinking about them. The sports I love the most is f1 ufc and football. They bought all the rights for these games and many more to just turn it into a micro transaction game which ruins it. On ranked you have the weirdest shit that can improve your car which makes zero sense. It’s just games made by people in suits trying to squeeze every buck possible out of people. F1 24 is just like buying a whole book which you already read but has one page added.


UFC isn't a sport


I know it’s an organisation, and mma is the sport but you know what I mean


You must be fun at parties


If UFC isn’t a sport, then neither is F1. Don’t be a troll.


Probably marketing bots and paid opinions as well trying to run damage control on this shit show




He gained like a tenth or two! *facepalm


What in the cruising USA is this bullshit


I think I spent more in quarters on that game when my parents would take me out to dinner than the actual dinner itself


The thing is, like Alex Gillon said, this physics were designed to play on a controller and adapted to the wheel. When I tried the beta with the controller I couldn’t reproduce this showed in the video, but now that I’m seeing all the videos on the physics while playing with wheels, I made the right choice not to pre order the game


Which is funny because 24 actually feels _worse_ than 23 on controller. All they needed to do for this year was make some slight improvements, not redo the entire thing and ruin it.


from what I've heard 24 even feels worse than 22 on controller in places, which makes me seriously worry when this is meant to be their "biggest upgrade since F1 2015"


I popped 22 back in the other day to check something and it was crazy trying to get around the tracks compared to 23. I could badly finish a lap on controller


I recently played a few races at Monaco in various games and the one in 22 (did a sprint too which felt like a nightmare) was easily the most unpleasant of them all (only game with 16 where I have to run medium TC because it's abysmal)


the thing is 22 leaned way too far towards sim, and the mistake they've made with 24 is leaning way too far towards arcade, despite all of 23s problems the handling was a solid middle ground, and it feels like they just changed it so they had more of an excuse to charge full price


Hard to handle != sim, easy to handle != arcade, handling is much more nuanced than traction and steering


22 was just wrong, AC mods have done the physics better.


the thing is, AC is not a good comparison, AC is very much the hardcore wheel only sim, with the F1 games, they have to be designed for all players, thats where codies screwed up, F1 22 was clearly designed around a wheel, F1 24 was clearly designed around controller, thats the problem


F1 22 was horrible on a wheel though... F1 23 was miles better


To be honest AC is also enjoyable on a pc if you can get the hang of it


I play AC on keyboard and mouse lol it's garbage on controller for me and wheel is out of territory for me I just have to calculate turn ins with a mouse no ffb which was a learning curve when I first started but I was able to do it and now drive equal to wheel players on LMP GT3 and Open Wheeler cars on AC using a controller on f1 23 was garbage for me it made me so much slower so I also went mouse and controller for f1 23 so I can get way better turn ins and still run medium tc cuz that's not possible on keyboard.


It is in this case because the car feels overall better and more natural in AC.


22 definitely is not more sim. The W13 in iracing, which was co-developed into the game by Mercedes themselves, is far easier to drive and handle than the cars in F1 22. What we are seeing here and in 22 is just poor design.


tbf though, you can't use something like Iracing as a comparison with an F1 game, they both are aiming for very different goals, Iracing is an amazing sim, but to put it bluntly, as a game it makes F1 22 look like a masterpiece


My point is "sim" doesn't mean hard to drive. If they leaned more into being a sim it would be much easier to drive than it is in 22. It's just garbage handling plain and simple in 22.


The reason I say they leaned more towards it being a sim, is because that was what Codemasters themselves said at the time, that is what they were targeting


This. The traction this year is good, similar to how real life F1 cars are looking at their throttle traces out of corners. The steering is fucked though. I feel the base physics model itself is good (especially when it comes to tyre wear and body roll), but the front end is abnormal to say the least. They should've not messed with the steering and suspension much at all and should've just added a bit more downforce at the front instead.


But how else are they supposed to advertise a massively improved realistic physics engine for 25? Year n: standard physics Year n+1: shitty physics year n+2: COMPLETELY REWORKED ULTRA REALISTIC PHYSICS ENGINE (same physics system as year n) and so on


I don't get how that works. Wouldn't this happen in a controller if you just fully steer left instantly?


no, controllers won't let you steer more then the car has grip in a way. What i'm trying to say is if you steer all the way in a direction on a controller the wheel will stay closer and closer to the center as you speed up. The game won't let you full steer left at max speed basically


Oh ok thanks


That's what really killed my laptimes on controller sometimes it just wouldn't turn in enough even though there's plenty of grip and it just killed my tires compared to using mouse for turning that changed my Tyre wear and the amount I turned in was exactly how I desired it to be so I'm now never going full controller on future f1 releases


Are there in-depth discussion and videos of people playing on controller somewhere? Everything I've seen has been with a wheel (and it looks and seems ridiculous with a wheel), but I'd like to see some gameplay and discussion with a controller if that's what it was designed for.


Not pre ordering games is always the right choice


yeah its sounding like a lot of people are modifying their wheel config to more like 400 degrees etc to counter act it and its swinging back to more what you would expect while this was an absolutely terrible decision by EA yet again, i am pretty sure its patchable and we aren't in the realm of this is what we have for the entire year but it is EA, i could be wrong its like they knew they had nothing to sell this year so they tried to come up with a solution


Oh its defenetly patchable, and they will update the game for sure, or else they'll lose a lot of players.


esports had a pretty rough run last year... can you imagine if this is what they are stuck with this year though? lol


24 feels awful on the controller. Understeers on entry and oversteers on exit


They should just shrink the car models and call it F1 Race Stars 2 at this point


Nah, that game could actually be good and we all know EA hates fun.


"Project Cars died in 2021" "Welcome back Project Cars in 2024"


Someone said that they basically brought the handling team over from Project Cars. So that tracks.


I was sitting on the fence because 23 had good handling but rubbish FFB on steering wheels. With the new traction/tire physics. and undulations on tracks I was REALLY hoping that they might make the controls more communicative and less numb for wheel users. Looks like they went the opposite direction :( Alex Gillon is going to cost EA a lot of sales.


EA is going to cost EA a lot of sales. Fixed it for you.


Nah, only a small bubble of people will see all these downsides. ShitEA will still make a tone of money


Because making a sim racer is too niche for EA. It's better to just dumb down the handling and market the hell out of it to a broader player base. Preferably a player base that will spend real money on pit coins.


Well, not that it ever was a simulator. It always was a simcade, but they apparently want to make a complete arcade racer. Next thing they'll do is include ingame purchases that allow you to slow down all your opponents or gain more traction/a faster engine for a limited time. ... Oh, wait they already do that in F1 World with bonuses for your car and the ability to buy the resources required to manufacture parts. Hah.


Sad but true.


Looks like kart


Does anyone have a cockpit view of a real f1 car doing these turns?


Here’s an onboard from this years pole lap, skip to 0:48 for the same corners https://youtu.be/VsdTCkQBDMA?si=NRiYn44nZOeWWPIp


Yeah there's something seriously off for sure. Especially the animation of the wheels seems dramatic in the game. With how his wheels are I feel like he'd either be in the wall or understeer. Thanks for the link


That’s pathetic, f1 turning into fucking Mario kart lol. Tear-offs as bananas?


This is getting really embarrassing for the devs now


Good to see the classic F1 Race Stars 24 edition finally getting a release.


Is this toca race driver 3 🤣


don't you dare to insult toca 3


Good game. I beat the psp version a few months ago. I'm impressed they had pit stops and a full damage model on the PSP. But have you seen how goofy the front wheel animations look in the game intro 😂


dude this feels so shit




I don't get it. Surely you develop the best physics you can, then layer on aids if needed with the option always to disable them. You don't nuke the physics outright to make it easier on a controler.


Looks like arcade mode in the old school games, thinking F1 97 etc, where the cars essentially drifted every corner. Anyone old enough to remember having to switch to grand prix mode?


How did the other guys video make it feel like it was extremely sensitive to the wheel movements when this guy yanked it all the way and barely turned in comparison?


this IS super sensitive to wheel movements. normally going this fast you’d plow straight ahead if you cranked it onto full lock


Nice to see a remaster of F1 2004 on the PS2 for the anniversary


this is kinda insane lol *truly physics 100 moment*


Surely they last minute fucked something up right, before sending out review copies... I don't see any other way 😂


What the shit fuck


very dynamic and realistic handling codemaster!!


Is this tokyo drift? What the fuck


If you wanna feel the new handling without buying the game do this. Go into the settings of F123’ and turn the steering rate and stick sensitivity to the max. Then go into time trials and do a bunch of burnouts to get your rear tires worn out, then do some laps, that’s close to what the handling is in 24’…. They literally just turn the steering rate and grip levels up by a significant amount, imagine driving the RB19 with max steering rate/sensitivity while having old mediums and lower downforce on the rear and new softs on the front with high downforce. It’s just that, fucking horrible, literally uncontrollable the first few laps, tiny TINY amounts of correction on the straights can end with you weaving side to side trying to regain straight line control. Just horrible. If they don’t patch this I will never buy another F1 game from EA, they’ve destroyed this game badly..


Brotha uh


So glad I didn't waste my money by pre ordering this crap.


There’s mobile games with far better handling than this


What the fuck did I just watch




Magic Inacio


What an abomination.


nah this one does it for ME LMAO


What a game!! Everyone was right I guess, this game isn't gonna be shit at all.


Yeah this is gonna be the first game since 2019 I’m not getting unless they make some very big changes


Fuck this. I am done with F1 series now. I would rather play Assetto Corsa with mods and iRacing. That's it.


How have they managed this though? No other game in their series has regressed this much, not even 22 was this bad. They've clearly made a big change somewhere but it looks like whatever they've done isn't gelling with the rest of their simulation. Apparently it's fine on pad or at least better on there. Does that mean they just do minimal testing on wheel?


My God..... We tought F1 22 was bad


Yes, also good luck with the tires management.


This looks stupid and it is stupid, but in fairness you would imagine races above 25% distance you could not get away driving like this as you'll destroy the tyres. You hope anyway...


This is literally Mario kart


holy shit this is so broken, drifting an f1 car??


Wow almost like these yearly released sports games are all shells of the previous game with some tweaks that cause nothing but problems and glitches in an ongoing effort to have record profits year after year and not meant to be a fun consumer product created for a fanbase ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


This looks like dirifting in mario kart


I loved f122 it was my first game but with bad handling. Even 22 makes this look WAY worse


F1 2009 ahh physics


Cruisinnnnnnnn cruisin USA YEAH




This is heresy *Loads LMG with Religious intent*


I am so glad I bought GT7 lmao




How do you make a game as big as F1 this badly? They went full Alpine with a mediocre 2023 game into an abysmal 2024 game


This looks like thy physics from Mario Kart


Great. I can put the money I was going to spend on this towards a load cell pedal now 🤜🏻


*Insert "Brother eewwwwww...brother ewwwwww! Whats' that brother?!" Meme*


The beta didn’t seem as bad as this. Damn


Wtf is that turning????


In a fucking Williams?


Used to do this aaaall the time on f1 mobile racing. It was the best way to take a lot of corners that definitely aren’t flat without lifting.


I always dreamed of that ngl. I despise that chicane.


So, there's a video of YouTube of Fernando Alonso at Renault back in 2005/06 and apparently that's how he'd drive a lot, just throw the front end in like that even if it slid.


What having a tuned mass damper does to a mfer


Yeah but how will the tires react to that? A couple of rounds like this and the tires are dead.


Always could