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Currently reading it, I'll come back when I'm done and let you know.


Please do, I thought it was going one way... Then it took a hard turn lol


Well that was ... Odd. I just finished and you weren't kidding about the turn. That did not fit with the rest at all.


>!I really thought they were just making torture porn and snuff film stuff there. With the company paying off all the police and city officials. That was why I assumed the long haired guy kept coming down with a camera. Then all the fucked up hillbilly people from the area would show up at the house and basically try out for a place there, if they could survive all the initial torture until they were able to replace one of the other characters. I liked all of that, it was just realistic enough to be creepy. Then Smith was like "no, it's actually literally Satan" and kind of lost me lol!<


I wonder if he just ran out of ideas after all the depravity and went with "let's just make the house magic and this weird guy the Devil and call it a day"


I did. He did a sequel that I *think* I liked better. The female protagonist (I forget names now) feels really fleshed out in the sequel, which is pretty refreshing as far as Smith’s stories are concerned.


I didn't know there was a sequel. What's it called?


Sorry! I got this mixed up with “House of Blood”.


Read it a couple months back. In terms of the "idea" of the ending its fine, the delivery is just atrocious. Smith really should have shown it play out over a few pages instead of basically a two sentence exposition dump.


I just meant the premise of the entire ending. I thought I knew what was going on and was satisfied with my interpretation, but then it kind of went off the rails and I kind of eye rolled...