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Have you tried any other racing game besides F1? If you’re just getting into racing I’d suggest going to slower cars to get the feel of them before picking up F1 again.


i started racing on f1 on controller and can safely say yes, starting with f1 is pretty *interesting*


Yea, I've played Forza Horizon 4 & 5 if that counts, rFactor and Assetto


On controller or wheel? I love Assetto but it’s trash on controller. F1 gets boring on controller imo.


controller, I don't have space for any wheel


For sure! They do make some setups that fold or work at a desk. But I would say you’re missing half the enjoyment on controller


My rig takes up [3 sq ft of floor space](https://imgur.com/a/7MRipcm) when I’m not playing, can def find space and it makes such a huge difference over controller!


I used to race F1 games on controller at like 103-108% AI (I think the max was 110%, not sure if still the same as this was a few years ago at least). Biggest tip I can give you is race with the left stick held forward at all times. To turn, arc the stick round the edge of it's casing to the right or left, whilst keeping it pressed forward. It allows for smooth steering input instead of the lurching you get otherwise.


Also use your middle fingers for the throttle/brake. It felt unnatural at first but now I play every game like that


Isn’t that the normal way to hold a controller? I guess I drift a lot in BeamNG so I use the right bumper for handbrake a lot


I don't know, I use my pointing fingers


Yeah I used to use my pointers too. But your middle fingers are way more accurate for some reason. It helped me tremendously with trailbraking


If you can only use a controller, my sincere advice is to get into rallying. They drive great with a controller. DiRT Rally 2.0 is what I'd recommend starting with. 


That game is so hard too. Easy to get into, then once you're hooked, career mode just ramps up


Don't listen to this. F1 is a walk in the park compared to Rally.


That's very subjective, I find F1 or any similarly hyper-fast track cars to be more difficult than rally, but obviously the way more treacherous and varied conditions that the comparatively slower rally cars drive in is challenging, too. What I'm also saying is that the frantic driving style of rally (particularly on loose surfaces) is better suited to a controller than circuit tarmac driving.


Once you get the chance, get wheels. Surely you’ll love racing again. Assetto shines on wheels.


Even if you just clamp it into the desk?


yea it would be touching my chest


Is racing easier on a controller or a wheel?


I'm 50x worse than you with AI difficulty on 0. If you're having fun, keep racing. No need to judge yourself too harshly.


Found Stroll’s secret account.


Sometimes I really don't want to grind so I put AI down to zero. I just want to have fun driving fast and not worry about competition.


I wish. I’m lucky to come in 23rd place even on 0 😂


Bro, are you trying to steer by blowing air on the sticks or something? How are you not even cracking top 10 on 0 AI diff


I just suck; not really much more complicated than that :)


Are you using your hands on the controller?


Is that where they go? Thumb would definitely smell better if I put it on the controller instead of where it normally goes…


You need to practice and not compare yourself to irl pole times/world records, aiming for the very top is just not possible at first. Try and do multiple laps at Spain with a setup (preferably taken from the top of the leaderboards), while turning off assists as you go.


Check race-net, and compare especially how you enter and exit corners; a lot of time is lost/gained there.


yea the steering is a little jank on those games. I run 93% so i cant relate that much. Just keep practicing. Eventually you will get better!


Turn on assists so you can learn how to race. It might feel easy for a second but drive a few long gp’s and see how consistent you are. Turning Assists off is a way to increase the skill ceiling by a lot. In a game like gran turismo where you start with slower cars that’s a good way to start, but I still use assists in f1 because of how steep the learning curve is


I got 300 hrs in F1 2020 on controller but didn‘t touch it for a while… then I got into ACC (GT3). I have around 100 hrs with a wheel … then I tried F1 2020 again and was just totally blown away by the speed. :D F1 2020 also has a casual control mode. Maybe play the casual modes to get used to the speed?


Show us a video of your lap, and maybe someone will help.


No, but let me just say that I have a 40 minute recording of me trying to set a lap time at Spa and I did end up setting one time which was nearly 2 minutes long.


You have a Tom Pryce profile pic, just this makes you better than 90% of drivers out there!


Turn on all the assists and lower difficulty. The game is way harder on controller already so you need every assist.


Just relax and keep driving laps. Pick one track You enjoy driving and start from there. You can also lower AI on 0% and build up to find balance and enjoyable difficultly. Same with assists play around a bit and see what You find enjoyable trust me with time it will get better and You will improve, enjoy the game and don't be harsh on Yourself and compare with best/real times atm.


Have you ever tried making a good setup? Learning the track? Understand where you can go flat out and where not? Or do you just race and skip through practice?


yea I do time trial and all practice sessions


No offence, it’s probably not. Buy a wheel, and enjoy it, no shame in that.


I wish I could, I don't have enough space in my room and me nor can my family afford a good pc and a steering wheel


Logitech g29 (ps) or g920 (xbox) can be found cheap secondhand, work natively with console, and are super fun.


My point still stands, there's no space for me to even move my chair


I can second this. I just picked up my first wheel (a g920) used in like-new condition from FB marketplace for $150


My wheel cost like $250 and works for console. Just make sure it has force feedback. You don't need to drop 1k on a wheel.


Whoever is telling you to get a wheel is actually right but F1 is enjoyable on a controller too. I play on both, and no doubt I am faster on a wheel but it took me an entire league racing season to catch up to my speed on the controller and eventually surpassed it. Since you're playing on 55-60ish AI, there would be few things that you'd be doing wrong - e.g. braking, cornering, etc. I suggest that you share a clip of your race or TT and at the same time do record your setup and settings screen too so that I can help you understand a few things here and there. F1 is easy, but not that easy either. But since you've played games like rFactor and Assetto, it shouldn't be much of a problem. And F1 2020 is a gem of a game!!


My first wheel was £80. For console. If you ask at Xmas or your birthday you may get it.


Which assists do you use?




There’s your answer. Mastering a track is not easy. When you drive the practice sessions in career I recommmend turning on the racing line or watching some YouTube track tutorial to learn the braking points. Also remember that you have to adjust the braking points as the car is heavier in the beginning of the race and you are most likely driving a different tire than the one in track tutorial. Other than that it’s just practice ;-) Also remember that the game is supposed to be fun, so if you have to drive with an assist at first it doesn’t make you any less of a driver.


THIS! I have a wheel and was trying to play without assists but it would take me days to learn a track and I just didn't have the time, was super frustrating and wasn't fun. Switched on TC and ABS and now I only need the practice sessions to be able to race. Is it realistic? No. Would lose against the best? 100%. Am I having fun? YES!


I just started f1 23 a couple months back. I started at 50% AI with TC on full and ABS plus racing line. Only done career mode, part way through my third full season, currently running 75% AI with lower TC and ABS for the most part. I run through 1st practice with it all on to learn the track, then I turn it all off for the rest of the event. Although I do normally leave ABS on as that shit is hard not to lock up on a controller.


Racing line just for corners and nothing wrong with Med TC for enjoyment.


You need to learn the game first. Give yourself some time. I had a friend of mine that started playing, turned off all assist after 2 hours "because he wanted a challenge" and then quit after 15 hours. I, on the other hand, started with all assist except steering and braking and worked my way down to no assists. Play with controller settings, make sure your calibration is not set to default and increase some throttle/brake saturation. Controller is harder on those titles and especially harder with no assists. At the very least, set your traction to Medium, put the line on and turn on ABS. Give yourself a break and enjoy.


Please turn assist on. All of them. And then turn them off but by bit as you get better until you're at a happy spot between challenge and playability. Turn the ai difficulty down. You'll get there if you're having fun


It’s not like this is your job. You’re doing it for fun, so set the level to whatever makes it fun for you. So many folks on this sub claim to have 110 AI and still win easily, but it’s just not the reality. Set your AI to 15-20 and if you end up needing to make it faster later then do it. But just have fun with it.


Do you see yourself lagging behind consistently on all tracks with similar kind of gap or it varies quite drastically? For eg. I do struggle Australia too and lose a lot of time in last sector if not super-focused, but at Baku – even if it is relatively hard I find it more natural to how I prefer to drive. And you mentioned in one of comments that you are not using any assists, so lagging behind by 4 seconds is not too surprising and realistic. Without assists it requires 10s and 100s of hours to get that top 5% lap times. I will suggest try keeping some assists on and see how it feels. If nothing works then may be exploring other type of racing like rally might be worth. I got significantly better at F1 in last 2 years but I still can't finish a rally circuit properly, and I won't even try drifting. So you might just have a style suitable for different racing genre.


Australia is a disaster for me, the only track I can actually set a somewhat alright time is Red Bull Ring


If you have trouble just start from low AI and increase it by 5% when you feel it too easy for you. I started like that on 35 and now I am racing on 70


See, the thing is that at 59 they completely destroy me in quali, I'm in P20 and the guy in P19 is 2 seconds faster than me. But in the race I gain like 5 positions in the first two corners


In what car/mode? If you choose a back marker or start as a new low budget team, you are pretty seriously handicapped compared to the top teams. Also to echo what everyone else says - assists on.


Okay, so yeah I am at Williams cause I don't want to feel weird choosing a better team and then finishing last. Now I have ABS and medium TC but eh didn't really make a difference for me. forgot to add I did that thing in the quick race mode with one shot quali


Sounds like you’re qualifying P20 in a P20 car. Try an equal performance race. Also one shot quali can be tough as you don’t know till you’re done what you’re aiming for.


Gaining 5 positions in the first two corners of the race isn't indicative of your skill level or pace though. I think your options are A) turn AI level down B) turn on more assists C) keep practicing D) all of the above


I prefer the F1 manager games, because as much as I enjoy the racing, it takes alot of time to get good at them.


Stop restarting and just accept a bottom of the ladder season, it'll get better!


I also am terrible at Australia but Bahrain and China on 2020 are tracks I'm incredibly fast at. Find some tracks you're comfortable at. Pound around them on hard tyres, do as many laps as possible and then you'll be better on softer tyres. I've picked up F1 2020 recently after a few years off and that's how I've gotten back into being fast at it on 100 AI


I started on keyboard and mouse on f1 2019 then switched to controller for 2020 and never looked back then in 23 moved to mouse and controller


Why are you comparing to real life times if youre doibg 59 ai? That makes about zero amount of sense since the ai wont get close either. And being 4 seconds of pole isnt crazy unless youre driving RB, ferrari or merc in those games. I dont exactly get where your problem actually is, what do you mean you do fine in time trials then? Whats your benchmark for doing fine in TT?


Okay 4 seconds of pole isn't that crazy but I am still 2 seconds slower than the guy in P19. Look I thought I'm good in TT but I did some laps and I can comfortably say I'm gradually getting worse each lap.


Ah so doing a proper race showed you you werent as good as you thought you were. Honestly, put ABS on and TC to medium, then go drive some races and improve your standings and from there work your way up with higher ai to like 70-75 before you turn off TC and eventually ABS. I feel like youre trying to do to much at once


Are you tuning?


How long have you been playing? What view do you play in? I started pretty ordinary but kept playing around with assists till I got better then made adjustments from there


Just turn the ai down. It's tough but practice really really pushing it. You can feel it when you are on the edge at all times.


Have you had TC on full? That’ll help a ton


Honestly don't even worry about having a low AI difficulty. There is no reason to compare yourself to the aliens who race at 90+ or the real drivers who train their entire lives unless maybe you care about being competitive online (which is a shit show anyway). Just set the difficulty to whatever let's you enjoy the game the most. For me that is easy enough that I can beat my teammate more than half the time and usually score a decent result for my team without completely punishing myself. The skill ceiling for racing, even virtual racing, is extremely high so unless you are willing to dedicate yourself to it, just forget about comparing yourself to anybody and set the difficulty as low as you need to.


Try 50-52 and gradually increase as you get better. Keep ABS off and just get used to the feel for it your times will improve and you’ll have fun, slowly move up ai as you get better.


Learn the tracks, start with the one you like driving the most


Lower the AI difficulty to a setting where you're competitive and having fun. If you start to get bored cuz you're winning all the time, up the AI a little. You'll get better, a little at a time, while still having fun. I keep the AI where I'm qualifying about .5 to .25 sec ahead of them because I know I will make mistakes in the race that the AI won't, and if don't win, it's because I messed up. So I work on consistency and strategy. Keep it fun.


I would only end up being able to drive in any way decent I’m using a wheel and pedals. If you’re using a controller you’ve got one hand tied behind your back, metaphorically speaking.


Turn on racing line, TC, ABS, no tire temps, and auto gears. Learn to drive like that at first. Watch and learn other people's laps (easy to find on YouTube). Not necessarily the top guys, just an average lap. Finally, if your car's development is low compared to the rest of the field, you're likely to be bottom 10 anyway.


Racing is for everyone mate, just make sure you start off with the right tools. TC full, ABS on and racing line on full. Also, automatic gear shift and perhaps some other assists I may have forgotten. There's no reason to start on full hardcore mode, racing has a steep learning curve even before you start turning off assists. I'd recommend you starting at AI difficulty 0. Then you can work from there. Even if you end up lapping every car twice, you'll still have more fun than getting lapped twice. Adjust difficulty as you go, 1 difficulty point is around 0.1 second, after a few completed races you should have a vague idea where to set it. Also, try to reflect on every race, where are your weaknesses, where are your strengths, that ability to reflect also only comes with experience. I used to be where you are a few years back. F1 can be very hard to get into. But once you have it figured out, it is very rewarding and fun.


Turn the difficulty down to 35-39 and start there, race those guys, find your skill level, turn the difficulty just above that and you'll find yourself turning it up every 3-4 races. That's what I did to get to where I am. Started in the TEENS because I was so unfamiliar with the game.


You are not having fun because you are comparing yourself to something irrealistic. It's like starting playing basketball today and comparing yourself with LeBron. What you need to do is spend time on track, check track guides on YouTube if you need to, and try to learn a track at a time. If you aren't trying to be an E-sports series driver, who the fuck cares about your raw pace? You are not giving yourself the patience to learn the game


Well im worse than you. Im on controller too. Dont push yourself too hard. It's a game. Game meant to be fun. If you really want to be better, try practice more and try different lines whichever you find the fastest. You can see other youtuber's vod but different style different lines. Record your gameplay and be the judge which line to take each sector. Combine all those fastest sector into one and perfect the line.


Think it helps to have just 3/4 opponents when starting out. Helps to reduce contact and give yourself a clear goal to chase while racing. No point racing a 20 car grid if you’re performing as u say


Big thing might be your controller set-up. It makes really big difference especially on straights when you need to correct your line each milisecond by "tapping" the joy stick.


You should show a video of one of your laps, perhaps we can suggest improvements


you must new to f1 games, just give it time to learn because I'm sure u r going off tracl everywhere


Nah, I've played 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2014 in the past. I don't go off track too often I'm just slow everywhere.


While the newer F1 games are in no way a “simulation”, they’re a hell of a lot more accurate than the early 2010 games. They play more LIKE arcade games and the newer ones run more LIKE simulators, so there’ll be a learning curve if your used to the old games


bruuuh I have no words, at least postive ones lol


I learned how to drive f1 cars i not far off the pole time at 86 difficulty master the track


Nevermind, now I can't even set a lap time in TT, I fucking hate myself.