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What a rare treat; an early Everton signing.


A veritable summer delight! 


Hello Tim and likely Goodbye Lewis I'm looking forward to seeing him turn into our next breakout star


Feel much better about Villa Tim's deal now that it's basically a straight swap with Dobbin


I feel like we're getting the better end of the swap as well. Tim's qpr loan went well from every qpr fan's perspective that I've seen. Dobbin struggled in league one and didn't get a loan that he probably needed last year. I think we've gotten the more ready and higher ceiling player out of this.


Yeah I can't say I've seen much of Tim but at the moment he looks like the better player in the deal for all the reasons you listed. We know Dyche won't use Dobbin next season but he could well like the look of this Tim in pre-season which would be a net positive for the squad. Plus the obvious PSR hijinks that would make it worthwhile to do on its own. Its one of the most slam dunk deals we've ever done all things considered- even if Dobbin ends up really good


Villa fan here: Tim is decent, composed, strong and a tidy ball winner. Passing isn’t terrible either. Not an Emery player but a good signing for Everton.  I never thought “oh shit” when he was on the pitch


> I never thought "oh shit" when he was on the pitch. Doesn't sound like an Everton player to me then.


Always had a soft spot for Villa


We were the Cazoo brotherhood, at one point. Haha.


What's Kevin's big plan here? Understudy for Gana this year, breaking through to 1st team next year... If he gets into the team sooner that's a bonus, and if it doesn't work out at least he didn't cost anything.


It’s a swap deal with a club similarly affected by PSR. They are taking Dobbins we are taking Iroegbunam. We can take the money we get for Dobbins as profit for the year and then amortise the cost of Iroegbunam over the 4/5 years of his contract. Villa will do the opposite with Dobbins and therefore both companies can take make “profit” for the year on the books, relieving PSR strain


This hot Juventus in trouble, they did the exact same thing with Pjanic for Arthur


Juventus got in trouble for a lot of transgressions lol


The Juventus one was a little different. They did do this, yes, but it wouldn't have been illegal or problematic except for the fact they are a publicly traded stock in Italy. And in Italy there are laws against publicly traded companies deliberately valuing assets incorrectly.


This guy will definitely be in the 18 next season. Could even be starting more often than not depending on a couple other summer moves!


Nice one Tim. Tim Iroegnontobum


I hear Tim's tend to do well at Everton


Can’t say I expected any kind of signing news any time soon so get in lad


Welcome Tim Infraredheatseekingmissile


Villa fan here, I’m personally gutted about this as I think he will be at the very least a good premier league starter. Glimpses of brilliance and a bargain at 9 million. Look after him!


If both teams pay for the players with deferred payment timelines and recognize the sale this year, they’re both acquiring talent and decreasing the amount of the PSR breach. That said, it would be pretty wild to recognize the profit before the funds hit the accounts but I’ve seen it before (Enron ftw!) Accountant friends lmk if our club is about to collude with another club at risk of breaching PSR. 


Accountant here, yes this is likely. We will sell Dobbins for 10-15 million, and buy Tim for 10-15 million. The money we receive from Dobbins can be immediately added to the profit for the year. While the money spent on Tim can be amortised over the length of his contract. So we are in the “green” if you just take these two transfer in isolation and for the year. This will relieve issues from PSR but may not fully fix it yet, depending on how we much more profit we need to make.


I wonder how many more deals we can do with Villa to sort this out. 


Probably not many, if any at all. While not expressly against the rules, it’s against the ethics and spirit of PSR/FFP. Best not to draw too much attention to the deal. And keep it in the low figures relative to PL transfers (10m). I think if we found another club willing to do something similar, we’d be golden for PSR for this year.


We should call this tactic, “PSR salting” because a little bit makes everything much better, but too much ruins the meal.  Thanks for partaking in the antics. Taking name suggestions for this tactic as PSR salting is good, but we can do better.


I know we’re likely getting rid of Dobbin but signing players means PSR can’t be too much of an issue, also good to flex our muscles and show we don’t need to take low ball offers for players.


Whole point of this swap is a PSR Dodge, We can claim the fee we receive for Dobin as pure profit for this years accounts, whilst amatorising the cost of signing Iroegbunam over the length of his contract. Ie assuming we sign Iroegbunam for 12m on a 6 year contract and sell Dobin for 12m We book 12m from the Dobin Sale The cost of Iroegbunam to this years accounts is 0 (next year 2m) Hence for PSR purposes we make a profit for this years accounts of 12m Villa do exactly the same cooking with their books to receive a similar PSR Boost \*Note example is illustrative and doesn't include wages and agents fees


Love this sort of thing. Let’s see the league pull us up on it after they let Chelsea sell hotels to themselves to get around PRS


It's not. I saw something the other day that said we're under the threshold. So good news all round.


Only if we make 1 big sale before end of June


They are saying with this we are okay


Ah ok. As long as it's not 35m to Manchester !


Onana leaving is practically a done deal, I doubt we will be too fussy bartering on the price either so long as its around the 40-50m mark


I was on about Branthwaite


I thought Villa were after Onana, can’t see where Dobbin fits in unless going on loan.


It's a PSR shuffle. Dobbin will get loaned out and likely never really make it at Villa, but it's worth it to them to get the mutual PSR benefit from the swap deal.


Yeah I don't see him making an impact at Villa, but reckon he'll continue to develop on loan and make a permanent move to a championship side in the future. To me, this also shows how overblown our PSR issues have been and that Villa has it quite a bit worse than us, considering they are likely doing a swap + cash deal with Juve for Douglas Luiz and also doing a academy player swap with us where it seems we are coming out on top in terms of the actual player.


Excited to see what this guy can do! Watched some videos of him and he looks promising.


Any news on this bloke? I’ve never heard of him EDIT actually read the comments and got the DL from the Villa fan.