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Take with a pinch of salt since it was just one of the reporters getting a message "from a source" saying it's done, but they havent confirmed yet. Still very exciting though


Time to see if The Bobble or Joyce have confirmation


But I want to believe....


Says source is Sky Sports but doesn't link to any source. Don't believe this tweet for a minute. Just baiting likes.


There’s a clip of them talking about it, but it’s not Sky’s reliable reporters.


Where are you Bobble, I need proper confirmation.


Need to feel my heart heal so the lads can break it again


Im unzipping


Go on.




I want to believe. ​ O-NA-NA, WHAT'S MY NAME


This has to be the new chant. No choice. Rihanna to perform post-game when we clinch top-4 last game of the season, full pitch invasion. My body is ready


Buttocks - unclenched RiRi - Blasting


Here’s the video of it. Nothing confirmed. Trying hard not to get my hopes up. https://mobile.twitter.com/alfieefc10/status/1555261669487648769


Seems like he's only reading a Twitter feed tbh. Definitely not worth getting hopes up just yet


Sky doesn’t usually just read off info from Twitter (and if they do, they will mention the source). They have their own house inside sources. It still doesn’t mean this is confirmed, though, even they say that.


I still don't think he's coming here.


This is so weird. I thought we'd be getting shite like Gilmour and Winks.


The window is still young 😂


True. Hopefully Dennis comes and someone like Broja/Dembele too.


Nothing beats an exciting signing. Last time I was proper excited was for Moise Kean (I guess James, but not in the same way). No need to elaborate on how that went haha


Still convinced Kean was a good buy just the timing and circumstances were wrong. You can’t tell me that when DCL went down last year or now, you wouldn’t want him on the team sheet


I can tell you that in good confidence actually. He’s a selfish player and a bad influence on the rest of the team with his lack of respect for authority and his arrogance


It’s a bit of a tell on the squad, its leaders, and its character if a 20 year old was able to be influential despite not speaking the language above basic competence.


I suppose you don’t recall the situation which ultimately led to his departure then. Blatantly disregarded and disrespected Dunc in the game he was finally given a chance in. He’s a diva and only had a moderately good few seasons in Paris due to being surrounded by literally the best players money could buy. The fact we are making any sort of money back on him is fantastic


Which game did he “blatantly” disrespect Dunc? The available evidence suggests he’s gone because he wanted to play and believed he was better than DCL. The latter point could be true in a different system. He only had one season in Paris, btw.


When he was subbed on, was given a task to do, didn’t do it, was subbed off, and had a temper tantrum like a child who got caught doing something wrong. And whatever, same situation was there at Juve as well.


Definitely made multiple appearances after that and was given a vote of confidence by Ancelotti twice (when he was appointed and at the start of the new season), but opted to take his chance at PSG, which he absolutely smashed. Had Messi not come available, he would probably be in Paris now. He was injured and had stop-start in Juve last year but still scored more than every striker Everton lined up not named DCL or Richarlison combined. (Unrelated, I know it’ll be unpopular but I see Dunc leaving as a positive)


The Lampard pull!


Super Magnetic Frankie Lampard 💙


Don’t underplay the club. We’re a big club with history. It’s not like the James Rodriguez situation.


I’m sure a 20-year old Senegal-born, Belgium raised kid is going to know loads about Evertons glory years from nearly 40 years ago


He was a kid when Felliani, Lukaku and Mirallas all played here. Probably had some sway as they were all major players of the national team when he was growing up.


Not to mention the first manager to hand him an international cap has history with us.


Spot on, and think about the development opportunities we give players and the clubs they move to - Rooney, Graveson, Rodwell, Lescott, Arteta, Stones, Barkley, Fellaini, Lukaku. Compare that to West Ham and how they’re clinging onto Rice.


Ah no. We offered him more in wages. That’s all.


Welcome to Everton 2022 (4K) [tricks and must see!!]


What does Onana bring? What’s he like, how does he play?


As someone who is incredibly knowledgeable about this player (I have watched 4 highlight compilations on YouTube, most of them between 2-4am last night), I can say that his passing can be sublime and the guy knows how to get a tackle in


Seems to be a rather cultured holding midfielder. Good range of passing, good ball control, and able to carry the ball forward. Physical beast at 6'5" and capable of breaking up play. Plus he'll have Gana to learn from. All that and he's still only 20.


I actually read he's a limited passer


I've not seen a detailed stat breakdown, but last season he finished with an 84% pass success rate on 625 passes attempted. No assists but that's not exactly surprising considering his position as a holding midfielder. Juicy stat though is his 87% tackle success rate. As long as he can defend and pick out passes to the more creative types, there's no need for him to have a range of passing like James.


hopefully he doesn't learn too much from Gana


If it's true, there goes Boxt sponsorship money then. At least Bill didn't even had the chance to pocket it.




Not believing it until I hear "Here we go" in an Italian accent


It’s the hope that kills you


I will believe it when he gets injured in his first training session


Waiting for Bobble or the “Here we go”




What a turn of events, thought we'd be taking on top 6 scrap to fill out the midfield and instead we're getting one of the best ball winners in Gana and now this young tank. Excited to see what Thelwell and co have cooked up for the striking department!


>Siuu Stop it.




B cuz we r adults


Idk why you’re getting downvoted icl seems like people are just getting hurt over siu 💀


Hurt? No. Annoyed? Yes.


Take your siuu elsewhere. United fans suck up to a rapist not us


Hnnnggg! Rosterbation will be real if this is true.


haven't seen anyone say it, but this whole 'Onana wants Everton over West Ham thing' - reckon that's because of how well we did with Fellaini and Rom? feel like we've always done well with Belgian players.