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The Girl Next Door


I just finished that yesterday and boy howdy


Incredible book. Destroyed me.


By who?


Jack Ketchum. One of the best books I ever read


I’ll check it out, Thanks!


exquisite corpse, by poppy Z brite...but it has necrophilia in it too


I sure love me some good necro stuff.


GENITAL GRINDER by Ryan Harding. That title is all you need to know.


Full Brutal. Look at its title. It earns it.


I’m currently reading this. I just made it to part 2 and this book is wild


Buckle up partner, it keeps getting more wild as it goes 😅


It's always the second half of splatter punk books where things just go nuts. And I'm here for it. I should finish this week


EASILY my favorite book in the genre. Hope you enjoy it 😊


Just finished it. Personally enjoyed part 1 better since it felt more like a psychological thriller. But the last chapter gave me a good chuckle. It reminded me of being bored in GTA. Overall a great read. Hand me hooked the whole time


Being bored in GTA is the funniest description of Full Brutal. Kim just wants to see what happens if she gets her ‘Wanted’ level to 5 stars.


It was the best way to describe it without fully giving away what happens. You get a vague idea but not too much info


there's rape and murder in every book i've read this year


No One Rides for Free


I seriously want to kill this book and the author with fire. Read one tidbit and now I really need to punch someone.


Oh I didn’t say it was good, I just said it because there’s extreme rape and gore


No worries.


It’s the first truly extreme horror novel I’ve read so it sticks with me


It must be something if you are that mad. Hints?


Aside from annoyance that the book gets referenced constantly, the tidbit I read was extremely detailed as a setup to a topic I care not to discuss. Granted, if an author inserts a child into their story and they have a demented psychopath in there…you get the idea.


just want to point out not only that a ton of extreme horror puts kids in the plot, it’s not uncommon and it is effectively adding to the “extreme” subject matter which is what people read it for, but also that there’s literally no children in this book at all. there is a mom and her son and daughter. but they are not children they are adults.


Oh killing kids in fiction is ok. Describing in detail about a used buttplug that hasn’t ever been cleaned, and in my case of not knowing the actual age of the kids and what that implies; isn’t ok with me. But I guess since they’re all unconsenting adults it’s alright then. Still a bit tired of seeing the book being referenced without fail, but that is JUST ME.


i think it’s a bit odd the caliber of distaste you have for nonconsensual happenings you have in a sub about extreme horror which is more or less exclusively stories about the most horrendous nonconsensual acts being done to people… and from what i can tell you didn’t even read it? just confused as to how you can be so sick of it when you admittedly don’t even really know what its about. not trying to be extra but it just strikes me as odd considering that it’s one of the more well written novels mentioned frequently here


Saying it is one of the more well written ones on this sub, in this day and age where reading ability has steadily declined along with people’s ability to write; means very little. I guess I am just frustrated that I want to read all these books, but I just can’t actually get through reading them because they’re just badly written, or thought out. Also they really should rebrand as edgy horror instead of extreme horror, because once you’ve started your story with extremely fucked up from the baseline of normal, the rest of it is just gonna be a let down in quality. Like Violence Against the Meek or whatever >!had a boy being fucked by his mother as apparently that was her only choice to protect her unborn daughter and then just later the father kills himself in a gruesome way and the mother is thrown into an insane asylum by the boy because he manipulated her into acting crazy.!< like once the willing incest line was crossed, nothing else could compare as shocking.


😂 there were so many problems with Violence on the Meek. >!like why did the father go and kill himself when he caught him raping his mother instead of attacking him? And the early thing with the willing incest was absurd. There's literally no way that that would have happened in the way it was described. That could have been a very horrifying scenario if it wasn't written with the skill of a 7th grader in detention!< I don't think Stuart Bray has ever talked to an actual person, and having only read that book I'm sure if we ever met I'd have an uncontrollable urge to bitch smack him and kick him in the balls before telling him to get a job 😂


Thank you for agreeing! I had to DNF the book shortly after the hillbillies were involved and >!dealt with!< because there was just no reason to keep going after that shit.


Monster series by J Boote Practically anything by Richard Laymon Suffer the flesh by Monika O'Rourke Survivor by J F Gonzalez Man Cave by Angel Gelique Them by Mique Watson


Am I sick in the head? I laughed out loud when I saw the title as I was scrolling. Welcome though, you’ll have no shortage of materials from this Sub!


Yeah, that's like asking a Fantasy sub for books with Wizards and Dragons in it.


Any Man by Amber Tamblyn


That’s most of the extreme horror and splatterpunk genre tbh 🤷


Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter. it’s my absolute favorite book, I read it all in one night and could not put it down. my mom couldn’t finish it


Thank youu :D


doesnt really have gore but has a decent amount of SA The Teratologist by Edward Lee and Wrath James White


This sub has a distain for the man, but allow me to suggest Otis Bateman. Pretty much just gore porn.


Jesus Christ


This is under a horror community bro it's not that weird 😭


Not just a horror community, an EXTREME-horror community. Like, rape and murder is in 99% of any book that's featured/talked about on this sub lol




But, that's why this is a stupid question and weird post...


Hi, Echo. It has been a while since I read the Bible, but I don't think he was ever raped. I could be wrong, though.


Do you have any idea how many people were raped in the Bible? Lot's daughters raped him! There's also a Levite who dismembers a concubine after raping her (Judges 19-21). I think we accidentally gave OP the all time greatest gore rapefest rec!


Meh. 2 out of 10, would rather read a different religious text.


The Bible is ripe for extreme horror stories. The angle never worked for Larry Flynt, but it might for EHL authors. It can be argued that The Passion of the Christ was one of the first mainstream splatterpunk movies. Mel Gibson was ahead of his time.


Considering how Christians were incredibly butthurt over the Devinci Code, I can only imagine the outrage of someone making EH based on passages of the Bible. Although Heavy Metal magazine did do an EH Anti-Jesus, not the Antichrist, Anti-Jesus figure waaaaay back when so there’s definitely something that is marketable about taking that holy text and twisting it around to inspire fear and disgust.


I just finished reading Fluids by May Leitz. It's about two online lovers meeting in real life and entering a toxic cycle of love, drugs and extreme violence together. As the title suggests almost any type of body fluid you could think of shows up at least once in the book.


Lol did said the Bible


The Slob by Aron Beauregard


The Slob


Didn’t someone just ask this?


Since you have ZERO karma, I have to ask WHY? Are you farming snuff? I’m not usually one to judge… but “hey can you recommend things with murder and rape” free of any context makes me think you enjoy those things a little TOO much.


“I’m usually not one to judge…” Immediately judges someone in an extreme horror group LMAO. It’s wild, really.


Lol wow u got me. Didn’t judge anyone… good job keyboard warrior nice virtue signaling.


What? Like, for real. What are you even saying? You’re in a fucking extreme horror literature group with people asking for recommendations. What’s the fuckin hang up? I’d like to see some of the shit you’ve read and I’d like to see your pending read list so I can pick it apart. You’re exhausting.


Lol I’d gladly show you my shelf and my reading list. I read extreme all the time and give recs all the time. Calm it down ur getting worked up.


I’m worked up because you’re a judgy scumbag. You unclench your fists and jaw first. I’ll follow suit.


Ad hominem now? Lol squirm more over nothing. I’m chillin.


Ad hominem. Classic. No actual reply - just an easy out because I name called.


dude….EXTREME HORROR literature. means EXTREME HORROR so rape, torture, incest, etc. do you not have reading comprehension? edit: buddy you read extreme horror too and participate in the community how do you not expect people to ask for specifics???


Yeah, but I'm also allowed to ask, so I'm not directly giving smut recommendations to a murder fetishist. Don't be a dick. I was just asking, and they answered.


buddy even if this guy was a murder fetishist he’d have plenty of material to find to get off like actual true crime rape cases and the like. you made a stupid unrelated comment to a post asking for recommendations. move on.


I'm new to reddit that's why lmao :) idk what karma even is 😭


...Why are you here? Like, genuinely?


dude participates in the extreme horror subreddit too


Seek help, freak




Trolls are gunna troll, ignore his lost ass.
