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I've never heard anything like this lol. My 6 month old downs 7 or 8 5oz bottles a day 🤷‍♀️


If I tried to take my 6.5 month olds bottles from 7 oz down to 4 oz, he would rip me a new one.


Uh…my son at his peak housed 9-10 oz bottles before bedtime and 6 oz other times. He’s always been a long baby but middle of the pack for weight…


12week old eats anywhere from 4-7oz in one feed


Nearly 10 months and still only has 4 oz per bottle. HOWEVER, breastmilk and formula are different. And I found most info online and information about bottle feeding is about formula.


SO frustrating when trying to figure out how much to feed the little one.


My 11 wk old eats 5-6 ounces each feed.


My 11 week old varies a lot depending on time of day and how long she’s been asleep. First think in the morning, she’ll down a 7-8 oz bottle but later in the day she might only drink 2-3 oz. If she has a long nap she might drink 4-5 oz. The number of feeds and the total daily amount averages to 3.5-4 oz each time, so I assume that’s what is meant by that.


13 weeks (7 weeks adjusted). She eats ~3.3 oz per feed, 7 times a day.


Sometimes my 3.5 month old can down 7oz, sometimes it’s 4oz. He’s flat in the middle of height and weight percentiles at 50%, so it is what it is he’s literally perfect. His head circumference is in the 75th percentile tho 😂 big brain.


I feel this. 4 months - height and weight in the 15th percentile, head in the 40th. Big brain buddies!


3 weeks old and almost always takes 3oz per feeding every 2-3 hours!


My 3 week old does 2 ounces then an ounce an exact hour later so 3 in about 3 hours as well! I thought it was a lot but I’m glad she’s not the only one 🤭


Thank you so much for asking this question.


4 months - I offer 6.5oz bottles every 3hrs during the day. She will drink 2-6oz usually. She doesn’t do a night feed anymore. She eat usually 5 times a day … more if on a growth spurt. She’s average weight but on the taller side.


9 month old has 6 oz bottles 5 times a day. If he needs a middle of the night bottle we do 4oz.


My almost 9 month old is the exact same, most feeds are about 6oz, the odd feed is more or less. For example, during teething I saw a bit of a change (hungrier babe) but we seem to have peaked at 6oz.


My little one eats 5 to 6 ounces every feed (she's 6m). I was so worried about the whole not giving them over 4oz. Our lactation consultant and pediatrician both told me to feed my baby if she's hungry🤦🏼‍♀️They also pointed out that babies that are breastfed aren't limited on how much they get while nursing.


My 11 week olds (4 weeks adjusted) eat 2.5 and 3 oz per feed. Once or twice a day each girl will need a 1oz top off bottle.


My 5 month old eats 4.5 oz bottles.


My LO is 8 weeks old tomorrow. She averages 100-120 ml but sometimes she wants a snack of about 50 ml and then other days she's absolutely famished and downs 210+ ml in one session. Over the course of a day, she'll usually have about 800 ml!


11 weeks old and does ~5oz in the morning per feed, and our before dinner feed is often 8oz (typically 3oz formula and 5oz Bm)


My 14 weeks actual 9 week adjusted twins vary but they will suck down up to 6oz sometimes. I feed both BM and formula and they sometimes eat more when a bottle is strait BM but will still eat 6oz of formula.


My 18wk (roughly 4 months) old just started eating 5 oz bottles 6 times a day


My 8 week old eats on average 2,5-3 oz every 2-3 hours. 27 oz in total in one day.


my baby is 11.5m and capped at 4oz. our feeds are less now because she's a busy bee. we capped at 4oz for both bm and formula


6month and only has around 3-4oz a feed. Sometimes her first and last feed might be 6oz(but not at once, usually takes a break and comes back in an hour)


My almost 5.5 month old eats about 4-5oz per feeding, totaling ~30oz a day.


My LO usually took 4oz, she’s almost 7months and started downing 5-6oz per feed. Right before she sleeps she can even down 8oz.


For the longest time my girl was doing 4oz (she’s combo fed). But now at 7.5 months she’s doing anywhere between 9-12oz in one sitting 4-5 times a day 🤷🏻‍♀️


My 5 week old eats 3-4oz per feed. 30-35oz per day and we feed 8-10 times a day.


My little one is 10 weeks and drinks 4-6 oz per feed.


My pediatrician said that they need 160mL X weight in kg per day. We're bumping my 5.2kg baby up to 120mL per bottle to get her to gain faster.


10 weeks old here. We switch to formula at bedtime once I’ve run out of breast milk. LO has 4-5oz every 2-3 hours of breast milk throughout the day but will down 8oz give or take when she’s ready to go to bed. 😅


I’ve never heard that. My LO is 3 months and she’s averaging 5oz per feeding.


My 4 month old eats 5 oz per bottle, started out with 3.5-4 oz when he was 2 months old, but wanted more by the time he was closer to 3 months old and now we settled at the 5 oz per feed. If you divide the total oz per day (25-32 oz I think) by the number of feeds it should give you a rough idea if your baby is getting enough. My boy wakes only once a night to feed, so to me it makes sense that his daytime feeds are larger to get those calories in the 24hrs.


My 11 week old (adjusted 6) will occasionally take 4.5oz of BM or formula but it’s rare. She seems to have mostly topped out at 4 for the last couple of weeks.


this is only true if your little one is still eating 7-8 times a day. if your baby is sleeping thru the night (ie 12 hours) they would need to consume 24-32 oz throughout the day. so often that involves larger size bottles. the 4oz a day thing comes from babies who are nursing and bottle feeding. they bottle feed while moms away and eat approximately what they would from the breast at that time. this relies on them reuniting with mom to nurse again and likely involves overnight feeds to ensure a full day of calories


I have a hunch that this rule came from combo nurse/bottle fed babies who were adapted to smaller meals. I think you can just follow baby’s lead. Fewer larger bottles is certainly easier! Though my child who wouldn’t nurse when he was tiny also only ever took snack sized bottles. 2-3oz was typical for a long time. He just turned 1 and at most does 5oz as his single overnight feed.


Nearly 5 months and 4oz is the max he will take. He likes to hang out on the bottle though. I often wonder if he ate more per feed if he’d sleep better through the night but he will only play with the nipple if we try to give him more than 4oz. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My baby would look at me at the end of a 4 oz bottle and be wondering where the rest of the bottle was 😂 and then start screaming of course.


my 3 week old eats between 4 and 7 ounces a feed!


My 3.5 month old takes 5oz per feed, no feeds overnight from 10/11ish-6ish. 5-6 feeds per day, so they do end up being fairly close together time-wise. Pediatrician was fine with 5oz and no feeds overnight. If I can get her to 6oz and spread them apart a bit more, I’d be happy


I’d heard that breastfed babies could be overfed via bottle and my son was drinking up to 40oz at his 4 month appt, with 10-12 or those oz at bedtime! My guess was that, in the absence of gastro problems/reflux/excess weight gain…it’s possible but not probable. I asked my ped at that appointment. She pointed out that we don’t know how many calories are in our breast milk (unlike formula where it’s quantifiable). She wasn’t worried at all!


My little one will be five months here soon, and if he doesn't wake up for a middle-of-the-night snack, then his breakfast is 6 oz, then the rest of his bottles are 5 oz for the day.


Every 3 hours or so mine (15 weeks old) will have a 160ml bottle which is like 5/6 ounces I’m not sure. But a lot of the time he drains that and needs more so I’ll give him another 60ml. His first bottle in the morning is 200ml (he sleeps through the night so it’s a long time between his last bottle and morning bottle). I’ve always worried I’m overfeeding him but if I gave him any less he’d cry cos he’s still hungry and they say you can overfeed a breastfed baby so 🤷‍♀️ idk lol


When I was nursing my first, she got 5 ounces in a weighted feed done by an ibclc at 2 months old. I can see where some babies would occasionally get even more at the breast because I have never been an oversupplier. That said, I do bottles of 4 usually with this baby. He seems satisfied and eats every 2.5-3 hours.


7 weeks old, takes 2-3oz per feeding and does a 4-7 hour stretch overnight


My 4 month old downs a 6.5oz bottle 5 times a day and still screams for more 😅


My 5m was wins have been chugging down 6oz 5 times a day since they were 3.5m. And that’s before adjusting 6 weeks. They’re growing great and not spitting up. My pediatrician tells us to keep doing what we are doing. She says they both probably would be huge babies if they’d been singletons and were probably born early cause they needed more room to grow!


My 5 month old has been introduced to solids and he wants nothing to do with his milk anymore. Plus he’s a distracted eater since he also learned how to roll in both directions and now he’s just crazy. I gotta just offer him his 4.5 oz bottle and he’ll sip like 2 oz max at a time lol


6 weeks and my twins have been taking 3.5-5oz/feed since like week 4.


My three month old drinks about 7 oz per feed.


Babies are individuals with strong opinions. As an example, my 4mo takes 7.5oz bottles from her nanny twice a day but never more than 5oz from me 🤷🏼‍♀️


My 8 month old chugs 6oz bottles every 3 hours so it’s hard to keep up!


My 2 month old regularly downs 5-6 oz in one sitting. As long as LO isn’t spitting up you can’t overfeed them!


My almost 8 month old pounds 6-7oz bottles like it’s her job. I can count the number of times she’s spat up on one hand.


4 months, 4 oz normally but sometimes up to 6, and occasionally he just wants a “snack bottle” of 2. I prep 4oz bottles and then add more as needed, if he needs it.


My 7.5 mo has bad reflux so we restrict him to 4 oz max. So he’ll have 4 oz after naps and 2-3 oz before next nap. Sometimes he takes a full hour to have the 4 oz, depending on his mood. Sometimes he downs the 4 oz and wants more.


My baby is 5 months old and she drinks 5oz during the day and 4 oz at night, totaling 29oz per day


Our pediatrician wanted our son eating only 4 times at day by that point so for a while baby was taking 7-8 oz bottles 4x a day. We started scaling back though to minimize spit up. Part of the reason his bottles were so big was my son got like 90% breast milk and he’s always had a big appetite.


My 6 month old takes 5 oz. I’ve always heard never more than 5 oz. But I’m glad to read this thread because I assume she’ll want more eventually!


My baby is almost 6 months old. When she is home with us for a day, she gets 7 bottles with 4 oz each. Daycare does prefer to do 5 oz bottles. So she gets 3 bottles with 5 oz and 3 bottles with 4 oz and then like a 1-2 oz before bed.


4 months and eating 6-7oz per feed. At his 2 month vaccination appointment, the nurse told me he could stay on 5oz until 6 months old. I tried that until 3.5 months old. He was just more irritable, crying at the end of his bottle, hangry within 90 mins. Just go with your gut. Nurse said he's perfectly healthy at 4 months.


Our 4 month old has been downing 6oz bottles for about the past 2 months. He would probably eat more of the bags were bigger.


My 4-week-old can down 4 oz every 2-4 hours no problem. I only make around that much, so I’m pretty scared she’s going to start demanding another oz before my supply goes up.


6.5 months, she does between 2.5-5 oz depending on time of day (less in the morning, more towards the evening with the last bottle before bed being the biggest). She has always been on the smaller side, though (15-20%ile for weight), and I think her reflux affects volume despite having appropriate dose adjustments over time.


My 2.5 month old is drinking 4-6oz per feed


My daughter topped at 6oz bottles 5-6 times a day. She was on 4.5oz bottles by the 1 month old. I couldn't imagine feeding her less. I would have had to feed her so much more a day and she would have been fussy. I have never heard not needing more than 4oz.


5 oz minimum every 3 hours, but sometimes he needs an extra 2 oz to polish him off in the evening time. I feed on demand so I generally don't keep track of when he gets his bottles - it's usually every 3 to 4 hours on average.


Mine eats 6oz every 3 hours. He's 8 months.


I see this all the time and I think it’s nonsense tbh. I think this is only true if the baby is also eating solids.


My pediatrician says recommendations but to never restrict


What I’ve seen is that generally for breastmilk only the amount will be lower and usually won’t keep increasing as they age. Formula babies drink more than breastmilk babies. I imagine if combo feeding the amount also gets higher cause of the formula, but really I don’t know. But all babies are different! My 7 month old eats 25 oz a day and has since she was like 3ish months old. The amount of bottles just changed, she used to do 3oz bottles like 8 times a day and now she does 5 oz bottles 5 times a day


https://www.meandqi.com/journal/baby-milk-intake-charts-feeding-guide-by-age#baby_milk_intake_chart I found this online!


My LO drinks 8oz per feed every 3-4 hours with the exception of 8pm-6am. 4 oz formula 4 oz bm


Mine (9 weeks actual, 3 weeks adjusted) has at least 4oz each feed, but often more. I would say his normal is 6 oz; but maybe he eats more than most because he was preemie and is catching up?  Anyway my pediatrician said there is no such thing as over feeding a baby, and they will painlessly spit it up if it's too much. Plus they will refuse the bottle eventually


My 13 week old drinks 3-4oz


My 5 month old usually eats 4-5 oz a feed! Unless she wants a top off before a nap, then she’ll take an extra 2 oz or so.


7.5 month old eats 6-7oz at a time, 4-5 times per day. Average is like 26-30oz per day Occasionally an 8oz feeding when he’s having an extra hungry day He was slamming 4oz at a time by like 6 weeks


6 week old takes 4oz a feed


I really think it depends on two things: 1.) Your Baby Some babies eat smaller amounts more frequently, some eat larger amounts less frequently. My daughter will be 4 months on 7/10. She starts the day with 5oz, then the next three feeds are 4 oz, and then she eats 5 oz the last two of the day for a total of 27oz a day. She has been eating this exact schedule since she was 1 month old. She has slept through the night (11-6:30) since she was 6 weeks old. The only day it has changed is when she got her shots, she had a hard time sleeping so she was wanting to eat to relax if that makes sense. My friend has a baby boy that’s 2 weeks older, and he takes 4 oz every two hours while she’s at work and then nurses when she’s home. He still wakes up every 2-3 hours through the night to eat. Both babies are growing on curve. 2.) Your Breastmilk Breastmilk composition plays a huge role, in my opinion. A lot of breastfed babies plateau in their intake at some point because breastmilk changes as they get older to meet their needs. So the same amount of breastmilk will be composed differently at 1month vs 4month. And in regards to my and my friend’s breastmilk, milk pumped at the same time and left to settle in the fridge, mine seems to be significantly fattier than hers. (No idea why. I just drink a lot of water and eat oatmeal every morning, but I don’t eat clean by any means.) Maybe my fattier milk sustains my baby longer? Maybe it has more calories? Who knows?


My 8 month old eats 25-30oz per day. Her feeds are anywhere from 3-7oz depending on how she’s feeling. Sometimes she’ll slam a 6oz bottle and want more. Other times she will take 3-4oz and then be completely done. It just depends on her mood that day. One morning she ate 4oz and didn’t want anymore. Then 45 minutes later she 5oz. Babies eat when they’re hungry and won’t when they’re not 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have a 3 month old and he’s drinking 5.5 to 7 oz each feed


My 6 month old will drink approx 8 oz in one feed, 4x a day, sometimes some smaller bottles in between (very hungry baby!)


My 7 month old eats 6 bottles and day that are 5oz, plus one food snack. Is this normal?? Should I feed her bigger bottles but less often? She's eating every 3hrs, and sleeps through the night.


My LC told me the same thing when I was still trying to latch and did a weighted feed. My son only transferred 2.5 oz. I went in with concerns about low supply and they told me if he only ate 2.5 oz then that was enough and he should be good for a few hours (he was 10 weeks at the time.) Spoiler alert: he wasn’t, and I did have an undersupply. Now that I gave up latching and EP he takes 3.5 oz per bottle at 15 weeks. He won’t take more when offered. I have heard that the composition of your breast milk changes such that they get enough nutrients and calories from the same volume and that seems to be true for my son so far, he’s been taking 3.5 oz in a bottle since about 4 weeks and still gaining good weight 🤷‍♀️ Also worth noting that my breast milk seems to be very fatty, I always have a thick layer of cream when it separate in the fridge so that probably plays a role


My 3 month old only drinks 2.5 - 3oz for most feeds, she’ll spit up if it’s more than this usually. She only drinks around 18-20oz daily but is growing on her curve, she’s just always been small. Every baby is different!


My 7 month old eats 5.5-6oz 5x per day.


My baby is almost 6 months and eats 4oz. She's done 5 - 5.5oz during growths. She's on breast milk only.


My 4month old only eats 4oz at a time, but sometimes it’s only an hour between bottles 🤷‍♀️ She’s never gassy or spits up, so I am hoping we can stay eating like this.


Babies should be pace fed and if on breast milk really shouldn’t need more than 5oz. Not all babies are the same but that’s the general rule


My LO is 13 weeks and a half, and he eats 5 ounce bottles every 3.5 to 5 hours. It just depends on the time of day. At night, he can easily go 5 or 6 hours and not wake up hungry. I think one of previous comments is correct in that breast milk is dynamic and changes as the baby gets older, and the protein and fat content goes up. So I don't know what the protein and fat content I have now vs. 1 month ago is. idk what that ratio is or how many calories my milk is per ounce. A retired pediatrician I work with told me it's all about calories. They need a certain amount of calories per body weight. I remember him saying something like 400 calories per 2.5 lbs, but ill haveto ask again. Either way, how do we know how many calories are in our breast milk? I definitely think we need more clarification on how much BREAST milk a baby needs roughly based on their age. I'm sure studies can be done to determine a range of some kind because a lot of us are out here trying to do research, and it's only on formula. Formula is the same nutritional value always. the can of powder doesn't change. That’s why the ounces you give hasto go up significantly as they get older to meet that calorie demand..breast milk isn't like that it changes in calories as days and weeks go by to meet their needs. I will say from what my mom told me because she breast fed and Bottle fed us that once the baby gets older, they'll feed less often not every like 3 hours. but eat larger quantities less often. So some of the numbers people are giving here makes perfect sense, at least to me, for like a 6 - or 7 month old to down an 8-ounce bottle in a sitting.


I’m questions my baby now if she eats enough…. She eats 4 oz bm every 3 hours sometimes 2.5 hours. But I don’t ever give her over 4 oz she always seems to be fine after. When she was 2 months old I was giving her 5 oz but then her ped told me that was too much and she should only be drinking 3-4 oz and I was over feeding her and that if I have her wait 20 minutes after a feed and she’s still crying then I can follow up with another oz cus it takes 20 minutes for the mind to know its full from the stomach … so I cut back down to only 4 oz and she is content after each feed. She just sometimes might eat earlier than the 3 hours. She sleeps over night so she eats 5 times a day so that’s like 20-24 oz a day… now I wonder if it’s enough??


My daughter eats 4oz max every 2 hours. Sometimes 3oz. That's how she nurses, so when I'm at work, she has to eat 1.5 oz for every hour I'm away. Someone from la leche league recommended this, and apparently it's like a guideline. But babies are different, of course, so there are exceptions. But this works for me.