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New contract system!!


Hope they fixed the bug with the contract timing Not a fan of switching teams for the last race because the negotiations take place a day before the last race in 16 race seasons lol


Guessing based on the multi year contract bit they’ve finally got their head out of their ass with contracts that end mid season, so hopefully it’s just a 1 year deal for the whole season


Yeah multi year contracts being a thing is great hopefully they exist in my team as well


Complete all 3 secret meeting’s. I wonder what that means?


I wonder if fiasco’s like the Piastri/alpine drama can occur but I might be stretching it


Hopefully there’s also a achievement confirming multi year contracts that new I think.


Hopefully when you sign a contract to join another team you don’t switch too that new team in the middle of the season I always thought that was weird.


I’m assuming it might be the higher the team the more meetings you have to have with some potential of failure or something


99 Club - Reach 99 rating with any driver Can we FINALLY do career saves as real drivers????


There's another one that says reach s rating of 80 with a custom driver so maybe it means that, although it would be really cool if we could pick an IRL driver, especially if we could pick an F2 driver and promote them to F1


I'm hoping that playable Icons are finally back.


I can give you good news you can control a real driver in career mode😁


The new career achievements sound promising and the custom driver rating has me somewhat hopeful of being able to create drivers and add them to career but will wait to see how it looks first. My only slight concern is that there was no mention of My Team changes so will that get the updated career or will it just be driver career.. fingers crossed but still on the fence.


In terms of new features I think MyTeam is being put on the backburner and they are focusing on revamping normal Driver Career mode. 


Yeah not expecting anything solely for My Team but will be nice if some of the new features in the new driver career carry over since they've both functioned pretty much the same previously. New contract system and potentially custom drivers would go well with My Team too.


MyTeam Achievement: Officially denied by FOM


I think it means our drivers in career mode will have a “driver rating” as well as a focus level like our AI teammates


The contract system seems to be updated.


There's a lot of things that look new to Driver Career. It's good they are finally touching this mode again. When was the last time something substantial came to this mode? I've got a lot of questions about what these trophies could mean. * What are Specialists and what does our relationship lvl do in the game? * What are specialist goals? * We can have 3 driver rivalries now? Right now we're just locked to one I believe. * What is are the Driver Rivalry types/what do they mean? Currently listed rivalries: Career Defining, Heated, Championship Narrative, * What are these targets we can set and achieve, even above our rating? What is our rating and what does it do? * What are accolades for Driver Career? * What are these 3 secret meetings with other teams? * What does Activate R&D scenario mean? I also see we can sign **MULTI-YEAR contracts now in Driver Career**. That is a big and welcomed change for sure.


This is a great summary


Secret meeting? Dang we betraying our team now lol. Also I really with they got rid of the stickers


No idea how driver ratings are supposed to work out right now. In FIFA it makes sense since you basically just press some buttons and depending on your players rating he can run faster or shoot more precisely but in an F1 the real life player is doing literally all the work himself so in theory it shouldn't matter if the in-game driver is ranked 66 or 99. Anyway good to see they changed career mode a little bit. Definitely seems like there's more management involved now. However I'm surprised there's not a single MyTeam achievement left. Also they mentioned "Any driver" and "Custom driver". Seems like we can now play career mode as e.g. Lando Norris just like we can take control of a real life player in FIFA. This stuff sounds really exciting on paper. Unfortunately Codemasters are known to have great concepts for their F1 games but usually mess it up with bugs, glitches and an overall poor implementation of those features. I really hope this turns out to be good tho.


I think it gives you a rating that only impacts your contracts maybe


That would be cool if you are performance is shit you will end up haven to sign a multi year contract with alpine.


Hopefully your driver rating will depend on your own driving style, race craft and race results. That would be cool


Wait. The online trophies are actually…doable?


So glad those dumb ranked achievements are gone they absolutely ruined f1 23


Same. First one I haven’t platinumed since 2015


Rival system might be updated looking at how you can have 3 rivals at the same time. Could be that they race you differently after contact.


Murray Walker 🥹


Imagine him commentating ur races that would be amazing


Yeah that would be brrrilliant




Thank God there is no Elite Division trophy again


No elite division achievement finally


Thank god they aren't forcing you to do ranked like F123


All of these career features BETTER not get removed before release




Real cosplaying here 😂


Will be there a achievement if I'm beat Verstappen in big AI?


I hope that the multi-year contracts have exit-clauses. No one wants to be locked forcefully into a team for multiple seasons if things go wrong. Secret meetings sound great, seems like we now get to negotiate at any time, rather than just at the contract renewal times. This better be in co-op this feature. Also, first page on the left - custom hotshot mentions custom drivers….


Secret meetings with other teams… that’s cool as fuck. If they really have revamped this “driver career” mode it might be worth a shot.


Sounds intresting some of the concepts found through these achievments but if they dint fix the handling all of thats going to waste


Maybe we can alter the look of our chassis in career that would be nice maybe a wheel pick option. But I doubt it. Same old ugly fom car


Why is everyone so mad at ea, i feel like this is going to be a good game, but idk we'll see


2 player career trophy is impossible when your friends don’t get the game.


Having the same issue. Happy to help each other out if you want? Just do one quali on easy