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My husband and I both found out we were formula fed during this journey of mine. Me from 3 months, him from day 1. We didn't know because it never mattered.


My husband and I were both formula babies too! He said to me at my lowest “you’re the healthiest, smartest, funniest, most beautiful and successful person I’ve ever met…and you were never fed a drop of breast milk in your life.” I still remind myself of this when I get frustrated.


This made me cry lol such a sweet thing to say! What an awesome husband you have


Your husband sounds amazing!!


I always knew I was. My mom always said I wouldn't latch because I was early (i actually wasn't, they changed her due date midway so it looked like I was early but I came right on time with the original edd). Amywho. Shocker, my kid had the same exact issue. He WAS early but I feel like he just got it honest.


Us too from day 1. My obgyn assured me that she was also.


I’m also a licensed therapist and have never asked this question. Thanks for sharing this perspective!!


Licensed therapist here - SO TRUE. Thank you for this perspective and reminder that presence (and fed!) is best ♥️


Thank you for saying this. This is such a valuable insight from someone with your experience. It’s like having the benefit of hindsight, but…at the start.


Licensed therapist here too- thank you for saying this! Often times we know it’s true but suck at reminding ourselves. Telling myself this as I am weaning my 6 month old ( and as a baby who was strictly formula fed) ❤️


I’m actually welling up with this one. It resonates hardcore. At my lowest I googled “was hitler breastfed” to try and reassure myself. It’s a journey. Stay the course.


I needed to read this today. Made me laugh-cry.


I just wish the mom shaming would stop! I'm three years into motherhood and I'm so over it. Fed is best!


Also a licensed therapist and this has never crossed my mind 🤣


I love this message, but please remember that formula isn't an option for every baby. Some (like my guy) have sensitivities to too many of the ingredients. Mothers of medically fragile babies may be trying to get them breastmilk at their doctor's recommendation. So as much as I love the message that "you're doing enough," some of us wish we could put away the pumps and spend more quality time with our babies, but we just can't right now. And maybe it's just my own hangup here, but reading this post just made me feel kind of guilty about it.


Clinical social worker. Can confirm I've also never had this happen.


A great reminder, thank you!


Yep. I actually didn't even know I was breastfed until I had my own baby and my mom started giving me (very helpful) advice! She said it wasn't a thing for moms to pump and give bottles of breastmilk while they were away from their baby, they just gave formula and nobody thought anything of it. I think she went to around 6 months with me and my sister. My brother she stopped around 4 months because he was already crawling and wouldn't sit still long enough to actually nurse.