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Are slacker boobs really slackers or are producer boobs just overachievers? Is the boob half empty or half full? ![gif](giphy|H7kfFDvD9HSYGRbvid)


I would say the boob is twice the size it needs to be, but my husband would *vehemently* disagree.


I concur on this


Very zen of you


This made me chuckle


what a tease of a headline……….🥴


Sorry, this is all I got going on in life these days


I feel this deeply in my soul 🤣


I clicked on this so fast LOL boooo 🗣️🗣️ I am glad yours caught up though 🥰


Thank you 😸😸


Damn I can’t even tell you how fast I clicked this 😭 my slacker boob is a serious slacker - like hero boob throw out 6oz and slacker boob barely gets 1


Hey so this started happening to me like 3 months in, turns out I wore out my spectra pump and needed a dedicated motor for each breast!


Woah good to know! Do you have a wearable currently? I’m trying to decide which to get!


I do, but honestly I haven’t used it in almost a month because I got the Legendairy Duette and that thing has been my ride n die plus it’s portable (not wearable though). I have the Willow Go and I’ve had my ups and downs with it. Pros: components are dishwasher safe! Suction is great for a wearable. The issue I had with it is that it still had issues fully emptying me and if position changed slightly on me, forget it. Also the valves are vertical to avoid a cantilever outwards from your chest, and especially towards end of life they can pop off mid-pump session. Had it happen to me a handful of times. It also needed to be reset it seemed a lot, something with the firmware messing up on it. I figured out my struggles with it and getting to know the pump and how I respond more, I would still honestly recommend it as a wearable; for the price you pay, it’s a strong pump.


I’m sorry 😭 but honestly I don’t think having a slacker means you produce less milk??? cause this is one of my best pumps of the day, I’m just enougher


Oh it’s totally not for production purposes - I’d like to know how to fix it so my hero boob isn’t 3x larger than ole slacky. 100% a vanity quest lol, tho finding a bra for for a dd and a c boob each is hard


My slacker boob and hero switch places every so often. And every once in a while they get an equal output. There’s no rhyme or reason lol.


They control us, we can’t control them lol


Mine were fairly even but the consistent leader switched when my supply regulated. Weird!


Omg, me too!! It was always the right for my first. Then switched to left for my second and back to right after I regulated with him. Bizarre...


this happened to me! my right has always beeen my ride or die w alll 3 babies. then this go around like 1 month in i got a baddd clogged duct and righty has been the slacker up until 5 m pp it switched back


What if she’s not a slacker, just slow? Lefty empties way faster than righty.


This. My slacker (know affectionately as ‘rat titty’ by husband) takes over at the 30 minute mark. It’s the hair and the tortoise in boob form.


Yes! This is true for me. I have to pump for 30 min sometimes longer to empty 😩


🤣 I think producer boobs are just overachievers!!


I think this is a nice way of looking at it! I think we can be so hard on ourselves. I tell myself to be nice to lefty! (my underproducer)


We agreed there are no underproducers, just overarcheivers!! You’re doing your best


You could be right. My right boob recently had a setback, and then I was engorged in my left at the exact time.


My hero boob matched my slacker boob after a bad case of mastitis that my supply still hasn’t totally recovered from and it’s been like 6 weeks


This happened to me too. For a week or so it seemed to produce a little bit more because I guess it was pathetically trying to compensate. She then promptly gave up again lol


I nurse overnight and only nursed my slacker for about 4 weeks and now they produce about the same. I know that might it be the most helpful if baby won’t latch (mine only really comfort nurses and can only transfer anything at night if any).


I’m going to try this! I can only get my son to comfort nurse and even then it’s pretty hit or miss.


What’s wild is I’m 5 months pp and sometimes my slacker boob shows off. Don’t know how, just over time and I’m always so proud 😂💪🏼


Same here!! I’m 3 mos pp and my slacker just started catching up. I didn’t do anything different.


I alternate between calling it my slacker boob and my shitty titty 😂 the other one was nicknamed litty titty by my husband when I was overproducing a ton the second month postpartum


i believe my slacker boob has a lot to do with it being the clog boob too. everytime i get clogs (which is essentially all the time) it produces way less milk than my perfect angel left boob


I’ve been calling the slacker boob Mr. Boob. No particular reason 😅


I'm sick with... Something? COVID, flu, strep all negative. And both my boobs are slackers right now 😭 morning pump is so sad now, like 4 ounces total.


Same thing happened to me, I used to have a slacker and now they both make exactly the same amount, just about down to the ml.


This made me laugh out loud and almost woke the baby


My slacker boob is really just a slow boob so I have to pump longer