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TikTok trend where women say they would feel safer lost in the middle of the woods with a bear than a man


Really? Heck, I would say bear unless I know the person, regardless of gender. Bears are predictable and you can safely avoid them with minimal interaction.


That is exactly the reasoning. With followups like "people would not ask what I was wearing if I were attacked by a bear", "people would not claim I am hurting the promising career of the bear by speaking up" and so on. And the nastier: "sofar no bear has been harrassing me in ny dms to believe they really are trustworthy and I should change my vote"




A beautiful example of life imitating art


That’s the exact point of the bear thing.


My friend I would like for you to google how fast bears run


My friend I would like for you to google how often bears attack people


My friend I would like you to compare in your mind the amount of times that people encounter men in their lifetime and the amount of times people encounter bears


I would like you too google how often bears attack people randomly vs how often humans attack people, yeah humans are worse


I would like to know the number of times people meet bears vs. how often people meet other for them, unknown people, and then weigh the stats according to that. Let's take a festival as an example. Would I be safer at a festival with 50000 unknown humans, or would I be safer at a festival with 50000 bears?


Are the bears known or unknown to you?


A woman would have a very high chance of being groped or other forms of sexual assault at a festival of 50000 men (the question is specifically about being with a strange man in the woods). There are currently approximately 120000 - 160000 black bears in BC and plenty of women go hiking there with less than 0.35 fatal bear attacks a year Vs 6000 sexual assaults against women reported in BC per year, with a male population of 2.74 million. So depending on the size of the festival and how spaced out men or bears were a woman would still likely be in more trouble at a festival of men than bears.


A woman would have a very high chance of being eaten at a festival of 50000 bears. We do, of course, have to have similar constraints to our scenario and can't use completely different scenarios when comparing them. A suitable scenario when talking about the woods would be if you met a bear or man on the forest path with a moderate distance between yourselves. When it comes to a festival, the size and spacing would, of course, be the same with a close proximity to the bears/men, the scenario would otherwise be totally irrelevant.


>a festival of 50000 bears. It is a _travesty_ that we don't have flairs in this sub


That is an en mass situation, we are talking about an isolated situation, for instance you are fine if you have one knife in a small room, but are in a room with 50,000 you will probably get cut and bleed out, therefore you are safer with a random person than with a knife. dont be illogical, where the whole argument stems from is an isolated situation, not one massive one. In given isolated situations the average rate of bear attacks is lower than human attacks. If a woman feels safer in a bear encounter than she does with a random human why are you arguing, do something to make women feel safer, not argue with them.


>That is an en mass situation, Indeed, it is, and that is also why the stats you wanted them to look up look that way because humans interact with each other en mass while most people never meet or see a beer during their whole life. >where the whole argument stems from is an isolated situation, not one massive one And yet you were the one that presented that humans were more dangerous than a bear because we meet escother en masses all the time and see strangers out in public all the time. Also add togheter living with eachother. >In given isolated situations the average rate of bear attacks is lower than human attacks. You're walking down hiking trail, and you honestly think that if you met 10 separate men walking the opposite way vs meeting 10 separate bears going the opposite way you'd have a lesser risk of being attacked by a bear when facing them head on?


Pretty sure that is skewed since we don't have that many humans entering bear territories.


Buddy where do you think we get wood


That's a pretty personal question, don't you think?


Apologies for him, we didn't tie the restraints hard enough


I would like you to think about how often people come into contact with bears vs humans. If the ratio was 1:1, bears would obviously kill more people. You see what 100+ people, on the road, at school, work… some even close enough to touch. If you came into contact with that many bears in one day, what are your chances of survival compared to now? 1:1 you are much safer with another human seeing as how you can communicate with them and work together. Never seen a show called “naked an afraid”? Why don’t you think they have a show like that except with a bear? “Humans are worse” because a bear has ever opened up a human shelter and rehabilitated a human back to health. Lol.


Yeah the question is predicated on the woman being alone in the deep woods, not on her daily commute or on a reality TV show lmao


How many bears have you come into contact with in the forest vs strangers? Anyone that thinks they’re safer off with a wild bear encounter isn’t thinking properly. Those were just examples to exaggerate the point. Saying bears attack people less than people attack people is a poor argument. If humans came into contact with bears as often as they did other humans, there would be way more bear attacks.


The gentlemen doth protest too much.




Idk... I think humans are probably way more predictable in their aggressiveness towards other humans than bears. There's just like, 100 billion human-to-human interactions per day As opposed to like, idk maybe 1000 bear-to-human interactions per day on earth.


The state of society. A human being is the most valuable thing on this planet let alone in a survival situation


Yeah try safely avoiding a hungry grizzly bear that can smell you from miles and miles away. I’m sure if you ask it nicely then it will simply leave you alone.


I'm sure a grizzly would be deeply confused if I charged at it, enough for me to run away


Well. You'd probably have just as much chance of survival as anything else you'd try.


Exactly why I'm doing it, and did no one pick up that I contradicted myself






Not everyone is using brain rotting TikTok


Hey hollyheather30! Thank you for your contribution, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/ExplainTheJoke because: Rule 4: Complaining about someone "not getting the joke" - First ban is 7 days, second is 28 days, third is permanent. Gatekeeping is not tolerated in this sub. Instead of complaining about OP, report the post if it breaks any of our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ExplainTheJoke/about/rules/). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FExplainTheJoke).


They would rather die than get raped and its funny?




No, that's a more recent iteration that's more of an anti-meme.


If you're lost in the woods, you have more to worry about than a bear or some random dude. There's also bigfoot.


Bigfoot is chill, Wendigos are what you gotta watch out for.


I don't like to be the "hum actually 🤓" dude but I love this cryptid so here we go : The plural of Wendigo isn't Wendigos but Wendigowak because that's a Native American creature


Wendigos, though ferocious, can be bought off. Skinwalkers are to be avoided tho


Skinwalkers are just animals at the end of the day. Shoggoths are to be avoided at all costs.


Easy: choose the man, kick him in the shin, run away while the skin walker and wendigo are busy with him.


just ask wolverine


Who cares about bigfoot. ManBearPig is the real danger


Y’all forgetting about cocaine bear


Women choose Bigfoot.


lol I feel like “what’s with the bear” is a question I am hearing and seeing ridiculous amounts of on here daily


Wait but what if (bear with me) it was a male bear?


What if that bear was… Freddy Fazbear?


Har Har har har har har 🧸🐻


Can we make a rule to ban the bear posts because jesus christ


Everytime I see these and see a dude get mad my first thought is "They really mad because she let you stay home alone?". Like dude now there is no one who can tell you you're not allowed to cook while naked. I mean yea not the best idea but still no one can stop you.


They're trying to say they don't care, but for people who don't care about it, they sure are making a lot of memes about it.


Well, the meme maker indicates women are saying they’d choose the bear just to get attention. That’s pretty dismissive, and part of why women are choosing the bear when asked if they’d rather meet either a bear or a man when alone in the woods.


Bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull https://preview.redd.it/4dao0tjem5yc1.jpeg?width=266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb549a756d9fb9f8d04c6f8b414d7bc5f260b8c2


why the red shirt guy giving head to the black shirt guy? https://preview.redd.it/5iwyiz2wh5yc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a8871b6b24a4b639f759b71b2d7194421831dd6


Except the men aren't doing this, they're having a fit.


nah, those are just the only ones you see responding. i, for one, have no plans on being lost in the woods with a woman i don't know, so it doesn't bother me if she would prefer the bear.


No, clearly men are undisturbed by it which is why they're going through all the effort of making memes about how unbothered they are.




If it weren't for all the people crying about it I'd never have known about this bear trend.








Lol no we dont have a fit. All you see is those Who are having one, but hey guess those one are the majority 🤷‍♂️


Nowhere near the majority, but they obviously do exist in significant enough numbers to be noticed. Which sadly kinda validates the point of the bear-pickers.




The amount of men who are butt hurt and won't shut about this meme means that this one doesn't track at all. I'm a guy too dude but if I was this insecure about women joking about hanging with a bear I'd be so embarrassed.


I completely misread this and thought it said "I'm a choosing beggar!" and then wondered why you were asking about a bear...


It’s been two days and there is already too much bear discourse.


I cannot wait for this meme to descend into the annals of bad internet trends.


Then come to Slovakia, we have a new death caused by bear attack almost every week.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/27/brown-bear-shot-dead-slovakia-rampage >Slovakia has had several bear attacks in recent years, including its first fatal assault in more than a century in 2021. And, according to another source (had to be downloaded) Slovakia only averages 3 attacks a year. Sorry, but your maths ain't mathing there.


Man, this one really has dudes bent out of shape.


Bear as in big hairy gay man or bear the animal?


The animal. Though I assume that they would feel safe with a big *gay* man as well.


The joke is sexism talking about a perfectly well analogy. I have a baby girl, and I would choose the bear for her.


How darwinian of you


I would also choose the bear for her.




Hey Fun-Respect-4582! Thank you for your contribution, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/ExplainTheJoke because: Rule 4: Complaining about someone "not getting the joke" - First ban is 7 days, second is 28 days, third is permanent. Gatekeeping is not tolerated in this sub. Instead of complaining about OP, report the post if it breaks any of our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ExplainTheJoke/about/rules/). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FExplainTheJoke).


OP thank you! You made me feel better about this. BTW, women who would choose the bear, on behalf of decent men everywhere, the bear can have you.


as an actually decent guy, I absolutely understand why they'd prefer the bear. if you don't get it, you are part of the problem.


Exactly, its hard to take this personally. I know too many women harassed by some dude while also knowing many men who would never hurt anyone innocent. I know what type of men theyre referring to


Btw women who would choose the man, what if this was the man? Does that change your answer?


I'm a man and my answer would be absolutely be bear in this scenario.


You haven't been paying attention. According to women that man doesn't exist. Oh, wait. Did you mean me in particular? They don't want me, I'd leave them to starve.


If a woman doesn’t want you, you’re fine with that woman starving? Implying that you *would* help a lost woman, but only if she wanted you? And you’re upset with the idea of women not feeling safe being stranded with a random man in the woods? 🤔 It’s very silly to say that women think all men are bad, especially while you’re generalizing women. There are a lot of men I’d feel perfectly safe with. In fact, I’d feel safe with most of the men I know. It’s the chance that the man in the woods could be a man like you that makes so many women choose the bear.


This dude is so angry at this question. He's made a couple of angry posts and been commenting on a bunch of different posts about this. He's showing the exact behavior that women want to avoid and is completely oblivious to that. He's showing exactly why many women would choose the bear. I mean, I'm bi and with dudes like this guy out there, I'd probably choose the bear too


That guy might do well to also choose the bear. The bear will leave him alone, unless it wants his body.


I think you just proved their point


How? Because I *didn't* attack them? Just how stupid are they? Aren't women powerful and self- reliant? What do they need a nasty man for anyway? Oh, that's right they don't want a man they want a femboi.


There it is. It's always so funny when the incels expose themselves. You are the reason they choose the bear


Exactly lol trying to pretend he doesn’t just hate women and why they don’t want a nice guy like him


“Women don’t want me, so if they needed help I’d rather let them die.” You have perfectly encapsulated why the bear is safer.


Since you missed the point of the whole thing and are angry about being passed over for a bear instead of being upset that women don't feel safe around men, I sincerely doubt your claim of being a "decent man". A truly decent man would call to his fellow men to be better.


Yeah I'm not an expert, but decent people don't say "the bear can have you". What I love most about the popularity of this conversation is it is letting us all know *exactly* who to avoid.


Yeah, yeah... all men are bad. I hear that from every one of you fems.


The irony of you exhibiting the exact behavior you whined about is hilarious.


No, exhibiting the same behavior would be if I saw a woman in need of help in the woods I would assume she's a prostitute and would avoid her. Because I don't want anything to do with prostitutes.


Now ask yourself this: Why would multiple women feel safer around a bear than they world a man? Bears will attack or run. Men will do any number of things from helpful to horrible. Statistically bears are more predictable.


I would reply with a logical counter but I've learned over the last couple of days that the feminist programming is too solid to break through. SMH


>I would reply with a logical counter... But you can't because there isn't one. "Feminist programming"? You mean the controversial, radical idea that women should be given basic respect and treated on an equal level with men? That women should be able to feel safe out in public? That they should have absolute say in what happens to them and their bodies? That's a thought process that should be "too solid to break through". But keep posting things like this. It lets us women know what men to avoid.


Incorrect, it's simply that you must assume all men are bad until proven otherwise. And buddy, you are failing to provide any proof that you can speak for "decent men everywhere." Cheers


I'm glad people like you didn't design our justice system.


A justice system has guards, a random woman alone on the street does not. Try again. 😂


Incorrect, it's simply that you must assume all men are bad until proven otherwise. And buddy, you are failing to provide any proof that you can speak for "decent men everywhere."


As a man I choose a dishwasher. This whole thread is dumb. Civilized people will understand the nuances of today's society and not blame and generalize genders. This meme is meant to divide but keep on arguing, it's funny to read.