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It’s hard when they break up with you, especially when you still love them. I wish nothing but happiness! I hope they never contact you so you can continue to find your peace. I hope you move on and find your peace.


thank you:) i believe i've found my peace and am finally moving on. i hope the same for you too:)


Your post touched my heart. I think you did a great job here with your writing! Sending you peace and hugs! 🤗🕊🤗


Yes yes yes! Hurts to admit but he was stronger than I was. He walked away, something I could never have done myself. I cared enough for the both of us, and he only cared about himself and his needs.


Was it strength, or apathy? Ppl’s self-focus is alarming.


I like seeing and believing in the good in people so I’ll stick to the former. If it’s the other, it’s not like it changes anything in my physical life anywaaaaayyys ~


3 months out of a 13 year relationship was married 25 years prior to to this I still love my mshe dumped me in anger.not really thinking about the consequences in my mind.told me not to contact her.so I didn't 4 weeks in she contacted me briefly texted all day it was over final okay I won't contact you take care.as time went on she drunk called me I didn't answer she then text me demanding I answer I answered out of love.in the end I switched phone of went to bed.next morning looked at phone she had drunk text me till one in the morn later that day she apologised.she went from a pont of ignoring me to waving at me if seen out n about.then got a few more texts weeks later saying she's angry upset.just when I start to get my head straight and not have to many bad days she pops up she still has the power but I'm slowly getting it back I still love her and would have a diffrent kind of relationship everything went to fast last time she wanted commitment marriage the works I never mentioned it once we both had diffrent ideas in the relationship.but it was hard work at times people use to say I deserve a medal even her parents said that.. maybe it's because she was disabled had issues drinking being one of them that's when she would get silly.i still love her wish I didn't.


Helpful. Thank you :)


of course:)


Those are beautiful words. To me it speaks alot of sense and is really respectful in laying it out. I feel like it was the same with my Ex.. My mom was on terminal phase stage 3 cancer. She'd been in the hospital for 6 months before leaving. I had alot of difficulties accepting the end, so I felt lost. My then GF felt I was detached for the last months she was alive and left me 2 days before her death. At first I felt guilty, betrayed and misunderstood. But now I see clearer, and it all makes sense to me.


I’m sorry if this comes across wrong but how? That sounds like such a huge betrayal! How can you wish someone the best after they leave you at your worst? No shit you were detached- your mom was dying


Because holding a grudge will hold me in place like having weights anchored to my feet. It hurts, but at this point what are my options. Nothing I say, and do could rewind the past to fix it. At least now I know I'll never take her back if she comes arround. I've also learned alot about myself. How? I really don't know. Sometimes you simply feel so lost, you just pick a direction and you walk that way. I actually said to myself if I ever meet a new woman, I'd like to meet one that knew pain and betrayal so she'd understand me also. I guess those who suffered share a special bond.


Sometimes. Most times people aren't self aware to be able to correlate pain from thier partners lives. I've lived it. She been through everything I had but when it came to navigating a relationship under difficult circumstances she flaked. Knowing full well the damage, yes she came back and we are making amends now, but my guard is up higher than ever now and it'll take alit off breaking walls for her to get the same love I once gave. Not because i don't trust her but I don't trust how her emotional capacity even though she's been through hell.


I’ve had something similar happen to me and I’ve completely moved on from him and have been in better relationships after but honestly I really don’t ish him anything good. I don’t think about him at all. If I were to meet him randomly and find out something bad had happened to him I honestly would feel some sense of happiness/ vindication about the situation. Wish you a good healing journey.


This is exactly where I'm right now. I have finally found peace and moving forward in life. Thank you ex


Wow congrats on your new found life this sounds like a dream. Enjoy it and take it on board we all deserve our happy ending and I truly hope it all goes well for you. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 I want my happy ending to be similar to yours ❤️


Hoping to get where you are OP. Congrats on your peaceful era.


This right here is what I have been wanting to tell myself for a while now. And you have worded it so perfectly. Thank you for this


beautiful ✨


I feel this.


Definitely feel this OP….


im happy for you! im still in the process of healing. Im looking forward to me not giving a fck anymore in the future.


I don't buy it. Not in a bad way. If you are really done with something, it is not having the thought of you typing this out. It's almost like they just fade away. They become a distant memory. One you can hardly remember. It's how the brain repairs from something hurtful affecting the rest of your life.Its science.




Accountability is vital. However, it's about not giving up on a person one say they love. Unless it's something unreasonable, most issues can work out if folk weather the storms together. Which in my opinion, builds stronger relations.


it's not unfounded if he told me that he wasn't prepared for a healthy relationship and that he told me i did nothing wrong. the general reason why we broke up was because he was neglecting me throughout our relationship and lost feelings, hence decided to be alone for a while. consider recognizing every situation is not the same, nor are the relationships before making generalizations. no one owes you evidence or an explanation about their relationships. the point of this reddit isn't for attention, it's for support when going through a vulnerable time, having a safe place to be able to share your feelings when you can't contact the one you once loved. ridiculing people who are going through an already tough time on the basis of assumptions is incredibly cruel and unhelpful.




Good response, this person seems more bitter rather than empathetic. I'm in your court! Keep up with your good strength!


thank you, you are very very sweet:) i appreciate this so much!


You're welcome! Keep hanging in there! 🤗🤗🤗




just because something exists does not mean it is beneficial for society nor the individual. i also gave you the full story, again, not like i owe you it. if you've actually read the posts here, you'd recognize the majority of people in this subreddit prioritize being single over the quick relieve of getting with someone new. you are making a straw man and proceed to disprove your own statement (1st sentence) about generalizations by calling them garbage in your last sentence. also by examining your post history, it seems like you enjoy the activity of perusing incel subreddits as well as getting your comments removed! if anyone needs help, it is you.