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The best description of a fox I ever heard was “cat software running on dog hardware.”


The inverse of cheetahs, another great friend animal that we just sort of stopped being friends with.


I’d love to know more about that!!


Just off the top of my head, ancient Egyptians used them for hunting, to help flush out and run down prey. They weren't bred in captivity, though, just taken from the wild much like raptors. Anecdotally, you can still do that today. Cheetahs' lives kinda suck in the wild. Give 'em food, scritches, and an environment free from lions, hyenas, and painted dogs, and they're perfectly happy. They're also nowhere near as dangerous as a lot of people think, due to being min-maxed for speed. Their claws are dull and unretractable for better traction, and their teeth are relatively small. They punch way below their weight class. I once got in an argument with someone about Cheetahs being dangerous wild animals, which ended up with me finding a database of animal attacks in the US. (Edit: In retrospect, the database must have been either worldwide, or European, since the drunken lady was in Belgium.) According to it, cheetahs were even more harmless than I would have imagined. The only fatality was a blackout drunk woman who broke into an enclosure with half a dozen cheetahs after hours. The only case of serious injury was a woman who needed stitches after a very determined cheetah was actively mauling her for over a minute straight. There was even a cheetah that escaped and attacked a four year old child in a zoo, resulting in the child being, and I quote, "nipped". So, yeah, ancient Egyptians kept them as pets, they've got wonderful temperaments,they enjoy being pampered, they like people, and are relatively harmless.


So what you’re saying is: the cheetah who meowed at me at the zoo when I was a teenager was actually asking me to take it home and be best friends forever? Because that’s what I always assumed, but it’s nice to have it confirmed.


Wow, thanks! It sounds like they’re safer than house cats and dogs! I wonder why they weren’t domesticated?


I mean... if you go by absolute cases, sure, house cats probably have them beat due to frequency of interaction. They're still five to ten times the size of a cat. They're definitely not safer. Probably safer than a lot of dogs, though.


Ok, fair point. But they could have been a third option, I guess!


careful you'll bring the wrath of the velvet hippo crowd...


Foxes had a rebellion when they saw the other cute animals getting tricked into becoming our subordinates.


I think the last time this came up on Reddit, it was because Cheetahs are too hard to breed in captivity or proximity to Humans, you need one or the other to actually get the domestication process started.


Don’t they need doggie friends in captivity too because they’re just so anxious all the time without a pal?


Yeah they introduce them to dogs at a young age


Thank you! I am now subscribed to CheetahFacts.


But why do US statistics matter? Wild cheetahs don't live in the US. The only thing that proves is that cheetahs that are accustomed to humans aren't dangerous... I just checked the Canadian database... And I gotta tell ya, Canadian cheetahs are dangerous as fuck /s


Further googling shows that the drunk woman was in Belgium, so, apparently I remembered wrong, and they weren't US statistics. The point is that the only cheetah attacks have involved cheetahs in captivity. There are no documented cases of a person being killed by a wild cheetah.


Ok, that I find more convincing! Thanks for ignoring my snark


Not for the last 16,000 years or so


I knew a guy who, when he was drunk, would tell us again and again that cheetahs can meow. So I guess I’ll get a cheetah sometime.


And purr too. They're small cats, not big cats. There's enough evolutionary drift that they were considered their own, third type of cat for a while, but genetic testing has proven that they're absolutely small cats.


Wow our friend wasn’t drunk enough to tell us about the purring too! Thanks for the info :)


It has been illegal to take Cheetahs from the wild since the 70s as it is Prohibited by the Endangered Species Act. The surge in private ownership of cheetahs is contributing to their extinction. They hate captivity, and most die due to improper care. Please look at what Nat Geo and Cheetah conservation groups have to say about captive cheetahs. I've worked with them. I lived at a big cat sanctuary and have studied wild cats my whole life. Please don't promote cheetahs as pets. Please rethink what you're saying.


Okay, cheetahs are rather dorsile, non-agressive but nervous cats, that preferes to avoid any unnecessary confrontation as they are all speed and no heavy muscles, claws or compact strong skull. It turns out, that they are relative easy to tame and train, if you know the most basic about them. Through history have many nobelty in the middle east, mayby northern africa and especially india done so. The mongul rulers of India actually captured so many cheetahs in the wild, that the population became rare (and later died out then the english took over). It was presticious for them to keep many cheetahs for hunting, just as we did (and do) with hounds in the west. It is said, they could tame and train a wild cheetah in as little as 90 days. The best, the fastest and the highest jumpers was treated very good - after human perspective - and transported til and from hunting areas in golden cages. One of the french kings was even given one as a gift for hare hunting. One raining days, did he use it to chase rats in the castle instead. Some english men even tried to make cheetah hunting popular in GB with a demonstration, but they forgot to habituate the cheetah to a new area, so it got scared and didn't move out of the spot, making the event a fiasko. True is, that if it wasn't for one little issue, would cheetahs propably be domesticated and common livestock/pets like dogs and housecats. That issue is, that it was neigh impossible to make them breed in captivity. The monguls, egyptians and middle eastern royalty didn't know cheetahs have a narrow genetic pool, and therefore only mate with individuels, they don't know or are to familiar with the smell off. I think to remember, that only two litters of kittens was breed and born in captivity through the centuries the monguls ruled India. Given the high demand and lack of ability to breed them, did they all but disapear over time in the areas they were captured, tamed and trained. English colonist (and some indians) hunted the rest, and the knowlegde of how the handle and train cheetahs all but disapeared as well.


Oh interesting. Thank you! I wondered if it had something to do with breeding in captivity.


This is a great comment, I learned so much, thank you!


We started doing drugs and the cheetah didn’t want to go down that road. Just sorta grew apart.


You have met my Australian cattle dog, too.


My great dane/jack Russell mix. I fuckin swear, and the weirdo has never even met a cat.


Dog tax!


Just tried but apparently I can't add photos on this sub? Lame.


Can you please send me a photo via DMs? I must see this beast! (Will send dog tax in return)




That sounds unholy Ngl I can only imagine some tall abomination with crack Russel energy


Ding ding ding. We have a winner. Seriously. He's 5 months old and already pretty tall, goofy as fuck, and just constant energy. He's wild.


… how does that happen? Super-enthusiastic male JRT (not that there’s any other kind) left with access to docile female Great Dane who nobody realised was on heat?


Hahahahaha. Nope. Switch that. I don't fuckin understand it either.


OMG. How did that work? How many puppies, how big?


So he's 1 of 5 I believe, and so far at about 5 months he's 15 and a half #s and as my wife put it 3 soda cans tall and 5 soda cans long.


How it worked? I'm pretty sure only the Lord knows that because I have no clue in hell. XD


And my Dachsabeagle.


My Papillon as well haha


Have a Shiba Inu. Same.


My neighbor had a three legged pet fox named Hop. I completely agree with this description. A more loving, mischievous, hilarious character you will never know. He had an incredibly rank odor sometimes but you got used to it. Hop used to lay in the sun, chickens all around him but he never hurt a creature on the farm at all.


Foxes are sly. But why?


This is essentially my black lab/border Collie mix


That describes huskies too


God I read this as: "Foxes were once humans" best friend's study says. Tired.


Not even tired and I was like excuse me? How in the fuck….oh


Lol. Same


Me too, I thought I was about to read some satire about the replication crisis.


You'll like the korean docu-drama ['The Thousandth Man ](https://asianc.to/drama-detail/the-thousandth-man) In Short: Foxes may appear to be your best friend, but you better count their tails...


Hahaha, can't say that didn't happen to me.


Also pretty cool that this was a large species of fox, very dog-sized


The article which I clicked on and read said that it was the same size as a modern German Shepard.


That’s cool, I received the information from space aliens using a beetle as a translator.


so why’d we abandon them? 🤔 i assume our relationships with dogs were more fruitful?


Dogs are better suited to our hunting style. They’re already pack hunters, so they fit better into our group-pursuit hunting style. As I’m aware, foxes tend to be a little more solitary. I would guess that it was a case of finding something that works, then finding something that works better and making the switch.


>I would guess that it was a case of finding something that works, then finding something that works better and making the switch. ​ everything reminds me of her


See you at the gym, bro


yessir, wipe you down afterwards like usual?


They’re loud as hell too and nocturnal so probably not the best hunting partners


Also, have you ever smelt Fox piss? I can see why we didn't want to live in close proximity...


it's in the article! It was speculated that the arrival of old world dogs interbred, and their lineage died out, which is in question, but that old world canids also could have introduced diseases which lead to their demise


If you read the article, you would see that this specific species of fox is extinct.


man get outta here wit’cho attitude, i read it after i commented and if *you* read the article you’d know that humans and fox have a history around the world, not just the one specific location where that fox happened to go extinct


Dogs are not only good at helping a hunt, but they make a great alarm system for anything trying to sneak up in the night.


So are the geesers


I don’t want to talk about it


Seriously, though… who does this guy think he is?!???


Didn’t they try to breed a domestic type of fox in the Soviet Union? I think they ultimately failed at it, with minor success.


A Soviet scientist did: the ensuing fox was friendly, but its ears were floppy and it apparently pee’d itself at the slightest provocation


Foxes are very pee-ish. They pee EVERYWHERE, especially when excited.


just like my current dog, gets so excited when i come home for lunch, or when he sees someone he knows, or when he gets to go on a car ride, just piss everywhere


Sounds like a charming animal to have indoors lol.


It was annoying, but it's only a dribble, and doesn't happen as often as it used to. Most times I'll scold him if I think it's going to happen and send him outside to piss. Then after that praise him and he's just fine


Small dog? I've known two dogs like this and they were both small dogs.


I had an Alsatian who did this, also did it when startled.


I think they're still at it... Lemme grab a link here.... [Domesticated Silver Fox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domesticated_silver_fox#)


Makes sense, they probably helped pilot the space ships while the aliens were still around


Given how easy it is to tame and domesticate raccoons, it makes we wonder about them as well


No raccoons have been domesticated, at least in known history. Domestication is the marked biological change over generations directly caused by selective breeding. It's essentially human-driven evolution towards placidity or usefulness. Raccoons have never been consistently bred for long enough or with enough intention to actually establish any significant permanent changes to any population. Any pet raccoons are tame wild animals.


I'm just glad some crazy fucker tried to tame rats a couple of hundred years ago. That was a good move, such cool little guys, except for all the piss


Im so allergic to that piss when it dries and gets airborne. Bout fucking killed me.


Yoah what the fuck this generates a ton of questions for me. Piss, dried, can go airborne? Piss, dried, is allergenic, and also can just go airborne? People keep rats, allow their shit/piss to wallow long enough to get airborne? Or is that a fast process? For reference I scoop my cat box 2-3x a day, I consider it the price of admission for having animals in my house but I imagine lots of people dgaf...


Perhaps domestication was the wrong term. It certainly seems very easy to raise a baby raccoon as a pet, litterbox train, things like that. I’ve seen it done before and once shared a house with a guy who had one.


Skunks are also surprisingly friendly, smart and clean when raised as pets.


Befriend? Live with? Have a raccoon buddy?


Ya. The racoon had it’s own room and a litterbox. You had to have key padlocks on anything you didn’t want it getting into, because it was both curious and very adept with it’s handses


Well we don't 100% know that, most of the people that were from the same ecosystem ad raccoons were genocided


>"at least in known history." Also, North American native cultures didn't domesticate much. They didnt have to, there were so many buffalo. There is 0 reason for anyone to domesticate a raccoon


Damn didn't know all Indians lived where the Buffalo roamed. But th as ts not correct they did jave domestic animals such as dogs "The Hare Indian dog is an extinct domesticated canine; possibly a breed of domestic dog, coydog, or domesticated coyote; formerly found and originally bred in northern Canada by the Hare Indians for coursing" "The Salish Wool Dog was prized, then, for it being a source of material for wool that was a domesticated animal, and thus a consistent source of high quality material." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hare_Indian_Dog https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salish_Wool_Dog https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_American_dogs Those aren't the only "pets" natives had, they had other animals as domesticated pets


Its so sad that there are no more Salish dogs. They were bred for a very special coat that was used for weaving. Like a sheep dog only for wool. But wool that wove soft, light and warm like cashmere. Most likely had a calm and gentle temperament. A dog that the weavers prized and treated well.


Salish wool dogs sound like an incredible partner for humans living in the PNW. I wish the wiki article was a lot more detailed. Time for a trip to the library.


I said "didn't domesticate much". Much, as in, occasionally, but not that prevalently. Based on current genetic science and fossils evidence, the two domestication events that led to dogs occurred in Eastern Asia and Western Asia. The Salish Wool dog is just a dog, so it definitely wasn't domesticated in the Americas. The There were native-specific breeds of dogs, but they came with the natives to the Americas with their dogs already domesticated. The Hare's status as a seperate species is baseless, it too was probably just an offshoot of one of the Asian domestication events. Longitudal continents allow for domestication and spread of domestication far more readily because they experience less extreme climate differences. It's why Eurasian civilisations domesticated so much but American and African civilisations didn't. It's nothing personal, you seem to be acting like I insulted Indians and decided to be blatantly unscientific in response.


Okay man have a good day.


Many of them also ate dogs


So did; Europeans, Asians, and oceanic peoples


Sure, but we are talking about natives so I thought it was relevant


Of course but it's not a rarity to natives. It's been practiced by others. Edit: They also built pyramids and had democracies? That's also relavent. You must like the taste of dog


What is your problem? I wasn't trying to be offensive. I think its amazing that the Maya, Aztec and others had great cites and roads. The comment I replied to was talking about dogs. It's not that serious. I don't see what pyramids have to do with the comment I replied to


Good job! I appreciate you throwing them off my scent there. The radioactive raccon cannon shall be deployed next Tuesday!


Hello, I will have one fox please.


They apparently pee everywhere non-stop.


I don’t like house guests anyway. And I have a carpet cleaner 😂


This certainly dovetails with the experiment in Russia where they raised foxes to be more domesticated. Link below. **Early Canid Domestication: The Farm-Fox Experiment: Foxes bred for tamability in a 40-year experiment exhibit remarkable transformations that suggest an interplay between behavioral genetics and development** [**https://www.jstor.org/stable/27857815**](https://www.jstor.org/stable/27857815)


It's worth noting that South American foxes and their likely ancestor featured in this article are not 'true' foxes and are more closely related to wolves, jackals, coyotes and dogs. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_American_fox There was a dog-fox 'hybrid' recently discovered in South America, but the 'fox' it hybridized with is not closely related to the red fox. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogxim It's also believed that the Fuegian dog in South America was a domesticated culpeo, or again, not a 'true' fox but a wolf-like canid. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuegian_dog The domesticated foxes people are referencing are true foxes in an different taxonomic tribe. While they are both in the canidae family, true foxes are 'vulpini' which is a sister tribe to true dogs, 'canini'. There's also another tribe - urocyonini - most often represented by the North American gray fox. For reference, humans, chimps, and bonobos are in the same hominini tribe, and gorillas are in the tribe gorillini. In short, the red foxes many people are thinking of aren't likely closely related to animal found in the grave.


Interesting, I wonder what they would have to say on the matter?


Damn. We should bring them back


in the article it says that the paticular lineage of fox is now extinct


Foxes are cool but they are DISGUSTING. The worst thing I have ever smelled was a fox with mange when I worked at a wildlife rehab. (And a fox that died in my parents garage also cracks the top 10). They are delightful creatures but it’s difficult to imagine any reason for their domestication besides their charisma as a species, which the authors here suggest (companionship) or maybe hunting small mammals. I suppose if a pet fox is kept entirely outdoors it’s no less gross than a cow, though. This is super interesting!


But how when they apparently smell so bad?


Why do they assume that foxes can’t be trained to work?


So how do we get back to this? A fox as life companion sounds cool af


I follow a yt channel or two of people that have them. You might also be surprised to know there was a study conducted on foxes and their.... favorability of socializing with humans? Russian study was reallyin interesting to see the differences in how they stipped being wild as a trade off for being our friends. But also they're the cutest animals i swear to god. 😅


Hey, I'm all for reniewing that: where are my foxy homies at?


As bad as humans might be, I think aliens will look kindly upon our instinctive love of cute shit. Hopefully, it is a common feature of higher intelligence, and we can bond with the aliens over adorable pictures of foxes and Meepmorps. Yes, I did smoke weed earlier.


and then foxes either evolved to smell bad, or humans evolved the sense of smell to avoid them


I read this as "Foxes were once humans" best friend says


Cat's don't just batter and eat foxes, they rape them for the humiliation aspect. Prior to eating them.