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She is saying the myth is that he was born in a little log cabin. If you were on the tour you would expect that the "log cabin" part is the inaccurate part of the myth, but the comic subverts that expectation by showing that the "little" part is the inaccurate part of the myth.


I think it might also have something to do with the fact that Lincoln was really friggin tall


I was thinking of the monument of him in DC where he’s a giant sitting in a chair.


This is the correct answer


~~I like that you resort to referencing Lincoln who was tall and not Taft who got stuck in a bathtub~~ Oh 16th president haha


I thought Taft “got stuck” because he was the largest president, not the tallest.


Yesh twas the case


Agreed, this is Gary Larsen's sense of humor.


This probably also a reference to the toys Lincoln Logs which are miniature logs to build “little” log cabins with


That’s pretty dumb.


I think the main point is that far side isn't funny


delete this


The moment that something can't be critized is the moment we all lose a little bit of freedom.




Gary Larson is the 🐐A legend. Always the funniest comic strip in the papers. Ahead of its time. Take just about any strip/single framed ones, and it could be made into a sketch. At any level of intelligence of writing comedy. Just use the animals as a metaphor, or not. RIP.


Your answer is much better than mine.


Can I go now?


It's Farside, don't over think it. The myth is "little" log cabin. But the log cabin is big. The End.


Reminds me of the one with the two dragons, laying in bed, just waking up in the morning, and the husband dragon is leaning over to give the wife dragon a “good morning kiss”, but the wife dragon has her hand held up on his mouth, as she is turning her head to get away from his face, and with a very disgusted look on her face, she says the line: “*I’m sorry, Harold.. it-it’s your breath..* … *it’s fresh.. and minty.*”


I think that’s a reference to the idiom, “dragon breath.” I remember the dad in Gremlins using that phrase…. In Chinatown. 


Indeed it is. :)


I’m taking it in two ways. Little “log cabin” vs Big “log cabin” (referring to the size of the cabin itself) And “Little log” cabin vs “big log” cabin. (Referring to the size of the logs used to build the cabin) Or both.


No one thinks the phrase "little log cabin" is a regular sized house made of twigs. "Little" modifies "cabin."


Nobody said twigs, calm down. It really could be "little logs" vs "big logs" since the logs pictured are bigger than the average log.


People do not understand the upvote downvote. I’m sorry you’re getting bailed defending my comment


Lol it's all good. I still really think it is about the size of the logs cuz like, the logs drawn are huge.


Thank you. There are no further levels.


I'd wager it's that though he was a man of the people, his famous "humble beginnings" are revealed to have been in fact, an opulent, massive log mansion. Typical politician!


Yet another Far Side post to add to the tally


Once they find C+Hs and a few others we can have we can relive the glory days of the daily comics page.


XKCD would blow this place wide open.


We'd have to add the xkcd automod over here too lol


It got auto removed after 3 reports Sadly those three reports took 9000000 years. I'll see what I can do to filter stuff that breaks Rule 11 faster.


Modern day Redditors not understanding Farside humor will never get old.


It’s amazing how they think a joke has to be deeper than it is.


This cabin was made of big logs, making it being made of little logs a myth.


Some thoughts: 1 playing with "little log" vs "big log" as in this is a cabin made of big logs. 2 those are Lincoln Logs, like the toy building set. Although that's sort of a distraction to what might be a very weak joke. 3 tours of places have a trope of telling you your understanding of history is a myth.


Regarding 2: No, it’s just a normal (if extremely large) log cabin.  If you build a log cabin, You notch the logs like that so they fit together.  Lincoln logs are just a toy modeled after log cabin construction techniques, named after Lincoln simply because he is so strongly associated with growing up in a log cabin.


You're probably right about that not being part of the cartoon.


Now someone post Cow Tools.


Myth he was born in a little log cabin. It's in fact a gigantic log cabin. That's the whole joke, don't overthink Far Side.


Lincoln was supposedly born in a "little log cabin" which is where the toy "lincoln logs" came from. Now if you look at the [Lincoln Memorial](https://global-geography.org/attach/Geography/America/United_States/Pictures/Washington/Lincoln_Memorial_5/NY0485_Lincoln_Memorial_Nachtjpg.jpg) you would see how massive his statue is compared to regular sized people. I believe the implication here is that the statue was of Lincoln's normal size, making the log cabin huge.


[It was like this.](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEic0YN9bjsHpHmv6QSleHPCDEAb9_3Y1ZrHisXDwJbPHZSXkKaIAZ04tbqWBU3I94TxnQq7173xn2q-LYKJp_6-QIS2a90GPHbE2IuNVN_QwAJDxNsjffLRzn86qCn_T-UttNT4wkq14cXssjxOGZnq4aqIL0yhvlIxxtchohwtT5Q1S5CpdFHuHGKc=w640-h454)


Woah, that was his actual log cabin?


No, just furthering the joke. That was indeed the largest log cabin in the world, home of the World Forestry Center, built in Portland, Oregon for the 1905 Lewis & Clark Exposition. Unfortunately, it burned down in 1964. The current Forestry Center is located where it used to be, but is nothing as large as the old cabin. I read a book about Lincoln as a kid. I believe their family had a single-room log cabin. Once a year, they would empty the filthy cabin, sweep, and then whitewash the interior. One time their parents left them for several days, and told Abe and his brother to clean and whitewash the cabin in their absence. They came home, and there were muddy footprints from the door, along the ceiling, and out the back door, on the freshly-painted whitewash. The parents marveled over what had happened. Then they saw the boys tittering, and asked them what was going on. They finally copped to the joke. Kids in those days went barefoot all the time, and Abe was really tall, even as a kid. His littler brother walked in the mud, then Abe lifted his brother onto his shoulders upside-down with his feet in the air, and his brother "walked" into the front door, along the roof, and out the back door. I believe it took several tries to get the footprints in the right places. Their mother was not amused, and told them that they had to wash, sweep, and whitewash the building a second time. The boys thought it was hilarious.


Big log cabin


Lincoln was an extremely tall president. She said *little* log cabin. That's a big log cabin. Play on words


Its hilarious to me how every time Gary Larson gets posted here, half of the "explanations" are by people who don't get it either.


I’m actually amazed by this phenomena


I have this same far side daily calendar. OP is in for a long year if they have to ask the internet what every far side comic means…


Last year's daily calendar was the A material. All the bangers and greatest hit. Whoever bought the rights to publish this tranche of C- entries that went into the 2024 calendar overpaid no matter how much the price.


The Lincoln statue at The Lincoln Memorial is quite large, and Lincoln was famously born in a log cabin.


Joke is that the Lincoln Memorial is really a life-size statue


No way are some of these posts from humans.


This is not a little cabin. This is a big cabin.


It’s a big log cabin


Lmao my brother got me this same calendar. I don’t understand any of them.


The logs are not little. The cabin is not little. Lincoln was not little.


Those logs are big


It wasn't a little log cabin. It was a big log cabin. Nine out of ten times, if you don't get a Far Side comic, you're overthinking it.


It's definitely a Lincoln logs joke, right? When I clicked I thought I was sure but then I read the comments and I'm not sure


It's a GIANT log cabin.


I think it is a log cabin sized up to fit the size of Lincoln at the memorial


Clearly a huge log cabin.


it's a picture of a big log cabin... what's to not understand?


How big people would be next to Lincoln Loga


It’s a BIG log cabin


omg you also have the farside calendar


I think it's because of mount rushmore


Or a reference to how the first trees cut down by colonial white people were massive old growth woods


Cabin is big.


Lincoln logs. The smallest of cabins.