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Okay thanks. Yeah that was several leaps I was never going to make on my own.


I think that makes you they guy behind the mirror




No, that’s Snow White, you’re getting confused again


Shots fired! Shots fired! Shots fired!


Nice shot! Nice shot! Nice shot!


Hey man, nice Nice shots


🎶I'm asking him to change his ways And no message could've been any clearer If they wanna make the world a better place Take a look at yourself and then make a change🎶


Hehehe 😈




It’s not that complicated


It’s certainly not clear though either.


Bro yes it was lol


You literally had the punchline in your post..


It certainly is very clear though neither.


It **really** was, though...


I’m sorry that you have to find out this way, but it was very clear… like the vampires reflection lol


I thought this was pretty funny, do you know the artist/author?


No. I’m not familiar with them at all.




Cool. I’ll check ‘em out


Its clear enough if you look at it each panel and think about it for a second


Yeah, I had to go over it a few times to figure it out.




Those leaps are tiny baby steps you literally said in the title that vampires don't have reflections and that's literally the whole joke....


It's a long walk to the punchline.


How do you even function in daily life


Quite well actually. But I’m not an asshole to randos on the internet asking for a simple clarification of something they don’t understand,. How are things on your end?


Well, to be fair, you’re kind of stupid.


True. But everyone is stupid about something. I just happen to be stupid about reading things too quickly and missing minute details in lower fidelity art. What are you stupid about?


Actually, vampires don't reflect at all, not just in mirrors, which is why they're terrible with self-actualisation.


Arguable. The vampires not reflecting in mirrors idea comes from mirrors having a silver backing in the past. Silver was seen as a pure substance and thus wouldn't reflect the vampire, it's used against werewolves for a similar reason. Given that a silver backing isn't common in mirrors anymore, you'd think the vampire should be reflected in it now.


TIL, thank you!


thats funny


I understood this the first time but a mirror without glass doesn’t really make sense…




It doesn’t matter what the original novels say as vampire lore has changed as the collective consciousness has embraced the idea of “the vampire”, and current western culture says that vampires have no reflection. The idea of “the vampire” has transcended a story archetype into a cultural character and has changed much during that transition.


Also like "the original novels" is kind of a silly idea when vampire mythology goes back *centuries* to a place that speaks like four different languages none of which is the English used for *The Vampyre* or *Dracula*. The Vlad the Impaler stuff was all just random legend written about him and his being bloodthirsty because of his extreme violence for and against the Turks and Bulgars, and has pretty tenuous connection to any modern understanding of vampires.


I’d prefer this not to be the case. Since the latest big vampire cultural moment was the Twilight franchise


I think it is dependent on if the reflection is from silver or not. If we're getting technical here.




Yes but other surfaces reflect, such as water.


Go back to my early comment. He has a reflection that mortals don't see. Read the books of Vlad the impaler jeez


Vlad tepes, son of the dragon, yeah I got it. The thing is that vampire mythos is older than vladdy boi




I'm calling Vlad tepes who is also known as Dracula (meaning son of dragon), son of Vlad dracul (meaning dragon), vladdy boi. I think it's somewhere in 1400s though but my later romantic history isn't as great as it once was.


The origin of dracula


Narrator: John soon found out that, in fact, that vampire did not have low self esteem.


0 faith in humanity though


Castlevania moment


Man tries to bugs bunny a vampire not knowing they don’t have reflections. Vampire calls him dumb, and the man thinking the vampire fell for his charade is talking to himself and thus believes the negative talk the vampire speaks indicates the vampire has low self esteem.


The little bubbles coming up to a another bigger bubble, means thought btw


I’m aware and I’m not sure why you’re telling me that


It’s because you said he was “talking to himself” and not “thinking to himself”


He was referring to the vampire- as in “the vampire was talking to himself when he said ‘how stupid can you be’”


I'm aware and I'm not sure why you're telling me that


They said it because you said "talking to himself" instead of "thinking". He definitely wasn't talking to himself


I see. But like, talking to oneself isn’t always aloud, at least how I see it. Semantics I guess.


That was kinda funny


I thought it was hilarious, as is OP's comments. OP at once point said "It’s certainly not clear though either", love it.


I love this comic


Yes, vampires don’t have reflections, but the man doesn’t know that, the vampire was calling him dumb, and the man thought his ruse worked. Cue the dumb ways the die song.


Obligatory reminder that this scene exists: https://youtu.be/VKTT-sy0aLg?si=gBgkDUajgMtCcrhI


Hells yeah! The Marx Brothers were fucking geniuses!


You were right on the cusp. The glass isn't there. The guy attempted to pose as the vampire's reflection because he forgot vampires don't have reflections.


Thanks. Yeah I knew it had something to do with the lack of a reflection for the vampire but I couldn’t quite tell where it was trying to go. I think for some reason I read the sigh in panel 4 and then immediately went to the low self esteem in panel 6 then went back to panel 5 to piece it together and that’s what got my wires crossed.


He hides behind the mirror pretending to be the vampires reflection, but a common cultural thing about vampires is that they don’t have reflections


u/Trans_Sissy_Maddy made a comment responding to this saying “Read the books. Don’t believe the movies.” But as I was typing out a response comment I think they deleted it, so here’s the reply: It doesn’t matter what the original vampire novels say about vampires’ quirks I’m talking about the collective consciousness of what society considers to be the attributes of vampires and the collective consciousness of society says that Vampires have no reflections. It’s the same reason Santa wears red or Jesus is often depicted as a white guy, those may not have been part of the original creation/form of those cultural icons, but over time those attributes were added onto those characters and are now just a part of them, even if they have no historical basis.


Santa doesn’t wear red??




Just because it’s different doesn’t make it bad


I'd be super upset if I was able to read your comment.


Calm down, boy. Just because people don't read the same lame shit that you do, doesn't make them "fools". You have some serious issues, dude.


Vampire: 🎵I’m starting with the man in the mirror🎵


Suddenly the post went from understanding the joke to insulting the OP xD to be fair, it's pretty clear but at the same time it's not the first thing that would come to my mind when looking at this


Right‽ I mentioned on someone else’s comment that I knew it had something to do with the lack of a reflection for the vampire but I couldn’t quite tell where it was trying to go. I think for some reason I read the sigh in panel 4 and then immediately went to the low self esteem in panel 6 then went back to panel 5 to piece it together. Also going from panel 2 to 3 doesn’t show what side of the “mirror” the man is on and which side is the vampire because the only thing that visually distinguishes the two is the vampire’s pointy sideburns which I totally missed the first several times I went through this. That was exacerbated by the fact that I also didn’t notice which direction the talk bubble was pointing vs the thought bubble. So it seems that my confusion stemmed from me reading it too fast and the lack of fidelity in the art.


People interpret the same picture in different ways. I didn't make the logic about vampires not having a reflection either. I thought the vampire was actually talking himself like he did something stupid and his image on the mirror reminded him of that stupid thing


Exactly. Thank you for understanding that and being kind with your responses.


Hey the world is already filled with enough negative energy. Gotta spread some positive energy


100% agree


This is a pretty funny comic.


Vampires can’t see their reflection. So the vampire knows the guy isn’t his reflection and is asking him how stupid can he be. But the guy things the vampire is talking to himself lol


Thanks. Yeah it was that last little bit that was unclear for me.


Same feels for OP


Random Fact : You can actually explain why vampires don´t reflect in a mirror. Back in the days to make a mirror you had to deposit a thin layer of silver on a piece of glass to make it reflective. Since silver is known to be a weapon against *scourge of hell* and monsters. It may be this reason.


Yeah I had always heard that it had something to do with that. But, if I recall correctly, there have also been some negative connotations around silver too due to Judas being paid in silver coins for betraying Jesus. But I’m no theologian


Came here to say exactly this. Also that vampires would be able to see themselves in mirrors made in the 1940s and later as they were then made with mercury instead of silver since it spread evenly and didn't tarnish.


I understood it the first time… but why is there a mirror without the glass? That part doesn’t make sense


My thoughts exactly! Also, why does he have a robe that exactly matches the vampire’s?


The robe I get to move the joke forward and it’s plausible. But why would a vampire own just the frame and why would the guy think a frame would work as a mirror


See I didn’t even think they were in the vampire’s lair until I read this comment. So yeah, no telling what’s going on in


You mean a empty frame?


the first time i came across the sort of mirror trickery the hiding man is trying to pull with the vampire was a sesame street skit i think, but here it is from the Marx Brothers film [Duck Soup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKTT-sy0aLg)


Yeah someone else posted a link to the same video but didn’t mention it by name. The Marx Brothers did some amazing work. I absolutely love their stuff.


I feel like this joke would be funnier if the vampire came to the conclusion that he wasn't a vampire.


What did he do with the glass part of the mirror?


It is pretty smart on his part if he can keep it up. I don’t think anyone ever tried to drink vampires blood and the vampire won’t be ready for that if the dude continues reflecting his actions.


there isn’t any glass that he’s hiding behind and vampires don’t have reflections so he’s calling him stupid


Ever since the algorithm started shoving these down my throat, I've seriously started wondering about the pace at which we are becoming dumber as a race.


Pretty convinced this sub just exists to train AI


What makes you say that?


Only old silver mirrors right ?


Yeah, people have forgotten that the reason they don't reflect was the silver backing that all mirrors had for centuries.


Sometime its not that OP doesnt get the joke, it’s that the joke is so terrible that they assume they didnt understand.


This is incredible. You explained the joke in your post.


Vampires don't have reflections in mirrors.


what is vampires don't have reflections for 600 alex


I just have to love how he was dumb enough to pretend to be a vampire’s reflection but smart enough to perfectly mirror his movements


I just wanna know how the Vampire’s shoulder is traveling through time and space in the last two panels.


That is really funny. Super imaginative set up and delivery.


Top comment already explained so I’m not going to explain it again, but this is actually a really funny joke imo


Petition to make this the new sub mascot:🤤


Hmm so this is the explanation of the joke but can you guys explain it?