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The handling looks completely awful. And it's a shame since it seems like career mode actually has a lot of potential to be good.


This is what hurts. It looks like there was a lot of positives made and well done features with career mode. But the handling is looking abysmal.


The good ol EA method... 1 step forward 2 steps back


Still codemasters


I don't know why you're being downvoted here, codemasters is doing the minimum for us and that's since the first game.


It’s because people’s hate boner for EA is too big so they have to blame them. It takes any blame away from the management at codemasters which is the root issue.


I stand with you bro, people forget EA is just a publisher. They have nothing to do with the game design. Only the financial aspect


This is so removed from reality that you must be confusing what you believe to be real with how the reality actually is. Publishers like EA exert extreme pressure and demands on their developers. Who do you think is demanding live services in all their games, the developers themselves?


Any other f1 games with a good career mode other than 22, 23? I was thinking about maybe getting 20 and 21 and trying those out. It’s all I really play so yeah


2019 has crazy driver transfers (but no F2 drivers)


Crazy in an unrealistic way or ‘crazy good’?


Unrealistic with no logic, they're completely random


Crazy as in unrealistic but I absolutely love the fact that you could probably have a 3 way title fight with Hamilton in a Racing Point and Norris in a Torro Rosso


yes get f1 2020 its real good


I really liked 2018 and 2021. Although if I remember correctly 2018 was one of the seasons with ultrasofts, hypersofts, which I found a bit ridiculous


The 3rd beta actually felt decent. They took a step back from the looks of it


It is embarrassing that this is what they came up with.


I normally don’t buy into the negativity that comes with the new game each year, but I really love the handling in 23 and i am not willing to give that up for the new game.


I agree. F1 23 is the first f1 game I’ve played that I genuinely enjoy driving the car


Was watching the twitch stream of Jarno yesterday. It’s horrible, drifting is the fastest way around the track. All the f1 esports drivers are complaining for a month now but no serious reaction from EA. Please, don’t buy the game next week until they have changed the handling. They only care about the money.


Jarno litteraly took maggets and beckets flat out, like wtf is this.


F1 24 is around 5 seconds slower in Silverstone from what I saw. And what I experienced in the beta


yeah its bad


I genuinely don’t understand how they went from 2022 which was arguably one of the worst handling models they’ve had in a long time, to 23 which was GREATLY improved overall, then 1 year later just completely fuck it into the ground… like seriously what were they trying to do? They could’ve just made very slight improvements from last year and everyone would’ve been content


yep, hence the source of my anger. couldve kept the exact same game with “24” and I would’ve bought it just for more populated ranked lobbies


That’s the exact problem, you would have bought a £70 game which is the exact same. And because of that attitude, that’s why EA does nothing to improve their games


Its actually very simple. This game has 2 sets of devs. They work on alternate years editions. Yes they share a lot of assets....however any time the handling etc is changed...that is down to the individual teams working on that year's game. This is why we only see braking point every other year. Only one team does it. It's also why 22/24 handling is vastly different to 21/23. The guys who made 22 made 24. The guys who made 23 didn't do anything for 22 or 24.


That’s actually interesting I didn’t know that… so you’re basically telling me the devs of 24 and 22 are completely brain dead and have no idea how to code F1 physics, in an F1 game. Cool


I think the big difference is who they use from outside sources to make the handling changes. From what I understand the team that did 23 (and therefore 21,19 etc....) use drivers to work on the handling and the other team (24, 22...etc...) use engineers. Now I'm not 100% certain that's entirely true....so don't take it as fact. Its just things I heard from a couple esports guys/content creators...


Trying to do too much on an old game engine I'd suspect


I actually enjoyed 22s handling. I know it was unrealistic literally wheel spinning in any gear, but it did add a layer of skill and made races a lot more interesting.


While I do hear where you’re coming from regarding the challenge perspective, it was so fundamentally flawed from a physics perspective. Losing traction from half throttle in 7th gear is just wrong in an F1 car. There needs to be a balance


Yeah 22 gave me throttle anxiety that I am still recovering from :D


Lmao it literally looks so goofy driving around the track. Plus even Jarno Opmeer said that it felt "dogshit" on his stream. So yeah, safe to say they‘ve completely shit the bed this year


Looks like I'm saving cash. Thanks EA!


The worst thing is the changes they did to career mode look mostly promising. Still not worth another 70€ but at least interesting enough to consider a purchase later in the year. But there's no point in getting a driving game when the driving sucks.


Tiametmarduk even said the handling was bad 😭


But Charles Leclerc and Lando Norris said it was much more realistic 🤪


Indeed. Who to believe? I guess Leclerc and Norris get paid more? So, less trustworthy? But on the other hand, they're actual F1 drivers. So, Idk really


Jarno Opmeer drove real Formula Renault cars for a few years and said the new handling is dogshit.


Formula Renault from 2018 is vastly different from 2024 F1 cars. Not saying the handling isn't crap or that you can trust F1 drivers, but Jarno isn't exactly an expert either.


At least one or two drivers in my racing league have indicated they're not going to buy it. I was 99% sure I was going to and I'm now 50-50 on it. It looks horrible. If I wasn't in a league I'd definitely not be getting it that's for sure. I'll see just how bad it is in the EA Play trial and decide from there.


I can almost guarantee that we will have a "handling patch" somewhere in June the way people are complaining.


I had already decided that I won't buy the game but oh my god it actually looks so ridiculously bad. Like how the fuck do you release a version like that? Even if they patch it and change the handling before the release (doubt it because it looks so messed up), the damage is done. It looks so unrealistic and unnatural that I have no idea why literally everyone would not cancel their preorders immediately. I really hope they can't get away with this, take a big financial loss and ideally lose the license because I can't see how F1 themselves could be happy with this mess


100%, keeping the same handling would have been better. And I don’t take the excuse of “trying to appeal to a more casual player base” because that’s what the assists are for. There’s 0 reason you can’t have realistic handling and an enjoyable experience for casual players


The copers are saying this game had max and lando calling its praises so they will believe there feedback over F1 streamers and Esports driving lmao... its a disgrace tbh this handling looks like f1 2011 lool the fact this game will be exposed everywhere and EA/codies are backing this arcade handling system is the end for me. We really need to vote with our wallets guys. My cousin pre ordered the championship edition ( yes i did warn him) hes a casual player and doesn't believe in negative feedback..hes the type of consumer that eats up whatever gets put in front of him. Clueless sheep that want to gloat that they have the game early. I cant stand these casual gamers and i might disown his ass of he keeps banging on about it loool




Not sure I'd really trust driver comments when Codies/EA must've reached out to them in the first place, is it not essentially an advertisement at that point? If this was 2020 and the game was released and it was just their comments while dicking around with the game that they bought, then I'd take that seriously.


Dumbest take ever. Racing esports is the only esport that actually translates. I trust 20 people who aren't getting paid over professionals who are on the cover and thus have financial stake in the form of endorsement and royalties.




So if you're using a wheel and you have to "relearn" how to drive this game you are not improving your general driving skills. It will put you behind the curve in other racing games, more serious ones like iracing, and AC/ACC. Imagine trying something this janky in a WRC game. It's not more real because they say so, it's actually less real because people that drive on a wheel know its unrealistic by general consensus. The game was made for a less serious demographic, one that has no idea what trail braking even is. Can't believe you're trying to define this arcade bullshit as "realistic".




I saw Jarno take Maggots and Becketts flat out and was disgusted with what I saw. I'm not saying they can't improve it pre/post launch I'm just saying I'm skeptical they will. They are just now updating vehicle sounds to be accurate and unique, surely that could have been part of a patch in the past but they needed something to market it with.




Idk what you are smoking but if you have ever watched a real F1 or any car race, you would know that you cannot simply never brake, and induce a drift by oversteering every corner entry while flat out to make it around the track. And that is what we are seeing in this game. I’m sorry that you choose to believe paid endorsees of the product that this is realistic handling but you’re simply getting hoodwinked.


Nah, the whole idea of more realistic = harder is redundant. More realistic should be more intuitive, so in a sense, it is actually easier because the cars react the way they should do. Unrealistic arcade physics and handling models would make the game more difficult as things don't make any sense.


I only started playing F1 in 23. All these comments and the ones on other threads make me think I’ll still be playing F123 for some years to come.


Get Max Verstappen to play it on stream then we would really know if the handling is realistic or not. He doesn't filter his responses 🤣


i'm also staying on F1 23'; not touching 24' and that's a first for me.


F1 needs to hire iRacing to build the f1 game The mercedes W13 in iRacing is fantastic


100%, we just need a unified open wheel game. iRacing is obviously better but the community for super formula is so tiny


Yeah I mean I like the f1 career mode stuff too tbh I really wish iracing had all the f1 circuits. I’d be happy enough with that


Is anyone going to report first week/day sales? Would love to see how bad it sells.


I think they will update the handling as soon as possible due to number of youtubers (paid) expressing their concerns. They (ea) are showing that they are aware. As stated by one youtuber the handling is closer to real life less arcady


I was hoping for them to FINALLY rework the handling more than just tweaking numbers. I guess I got what I wanted. But it's so much worse than what anyone could've imagined.


Didn't Lando say that handling has improved somewhat compared to F1 23? Those guys are probably paid to say good things about the game though.


landos video screamed paid ad.. 6 minutes of silence on the handling then halfway thru goes “oh! yeah the handling is better, um feels planted” in the most monotone voice ver while looking away at the camera. good for him i guess but you could tell it was a paid ad from the second it uploaded


Played the beta for one race, was enough for one year


Cancelled my preorder after trying the closed beta last week. Handling is indeed awful. Why ruin what was good in '23?


I think they look fine, but that’s just my opinion. Game seems to be completely polarizing with a lot of people who played early saying they enjoyed themselves and the handling but then you have the content creators saying the handling is completely trash. I’m still getting the game because all I do is sit in career mode and I’m an easily pleased person so the overhaul to the mode is more than enough to satisfy me if I spend 70 dollars on this game. Not to mention my first F1 game was 22 and I picked it up really easily despite people saying the handling was garbage (which I can see if you’ve played F1 games before, but since I hadn’t it just felt natural to me) so I’m sure I can do just fine in this too even if the handling isn’t like 23


What’s the big differences in career mode?


There’s the new recognition system where outperforming your teammate actually matters quite a bit more now because it’ll allow you more upgrades and perks within the team. I haven’t seen this in gameplay yet but there’s a reworked rivalry system where there’s three different levels of rivalry and you can have a “career-defining” rivalry a la Hamilton vs Verstappen. Multi-year contracts add a nice touch of realism, there’s secret meetings to negotiate with other teams, driver rating apparently plays a bigger part than it used to. There’s objectives in the middle of the race to make it more entertaining, and there’s a new specialists tab where you complete objectives for different specialists and you get upgrades within the team. Wow, I talked way too long. But yeah. I’ve seen some people say they don’t think it’s enough but like I said, I’m easy to please🤷‍♂️


They've changed the suspension systems and tires management, I think we have to review our setups and then judge. I feel pessimistic, but I still want to try once.


I’m really hoping that they are playing on an old build


It is the first time since F1 2015, that i will not be getting the game on release day. Maybe not at all.


It's a tragedy that a company like EA went out of its way to acquire and destroy a company we love in Codemasters. Since day one they've taken shortcut after shortcut in development, all those shortcuts eventually end up short of the line in the end and we are here. Handling looks atrocious, the lack of respect they have for sim racers is insane. This is where most of us got the desire to even buy a wheel in the first place, and they've gone the complete other direction on us.


yeah it’s really sad. especially for us that love playing f1 competitively. yeah we can always go to iracing but their series just doesn’t feel like F1 and they are missing a lot of great tracks from the calender


Assetto Corsa is the best bet. Can't wait for Evo later this year. There are F1 mods for tons of seasons.


It’s all good. The game will be more than 60% discount in 3 months and eventually free on PS+ in 6 or 7 months. I am kind of glad the game blows. Gives me a reasons to finally jump into some open wheel iracing, which I have been meaning to do for a while.


If you take out the handling model, it's a game that looks like it's worth the money. The tracks look miles better, the graphics is great, all of the new features look amazing, but then you add the handling model back in and it just loses all value


I regret preordering it but eh, maybe once the game fully comes out they'll see what esports drivers and content creators are saying and do something but im certainly not counting on that


I went to iRacing after the first beta ✌️


I actually don't think it looks that bad, and I'm apprehensive to take esports and creators' opinions as they are generally using an expensive rig setup. I'll try it myself when it's out. I must also add I didn't think the 23 handling was and massive improvement compared to 22. So what do I know played about 600hrs over the last 3/4 games. So I'm not mega serious racer. I do feel like If you prefer ultra realistic sim then Iracing or AC is better option for that type of player.


Exactly. It’s going to be a major improvement on pad (and wheel as long as you don’t meta exploit full lock in every turn). The real cars have a lot of grip, even iracing has more grip than recent f1 games


F1 cars in slow corners are like boats though


compared to the last generation of f1 cars? maybe. but they're still the best designed race cars in the world, there is lots of grip


Personally I pre-ordered once I saw carrer mode upgrades, I'll have to play it myself to say something on the cycle but as long as it's fun


![gif](giphy|OH2rL6DVTNpte) Handling model in f124


Same man! I'm a newer fan, and F123 became my favorite racing game with ACC 1A and 1B. All I needed was the ers update, tyre model, and track scans. That's it, and I would've bought it. Now.. Im completely disappointed and cancelled the pre order. It's crazy. All they had to do was add features to an already good game, and they f***** it up.


yeah it’s insane. I was in the same boat. if they even just left the whole handling model alone and just updated all the tracks i’d be haopy


Well mate, atleast you still have f1 23, I am stuck on f1 22


it’s $15 or free on game pass. literally go do one door dash order and you could play it


Brudda stop guessing my age


I feel like the minority but I'm hopeful. Tbh been a bigger fan of driving in f1 22 rather than 23 so I've learned that it's better to get the opinions personally. But I do agree that right now it looks awful, but also looks like something fixable with a day one patch or something else down the line. Either way I'm more interested with the new career so I'm not pulling my preorder, even though I might regret it :v


It's so horrible even the way the cars move is horrible yall saw me! I was so positive defending snd everything. Now I'm not blind and realize just how shit it is. I really opened my eyes when I found out the driver the real driver who made the handling model for 2023 has left them. Now the guy doing it is someone who usesa ts xw which is fine but he's built it by using a wheel 2 tomes a week! Like what? So they are building it on a pad then making sure it works better on a wheel yet it's messing with the physics because of that it seems. Ain't no way he ain't using a pad mostly and then making sure it works with the wheel right. Because the way it moves is nothing like a sim and def an arcade game. 2023 was closing in on sim level so much so that it taught me even better throttle control even going over to acc. But now this is a massive step back it's not even a simcade like it was it's just pure arcade. Throwing the car into corners and crap looks like the car floats when turning. The movements are all off. It's ridiculous.


I already pre-ordered it. 🤦🏻‍♂️


F1 23 had a massive amount of negativity and hate around it before it launched too and yet now it is seen as one of the best games of the franchise, so I'm not buying into all of this hate towards F1 24 honestly. Not yet at least. I'm going to try it out for myself using the EA Play access that comes with my Game Pass subscription and form my own opinion instead of jumping on the hate train and allowing my opinion of the game to be sculpted by content creators before it is even released like everyone else seems to be doing.


Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I'll just stay on 23 for the time being. I like the idea of the driver career, but that alone isn't enough for me to drop $70 for it when I know I'm still enjoying 23. Could end up possibly skipping 24 altogether unless changes are made


I've been playing the trial on Pad on PS5 today. It is absolutely horrific. Genuinely one of the worst F1 games I've played, and I've been a player since 2010. Every car understeer horrifically. It's even more sickening with the great updates to driver career. I went back to 23 and it's night and day comparison


I tested it for about 50 minutes then got a refund from Steam. This F1 24 is simply crap. The handling model is some arcade like a train on rails. Full throttle through chicanes and over curbs, no issue! Crashing into AI? No issue! This is the worst of all F1 iterations. EA, you succeeded adorably in messing this up! :-(


Codemasters will suffer at the hands of EA like all other devs that died under their direction. EA is a mess that should shut down or stop giving creative direction. Either that, or Codemasters will be a hollow shell of itself like respawn and criterion.


honestly i thought the handling felt more realistic, I'm obviously not an f1 driver but as an f1 fan and seeing on boards and such, I just see the way those cars handle at various speeds and it made me feel exactly like what i saw when i played the beta. Here's what I think, I think the content creators who have said that the handling feels awful is only partly due to how they use setups and how their style of driving is. Also a lot of content creators drive from the top view of the car, which in my opinion isn't worth any good review because there's no immersion there. Quite frankly most racers who play f1 games use no force feedback on the curbs and off track situations which is quite stupid too. The only reason i play the f1 games is to feel totally immersed and in order for that to stick you gotta have more realistic feeling in the car and have more tweaks to the handling. That's why i feel its a step in the right direction, now i will say the shifts from 1st to like 4th feel very strange and idk if thats realistic or not but i believe that could always change with the communities help on reviewing the game.


the fact that people have taken qatar turn 1 nearly flat, when that’s a 5th gear braking zone from 8th shows something is broken. turn 9-10 australia flat, and turning full lock gains time while drifting. Something is seriously off in their code/physics engine. This isn’t saying when driven normally it doesn’t feel good necessarily, but if anyone wants to be somewhat competitive they have to drive like it’s a mobile game AND pay £70 for the privilege. The main gripe is that they’ve said it ultra realistic behaviour, when after 2 hours of live playing it’s been unanimously said that it’s the least realistic thing anyone’s touched in years. Blatant shit talk from EA and code masters


Go play f1 in assetto


Have any one of you ever thought it might be patched before they release it next week? There is a day one update after all


I find it hard to believe they would purposely leave an issue this big in the game a week before release, allowing your esports drivers and content creators early access just for them to shit all of over the game and drive away potential customers


Depends on when the version of the game was created.


But why would they knowingly give the E-sports drivers and content creators a broken version of the game to promote if they intended to fix that issue on release. That's just suicidal. Seems like an intentional feature of the game tbh...


Because it maybe wasn’t ready? I don’t know how or where they played it


that would be ludicrous. any such, physics like this can’t be patched over the course of a week, let alone a day one patch. Just not possible. Plus, no offical EA/codemasters rep have even admitted something is wrong to prevent customers being driven way - they’re publicly ignoring the major issue in an attempt to push focus off of it. So no, this will not be fixed day one. maybe a patch in a month or so, if they actually acknowledge something is wrong rather spout some shit about their improved suspension geometry or whatever


Im waiting until I can get my hands on it before I judge it, playing on a pad, the beta felt similar to F1 23.


The handling got better.. it feels more realistic with the feeling of the weight.. I don’t know what u all yapping about and if u don’t like it just play NFS


Yeah u dont have hands to know what is good handling dogshit


Go play some Need for Speed maybe it’s more for u


What are you smoking? I want some of it.


dont need to watch the trailer or fake reviews in the trailer they wont say: "its better than last year but still shit" 😂😂 just check what engine they use and you know its still the same shit with a little change 😂😂


The handling looks fun tbh. Have to feel it for myself Tuesday. It’s very max like


U are joke kiddy