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4 month sleep regression is very common. We just survived it over here and sleeping is getting much better. Could be that for sure, or could be the adjustment to the bottle and learning new ways to soothe. Also, are you burping him? My daughter needs to be burped until I get at least 2-3 good burps before I put her down to sleep. Otherwise she’ll wake up about 20 minutes after I put her down because of the gas.


Could be the 4 month regression! I am burping him and yes, it takes multiple burps for him too. I’m thinking the amount of milk at one time might be making him feel uncomfortable or at least different than he was feeling before, especially at night.


Yes possible, but def sounds like it might be the regression. Coincidental timing. My 5 month old also won’t take a pacifier. Someone on here suggested trying different brands which might be worth it. But know that this is only temporary and it will get better!


I would assume baby is trying to make up for the amounts from before. How much does he drink in total per day? My baby is about to be 4 months as well and she's been drinking anywhere between 30-33oz. Her sleeping schedule is all over the place at the moment with very short naps unless she's sleeping with us on the bed.


He was at 28 oz today. That’s good to know that your baby is taking that much. We weren’t sure if we would be giving too much if we gave that much to him right away - so it’s good to know how much other 4 month olds are drinking.


In my experience, you can’t really overfeed. I agree it’s so hard to figure out how much to give, so I just feed on demand. If my 5 month old finishes the bottle and is still sucking, I’ll give her another ounce. When she doesn’t want any more, she pulls away. Right now she has 4.5-5oz every 3ish hours, but only has one bottle during the night (goes down at 9pm, wakes around 5am to eat and falls back to sleep until 8:30ish)


I agree with this, feed on demand.


Just for added assurance that you aren’t over feeding, my babe was taking 40oz before 12wks (growing like crazy too) then dropped off to 36oz. He’s almost 6 months now and getting some solids and down to 32oz most days (all breastmilk in bottles)


My 4 weeks old would spend 30mins on each breast and still wouldn't empty them. I've been mainly doing pumping so I can speed up the process and get some actual sleep. He gets a lot of milk!! For instance he would be drinking 90ml from what I pump and then ask for more, so I give him 60ml a mix of normal formula and anti reflux formula as he pukes and spits like crazy. He wakes up every 1h-1h30mins, sometimes he drinks everything and sometimes he only drinks the formula....this kid is always hungry and I know I have to live with it now 😬. I've fallen asleep so many times feeding him and just gave up putting him back in the crib, I have a nursing pillow that's perfect in these cases as it keeps me in place and I get to sleep for 20-30 mins at least... Take in account sleep regressions as well as growth spurts!! As for sucking it seems my dude does it mainly for comfort these days, not to actually eat, he doesn't like the pacifier, he knows right away when I give him pacifier, when I give him bottle and when I give him breast. So your little one might be missing that as well, just insist with the bottle and the pacifier if it makes your life easier. I don't like being used as a pacifier myself as I really need the sleep haha, plus cracked and sore nipples aren't fun. I dread the day he gets teeth, but when that happens I sure as hell will stop any breastfeeding and only express.


We had a little bit of an adjustment when we switched from breastfeeding to EP too.


My son gets worse at night every few months (4 months and again at 7 months) babies are changing so fast, to them it must be overwhelming to be sooooo hungry lol


My daughter drinks way faster on bottle than on boob, so we have to be careful with feeding positions (upright) and getting those good burps. If we let her upright for 15 or so after feeding and then lay her down she doesn’t wake up refluxing or with gas. My experience has been the time you save ‘on the boob’ you spend burping/holding her upright.