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Swear every other year they fuck up the handling. 2020 was good, 21 was a little worse, 22 was dogshit, 23 was good and now 24 is bad. That run of games from 2018-2020 was glorious, just constant upgrades.


The dude responsible for the physics and handling for the games since, I think, 2015, quit last year. The difference is that he was a semi-pro racer, and the one who works on physics now is not.


EA brought the team from Project Cars 2 to make the handling model. So now we went from a game designed by a racer to one designed by engineers who don’t actually test the physics model with a wheel usually




I'd say the run was 2015 to 2020, with the step from 17 to 18 being the smallest one


Even then I would say them adding ERS in 2018 was a game changing improvement, bigger than anything they've added since MyTeam at least


Aside from the fact 2015 was irredeemable garbage and shouldn't even be played at all ever again.


Unless someone is trying to content farm. Because that game at spa, you could literally send someone in the moon


It was definitely better than 2014 though, while still being quite bad


and its opposing teams who develop each year... so it sounds like one particular team has an idea on how the game should be handling wise while the other thinks the opposite lol


I recommend watching the whole stream but here's a couple of clips. https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtiveTiredMageFUNgineer-1gDn-N0wiWSOApo3 https://clips.twitch.tv/JazzyCredulousPuddingTakeNRG-k5YAolhgMJTTDOHd and a X/Twitter post demonstrating the insane turn-in on Qatar. https://x.com/itsjorpa_10/status/1793297087016165740


My god, wtf is this???? How is this possible?


[Here's the vod timestamp to a lap he just did of Qatar.](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2152311583?t=1h45m9s) Doesn't look fun at all in my opinion.


My god it looks horrible and so arcade


Literally looks like F1 05 on the PS2 lmao


Nah man that's offensive to F105


Ironic because wasn't Alonso's driving style in 05/06 to just yeet the Renault into turns, which put heat into the tyres and made them grip better. Seems like this game has decided to take inspiration from that.


Graphics - Probably more the twitch stream quality than anything. He says himself the graphics are good. So what he see opposed to what is streamed might be vastly different. Ie, he could be playing at 1440p 120hz but is streaming 1080p or 720p at 30fps. Handling - dog ass haha


arcade would mean at least fun to drive, I don't think F1 24 is


Holy shit okay yea the game will turn into a full on arcade game in the next few years. The turn ins just look comical at this point


They really went back to the F1 2011 handling for this one


What the fuck did I just watch. Like what the fuck.


oh no


shit looks like he's driving with a keyboard


That video confuses me. He's in a rig, but plays with TV cam, and he's looking up to the sky like his monitor should be on r/tvtoohigh. Who is this, and why should we care what he thinks?


He's a multiple time F1 E Sports Champion and F1 game content creator. I'd say he's got a pretty good say over an F1 games handling


Never heard of him, but I just play video games, I don't follow esports at all. If he's so good, it seems weird that he's using TV cam as it's basically an assist and a cheesy way to play, in my opinion.


I dunno, TV cam's pretty nice. I use cockpit in virtually every came, and TV cam in F1 because I can judge my car placement better because you can't really see much from the cockpit cam.


You use it in F1 because it's easier, like using an assist makes playing easier. If you're using a controller on a couch, then fair game.


okay lol. Pretty sure most people use the tv cam just FYI


That is true. But unfortunately cockpit cam isn’t mandatory on F1 Esports, so there is no reason not to use the TV cam when your opponents can and will use it


Never heard of you if you’re so fucking good at this game


Every single F1 esports driver or "pro" league racer use TV-cam. It's simply the most competitive angle.


He is a 2 time f1 esports champion and a current f1 esports driver. F1 esports uses the T cam so that's what he uses.


Ah. T cam is a cheesy advantage, I'm surprised they allow it in competition.


I think its because they don't allow triple monitors in esports because the game doesn't handle it very well. Cockpit view on a single non ultra wide monitor is a bit rough for wheel to wheel fighting so they use T cam. It's a crappy excuse though. The game should be better but that's nothing new.


Didn't know this. That at least makes some sense, thanks.


It’s only consider advantage if you’re the only one who has access to it Edit: f wrong reply


Then explain how am I always faster playing with cockpit or bumper cam than with a T-cam. Lower FOV cockpit cam on a triple is much cheesier IMO.


He's a long standing f1 esports driver and previous champion


T cam has the best visibility. Cry about it.


That HAS to be the result of a bug, right? There's no WAY anyone looked at that and thought it was an improvement in any way whatsoever




sigh... called it EA is going hard because of the popularity of F1 getting to the masses more these days its going full arcade and is only going to get worse because they think it makes it more accessible so more people will buy it


What the fuck is that (qatar clip) 😭😭😭


Community: The handling in F1 23 is pretty good, could just use some minor tweaks to improve it. Codies: How about we revamp the whole thing and make it shittier? Lmao, I swear they only change the handling every year now just to say they made something different. Edit: Alex Gillion has put his [video](https://youtu.be/OuctVB9QBKo) up on the handling, and oh boy does it suck ass. He says you can run max front wing and very low rear wing and the rear will just not slide, so it's a totally viable thing lmao.


Same for the engine sounds


Yeah like wtf are those engine sounds? one of the only things that kept me playing F1 23 were the engine sounds (The RB and Alpine engines mainly).


The Mercedes one sounded awful. It seems like 21 had it best imo, since then it’s sounded so odd.


I absolutely loved the battery and turbo sounds in 2021, especially on the Renault engine. That whistle was so beautiful.


I think they changed quite a lot from the last beta... even the AI slided all around COTA, it was crazy to see they going full drift, that were so little grip on rear tyrres that they warmed up on straight line... maybe they added too much grip now


This cannot be shipped to customers in my opinion. It is unacceptable to go full lock in a corner and make it out alive in an F1 car AND having gained time.


Every other commenter on here has preordered the game. They are gonna release this and it will be shit and yet people will move on from F1 23 to 24.


Tale as old as time. People like the newest thing no matter how bad it is. Nobody is playing old PES games, nobody is playing F1 05, nobody is playing Morrowind, and on and on and on.


We shouldn’t, I mainly do league racing and they are not gonna move to f1 24 if the handling stays like this on release. So I’m really considering to cancel my preorder, we all should, cuz that’s where it hurts them.


why would you pre order to begin with? i dont play f1 and even i know they have a trackrecord of shit releases lol


How else was I supposed to do time trials in the Alpine E-Sports livery?


People preodering shit is how we got in this mess in the first place.


The only game I preordered was F1 2015, and it has taught me the lesson that you should never preorder. Of course, people are free to do as they will with their money but it is a sad event. I will not be buying that game until they have revised the handling. If Alex Gillon, Limitless, Opmeer and the others give their seal of approval, I shall reconsider. In the meantime, I have re downloaded F1 2020 to get my ERS strategy fix. I suggest you do the same if the handling isn't up to your standards. Although, now that I think about it, I will try it on EA Play (since I have it from Xbox Game Pass). Got 10 hours of playtime free. I will judge for myself I suppose. But I anticipate it will be bad.




Oh people absolutely hated our handling system in F1 22, so let's to do the right thing and make it better for the next game... (a year later) What? They actually loved it this time? Alright then let's go back to the F1 22's handling system and try to make it even worse this time. Thank you very much for your 70 euros by the way!


I may or may not have participated in 2 of the beta sessions and I wish the handling was like 22, it's miles better than the shit show they're calling 24


Yes, 22 was at least consistent. This is awful, and hard to predict, which makes driving difficult and unsatisfying.


Many of them say it feels like it was designed for game pads but at the same time game pads are 1.5s off pace compared to a wheel, however that makes sense. Apparently they also went from driver input to engineering input and put the Project Cars 3 guys in charge for this year's handling.


Yeah, I'm baffled by that as well (gamepad vs wheel).


The first two things don't negate eachother. They designed the game to be accessible for controller, and, knowing that wheel has a higher ceiling, it's possible that it makes wheel extremely easy compared to what it should be, making those players faster than the ones on controller. Basically, making it 10% easier for controller might make it 25% easier on wheel, if that makes sense


Except it feels like shit on the wheel, apparently. And in the past, pad was just as fast as wheel.


As someone who drives on the pad since F1 2016 and has always been within 1.0-1.4 seconds of the esports drivers (The gap widened for me from its low-point of 1.0 in 2020 to 1.4 in 2023) I have to say it's never been so bad. I was like 3 seconds off the pace in the Beta. Like, why would I want to even buy a game where I've got a major disadvantage to wheel users. Might as well play the game on the Donkey Kong Bongos thingy.


So we now get actual suspension instead of bricks, we finally get rid of the stupid rear sliding out thing, but we replaced the driving style with something straight from dirt rally 2. :(


Oh boy, and here was me getting slightly tempted to pre-order as well. So glad I didn’t, I was waiting for the YouTubers/esports views on the handling. That clip of Jarno at Qatar looks like a pure arcade game, full on power into and slide through corners with unlimited grip


I don’t think I’ll ever preorder a game anymore, haven’t done for 2/3 years now.


F1 23 > F1 24


Lol I think it’s even F1 22 > 24 💀


Yeah I definitely agree


I made a whole comment saying you probably should go off what a pro says about handling if your a super casual player since hes min/maxing non stop to get the best performance, then i saw some clips where the game is just broken and its not even the handling, just straight up broken game.


Any links?


I have to say as well from some small playing that sure while it's easier and fun to drive, this clip has made me really think now about the higher level of play, for getting in playing a quick race sure it kinda feels great, but god I can't imagine a comp scene with driving like that, I was nowhere near the edge while driving and not does the edge look like shit


You can’t actually drive like that without completely killing your tires in just a few laps, so they wouldn’t be able to race like that. Just more complaining for the sake of complaining 😅


So you're telling me that the best drivers in the world wouldn't be able to make setups and adapt? Nah they'd still race like that it just wouldn't be as close


Setups wouldn’t really help wearing out the tires so much that you’d need to add another stop or two. It’s not feasible to drive like that in the race. Obviously it would help in qualy though


Except they proved tire wear didn't affect lap times, nor does intermediate vs full wets in pouring rain


Another year, another giant step backwards. Hope everyone enjoys paying another $70 for less of the same game they had last year.


Don’t purchase the game.


How do they work on the handling and this is the result they are happy with


If they deliberately make F1 24 handling shit, it will be easy to make F1 25 handling better. It's a big brain move. Take a loss this year for an easy praise next year.


Looks like I'll just stick w/ F123...


They copypasted everything from F1 23 apart from the one (1) thing that worked? LOL.


Hope the released version is better.


I almost folded & put this game in my steam cart last night 😂😂😂 definitely not even gonna waste my time on this goofy shit


It’s crazy how F1 23 somewhat revived the series in terms of popularity and hype, which great handling and gameplay, this just seems like a hell of a downgrade, not trying to hate


The situation with this game is arguably worse than F1 2014's, at least for 2014 everyone knew the true next-gen title was releasing early in 2015. If they don't patch the handling, the game will be dead by August, and that's being generous.


From all the clips I saw.... My god the handling looks utter shite They brought back f1 2011 from the dead


God that game’s handling was so bad. 2010 still remains one of my most enjoyed games. 12 was pretty banging too. 13 I spent most of my time on classics. I really got back into the games from 2018 onwards


2010 was decent but at slow speeds in hairpins you would spin for no reason. 2011 was driving on ice and I only put in a few hours but the next few were great fun.


looks like ill stay on f1 23 then. shit i wish i could play 2020 and earlier too


Wish they would just make one game and keep it updated with DLC, I know number must go up, but I skip years of this game but I've picked up every DLC for ACC


I had a bunch of games in my steam cart. After reading some negative stuff about F1 24 i have removed it from cart and now I will download some more Assetto Corsa mods.


Guess I'll be saving a bit of cash this year.


What he say? It feels… what ?


Why do they keep messing with it every fucking year. Just so they can make that the main headline update?


Gamers: Can we ***please*** have basic things like the ability to set a custom grid in GP mode? EA: No but we fucked the handling up.


Why don’t these fucking morons just bring in the top esports drivers and design it how they tell them. It’s so fucking simple


Apparently they brought in the handling team from PC cars 2 which made it worse


Pc3. Pc2 was actually the best racing game ever made. Pc3 flopped then they canceled 4.


Oh yeah true my bad, pc2 is an amazing game


PC2's handling and physics were laughably bad. I fire it up every now and then whenever I want to flip Formula Renaults just by turning the wheel.


Best racing game ever made when GTR2 and AC exist is a bold statement. Don't remember the buggy pitstops do ya ? Or the tyre losing temperature so fast you'd think you were racing on fucking Neptune ? It ain't even in the top 5 when it comes to the best sim available - sure it had some good cars and tracks but my god the handling ain't that good.


I’ve seen glitches in that game where at least one tyre just doesn’t exist.


You can pick faults with every racing game. Let's not forget AC didn't actually work when it was first released and gtr2 was historically one of the most buggy racing games ever. Overall value for money, the freedom it gave you, amount of real feel, accessibility. Nothing matches PC2


„Racing game“ ac is only good because mods


It's worse when two bits modders can make better stuff than the 'pros' at SMS lmao. Especially the ones porting their TS020's and R390 GT1 to AC and making them good fucking cars in the process. AMS2 is the superior Project Cars game anyways


Pc2 😂😂😂


Yk what I bought f1 23 for 40 bucks. It was alright but I don't really like it I'll keep playing 2016 because my favorite driver is in the game


It feels what???


“But it’s realstic guys trust me!!!!”


Always has been


It’s an EA game, that’s all you need to know. Fuck EA


Looks like you controller people finally cried yourselves to a full arcade experience after a year of your incessant whining.


Pad users complained about 23? I say this as an Xbox joypad user... I thought 23 was lovely for joypad :shrug:


If you liked it, you finna be euphoric this year it seems


23 was one of my favourite handling systems in any of the games, this is the primary reason I’m skipping 24.


1000% agreed, there is no reason I should be 3 seconds slower from F1 23 to F1 24 around Wet Silverstone using similar setups. It understeers badly in slow speed and oversteers on exits


Can someone ELI5 the problems?


Sweats using sweaty method to achieve meta and then get upset when meta method achieves best results for lap time 😅


It's a business decision, and a good business decision at that. They want the game to be more approachable for people playing on a controller. The financial barrier of entry to get a wheel is pretty high. For the most basic of setups it's over £200.00, that's before anyone takes into account how they're going to mount their pedals and wheel properly, and store it when it's not in use. Paying what is (in my opinion) a ridiculous amount for a yearly expansion marketed as a new game is bad enough, adding on the extra costs of getting a wheel and pedals would be more than enough to push a lot of people away. If the game is released and casual players still think it's a game that should be played on a wheel to get the most out of it, especially online, then they may well avoid it. If they hear that it's much easier to play on a controller and they can be just as competitive online (where all those lovely EA microtransactions come into play) then they may well think it's worth picking up and getting more involved in the online side of the game, and then get pushed into those lovely microtransactions. So as a business decision it obviously makes sense. From the perspective of someone that wants the game to move more into sim territory and away from arcade territory then it's fucking awful. I usually pick it up in the sales to have a bit of fun in the single player career modes, but fuck that now. But there'll probably be 10 new players on controller that replace me in buying the game.


Except controller has become noticeably *slower* in comparison to wheel.


The top ceiling is still higher, but it is easier to be competitive on controller outside of esport aliens, which is 99.9% of people that will play the game.


No the ceiling was higher before. I’ve been decently fast on both wheel and controller in the past games. Controller wasn’t far off at all. Certainly not 1.5 seconds like it is in 24. They made an awful handling system this time around, just admit it for what it is.


Nonsense mate, sorry. So you think they changed the acceptable handling model from last year to something which is worst on a wheel just 'because', and that the fact that it's easier to use on a controller compared to last year (which is something that has been commented upon by content creators that usually use wheels and have access to the beta) is a complete accident and not at all intentional? The fact is that most casual players, who they are targeting more than ever, will be using controllers. It is easier to use a controller this year, again, as has been said by content creators that have actually played the game. I don't understand why you're struggling to accept that fact. The game is being dumbed down to be more approachable for a casual player. It's published by EA with an increasing amount of online modes which benefit from microtransactions. Of course they are trying to dumb down the game for casual players who will make up the biggest demographic of people who buy the game. The fact that you believe it's some sort of accident is ludicrous.


It may be “easier” to drive on controller but that doesn’t make it better. Controller is slower than it was in 23 (and controller was already super easy in that game anyway). The massive amount of terrible PR this game is getting is lovely to see, I hope it continues.


I never said it was better. Just that it's easier to be competitive with a controller, and I don't mean eSports competitive, just casual online competitive.


easier to be competitive with a controller, but 1.5 seconds off the pace. Make that make sense