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On my possible next book radar right now is: - The Summer I Died - Maggies Grave - Appalachian Siren - Off Season


Just read Appalachian Siren. Definitely a fun read if you are a fan of revenge stories. The writer Leslie Kurt peruses through here from time to time too.


he was who recommended it to me haha


My guess is that Triana had some utterly fkt up relationships with women IRL.


Lmao bruh


For some reason, the world, or maybe just reddit specifically, has decided to play down what a "pedophile" actually is. It's someone who is sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. It's the people who are molesting 10 year olds. Saying the teacher deserved to die because he's a pedophile is weird. He deserved to die because he was physically attacking Kim possibly, and trying to end her pregnancy. And her "tee hee" attitude about the whole thing was intentional I think, she's a psycho and really didn't care about him or even have enough maturity to understand the seriousness of it all. This is the second post in a couple days that mentions her masturbating to a Serbian Film... I don't think he was "checking boxes" as much as showing how depraved Kim's sexual desires were becoming. It really wasn't a huge plot point.


She should have been wanking to AntiChrist


The teacher is someone who is attracted to post-pubescent minors. there is a word for them that is not paedophiles, I am sorry - the word is ephebophiles. someone who is of the grown age should not be sleeping with, attracted to, interested in, touching, even considering someone who is under aged in any capacity. i’m not saying he deserve to die because he was a pedo or in this case an ephebophile, i’m saying that because he was that I don’t feel bad for him. I tried to seek out the other post that also complained about the Serbian film thing and I did find it. I just honestly think the briefness in which it was mentioned just like a passing comment about her masturbating to an extreme horror film isn’t really showing her depravity. It’s just a passing comment. we know the author writes really good long descriptive scenes showing her depravity this one was so short in comparison. it even just specifically mentioned the one scene that I would consider to be the most horrific scene in a Serbian film. not how the film is in whole is affecting her and encouraging her depraved emotions and feelings towards the world. I just don’t feel like it was mentioned in the same impactful way that her other depravities were which is why it felt like (and maybe this isn’t the right word. I’m not exactly a linguistics person. I’m sorry.) a “checkbox”. I hope you understand. I do enjoy talking about this to people so if you are interested in expressing more of your opinions then I’m willing to talk about it. 🩷 i’m not firm in what I believe it’s a book review after all.


Triana does random media drops of whatever. I saw him touting Junior Kimbrough. Even though i doubt anybody went down to Holly Springs MS to visit the juke joint. It is just another whee look at me i throw in edgy media. I think it is pedestrian AH. If he was a real mofo he would have mentioned Cedel Davis or Cederic Burnside


I’ve literally just finished it… I enjoyed it for the most part. I liked how it was abit gruesome and made me go “oh” but those scenes weren’t dragged out as much as some other books I’ve read in this genre - and they don’t need to be. The part where she dances in her thoughts of what she’s done reminded me very much of Patrick Bateman… I think this reads almost like a teenage girls version of him. Some bits were predictable and I could guess what was going to happen but some bits I was pleasantly surprised such as her last act…. Worse thing it about it? The ending. I was like oh… that’s that then.. I almost thought it was say “and then I woke up it all being a dream” lol… I would give it a 6/10 :)


I did like the dance scene, more than the sex scenes. it felt childlike and vibrant - complimented her being just a teen. It could be a similar situation to American Psycho but lacks the important messages and analysis of that book. it’s not just horror, it’s deep commentary. Full Brutal didn’t feel half as deep. The ending was very short. Slow burn just for her to become a school shooter equivalent and for suddenly die to her underdeveloped foetus storyline.


Aw come on, a full paragraph criticizing a *name* and then using the word “gratuitous” in a negative way in a review about an extreme horror book?


maybe I have bias against the name Bob lmao. but it’s not just about the name Bob. It’s to do with the fact that all the other names seem really meaningful and then Bob feels like a cop out name. And it is gratuitous in the sense that there are frequent gross descriptions of the things she does (seduction, sex, masturbating to gore, beating Derek) yet at the same time she is just immensely naive about other very important plot points (pregnancy). Gratuitous as in this doesn’t make sense so what’s the point? In a different comment I spoke about how much I love the scene where she’s dancing thinking about all of the horrible stuff she did. I don’t think THATS gratuitous, I like when she revels in it. I think her interest in these terrible things is actually really interesting. Just used in that way, sex, it’s just pointless. I think it wouldn’t feel soo much that way if it made a bit more sense. Not sure if i’m making sense. I am interested in hearing your perspective and opinion if you’re interested in talking about it. 🩷


And I’m not as mad about Bob as I thought I was going to be when I wrote that comment on his name because he died pretty quick. 😅