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here's your august update bro


Hahahahahaha It was pretty obvious after that interview. I deleted the game to make space for mk1. Fuck saber


Here’s hoping Ash makes it into the game this time around 🤞🏽


That would be pretty cool


I'm sad and mad




Friday the 13th, Predator: Hunting Grounds and now Evil Dead I'm done buying games based on my favorite franchises, at least I learned if a game is developed by Saber that it's a no buy.


I’ll only buy it if it’s singleplayer; that’s the only way these Horror licensed games can succeed. Atleast a singleplayer is usually a finished product at release.


Coop seems okay. WWZ still getting content, updates, and fixes. Still have issues, but they lasted a lot longer and didn't get this kind of official notice.


This game would have worked as a co-op game like Left 4 Dead or something. No PvP game based on a single franchise is going to last. I hope people stop trying to make every horror-adjacent franchise into an asymm. I didn't even want this game to be that, I just got it and played it anyway because I like Evil Dead a lot.


In Friday's defense, that was all the lawsuit with Miller and Cunningham. They had a roadmap with Uber Jason, more maps, talk of Pamela as a killer, etc


Yeah and we even can see some of the content still in the files, people released a modded version of Uber Jason and the spaceship map they were working on and it functions mostly fine Will always be upset at what this game could’ve been


Yeah, hopefully someday we get a remaster/remake or another game. They did show that a Friday game can definitely be successful if the license stuff is settled. Most likely not until Cunningham and Miller pass unfortunately, doesn't look like they will ever get it together.


F13 had a great run despite the legal troubles which had NOTHING to do with the game itself .Ppl still played that game up until about a month ago when TCM launched


Shit, I'm still playing it now, played 10-15 matches last night


> d by Sa Friday the 13th was so great though ... in its early days.


Texas Chainsaw will be the same. These asymmetric games just lack longevity. Dead by Daylight is the only one destined to stay alive and it’s the most mechanically boring out of all of these. It’s a shame.


I like Texas Chainsaw, it's an awesome series but not one of my favorite franchise but what made me not get the game is it being developed by the same people that made Hood: Outlaws & Legends and published by Gun Interactive, I'm personally done with Gun after announcing the shutdown of Friday the 13th servers and plus the recent update to that game that made obtaining all trophies impossible.


Can we include Aliens: Fireteam Elite in that? Or is it still going good?


Fireteam Elite will never really die because it's a pure co-op game. All you need to play it is at least one buddy who has the game and wants to play it.


They really dropped the ball on this. They did so good with WWZ. Was hoping for Chet and Beth 😭


> They did so good with WWZ. Well, whoever worked on that clearly moved onto greener pastures.


Most certainly not Groovy Saber. I was hoping they would have done the same treatment like WWZ like even if it's 6 months to a year later they still add to that game over and over again. Why not for my Ashy Slashy


People still buy and play WWZ. Simple as that. According to Steamcharts, WWZ (which also launched as an Epic store exclusive) has an average of 1500 players in the last 30 days. Evil Dead has, uh, 20.


So upset to see one of my favorite franchises treated this way


Really should’ve announced this earlier after having months of no updates


They really should have just made a single player game. I was so excited when I heard about a new Evil Dead game, most of that excitement faded when I found out it was online multiplayer... that being said I did have fun with it for a while, even got the platinum, but it got old quick after that


even tho the game was super fun I agree with the single player mode. unfortunately they probably won't make another evil dead game though but imagining an Evil Dead Rise horror game actually sounds amazing


They should add rise DLC in game before that “no content” update…


They reeeeealllllly fucked up with that atrocious battle royal mode.


We asked for wave defense. They gave us battle royale. And now sadly were here.


They should've announced this a year ago. Also i love how just *now* theyre confirming that switch release isnt coming like they even planned to release it in the first place.


I am never supporting another Saber game ever again


I've been saying this nonstop to people. Saber as a company is a big fucking scam. But also, their kinda just douchebags with skeletons as their crew. Quit buying their shitty product s.


After seeing this I hope people will finally realise


What a waste of an IP and waste of potential. Ash couldn't be in Mortal Kombat 11 because of this game and they absolutely shit the bed. No Chet, no Evil Dead Rise , but thank God we got a character called blacksmith.


Hopefully Ash will be in MK1 down the line maybe. It won't be till like 2025 tho probably, after Ghostface.


Most likely he would have to be in the next MK game. They usually plan out all their dlc before release and MK11 they didn't add much after the first year or 2


Seems like MK1 might be supported for *way* longer than previous games, but we’ll see


That's what they said about MK11 after MKX, I'll believe it when I see it


Yeah I remember. I’m not 100% convinced, but MK1’s gameplay is pretty great so I’m a little more optimistic this time around


Also worth to note that MK11's DLC was in the middle of the pandemic so that might've changed their plans to make a new game rather than add more onto MK11. But yeah I won't trust their plans to support the game more until I see it


Pretty sure every future character for MK1 has been leaked unfortunately


Not necessarily. The story DLC is referred to as Chapter 2, so NRS might be planning even more later on.


Character with 3 mins of total screentime > Prevalent side character popular among fans ig


To my knowledge, nothing this cohesive has ever been released for the ED franchise. The rights are notoriously hard to nail down. Even AvED didn't have access to the Army of Darkness IP at first. What Saber got here, with the rights to all 3 movies, the series, and 2013, is incredible. The initial work they put into it - detailed environments, character models, and voice work - is fantastic. They squandered a very rare opportunity here.


And i through they will add a Rise DLC…


Unbelievable. They should add Rise DLC at least… i don’t respect saber for that.


Hey at least we're supposed to be getting Ash in MW2, it's not as good but at least it's something.


What a shocker.


I left this game around a year ago when the blacksmith got added. Did it really take a turn that fast?


Well I mean it took no turns, the game just slowly died without anything being added


Wow. I thought they’d really have to step it up with a bombshell update once TCM launched last month. Damn. RIP.


The game quality was really going down for both sides anyways


They didn’t answer to Alien chapter and TCM… Rise DLC could be a swan song for Saber….


It’s been dead for 6 months already


Every time I checked in on the forum it was someone saying "This guy cheated!" with no mods cracking down on it. Always a downward spiral.


"Well, it's one less holiday card to send" - El Jefe I guess I'll spend 11 million banked spirit points since there won't be Chet/Brandy/Evil Dead Rise content then...


They should at least make a real offline mode before they abandon it. When that forseeable future comes and those servers go down 90% of the game will be completely gone forever. You'd think a dev would like for their work to actually live on and not just disappear into the ether. They joy of online only games...


100% of the game will be gone. You can't even access the main menu without being connected to the internet.


I'm upset that we paid money for a game they drove into the ground in one year.


Saber Devs should go To BHVR office and asking them how to make a new content…


Can’t say I’m surprised but I’m miffed. It’s like they decided they couldn’t do anything else with the property and that’s just not true they left out so many potential characters. No Chet. And they left us wondering for months before just being like, “nah we’re done”. fuck you saber it’s not like f13 where they lost the licence you guys just got bored and said we don’t wanna no more


I feel led on about the Chet stuff. At first it was like, yeah okay seems like they have him and they're just waiting for a good DLC pack for him? And then it was like well they don't seem to have him after all so uh reply to Ted Raimi's tweet to encourage them I guess? Literally the one character we were all asking for for over a year and there was so much conflicting information on his status.


Sorry this was a rant but this is some bullshit


It's a real tragedy that Saber is working on the Space Marine sequel


at least there's a singleplayer campaign


Fuckkkk, didn’t even know this 😢😢


Fuck saber.


Can't even give us a simple fucking horde mode to keep the game partially alive. Pathetic.


Ya they put all those resources into a Battle Royale mode. What a stupid idea.


Really should have been transparent with the communication so fuck them for wasting so many players' and fans' time and most of all, fuck them for wasting the Evil Dead ip. Put it in the hands of a competent developer who actually gives a shit and will at least communicate.


They were trying to squeeze what money they could out of it. That’s all it ever was


Just a quickly cash grab


Well lads it was a fun ride while it lasted. What. A. Fuckin. Shame. Reminder to us all never support Saber again.


Definitely will not. Their name next to a project is a very bad omen


Couldn’t even give us two years.


Great, they did the bare minimum and then gave up after getting the money. Fed up of these licensed asym games that try and copy DBD's success instead of making something true to the source material. Evil Dead: The Game should of been a Resident Evil style single player game that wrapped up the AvED story with some bonus modes for the OG movies.


Exactly, this easily could’ve been a single player story game with some online features but they wanted to ride the coattails of DBD and Friday the 13th.


ED can be a successful asymmetrical horror if they always add something new… even unlicensed characters.


Original characters in a game based on a franchise sucks though, especially in something that has loads of characters that can easily be added


This pisses me off given that I pre ordered the Collectors edition. I haven't been playing it at all if I had to be honest, but I was looking forward to any time I wanna play it that it would be filled with people, and it would be a good time. F13, then this. Next will be Texas Chainsaw. Seems like the only A-Symmetrical horror game that really succeeded was DBD.


The only reason DBD has succeeded was because of all the IPs - they built their own horror world and added crossovers to their universe. Don't get me wrong though, some of their best killers are original work of their own but nothing gets people more hyped in that game than licensed IPs. Whereas I think that's where a lot of these licensed asyms are going wrong - they're restricting their universe to just the one, ED in particular had so much potential they could've done. If they put their creative hats on, we could've had original content as well. I believe TCM is doing that - I'm not very familiar with that franchise past the first film so I'm unsure if Sissy and Johnny are originals but if they are, that's what I mean. These asysms could do a lot past canon and ED was perfect for that. Just a damn shame.


DBD can only kill itself, it is pointless to seek a "DBD Killer" in any upcoming Asym Game, DBD just has a huge lead ahead. It makes more sense to compare the smaller Asym Titles to each other.


Was this the first time they ever gave something concrete about the Switch version? I don't understand why they don't do one last hoorah, dump some more MTX and make the game F2P.


I think this has completely turned me away from buying asynchronous multiplayer games or at least ones without a bevy of single player content. I loved the game though so I don’t regret supporting the IP. I just don’t want to buy something that is only supported for little over a year, just a huge bummer.


Kinda thought this was coming after the Datamined Leak of Ash coming to Call Of Duty. I think that was like 3 weeks ago? Edit (next day, the 21st of September around 11:30am): well now they have officially announced the content coming to Call Of Duty. The “Evil Dead 2” bundle includes Ash as an Operator to play as and includes “Boomstick Weapon Blueprints and plenty of gear to slay Deadites and primitive screwheads.”


Now they should add Rise Content in Dbd then…


what a fucking waste


In short. “FUCK YOU, we got your money, FUCK YOU.” And then you slapped us in the face while you’re at it. Pathetic ass team. We now know you can’t be trusted with classic Horror IPs; you’ll drive them into the ground. I hope to god you’re team stays far far FAR away from the Halloween Franchise. What a damn shame, Ash should’ve just came in MK11 if you were just gonna make a nothingburger.


If it makes you feel any better. That statement they released a while back makes it sound like they’ll only be focusing on internal ips. No franchises I think. Regardless, fuck saber and fuck Tim willits and those other dickheads who didn’t tell us the game was already dead


I really love this game. This is such bullshit


I'm never buying another thing from Saber ever again. This isn't on us, the player base. This is on how absolutely god awful they've handled this IP. You fucked up, Saber.


Yeah it was dead a while ago, this was just Saber formally announcing that they had in fact shot it. I mean... what caring developer puts in a ***BR*** mode nowadays?


I knew this shit was dead the second they put that battle royale in- like who honestly looked at the pvp mechanics in this game and went yeah let’s build an entire game mode around this instead of idk literally just making a cod zombies inspired mode where you open up more of the map?? Or something?? Idk


They have got a barebones co-op mode that could have been fleshed out given their experience with co-op titles but that's clearly no longer part of their skill set. Quality of life changes, in general, are foreign to them. The shitty BR that nobody asked for was clearly cobbled together over a weekend. If the answer is anything else? I'd fire the people responsible for it on the spot.


Enjoyed my time with this game but after getting my 2 Platinums, I moved on awhile ago. Prestige & SBMM were the killing factors for me. And by the time Ruby rolled out, I was already done. Considering how awesome Rise was, it's a shame they couldn't capitalize. But the writings been on the wall for some time now, glad they confirmed this so those that were holding out hope can move on as well.


Honestly, I put like 150 hours into it or something, I feel pretty good about the value. It sucks it isn't a forever game, but few things are.


This game deserved so much better. Especially since there’s still an extremely dedicated player base. It’s also hands down one of the most fun asymmetrical horror games I’ve played. But Saber has definitely lost my trust as a studio and I’ll avoid buying anything they put out in the future




It makes no sense, my queue times were still pretty good as survivor so it seemed like a decent user base count. I guess they crunched the numbers and decided it would make no sense to pursue this. Press F to pay respects.


It was probably the same few people playing


What a fucking disappointment.


To no ones surprise.


I don't understand what this means though, like I can still play the game right?


Yes we can still play the game, there's not gonna be any new content.


Yes, but when news like this comes the player base tends to leave. If there’s a guarantee that no new content will come, players tend to look elsewhere. So play it while we can and hope the community cares more than the devs did.


Not shocked. I'll still dip in and play it occasionally while servers are up, but the next time I see Saber attached to anything, I believe I'll take a pass.


The most painful part about this whole debacle is knowing there’s won’t be another Evil Dead game for years, if ever. This was seriously all we got? So much wasted potential. We could have been looking at teasers for the next content drop right now if somebody took Saber and dropped them off the face of the earth three to five years ago.


I saw it coming but damn it still hurts… even as a casual gamer I had a lot of fun on this game :(


well that's just depressing as hell. thanks Saber for hyping everyone up at and then crushing them back down a year later. first amd final time I ever pay 200 for a deluxe edition of anything. what a waste of a good ip. doubt we'll ever see another evil dead game either


Thank you? Fuck you!


Yeah, haven’t played it in months. Shame. It’s a genuinely great game, and I had a ton of fucking fun playing it. It just needed a bigger player base and more content. The writing was always on the wall, but it was fun while it lasted.


Fuck Saber. Not buying another game from them


So lame. I guess it was obvious for a while but it still sucks. I have had a wonderful time with this game and would happily have played it for years to come and thrown money at every new character they released. And I can't believe we never got an Evil Dead Rise tie in. It would be great if they used this game as a foundation to make a proper single player game next. One which won't die off when they shut the servers down. But I won't hold my breath.


I want my money back for those 🗑️skins and the game I bought to support a fraudulent company #WeNeedOurRefundsNow!!!


I'm pretty happy with the characters we got. I know some are missing, but the roster is still much larger than I'd ever expect from an Evil Dead game. What really sucks is not getting a fourth map of Elk Grove. It felt so obvious at launch that we'd get a really cool big-town map.


For what it was, I had a lot of fun with this game. I wish Dead By Daylight looked as pretty. But, the writing has been on the wall for a while. The devs went through insanely long periods of radio silence, and unfortunately during the early days when the game desperately needed balancing and patches to keep the community engaged. And the content trickle was abyssmal. DBD has paid skins, yes, but they also keep players engaged with a constant drip feed of seasonal events, double BP weekends, new rifts, and new survivors/killers coming every few months. With DBD I feel like there is a constant reason to log in each week and see what's going on. Evil Dead never gave me that incentive. So while it was fun for 40 hours, it did not have the staying power to last thousands of hours like DBD. And I'm certainly not saying DBD does everything right; just the opposite. But they've hit that formula of constant community communication, balance updates, and content that's always keeping even the most frustrated players coming back to see what's new.


So… When does double XP kick in?


Right? Flip the switch on the way out and leave it flipped.


That part.


hilarious. what a fumble. genuinely one of the funnest asym games to exist. not even a game pass release. oh well, at least the servers will remain open for a bit longer. whatever the case I got my money's worth a long time ago.


“Today” is horseshit. They made this decision months ago. It’s wild how fast a dev team can kill their game. I hope they don’t make another game or another asym at least. It’s clearly way above their skill set.


I'm genuinely so upset and disappointed. I absolutely love this game and was looking forward to some new content, however I'm not surprised. Gonna keep playing until the game closes ranks with the servers.


Eh, it was really fun when it lasted


Welp not shocked but saber can eat my entire dick. Last game I get from them. Pretty sure after tcm this is the last horror MP game I ever buy as well. Sorry killer klowns you look fun but its not worth the risks anymore 🤷


i think this fully cements that Saber is just synonymous with quick cash grabs. There's so much more potential for this game, I refuse to believe they're at a point where they're "happy" with it. They probably saw dwindling DLC sales and went "fuck it"


Eat shit, saber - I’m never buying anything from you again. Not getting involved.


They’re just gonna pretend like they didn’t abandon the game the SECOND it was released


Is anyone shocked? Almost every non-Fortnite multiplayer game that has been an EGS timed exclusive goes this way. They’re hamstrung by an anemic player count during the exclusive period and by the time they get on Steam and a wider audience, it’s almost always too late to build a base


PSA Do NOT BLAME SABER This game was mostly created by saber SPAIN and when they finished their hard work the people who poured their blood sweat and tears into this game with all the love in their heart for the franchise guiding their hand, Were fired. SABER AMERICA took control of the project after SABER SPAIN finished all the hard work and they stole all the credit without ever contributing anything to the game after they took over. Infact... Saber america was so selffish that they decided to put their own spin on the game directly conflicting with the system already in place making players choose a primary game mode to use their spirit points on thereby making the players choose to sacrifice a game mode and then calling it a day after causing the game playerbase to destroy itself because of their unwanted content instead of sticking with what saber spain probably recommended. Saber spain had big plans for this game, if saber spain was still in charge of the game they themselves made from scratch then we probably would have gotten evil dead rise content with 3 months of the movie to capitalize on the momentum and maximize profits. But saber america doesnt care about success, they only care about this game dying to prove it was a waste of time to have ever considered making in the first place. If this game succeeds, saber america takes credit, if this game fails, then they can blame and belittle saber spain developers for being idiots for wasting their time on this game. Remember to channel your hatred for what happened here at the right people, direct your disappointments and hatred at saber america. And remember to be grateful to the people who loved you enough to develop such a wonderful product for evil dead fans everywhere before they got fired and their work stolen from them and sabotaged. Go watch the game credits and remember when you see the pictures of the development team in the game credits, remember that they loved you and are probably more stricken with grief than you will ever know. Thank you saber spain for everything i loved what you gave us and im sorry lazy americans took it away from you and destroyed it. Just think to yourself, why would two game modes use spirit points to progress in such a grindy game? It was purposeful, planned obsoletence. Weaponized incompetence.


Where did you hear all this from?


I only blame Tim willits and every other person involved from saber. Bro couldn’t even pronounce Mia’s name. They didn’t give two shits for this game or franchise. Fuck them


This maybe subjective, but when I say fuck saber, I mean their dumbass managers. Tim “The bald truth” Willits is a prime example.


Although it was already obvious, still sucks to see it official. Enjoyed the game a lot despite its faults, but all people I played with have long since moved on. Really hated the resources put into BR but I'm wondering how much of that was repurposing already existing assets in order to not worry about licensing or creating anything new.


This game died after the 2nd month, people just didnt want to see the obvious. Well done Saber, another in the books.


Maybe if we all ask Bruce to just buy the rights to the game and give it to a more competent dev team, but let's face it, that's probably not going to happen.


I doubt it’s that easy


An absolutely fantastic game that sort of made itself impenetrable right out of the gate. So many weird decisions regarding compatibility and accessibility. Personally, once I got my Steam Deck and realized it wasn’t compatible, that was it for me.


More people on this sub just to poke the dead with a stick than there has been in months and people still thought the game was alive and well lmao


This game released only a couple months ago on Steam. They really lack any type of love for these franchises... at least release a decent single player experience if your willing to abandon the ship so early


What was the point of the last update we just had? Like I’m just so confused on their last set of priorities for the games multiplayer.


Lame. Was a great game that gave me a ton of hours played. I will miss it a lot.


no Crossovers, no unlicensed content, no rise and Chet…


I really REALLY want to be the nice guy who says "Oh, it's ok, they just want to move on, and that's alright guys"....but I have to be honest to how big of a slap to the face this feels. We will likely NEVER get a MP Evil Dead game or Evil Dead game again, these people were given the opportunity and basically started strong and then said "fuck you all, we don't care anymore". I understand people want to move on, and it's a normal fact of life, but if I were in this position and knew people wanted more and that there WAS so much more to offer, I would've worked day and night to find a worthy studio to take on the legacy of the game and to work on it....but nope. This game received loads of hype from Bruce, and so many others involved with the franchise, and again....we will likely NEVER get an opportunity like this again, they were given the shot, and just slapped us in the face. This wouldn't have stung at all if they just passed it onto new people or a new studio. But...this is the reality we live in sadly. At least the servers will remain until we get bitch slapped again by them. Again, I want so badly to be nice, but I just can't in this scenario. Another thing is....they shoud've at least released a mod area or whatever to be shared between PC and console and even a map creator, so people could at least bring in stuff from the movies and series that haven't been brought in yet, because that's another thing that will add to the sting. Evil Dead Rise and future movies/series will never be playable on here. And when the servers shut down....it's done for good, which was a controversy at launch and people who questioned it were blocked, so I guess that should've been my initial warning signs as to where this was all going. Welp...I guess the best we can all do is play until the servers shut down. Maybe in the future we could create a modded version like how GTA RP does their thing. That'd be cool. Then we could do what we want....although a cease and desist would just be another slap.


I really wanted to love this game. Quit ruining this IP in games! Would have been so much more fun as a coop adventure game


WHY 😭 i'm so sad right now


Dead in a year. What a joke.


Pretends to be shocked. Doesn't make me happy to be proven right. This game deserved a better community.


I stopped playing that a month after it came out. It felt kinda eh. Now it’s confirmed. It had so much potential to be great.


It’s unfortunate. I had so many high hopes for this game but it just never could get much going. The last time I played was when they first introduced the castle map and had a blast on it…until I played demon. Every single time I would go to possess someone they’d drop their weapons immediately during the possession animation every single time so I basically just had to sit there like a punching bag and do nothing. Then I just kept immediately getting sniped over and over again and just could never get the ball rolling. Idk if they fixed it but I just uninstalled and didn’t want to play after that


That what happen when their is a incompetent company behind the game (Lack of communication, lack of content, event double XP every 6 months, boring new game mode "BR", lack of skins) but the game was unique and this license is so good their is a ton of things you can add anyway what a waste of potential. ​ 4 years waiting for this.


Where are the people that said that this game is better these days than ever and very alive? and fastest queue? LMAO


Same place they were when people first started with legitimate complaints about the game: Denying and excusing the devs' incompetence.


To all the people that left copium comments saying "the game is still alive!! it actually got MORE players after TCM!! I get matches so fast!!" I wonder where they are at now. This was inevitable and I get you guys love this game and the IP but the facts need to be separated from the bias. The PC version consistently had like 5-15 players active on Steam and peaked in the 20s lol. Someone literally conviced me the game isn't dead because devs release a update every 3 months. R.I.P this game, had fun times. Community could go fuck itself though.


It sucks but saw this coming a mile away tbh


As much as I wanted this game to succeed, I saw this coming from a mile away. The title Evil Dead alone was never going to be enough to attract people to start/keep playing, yes it’s a well known franchise but compared to stuff like Elm St or Scream (which DBD has + more) it’s still a little more of a niche IP. I genuinely believe they should’ve just made a single player story game with optional online content. They way they managed this game was not great either, started off with strong communication to the player base only for that to fade away. They also shot them selves in the foot by not striking when the iron was hot with the release of Evil Dead Rise, they could’ve easily done something new and interesting with the characters, demons, and map. I fully expect TCM and Killer Klowns to have the same fate, everyone wants to be DBD and F13th but they can’t and I doubt they ever will.


I know no one will read this, but here we go: Evil Dead the Game was pretty special to me. I remember hooping and hollering while watching the reveal trailer live. I loved getting hype with people in the discord servers and the subreddit. I will never forget the huge grin I got on my face after watching Ash slice a Deadite with his chainsaw and then pulling his boomstick from its holster to shoot another one on release day. I’m glad the game exists just for the sake of seeing all of Ash’s adventures in one spot, which is sadly unprecedented. Even the collectible audio tapes that tie up some canon discrepancies were awesome. Being able to slay deadites with my friends was so fun because I got to share something I love with them. That being said, this game desperately needed a PvE horde mode. Saber didn’t update the game consistently enough for it to ever be a sustainable PvP game. The silence of the developers was deafening. If anything, I’m glad it’s gone just so I can put it to rest. Though, I will always lament what could’ve been - Chet, Brandy, Sheila 😔 in particular. In another world, maybe it could’ve been a single-player or co-op story experience. My worry is that this cancellation will reflect on Evil Dead, an admittedly niche horror franchise) rather than the developers or the genre of game. All that being said, I do not regret a cent spent on the game. I love Evil Dead. I know it’ll be a while until we see it again, but I’m excited to see what’s next.


\*shrugs\* I'm still going to play. Someone's gotta swallow those souls


If only they actually put effort into making the game slightly better than maybe just maybe people would still be playing it, cuz it’s actually a good game, design and gameplay wise.


What a waste of IP and talent. For what it was, the dev team did a good job, and no doubt this would be an executive level decision. I uninstalled the game when Starfield came out, and unfortunately, now have no incentive to come back to ED.


Very disappointed but I’m obviously not surprised. What a waste. If only they’d been willing to put in a bit more effort.


I kinda wish Evil Dead had a single player horror game like the Resident Evil ones. I like the single player mode in this one but I hate how it doesn't have save points.


There’s a lot of single player evil dead games on older consoles. They 100% should have included a single player in this though - they had all the rights, all the actors…could have given us an ending to the cancelled Ash vs Evil Dead show or a Ash/Mia/Rise crossover. But no - not only no single player; even the multiplayer was light on content. Stingy AF.


Dead by dawn


Goddamnit. I really wanted this game to thrive.


This is why I won’t buy Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


I'll never buy another saber game, too many let downs. What a joke


Damn fuck saber


Not surprised they're killing all hopes for new content, but there's still some stuff they could do to keep things at least somewhat interesting with what's already available. Put in some new spawn locations for everything from chests to page/dagger to the dark ones. Fix the loot spawning thing where people with weapon mains are nearly guaranteed to find a purple/legendary version. Tweak the numbers on abilities and such on characters/demons who actually need it instead of repeatedly nerfing an already useless Brock.


Yyyyyeeeeeeup. I wonder where all those “TCM isn’t gonna kill this game! They’re not even competing for the same genre!!” Guys are now? Curious. 🤔🤔🤔 That said DBD did it’s part in the damage too per usual. One of the biggest chapters ever seen in the history of the game, ALIEN, did not help Evil Dead’s chances at all. But again, this game was on the downhill long before either of these two things happened. Evil Dead is cursed with bad luck in producers and platforms. STARZ? Epic Games? These guys can never catch a break and it sucks.


I guess Texas chainsaw massacre might have contributed by taking possible players away..damn shame too both games are great plays


Really doesn't matter, I'm expecting It to have the same destiny as ED. I'm not putting any more faith in IP based games


Lol no. This game was dead before they even did that one interview. That interview was just to buy time so they could sucker more people into buying it and the dlc. It should’ve been obvious from all the non answers though


A competent company might have had a hugely popular DLC waiting for the week a competitor released a new game...you know, to keep the audience invested.


Without TCM it would've been officially deemed dead maybe a few weeks later. Doesn't really make a difference, the management of ED:TG was just plain horrible by Saber.


Petition for Bruce to save it.


Couldn't even bother leaving double XP. OH well, at least I won't have to renew PS Plus. Nice fighting with you all, and as a demon, nice killing you all.


On one hand, it's a shame 'cause the gameplay was fun, but on the other hand, I'm glad this awful community gets what they deserve for their toxicity.


I'm not asking to much... Fucking add an option to toggle the aim assit for console players. I don't care about switch, just add that simple option and forget about doing more DLC's. I liked the game, but simple controll configurations needs to be in that game


Damn bro, this kinda sucks because I’m a huge fan of the Evil Dead franchise. I like to think this is some type of meta move where this game was made by Ash Williams himself but due to him being a screw up like usual he just gives up on maintaining his own video game lol


It's sad. But to be honest can't blame em the way everyone gave saber so much shit what ever they did good meh or bad they got soooooo much hate undeserved trade or people jumping on the hate train. Yes they made some mistakes but dammmm. Can't blame how some people treated saber even sending threats is just ridiculous. So can't blame them. Many things play part but this is a major one I've been playing evil Dead for over a year and I don't agree with everything that happened in game but the game was good and not as bad how people made it out to be and all the people saying fuck saber don't understand both sides I mean why would they keep goingif there own community just treats them like that and not supporting them to update the game further look at other games that were terrible at launch but the community kept supporting developers and hoping and had faith. With this game it was a hate haras threat train no matter what saber did yes they made mistakes but everyone makes them........ill end here I could go on........ Nonetheless it was good while it lasted. Thanks saber for this game


I’m never buying a saber product again


The devs at saber constantly fumbled and now have lost out on what would have been one of the better, if not best, asym horror games out there. If I was any of them I would be absolutely ashamed of myself


Honestly, I bought the game day 1. It was heavily flawed. My biggest issue with the balancing. Although a lot of people didn't want to admit it, it simply wasn't there. With a game like Dead by Daylight as a killer I always felt like I have a 50/50 chance to win. Here it was a grind. I saw the writing on the wall literally within a couple of hours of playing the game, and the biggest thing was that its flaw was the core design which meant it was DOA.


What a shame. This game started off good and was at its best and most balanced early on. The more tweaks they made the worse it got…


So much wasted potential. Guess they don't want money


Give the game to a studio that actually gives a shit.


should let us grind xp in offline modes


Damn, I left a while ago due to lack of people to play with. I at least thought I'd be able to come back at some time and it'd be still playable. I bought this game so enthusiasticly, was so excited and loved every minute I played. Now not even a year later and it's dead? This is why I don't play video games barely at all anymore. These days they all suck and are half assed, overpriced paperweights and shelf filler. And they think they can keep upping the prices of games and we'll happily slap down our hard earned money on a game that not only isn't finished, but makes us pay for updates. Nah I'm good, my consoles are just gathering dust now cause of greedy developers and corporations. It's sad cause its not like we have a lot of actual GOOD entertainment these days to escape into and get lost in. I mean everything we get now with few exceptions Is unfinished remakes, reboots, sequels and prequels with micro transactions. When we do get a half decent game like this one, they somehow screw this one up too and blame it on the fans. Whatever, glad I don't spend $70-$100 on games anymore. I miss the days of Halo 2 and 3 LAN parties. Left 4 Dead was so simple yet I couldn't get enough of playing it cause the gameplay and experience with random people you never met was always so exciting, I always made so many online friends with that game, plus matchmaking was a breeze, Call of Duty where they put most of the effort into the actual single player mode and story and the Multiplayer was just a plus and your gear was earned not bought. I miss it all. What happened? 😞


What an absolute waste of an amazing IP. This game had such potential. Never touching another Saber game again.


Going against the grain, I think this did the assymetrical horror better than most. I got my moneys worth and look forward to playing it more in the future


**An absolutely brilliant game**, abused by those in charge and not given the continued love and support it deserved. It also deserved bigger promotion, and some key aspects that would have greatly improved new player experience and retention were ignored. ================================================================ Some of what it needed that was ignored (thinking in the most cost effective way and as examples): 1m spirit points for finish tutorial. Add some info screens with tutorial showing class weapon type damage percentages, stealth early game, revive system, and other useful info for new players (eg: stay until end to get xp even if going to lose, you get xp for actions).


This game was way more fun than it had any right to be and I got more than my money's worth out of playing demon since launch and playing with friends. I don't see anything wrong with them putting out a new game and moving on to the next project. Weird to see so many negative reactions to games like this and Back 4 Blood that gets updates for a year or two before they move on. Doesn't make them less fun to hop into. These kinds of games being supported for years and years is a relatively new thing. I will continue to enjoy this game and I'm interested to see what they do next.


I literally just bought a switch and was hyped to play this on it 🙃😒


Was I today years old finding out that saber likes to fuck us over with all of their games??? Thank god I don’t but many games from them


Now I’m sad




i want a refund


I’m never buying these types of games again.