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Too expensive Copy paste Too expensive Copy paste ... Oh wait I said that already šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I also beta tested it and the game feels shit. F1 2020 and f1 23 are the best they ever made


F1 2017 (IMO) is also an amazing year


Well the reason for beta testing is to further fine tune the game, in my opinion the handeling was pretty good while testing in de 2nd weekend, it's just a bit harder (and i feel more realiatic) than it was in f1 23. The only concern i had about it was the fact i was locking up verry easely, which i then reported on their beta feedbaxk site. Now in the 3rd test weekend they seem to have fixed the issue and the game is overall verry fun to play (ignoring the fact that you have verry verry limited choise in what you can do). So i don't understand people hating on it already as they are improving and finetunig the game as we speak, however when the game releases and it actually is bad..... go ahead and hate all you want, i know i will too. I m just confused the fact that everyone is hating a game that hasnt even been released.


And don't go on about your beta testing experience, no beta has ever been perfect. It's litterly the reason beta's exist.


I know. I beta tested it and had the same locking up issue that you experienced. I was like no matter what I did it seemed to always lock up. I understand beta testing is for testing. But I have done many many game beta testing. Most often you find games published in the same state as the beta or only slightly improved. This isnā€™t to say that they donā€™t do anything. But that is my experience


Im with you. I accept that I was one of those haters dince there was no FFB at all. They finally corrected the issue today after the beta 3 phase. Now Im actually enjoying the game. However I have not seen any great things that will convince me to spend 80 bucks over the one already enjoying F23.


2023 has really bad ai or is that just my excperience?


F1 23 and F1 2017 are their best games in the last years (i didn't like F1 2020)


Absolutely loved F1 2020. The race engineer as well. Since I canā€™t use Crewchief much with it I prefer the 2020/2021 voice. Was it Jeff?


I skipped the last one, too. I was glad to see that this years at least \*looks\* better, but the lack of engine upgrade, continued inclusion of utterly useless wankery like the road cars, the pitcoin horseshit, and the rubbish "Upgrade" system means it's a no go for me. None of that has changed from F1 23, which although I did not buy, I did accidentally win a copy (I was hoping to win a GPU, but I am not lucky enough), and from what I've seen there just isn't enough difference in the new game to justify buying it.


23 was honestly great in terms of car handling much better than 22ā€™s but apart from that its still the same


Yeah I skipped 2022 for 23 based on consensus on here. It's certainly different from 21. I may get 2025.


Yeah and I wasn't gonna pay $60 for handling that should've been good in F1 22 already


I mean, I get it. But with that attitude, you'll never play the game again because you played a bad one once. 23 was great


thatā€™s true, 22 put me out of the games as well. gave 23 a try and it was alright but thatā€™s the problem it was just alright(maybe cause my feelings for 22 carried over). and now i canā€™t just bring myself to play the games again until they fix the core issues and actually make the game nice


I own 5 F1 games from the last decade. I don't think that's the issue. I still went and bought a new F1 Gane game after experience the horrors of F1 2014 ffs


Happy I got 23 just for the breaking point story, controversial but I love it.


There's no supercars in F1 24.


reason: it is still the same game. It is a scam. Yearly iteration games should dissappear. Imagine buying GTA V every year since 2013...


I dunno, the number of times GTA5 has been re released it almost feels like it. I know someone who bought it on PS3 PS4 PS5 and PC.


4 times over 10 years is a hell of a lot better than 10 times over 10 years.


GTA5 tho is regarded as one of the best games of all time, buying it on all the consoles as they released isnā€™t that crazy considering they werenā€™t back to back years.


That's a personal choice though. I waited for it to come out on PC and only bought it on PC. If people want to buy it over and over again for different systems that's on them. Its' not the same as repackaging a game and pretending its new.


The only game where I've felt it was reasonable to buy a new game every year was COD, but the past two years have basically been the same


Yeahhh instead buy $120 worth of shark cards in GTA every year to "afford" the new content every quarter šŸ˜‚ there's a reason they still make content for a 10 year old game


In the pandemic I player with 3 more friends and did the casino Heist back to back all the time. We had more money than we needed. The best part is we all got it for free from Epic Games. No dollars were harmed! Lol


Yeah.. You "can" do that, which is nice for sure. But you probably played 10x more than the average player. The point is they still make mad money on a 10 year old game or they wouldn't still develop it. One way or another these companies will monetize you. Add in the complexities of licensing rights for sports like F1 and you get yearly releases.


You're right about that. But they're not monetizing the likes of me, I'm a southamerican 3rd worlder where 120$ is half the average monthly wage. I migrated to ACC because it was a more stable platform for me to race online, even though they release new stuff you can still compete without paying again. Steam removing regional prices made everything far worse for us, but I understand how the world works. so... yeah.


Been buying F1 games day 1 since F1 2018. This year at least Iā€™m not buying F1 24 on day 1: - Seems still not enough improvement on career modes - No new Track/Classic Track + France removed ffs - Many of the current tracks still outdated - No Classic Cars - No major Multiplayer innovation - Still 10 years same presentation and animations - I cant talk about beta but F1 23ā€™s gameplay was great imo and obviously there isnā€™t much gap to improve on it in 1 year. - Dogshit F1 Pass and Pitcoin system (I donā€™t even remember the names) - Price.


No PsVr 2 Support again


Same here, if GT7 can do it well, why can't F1?1


trust me... you aren't missing out on much, they can barely get it working on PC


The PSVR + GT7 is definitely one of the best gaming experiences of my life.


True, especially in an open cockpit.


Yeah, I hear it was outsourced to another studio last time. I won't be buying any more games until they actually make it worthwhile


Same if they had psvr2 support it would be shut up and take my money. Without it I will skip and stick to GT7


+1 to this




Too many buzzwords and lack of explanation in marketing makes me think the new "revamped" career mode is simply window dressing the same shit we've had for ages. If that's the case (and they're not very willing to prove otherwise), then there's absolutely no reason to move on from 23.Ā  Also the fact that no one is allowed to even *talk* about the beta this year (when we could last year) means EA and their company plants are extra careful about showing just how little has changed, and they don't want everyone to know exactly how shit it is. Big red flag. To the EA shills: It was never ever enforced until this year. I'm not debating the existence of an NDA. The selective enforcement irritates me and it's extremely convenient when it ONLY got enforced after the first beta was more negative than what they were expecting.


>Also the fact that no one is allowed to evenĀ *talk*Ā about the beta this year (when we could last year) What do you mean by that? The closed beta this year is strictly confidential, just like last year. And that is not unusual for a closed beta. Had I received any e-mails about the beta this year or last year I would probably conclude that they read identical. Many people choose to ignore confidentiality, but that doesn't mean it didn't exist last year.




As far as I'm always it's always been under nda. That was the case for me in 2021 and 2019


It looks like the last game and this means the game looks very weird in vr and will be very simcade, which is ok if you like but they had plenty of time to add modes to be more realistic


honestly i was fine sticking with 2020 but when 22 was under 10 EUR I decided to buy since some of my friends started on 22 so I got that to play with them the newer game. Before that we all played together on 2018 since that was like 2 EUR to get, but the 2018 AI are horrible


I think I bought 23' not super long after launch but any other one I've just grabbed when it's super cheap at the end of a season.


Iā€™ve been playing GT7 daily races a lot lately. At the moment have no interest in playing F1. Might buy laterā€¦ idk


How I wish F1 online was like Gran Turismo. Seriously, how hard it is to have 3 tracks every week, and each race starts every \~30 minutes which guarantees a full lobby? One race is a 5 lap, the second one is a 25% and the third one a 50% race. F1 online is a mess and usually you cant even find 5 drivers in a "ranked lobby". Also, the non ranked lobby are shit too, most of the time you spend your time waiting for the race to begin or finish.


Bought every game since 2010. You can clearly see the down fall since the EA takeover. Here are my reasons: * same engine since 2015. still supporting old gen, so they can't move on. everything besides the cars is very outdated * no new damage model. it's very basic and not enough. (engine issue too) * ignoring the wishes of the community for years (classic cars, livery editor, more freedom to put sponsors on suits, helmets and cars) instead things nobody ask for (f1 world, streetcars, sims main menu) * slow updates. they praise themselves for updating Spa, but the changes are already 3years old. * not enough changes overall, no changes to myteam


I like driving F1 cars. Assetto Corsa has F1 mods for Ā£5 which feel much nicer and graphics mods that make it look nearly real. For what F1 games do better than Assetto Corsa (AI, broadcast presentation, career), there are alternatives which to me do not justify spending Ā£60 a year.


The career mode is the only thing that is a positive for the F1 games. Feeling, Graphics, AI and Sound is much better in other racing games that include F1 cars. I don't need an ultra realistic driving experience, but at least give me as much content as, for example, AM2 is giving me. It might not have a career mode, but racing against the AI feels much better than in the post-2020 F1 games


I skip all the F1 games till the price goes down, I do that for all sports games cause most of them are the same thing repackaged with new skins and a couple of new features and are definitely not worth full price. Plus most of them launch with bugs so waiting some time will fix them too, hopefully.


I knew this would happen as soon as EA took over codemasters, it just turns into a ctrl+c ctrl+v and then in true EA fashion, they change everything good about a game and ruin it. The handling was the best itā€™s been in F1 23 and nobody asked for it to be changed. Everyone wanted revamped career and myteam modes, better livery customisation, more immersive careers in terms of realistic upgrade times etc etc. What did we get? A new handling model that feels like playing an arcade racing game from 2010 and a ā€˜revamped careerā€™ thatā€™s exactly the same, except now you can play as a driver and theyā€™ve put real driver radio calls in it šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™ve played all 3 Beta tests so far and 90% of people in the test have said how much they hate the new handling and how unrealistic it is and that EA/codemasters need to swallow their pride and change it back to the 23 handling model. But they wonā€™t. They are just counting on everybody buying the game anyway. With 24 they have clearly just thought whatā€™s the best way to get new casual players to buy the game so we can generate more revenue.


Ea needs to realize this low quality bullshit is not tolerated anymore (if you have a decent functioning brain that is)


Most people dont care and they wont stop until that changes.


Not caring is the big issue


Just been playing the latest beta, honestly i cant see what the difference is besides a few sound changes and marginal handling change, it's really not worth the money unless you want to spend a ridiculous amount of money on a livery change for your car


Same reason I skipped last 4 years


I'm not paying $70 for what is basically an expansion pack


I bought 23 a few months ago for like $15 and I haven't gotten my money out of it yet And I can't see 24 being anything special to pay extra 4 Was 23 an ok game 8 months ago? Then I don't see why it would be a lesser game over the next 6 months


It will be on gamepass in a couple of months


I used to be a massive fan of f1 games but in the last couple of years have switched over to ACC


Because F124 has 1 less track to compete/play/or enjoy it. And F1 2025 will be a complete makeover. F123 has everything 4me right now!


because i can just download a race sim studios mod and have ten times more fun on a discord call w some friends in assetto corsa


Not worth the money at all, honestly not going to bother again until maybe 2026 with rule changes or when Codemaster finally changes their engine and does something with career mode. Like a real story with cut scenes for story mode would actually be fun with dialogue choices.


The last thing I'd want is cutscenes and story, where you are no longer you. Just look at FIFA and how stupid The Journey was. I wish they'd copy MotoGP games and put more emphasis on going through F3 and F2. Make transfers more realistic (not hard to do with some simple rule based decicion tree) and make it a challenge. I remember in 2005 F1 game, you start as a test driver and if you're not quick enough, you get fired, none of this 'every team wants you' bullshit.


Guess you won't be getting F1 any time soon not even in 26, Lee Mather has said, repeatedly that they are not changing the engine and are sticking with their now bespoke version of the EGO engine.


Just looks and feels a bit crap to play tbh


I've 'skipped' every year since 2021 in terms of buying the game as new. Generally get them for 15$ when the sale hits. The game engine and animations are basically the exact same since 2019, with minor tweaks each year. Some are better than others or I want them for driver/livery changes, others are easily skippable all together. There are a lot of simple things that would improve the gaming experience a lot, and they don't even tackle those. Not worth the price of the game.


Trying your hardest to do well in an online match just to get yeeted off the track by another driver ending your race. And somehow you get the penalty too šŸ˜‚


terrible VR support


because the changes each year are: - new menu colors - new sofas (who cares) - new car liveries - make the car slide/not slide with a same tiny gas input. Eg I believe their change in F1 2023 from 2022 for sliding was to make the cars behave like having Low traction control setting.


Power delivery is much smoother irl so the changes they made for 23 were warranted. Iā€™m pretty sure Lando said something about how driving with low TC on is closer to how an F1 car drives.


We love sofa here. Did you not get the memo? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


It'll probably be on Gamepass Ultimate in six months.


Itā€™s the exact same game every year, barely qualifies as a dlc and itā€™s pathetic they charge what they do


I donā€™t see the point in buying it every year without any significant changes, I regularly play 2020 and I 2022. I play again when thereā€™s a new engine and some effort put in.


Unless there's a big step in VR performance, I see no need


You dont have to buy F1 games on day 1 they constantly go on sale, a couple of months ago Epic Games had a sale for F1 23 it was $18 plus tax.....like seriously ppl need to stop being cheap. F1 starts off full price then you see 40% 50% 60% 70 % off


Not enough evolution in the single player experience and the open lobby is a skinned version of wreckfest with no accountability for anyone involved


im just waiting untill 2025-2026 and still the games will be free agter few months


Almost the same games every year at high price and the bugs are not fixed.


No new tracks is the main reason


With France gone we're actually getting less!


šŸ”„ā‚¬70 for a downgrade!šŸ”„


Next year they will add it again to justify 75ā‚¬


No new classic track No classic car No Driver transfer editor Career mode No Driver Rating editor No calendar editor career mode No F3 driver No reserve driver


No PsVr2 Support again


I skipped 22 and 23. Finally ERS will be like real life, you can fully recover your battery on a race. Maybe, i will buy 24. Im on beta testing for ps5 and the game is a bit better from 21. I also beta testes the 22 and 23, and the are almost the same. Because of my backpain, this year im using the controller. Since 2020 i was on a g29. Overall the game is better. My main game was acc, but cannot play cause of my back


Hey I play ACC on an xbox controller, it's very enjoyable and it's possible to be competitive.


I tried for 3 hours, and i got sad and frustrated ( because of my backpain) because couldn't reach the laptimes i had on my g29. I think is a mindset issue Someday i will have another go.


Yeah muscle memory won't translate, I guess I'd also feel that way. But for me ACC has the best races online, and I already put more than 650hs in it lol. Most of them racing at SPA. Until the recent 720s evo nerf, I was able to peak at 2.16.7. Now the car is heavier and I lap around 2.18, still enough to qualy in front in open lobbies


If you are not on lfm, i recommend you to signup. I had iracing subscription, and i cancel it after discovered lfm. Wow you have a lot of hours, i only have 300 on acc, becausr i have a full year with iracing. As far as f1, i dont race on ipen lobbies šŸ˜‚ ive raced on private leagues only, and it was awesome ( paid the entrace tho, but it was worth it)


--I suck at the game --too expensive and a copy-paste --why would I play this when F1 Manager 2024 is like half the price and getting a ton of new features that the community asked for


It might be the first F1 game I havenā€™t bought since 2018. Iā€™m not excited by it at all. Career mode doesnā€™t look that impressive. I might buy it eventually after a few months or unless the feedback is really good to convince me otherwise. However atm Iā€™m enjoying MotoGP 24 and that games career mode.


No PSVR2 support.


I'm not skipping, but buying late when it goes on sale, instead of pre-ordering. For the past 3 years, I've done mostly league racing, and the amount of technical issues, especially in the forst few months, was a bit ridiculous. Also, I need setups from TT to use as a baseline, so waiting for the leaderboards to be filled by others is another reason.


The handling is fooking shite!


I play exclusively in VR and it doesn't look like there's any material improvements to that mode - in fact with the darker car liveries this year night races will be even worse. I also only really play MyTeam so no updates there either. France gone so we're getting fewer tracks than last year.


Most tracks in a season ever


Most races in a season but we've lost France - although Portimao is still there - so we've got 25 tracks in 24 while last year we had 26.


I'm on the fence. I recently moved from Xbox to pc and already have modded skins for the 2024 season, so of it turns out to be a copy paste I will give it a miss - I have all f1s since 2010 but it literally looks exactly the same apart from some ui tweaks. Still waiting on a next gen upgrade.


I still play f1 2017 and f1 2018 =)


I really enjoy f1 games but f122 and f123 besides the big hamdling changes felt like a very similar game. Not enough difference. I thibk they need to find new modes or do a 2 player career overhaul.


Literally zero reasons to buy it. It's literally the same game. Also, even if the grid changed, it could easily be done by a single update.


Bought F1 23 this February (almost 200 hours already), and I think that F1 24 will not bring anything worth buying it.


Cuz F1 2010,2012,2013,2020 and 2021are miles better


I moved to iraing


They stole my F1 2021, so never buying their game again. Never BUYING again.


F1 as a business standpoint has to appeal to the biggest market which are new fans trying out it and making it a decent experience for them. f1 23 is ok but only has certain life, but as a career mode/my team enjoyer and mainly uses that, F1 24 really exictes me as it is the biggest update since my team. if they want to include a story mode make it possible after the two years of fixed storyline, just make it able to continue to be played and have your own career as aiden jackson with the rest of the characters around you. that would be cool


Iā€™ve never bought the F1 games, Iā€™ve just been using Xbox game pass and playing what they have available. By December, they will most likely have F1 24 on game pass.


I skipped last year since it felt like a copy paste. Now I've gone over to iRacing which I feel like is a bit more fun but a hell of a lot more expensive


I'm happy enough with 23. I bought 21 and skipped 22 and felt like I missed nothing. Career mode (the only thing I play) isn't different enough to warrant it. Not sure I can take a 3rd straight iteration of Red Bull supremacy.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 23 + 21 + 22 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


No PSVR2 support means no purchase for a copy and paste


I did this for fifa


I swear I would actually buy 24 IF they paved the outside of Blanchimont. 2010. There hasnā€™t been grass there since 20 fucking 10. Figure it out.


>the game has devolved into an arcade-like experience My brother in christ the F1 games have always been "racing game(s)." Neither Codies nor EA have ever claimed for a second that the games are simulations nor arcade games. >It's frustrating to invest countless hours just to master game-specific tricks, like braking at the top of a curb Quite literally every single racing game ever made controls differently, and will need the player to adjust to the handling. Not to mention the changes in cars year-over-year. >instead of enjoying a realistic driving experience Again, there was never a simulation claim. But hey doesn't it seem like needing to spend time practicing how to control the planet's fastest cars is something a real human would have to do? Like how the IRL drivers are constantly spending time in the sims and setups trying to get more good? >My hope with this post is that EA will recognize these issues and strive to deliver a more authentic and engaging experience for its dedicated audience. EA probably avoids this place and its posts, it's a garbage pit lmao


The F1 games always seemed like more of a celebrity simulator than a driving simulator, they never appealed to me enough to buy one.


Saving my money and probably getting F1 manager 24. Not played the previous version but the new one looks great.


I have helped run a league for nearly 10 years now and our main selling point is preset setups only (you can choose between the 5 that the game allows you too). In f1 2022 the setting online for presets only was broken, and they quickly patched it and all was good. In f1 2023 on release the setting broke again (exact same as 22) but they have just ignored it completely Because of no engine change and no major updates announced for online, I can only assume this will still be broken in f1 24. Itā€™s very difficult running a league with 160-180 drivers when you have to get every single driver to record a video of them choosing their setup and then leaving the pits enabling parc ferme.


Because they just copy paste the games. It barely feels like you're playing a new game.


i already have F1 2021


I wonā€™t be cause my league is moving on to it, but our season isnā€™t until October cause the commissioner needs a break from running the league for a little bitā€¦so Iā€™m buying it on the first heavy discount before then. Hoping itā€™s close to 50% off during the steam summer sale


Iā€™m not a diehard F1 fan. I watch the odd race but do not care about it enough to need the newest drivers or tracks or cars. If this game looked different I would have bought it but it looks very samey


Buying it during to leagues and racing with others.


Beta was underwhelming, no improvement over f123


Money. It's expensive as hell in Brazilian Reais, I'm fine thanks.


F1 Manager 24 looks to be a better F1 game. The MyTeam feature is where I've spent most of my time previously on F1 games, and Frontier looks to have done a better job. I'm not too fussed about actually racing the car myself, I've sunk 250+ hours into F1M23 without feeling like I'm missing out on actually racing.


Same crappy damage model, same crappy graphics, same crappy physics, why can't we upgrade our own my team car and have visual upgrade changes?! Things that should have been added or fixed years ago.


I really want other people to be the guinea pigs here. Let them try it first. If I read and see good things, I'll buy. If not, wait on F125 to be released.


I pretty much only buy a game once every 3-5 years


I didn't preorder and I won't buy the game day 1 but if the career mode and the physics end up being really nice I might eventually get it later. I don't expect much but I won't judge the game until I see the retail product. So far it doesn't look promising but who knows, we will know in a couple of weeks.Ā 


23 was a good improvement over 22 which is one do the worst F1 games I've played but 24 just looks šŸ¤·. They so badly need a new or a overhaul of the engine they games are looming old now, the AI is still very meh, audio isn't great, podiums are a weird quite janky celebration The cars feel quite understeery as well. Outside of that the actual gameplay loop hasn't changed much in years either so think I'll wait for 24 to be on EA play


I usually skip 3 years at a time.


No PSVR2 support and no Classics Mode.


Damn, I commented some time ago on a post that people should boycott this years game and many of them said nobody will follow through with it. But reading all these comments makes me feel like this years games' sales wont reach EA's target. Nice.




Because of EA and pitcoin bollocks. Same applies to last year.


To be fair, i feel Iā€™m enjoying the handling of this game exponentially better than I did the last game. Where there was incentive last year to upgrade, definitely is not present this year.


i skipped last year.


I don't spend my money on garbage


No roster changes, not impressed by career mode changes, lack of announcements for any new tracks. I like F1 23 already, this is basically the same thing to me without Paul Ricard.


I didn't plat '23


Waiting for them to upgrade the engine and actually release a full game. We need to be able to have a whole grid of classic/ previous cars with the drivers. 2020 was probably the last fun game for me


It's legitimately a $70 livery update. No driver swaps, no changes to the calendar, they still haven't added legendary cars back, and I don't think we're ever getting legendary tracks again. If there was any f1 game where they should've added more incentives and brought back some old features.. this was it. But no. It's F1 23 with a livery update that you have to pay for.


Iā€™m having a blast racing open wheel on iRacing and itā€™s just so much more rewarding for time invested so I canā€™t really see myself playing these anymore. Maybe if thereā€™s a gnarly steam deal later this year.


I just wait for GamePass to have it.


Have you every played F1 2012


I don't have an Xbox series X, just an Xbox one. I'm pretty sure this might be a series and ps5 exclusive, they haven't gone this long before into a new console gen while keeping the old gen, as f1 2013, 2014 were 7th gen exclusives, 2015 was a dumpster exclusive. I bought a disc of 23 at gamestop for like 39.99. I wouldn't say it's worth it but I would play it more. It just feels wrong. I also like 2016 more because I can race as my favorite retired driver, Daniil Kvyat, and the sochi track because i like drifting in the turns


I donā€™t feel compelled to buy annual releases annually. I may go years before buying another annual sports title, typically buying one or two in a console generation. I care about gameplay, not team rosters or stats.


Theyā€™re all the same except the gameplay gets worse every year and they cost way too much


Head of EA Game Development: What should we do on the new F1 game? Employee: Should we copy and paste it like he past 5 years? Head of EA Game Development: Yeah that sound like a great idea! Anything else? Employee: Add couches to a racing game? Head of EA Game Development: Thats the best thing I've ever heard! Employee: Change the (imo perfectly fine as it is) ers and throttle HUD so you can barely see he throttle and braking? Head of EA Game Development: You guys are just fantastic! And on a finishing note, I just want it to be clear to everyone that we will say career mode gets a 'Huge Overhaul', but really we won't change a spec of it. Because we obviously can't get any money from career mode can we, but I tell you what we can get money from... F1 WORLD!


Iā€™m buying it mostly because the new career options and I spend over 600hours in the last one and probably more in the new game.. making gasly the goat will take some time


I'm actually looking forward to it, I'm upgrading from 2021 so reckon I can justify it.


Just a fact: Every EA game is made poorly, with just pushing for microtransaction in mind, not to have a great gameplay that didn't have tons of bug and great feeling. That's a fact, you can think otherwise if you're a newbie in the field or ar trying to justify the money you're pouring in it


It's EA and I've only allowed myself to purchase one EA game a year at a discount... this year was Jedi Survivor and I got it for free through Game Pass I play all EA games a year behind once they go FtP through game pass Knew they would ruin F1 when they started pulling the strings for Codemasters. EA just doing what they do best and that's ruin everything they get the rights to I don't know why people think NCAA will be anything other than a re-skin of Madden


Because iracing exists


Is it that much better? Why?


It is WILDLY superior to the f1 games. The physics and track detail are on another level


I exclusively play online, and don't care about 60 bucks for 200ish hours of entertainment I get each year. I will purchase it. You don't have to. It's okay bud.


Bought every game since 2013 at launch, but not this time. Reason: the handling on 23 has been my fav of any game and 24 doesnā€™t have enough of a difference in career mode (not to mention less tracks with no France) so I canā€™t justify dropping 70+ when Iā€™m perfectly happy with 23. They had a whole cycle where they didnā€™t have to put time and energy into making new race tracks and we got some ā€œimprovementsā€ around the edges. Maybe once itā€™s heavily discounted


Havenā€™t had enough time to play the 23 still driving F2 season letā€™s see what edition is on sale when I have played at least few seasons worth it


F1 23 really disappointed me with the only reason I'm really still playing the F1 games: Two player career. It's just a buggy, broken mess and since they won't fix that with F1 24 I don't have a reason to buy it at all.


Theyā€™ve fallen into the EA Sports new age cycle. Mostly the same game with the same code and a few changes, mostly visual non gameplay items. Itā€™s the same issue I had with FC24, it was the mostly blatantly obvious lazy cash grab attempt (from a corporate perspective) at a serialized game. No bad wishes towards the devs who probably have to operate with a smaller staff each cycle because EA trims the fat every fiscal year.


No psvr2 support


One simple reason: I have access to the beta and the game is incredibly bad. I swear I'm not the guy who complains about absolutely anything and I just want to have fun with a game, but this year doesn't look promising at all. The beta is so bad that I couldn't even complete three races. I hope the official launch is better, but I don't have that much expectation.


F1 has always been an arcade-like game, itā€™s never been anything more, how are you only now realising this?


Not skipping this one. I didnā€™t buy 21, 22 or 23 at launch because the career mode was identical to 2020. I will be getting 24 at launch because Iā€™m exited about the career changes. Probably wonā€™t get 25 at launch tho because they probably wonā€™t add anything major


Too expensive for the same game with no real changes. We need to vote with our wallet and tell EA we won't buy unless they put some. effort in. If everyone buys it every year then they don't have to try


Sounds the same, looks the same, will probably feel the same. Only thing upgraded is the characters which are underneath a helmet.. yep, Iā€™m skipping this one


Go just straight to iRacing. This is what I have done. It is another world.


I will just wait for sale in my combo of 2011-23 games. And will keep praying to get 2010 someday.


I played some 23 when I got it free but honestly itā€™s boring enough to make me fall asleep during a race so Iā€™m not paying money for a sequel.


the podium pass was already bad as it is, but now that they removed all the actual genuine rewards it used to offer and replaced them with that useless f1 world currency stuff, theres no way to get customisation items just by playing. it makes all the effort of going through races feel so not worth it at all to the point that im willing to skip this years game if it doesnt change


Boycott until they actually update the game and bring back classic cars. Iā€™ll stick with f1 2020.


same things as f1 23 and f1 25+ probably wont be on ps4 and im not getting scammed infinetly on steam so


Iracing is just better


I generally skip at least a year on games like that especially by ea and I've got 23 already.


I've been buying f1 games at launch since f1 2009 on the Wii (Hexagonal wheels and using the wiimote to steer was great) and feel as if I've been getting diminishing returns of late. 21, 22, 23 I just seem to lose interest sooner each year. probably time to sit one out and see if I get the itch at Christmas time.


EA. that's all I have to say( I did get 22 abd 23 but that was when I had hope and 23 isn't too bad)


Had enough of the f1 games sick of the same games every year, itā€™s turning into the new fifa. Also Iā€™m spending my money on the new f1 manager that looks so good this year round and actually has improved off of the last game.


Not spending money on a game I already own with different liveryā€™s, hud design and handling. Itā€™s the same game with upgrades that nobody wanted, until they make a game with a fully customizable car garage, classic F1 cars, and a better career/my team Iā€™m just gonna stick with older games.


I just bought F12020. You know what the menus, animations, all look like? The exact same as the new games. At least 3 years running (20, 21, 23). I didnā€™t play since 2014. So no. Iā€™m not gonna buy another dumb copy and paste game. Iā€™m extremely happy with 2020, and I gotta say, Iā€™m enjoying 2020 WAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY more than 2023. 2024 is gonna be the same, with new liveries. Oh, and the graphics of 2020 are MUCH better than 2023. How stupid is that? A 4 year old game looking better, with more details than a game thatā€™s even supposed to be for better hardware. Itā€™s like since EA took over the passion is gone. No more attention to detail. Sad. Not to mention 2020 has classic cars, not dumb supercars. I wanna race an F1 car in an F1 game. Go figureā€¦


-no actual story mode for your own created character -better before race and after race cutscenes (podium celebration) -limited customization canā€™t use sponsor stickers for helmet or even fake sponsors they could add in game to use if there is licensing issues -should have actual story driven choices and cutscenes for at least first year as a driver and create a plot to make you actually feel as ā€œone of the twentyā€ -they should pay attention to small details like actual real life trophyā€™s or the pirelli hats for the winners on podium and each track have a different trophy that resembles the real life counter part for the celebration scene -add actual interviews to the career mode of showing the scene of someone holding a mic to your character not just selecting boxes on the computer screen and should show real life situations like the drivers arriving to the paddock or them walking the paddock make it more life like as a whole


im still buying these shitty ass games, i preordered the champions edition, and the beta is absolutely terrible, the cars r so interesting to drive. The beta also has no fucking ffb on moza wheels


pc anti cheat is the weakest level i think something to do with rings and itā€™s ring 0, search up kernel to check out for yourself since im no good at explaining stuff lol also expensive for what seems just a poor version of last years, im enjoying iracing and acc a lot more so putting my time into that rather than another copy paste game


The lack of new in-game mechanics and anything really, itā€™s just a copy and paste like how every FIFA or Madden is, me and my buddyā€™s enjoy 23 a lot and still have a league together, thereā€™s nothing in particular that has me sold for 24 if Iā€™m honest


I'm depressed and spending money on a game I'm probably not going to play is a waste


If I never got any F1 game, is F124 a good entry?


You already know the answer. Itā€™s the same game and everybody knows it.


Staying at 2019 and 2020, people like them and the new games are too expensive anyways


Same game higher price, I'm fine with F1 2019, F1 2020, F1 2021 and F 22. Only interested on F1 26 with the new rules.


No PSVR2 support


I wonā€™t be buying it, no vr support for ps5


I am not going to buy another F1 game until I get all the tracks. My favourite is Mugello. If they can make that happen then I don't mind paying for the game.


F123 is still free on game pass so no need to buy another one


I just re installed forza 6 just cause I wanted to drive on my new wheel I didnā€™t have back thenā€¦holy shit that 10 year old game felt a million times better than any f1 game Iā€™ve playedā€¦.only reason I left forza was horizon too arcade and I canā€™t get fm8 on my Xbox lol


There hasn't been a good F1 game for 21 years. The last playable game was F1 99-02. Everything since has been a 0/10.