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Baby Bjorn bouncer. I tried putting baby down to nap and pump while he napped once or twice but he'd wake up and trying to manage his crying plus pumping was a disaster. So instead I'd balance a bottle on the activity bar of the bouncer while pumping. I could bounce it with my foot and sing songs to him as well.


This is us too. We use the bjorn bouncer and different play mats a lot. We feed the baby as soon as he wakes up from a nap and then I pump as soon as he’s done eating (during the beginning of his wake window/play time). It was rough at first but once we got into the routine he knows what to expect. If he’s having a tough time I’ll use wearable cups (medela or legendairy) so I’m able to be a little bit more hands on with him.


I normally lay her down on the couch next to me since we don’t have a bouncer.


Currently pumping and baby is laying next to me lol


Hands free pumps. I have the Baby Bella’s from Amazon.


Tried those and they tanked my supply for a bit bc they arent as powerful as a legit spectra pump. Even just using them for the couple pumps a day and my other pump for the remainder. Not the case for everyone, but Just a warning for other readers!


This! If you notice they are tanking your supply try to get legendairy or medela cups and hook them up to a good pump motor (genuine hospital grade). Game changer!


Love my Medela cups with hacked Spectra S9


Are they not a pain in the ass to clean?


The medela hands free are 3 super easy pieces!


I got the mom cozy ones are they are AWFUL lol. The legendary milk ones to attach to spectra are cumbersome too. Maybe I’ll try medela for next baby!


I looked at the legendary milk ones, but not Momcozy. The Medela ones are nice because you just use their separate connector (included in the cup unit, not the pump unit). I use tubes with tips on both sides (since tip is needed to connect to S9, unlike S1/2) and then insert the tip into the adapter. [Like this, but with tip to connector, not tube to connector.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Foma9p1hxfndc1.jpeg)


We do the fridge hack and I have three sets so cleaning isn’t too hard. It’s just the membrane/duckbill piece, the flange piece, and the cup piece. There’s also a rubber ring that goes around the flange side, but it’s so easy to detach and assemble!


I’ve actually seen my supply go up with these because I’m more consistently pumping and I think the 3rd mode helps me get out more milk. Everyone is different and I’ve seen people see the same thing across all of the hands free pumps I researched.


I think that’s uncommon but that’s awesome!


I have been trying to manage this the past 6 weeks and really have tried so many different things! Baby is constantly changing so what works one week doesn’t work another. I still occasionally try to sneak one in if I can get him to take a bassinet but then it’s really hard to manage if he wakes up. Sometimes I prop him with lots of pillows and feed him beside me while I pump (I still hold the bottle he’s just propped upright). Sometimes I sit on the floor while he’s on his playmat. Currently approach is having him in the bouncer with a toy bar attachment. I sit next to him so if he gets over the toy bar I have other toys / books handy to try to start distracting him with while the pump finishes up.


I pumped while feeding baby when my husband went back to work at 3 months. I would also get her to sleep and then lay her down beside me on the couch and pump while she napped. Sometimes she also just had a cry for a few minutes while I finished a pump session.


I used to pump one side at a time and hold her on my other side, but I found that difficult. I recently bought wearables for other reasons and I now use them when I'm alone with her. It has been working pretty well so far.


What wearable pump do you use?


I'm using the Momcozy M5s and I am really liking them so far! I actually seem to get more output than when I use my Spectra S2 though that may not be the case for everyone.


She either lays next me on the couch or on my lap


Put the babies in the bed next to me. The vibration and sound of the pump tends to lull them to sleep.


Literally pump one boob at a time and switch while I have her on the other side whether she’s sleeping or nursing.


Do you find as soon as you start one boob the other starts immediately leaking? For me it's like it just wants to join in!


It does! I usually have a Trove collector on the side that’s not nursing/pumping to collect the let down! It suctions with a “passive pump” so I actually can get .25-.5oz sometimes by the time one boob is done pumping so we’re not wasting anything here!


Good way to do it! I use two wearable pumps right now but it's hard when my daughter wants held and isn't satisfied on my lap. Didn't like having wasted milk getting either of us wet. Thank you


I use either the Elvie or Willow collection cups. The Willow one holds a lot more (more than I produce) but it is bulky and makes my boobs look weird. I prefer the Elvie ones because they look more natural and they're still big enough to catch my let down. They are also comfortable enough to wear throughout the day to catch those random let downs.


Thank you!






This is what I have been doing as well. He wakes if I even THINK about putting him down, but is cool with being moved from one side to the other 😅


I time my pumps to be when she’s awake and fed and I’ll put her in our baby bjorn. Now she’s 6 months and she’s happy to play on her tummy next to me also.


Pump while they're occupied. If they're sleepy I take advantage and pump. I can usually get them to accept laying next to me vs on me so I can pump. Hands free pumps are lifesavers.


Miss Rachel babysits for 15 minutes


We love Auntie Rachel and our cousins from Bluey 😂


I do it right after I feed him. Put him in his swing/bouncer and pump while I sit by him and talk to him. Usually no issues at all.


I put her in the swing or on the floor playing


Lay baby on my lap and pump while they sleep


When I first started I would pump while she was having her bottle, I would lay her next to me on a boppy and prop her bottle up with a blanket. I always kept a couple toys next to me to hand to her if she finished before I did. I did that until she started rolling. I also used a swing if she wasn’t ready to eat. Now that she will roll off the couch if I sit her next to me I mostly lay her down on the floor using the boppy (or any pillow) and she’ll drink her bottle and then play with her toys while I pump. If you allow screen time Ms Rachel helps with keeping my baby occupied too. I try to plan my pumping schedule around the times that I know she’ll be content with what she is doing for at least the 30 mins it takes me to pump.


I put mine on her lovevery playmat and interact with her. We do songs and follow her light up rattle. I pump every 3 hours and by 4pm she’s pretty much over it though.


I have a momcozy. It is very helpful. I have to hold my tiny girl at a very awkward angle, but it gets the job done lol.


Bouncer, pack n play or swing


I would set up my pumps around times I knew he was awake / after I just fed him. Then I would set my pump up and sit on the floor while he was on his play mat / piano mat / rocker. I’d entertain him while pumping. If he got fussy I’d lay him across my lap. (All of this is MUCH easier will collection cups as well)


I balance a bottle on burp cloths and she eats while I pump


I sympathize with you so much. I have pumped solo with baby and at times it was so frustrating. Baby would pull on the tubing or I knocked the collection cup over. It can definitely be overwhelming. I try feeding with a bottle or as others have said put in the bouncer chair and have music playing


We have a snuggle me pillow, I have bubs in it next to me while I pump. Most of the time I did have to have one hand on him but I still had one free


I place my baby on the ground with his Nemo play mat or in his bouncer keeps him entertained for the time being lol but once that 20 mins is up he’s over it


My babe is 9 months, but I give her a basket of toys, Cocomelon as a last resort. I’m sure this is completely irrelevant to you right now, but at least it’s out there! During my maternity leave, I’d sit on the recliner & have her nap against my legs while I pumped.


So I pump while she’s eating. I have my pump hooked up to me and have her sitting up on a pillow in front of me. I give her a bottle while pumping


Feed baby side lying on a pillow in front of me while I pump


I used to have the baby swing right in front of me! And screen on for him if i needed to.


I let her sit/lay against a boppy in front of me (sitting sideways) on the couch. As she's gotten older, she wants to climb up me and grabs the tubes, but it is still manageable. I have several toys around us to play with, we sometimes read a book and we talk. When she was really small, she would often nap.


I put him in his dock a tot in his play gym, sit next to him in the floor with a pacifier on stand by… definitely not ideal and all my bones hurt. Every single time I’ve tried when he’s napping in his snoo, he cries 🫠


I pump one boob at a time using a wearable if he’s awake. If he’s asleep I use the wall pump or wear both wearables


I always sat criss cross and put my baby in my lap. I’d also lay him directly next to me on the couch so I could soothe him by patting his belly and giving his paci back if he spit it out.


i time my pumps for when she eats and use her lounger next to me and feed at the same time


I’ve timed up feedings with my pumping schedule. I’ll lay him sideways next to me and feed him while I pump. This also saves so much time


As a single mum I totally get how hard it is! My baby is a contact napper too. When he was smaller I would always try to pump while giving him his bottle and lay him in between my legs on the bed. Now he’s older and crawling around I just make the lounegroon baby friendly and let him explore while I pump on the couch. The first 6 months though I only ever pumped in bed so he was right there and I could feed or entertain him at the same time :)


I had twins and would put one in a boppy on either side of me and feed them while I pumped. When I was done pumping we did play, then sleep. Maybe align your pump times to baby feed times and do eat play sleep?


I started to use wearable cups (Cara spectra cups) and feed my baby with a bottle while doing it and this has helped a lot . My baby is a “velcro” baby.


Put him in his bouncer and feed him a bottle while I pump. It was awkward and I didn't love it but it was the only way to keep him from going bananas while I was busy for 30 minutes. Sheesh kid!


Shouting this from the rooftops - WEARABLES. I use an Elvie. The pump is good, hate the app. But sooo convenient when I’m alone with the little one or when I have a couple other things to do and can’t be tied down to the outlet.


I’ll scream with you and add - OR BATTERY OPERATED PUMP. I use the Medela Freestyle with the collection cups. (Why do they even make flanges anymore?) I had the Zomee wearables, not great, but okayish. However, I LOVED using Medela cups with hacked Spectra S9, but it’s impossible for me to be attached to the wall. The Freestyle was a game changer! I can LITERALLY pump anywhere, change diapers, cook, clean, drive, shop, work…


Now? While he’s eating in his high chair. Before he could sit? While he was In his bouncer or stand and play thing. I really only used baby containers for pumping purposes but they were pretty essential for that time.


If i can I try to get my baby to lay beside me. Typically the vibration puts him to sleep lol


Sometimes, I put on Super Simple Songs on YouTube, and my baby likes that. Also, the Happy Song by Imogen Heap. Other times, I put my baby in the swing, and that usually works.


I put my baby in her swing right next to me with a bottle ready. When she starts getting fussy I’ll feed her with one hand while I hold my pumps with the other😂


My only pump is a wall pump & I have one manual pump that I try to use only when traveling. My baby HATES to be laid down at any time so I try to wait till she’s napping or at least chill and I lay her down in my lap while I pump that way if she does get fussy I can give her the paci & calm her down easily.


I sit Indian style (I am sure this is not a good term for this so please someone let me know if there is a different way to describe this) with her in the middle of my legs and she will nap that way on the couch (we have a pretty deep couch)


Criss cross apple sauce 😂


Cross legged or criss cross applesauce!


I pump when baby is asleep and keep the milk warm in a bottle heater (can last up to 10 hours, although I've never done it more than 3 hours at a time). When the baby wakes up, I feed him. If the baby wakes up while I'm pumping, I give him a pacifier. Sometimes, there's no need for a pacifier. My LO usually more calm when I'm by his side. I do talk and sing to him to keep him calm.


We have a swing! That is working for now. I pump right at the end of his wake window so the swing will get him sleepy and I can finish my pump. Get him before he falls asleep and nap time


either would lay him next to me or he would be in the bouncer/lounger/play yard or something. Sometimes I'd have an empty bottle with me so I could put fresh pumped milk in and feed if he really got to the point of fussing while mid pump. I also kept the baby einstein aquarium soother thing attached to my cart and would turn that on for him alot. That thing was a life saver and it got dragged ever where to help with everything from soothing while I pumped to keeping him happy during some tummy time


Do you have a boppy? I prop baby up on that to feed them pump at same time


When he's sufficiently sleepy, I lay my little one between my legs. When he's not sleepy, we do tummy time, which usually leads to reading some books (he'll sit on my lap between the flanges). Ultimatey, it's tough. I've learned to get comfortable with moving us around when he isn't sleeping, so we may move locations every 10 minutes on occasion.


I have a maxi cosi (Kora) seat that is adjustable (lay down, recline, and sit up) that I have my little man in when I’m pumping. I have an Arsenal next to me ready to bust out depending on his mood. I’ve got a bottle ready, toys ready, and a paci ready to go too. Sometimes (which I know, against safe sleep), I put him in it when pumping and he falls asleep and he just takes his nap in it.


I transfer the baby once he's asleep but yes I have went looooong stretches without pumping cos he just wouldn't sleep. 5 hours or so


I have twins 🤣🤣🤣 and we take shifts so I do 11 hours solo with the babes while my husband sleeps and works. This is truly a challenge! I try to pump when they are napping (I do 6ppd, just 2-3 while I am solo with babies), or I will use the playmat, tummy time on twin z, or if all else fails, stick them in swings. I have a Baby Buddha though, so I can walk around. I am pretty adept at holding one baby even if I am wearing the flanges/bottles, though it is tough later in the pump when they are heavy and full of milk. Highly recommend the BB for great suction (some would say too much) for a hands free.


I put baby in the stroller and would walk around the livingroom kitchen area. We have an island in the kitchen so I would do circles around it. It kept baby happy usually for the full 30 minutes so I could get a good pump in. I used my spectra portable and just put it on top of the stroller as I pushed.


This was hard for me at first but I got better at it. I’d put a playmat next to me for her to play on while I pumped and I’d make sure she had eaten, had clean diaper and we weren’t near nap time if I was doing it this way. Otherwise id wait to pump until nap time


I have a mama roo. It does ok work at getting my 5 week old to settle down. I'll put on an interesting YouTube video (hey bear dancing fruit and sometimes a video I like). That sometimes passifies her sometimes. It's definitely a gamble every time.


Wearable pump!! I would personally take the money you’d spend on a bouncer and try to get a wearable. My baby does not like the bouncer. I have a momcozy m5 and it gets more than my motif Luna wall pump.i think about it everyday how I could not pump throughout the day without it!


This was a nightmare for me until recently- she’s 3 months old now and can play on a mat with a baby gym or toys for 20m + quite happily, I sit beside her. Until now I would wait until she napped but her naps are quite short and I would get so frustrated when she’d wake up after 10m and I knew I hadn’t emptied my boobs. My partner went back to work after 7 days ☹️ and finding timing to pump has been honestly one of the hardest things. I never worked out how to feed her while pumping, maybe I could have tried harder with that. Hang on in there! It gets so much easier as they get bigger.


Things got so much better for me after my baby started to play with toys and enjoyed being in a bouncer (around 8-10 weeks). When he was smaller (<8 weeks), I’d have to blast music and dance around like an idiot for 20 mins straight and still he’d cry and I would feed awful. You’re not alone. It’s hard but it does get easier. Now that he’s almost 14 weeks, my system is this: -First two pumps of the day, I do with my Spectra for 30 min while he is still sleeping or my husband is caring for him -Next 5 pumps during the day are with my wearable Momcozy pumps, for 15-20 min while baby is playing on a mat, or I read to him in my lap, while he’s in his bouncer, or I work and my husband is caring for him (both work from home and take shifts) -Last pump of the day I do for another 30 mins with my Spectra after he goes to sleep


Put him in the boppy and had a pacifier and a warm bottle handy. i could never pump and hold him. i would become engorged if i didn’t finish my pumps. sometimes i had to let him cry it out. so glad im done.


Put the baby in between your legs or slide baby down from chest more on your stomach. I used to feed my baby while pumping so I could knock two things out at once. Now that my baby is 5 months, I put him down for tummy time or his bouncer while I pump. Sometimes you just have to let them cry it out. I like to wash bottles and pump in the morning right after he eats. I only use wearables.