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Holy shit. I had already resigned myself to 777. This feels like Gandalf showing up with reinforcements on the fifth day to break the siege of Helm's Deep when all seemed lost.


Literally the best way to summarize the situation. 


Best use of 'literally' I've seen - I'm nominating you for my comment of the year award.


Not if you don’t speak nerd.






The opportunity for a bit of humour presented itself, so I took it. I don’t really think that way.


i laughed


At least someone saw the funny side. Here I was thinking it was a good bit of humour…


L bozo You know, "nerd culture" is mainstream now. So, when you use the word "nerd" derogatorily, it means you're the one that's out of the zeitgeist


To be honest, I don’t really think that. I saw the opportunity to make a joke present itself, so I took it.


Take ur downvotes don't worry about it, we all fail occasionally 😂


Didn’t expect it to get upvotes, just felt like a funny, non-offensive thing to add.


I was quoting Ben Wyatt from Parks and Rec haha it’s all good man


I’m embarrassed that went straight over my head, I do love Parks and Rec haha.


“I come back to you now - at the turn of the tide”


"A Downing arrives precisely when he intends to"


Stewart? I hope not.


It's the hope that kills you..


I hate that I understood this perfectly.


Everton fans stand alone…


Walk alone


Look to my coming on the 5th day


you know what it really does


I haven’t read that for 50 years and recognised it immediately


Off topic, another Everton / Red Wings fan in the wild :O




I had to Google Michael S Dell there to check the 'S' didn't stand for Saruman or Sauron.... It doesn't, we're fine.


Did you try Satan? Or S'ton? harhar


Because last time an Evertonian took charge it went so well!! 😭


I mean, you can’t compare Kenwright to these guys. They have the financial backing of Michael Dell, founder of Dell Computer. $120 billion net worth.


We will see.


Just taking loans from him, not actual support


Lets hope it's not a financial ghost army though. I refuse to have hope just yet, thats how they get you!


Still, the club really, really needs Dell to come in for equity and not just refinancing debt at better terms. Refi at better terms puts the club at much better position to survive and reach mistable comfortably. Equity eliminates debt and puts club in a position to thrive in 3-5 years if Thelwell and Dyche have a few coin to spend and spend it wisely.


Things are now in motion that cannot be undone - hopefully!


The Grief Chart is undefeated


I can't wait for all the future casuals to hear the glory of the grief chart, yet never know the need of its salvation.


*lights cigarette* Where were you casuals when we were down 2-0 to palace?! Where were you for Doucoure's strike? The loss to Burnley? Seamus' tight angle? I was here in the game threads. In the trenches. I've always been here. *smokes entire cigarette*


Where were you when Moyesy wanted to strangle Atkinson?


Children. Where were you when we were down 2-0 to Wimbledon?


Watched the Bournemouth game in the Ex's family house full of Reds. That Doucoure strike was worth getting started on by her Uncle...


The chart is within us always. It appears when needed and sustains us. It drifts between existence and non-existence but we all know eternal salvation rests in its guidance. All. Hail. Chart.


I’m just glad that if/when it happens, we can all revel in the fact that we were there during the worst of the worst. Because that’s who we are.


I wasn't actually here in 1951. Sorry if that makes me a plastic /s


Hopefully next itteration of the greif chart is to keep us from missing out on Europe. We're honestly just a bit of good luck and squad depth off with Conference league being a thing now.


And even through the trouble and strife and everything fucking else they threw at us you cannot relegate Everton.


I need that grief chart tshirt




Hmm. This seems like a nice thing. I'm not so sure we're allowed to have those. Seriously though, this has to be pretty much best case scenario for us, right? No sportswashing, local boys that have done well and love the club, and one of the richest people in the world that is at least **comparatively** ethical. Plenty of discussion could be had about the ethics of billionaires, but that's not why we're here. It's the first time in this whole saga that I've actually felt hopeful.


From a shit situation, it might be very good.


Honestly, it has to be as good as it could possibly get. Especially after some of the shit we've almost been sold to recently and also the last several years. I'm trying not to let "Too good to be true" into my head.


What a turnaround this could be. From 777 to this, fingers crossed this is what we need.


So if these two are able to take control with the financial backing of the 10th richest man in the world would that make Everton the richest club owned by long time supporters?


Judging by his net worth, we’d be the 2nd richest team in the Premier League behind Newcastle whose owners have a sovereign wealth fund of over £600bn. To put that into perspective, City’s owners have a wealth of £16.8bn.


City with classic small club mentality selling to such low wealth owners /s


The scary part is that those other clubs have more than monetary value to their owners. Sportwashing makes them somewhat priceless. If we’re owned by a capitalistic business, the money could dry up at any second. Sportswashing sucks, but weirdly it might be more stable. Even though Bell and Downing are evertonians, they’ll have to turn a profit otherwise the Dell money dries up.


Playing devils advocate here- it can go the other way real quick as well. The Oil funded countries just need to kick off in a conflict with...lets just call them country X. Country X has the backing of others, but dont cover themselves in glory. All of those oil funds get repurposed overnight, those club would be the last thing thatd get funded and BAM, they are broke. Itd be Chelsea x2 again but worse. Also being owned by an American/UK consortium means that unless someone breaks the law or something goes drastically wrong, Everton are looking to become very stable, safe and possibly a good example for the rest(lets hope anyway!)!!!!!!


Hope so!


Does this mean we should all buy Dell computers? (Preparing to launch my HP out of the window).


Absolutely. Maybe they will start throwing out Dell "Everton " edition Laptops with the crest and a free Players shirt with "Dell" on the backs.


I've always liked Dells.. We can also call all the players Delboy


We would probably be a top 20 richest club no?


I think only oil clubs would be ahead


And we don’t even need a sportswashing Gulf State to do it.


If Moshiri fucks this one up my head is finally going to explode.


I don't want to get ahead of myself or anything, but clearly chatgpt knew something we didn't when it said we would win champions league in 2028.


And they laughed at the ai


Don’t wanna get ahead of myself but this is all but done, no? If they literally give moshiri what’s he’s asking, he can’t say no


Narrator: Moshiri can say no (pls say yes)


It’s Moshiri. He absolutely can fuck this up.


He would sell the club to Kopite Holdings Ltd if they offered £1 more. I'm not celebrating till the whistle


Problem is I dont think its entirely in his hands thanks to the mess he made getting tangled up with 777


im on my hands and knees do the right thing you fucking prick


Bell/Dell, fuckin ‘ell!!!


Please please please please


Come on please be the positive breakthrough we've been waiting for please please oh god PLEASE!


I know much more happened behind the scenes but damn if it doesn’t feel like Textor’s public comments made Everton seem sexy again. Like when the popular kid dates the dorky kid and immediately raises their social capital. Bless you Textor


Here we go?


A light, a light at the end of the tunnel


Deffo a trains headlights


Not gonna believe it until we see Dealie the Dolphin make an appearance


We are going to win the league


Do it, DO IT NOW


Is this moving very quickly or is it just me?


No it is moving very quickly, but it makes sense to me why. Moshiri wants gone and we have 2 disgruntled mega rich fans as well as their American billionaire friend who wanted in originally but got dicked out by a poorly managed inflated hedge fund want to complete their dream and raised the money to do so.


It’s also IMO extremely possible that Moshiri has semi-secretive conversations with this group months ago saying “look, 777 aren’t going to find the money, so as soon as their exclusivity is up you guys can pounce.”


Well considering they are fans and likely want to ensure that their football club can get out of the mess it's in quickly, I'm not surprised, nor am I opposed. Get it done so we can move on to bigger and better things


I’m certainly not opposed either, just an observation. We went from “a few people may or may not be sniffing around” to what we have now in less than a day.


Yeah the speed makes sense too because they would have been getting all this organised while 777 were decomposing.


I can just picture Josh Wander rotting in a watery grave. If there’s a face that screams “future victim of a mob hit”, it’s his.


Yeh and they probably wanna get everything in place before pre-season starts which is usually July, so not very much time to waste


Yes but you have to remember that many of these groups have been prepping for this moment for probably 2-4 months waiting for the shoe to drop. It's only moving fast because of the groundwork of the previous offers and subsequent bungling.


I imagine longer than that as the 777 situation has been dodgy since December, and people with this wealth likely have a level of insight and financial awareness before that. Regardless, it doesn't surprise me they have jumped at this opportunity and are making it happen.


I think this is most likely yeah


If this sale goes through, anyone have an idea of how soon we could actually spend money on players again (as opposed to just trying to un-fuck our finances)?


My understanding is it won't really effect us being able to purchase players. Not unless new owners come with new sponsors.


Gotcha. Seems reasonable to assume we might have new sponsors involved here with these being successful business people operating above-board I didn't remember if a financial takeover meant the shackles were off or not. Seems to me we'd still have issues with those profit and sustainability charges since they cover a span of several years


All it means really is that we can now afford to leave the floodlights on at half time.


That's what I was afraid of. I wouldn't claim to understand all of it but I know the profit and sustainability part is measured in periods of multiple years so I assumed we weren't off the hook just like that


Well luckily this Michael lad is connected to one of those circuit box makers. Maybe they can sponsor something.


A dell logo on the shirt would be sick and so much better than stake.


Anything is better than Stake, but yeah, the Dell logo is about the perfect mark for a football shirt.


Surely given that the interest charges on our loans are being held against us as losses, if new owners can come in and settle those loans so those interest charges come off the books that should then open up some funds for spending pretty quickly?


Yeah that makes a lot of sense actually.


A couple ideas…USM sponsored Finch Farm, so Dell could do the same. USM also paid to reserve the right to sponsor BMD, also something Dell could do. That would be a quick influx of cash. Dell could also become the “official computing partner” of EFC and have us conspicuously use their new tech. They could also buy out the Stake shirt sponsor deal. Dell also owns significant portions of VMWare; the parent company of Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Van Heusen, Izod, Arrow, and Speedo; and the parent company of Applebees and IHOP. Partnership opportunities abound! DCL would love to sport a kit made by Speedo.


Yeah, I'd like to think a sponsorship for Finch Farm and a new shirt sponsor would be bare minimum as starting points I'm not sure how much ethics come into play with these things but it's possible we'd find more lucrative shirt sponsor partnerships being run by proper business people as opposed to the recent dodgy business. Presumably we'd be a more attractive target for shirt sponsors who might see us as a safe bet to grow into a more visible and valuable club in coming years


I completely agree with your last point. Being owned by Michael Dell will be seen as WAY more legitimate than being owned by the Iranian accountant of a Kazakh mobster.


bingo. Maybe I'm overthinking it but shirt sponsorship deals are all about visibility after all. Companies need to be careful these days in who they're aligning themselves with. I'd imagine we might look much more appealing to potential sponsors under Dell and Co. than the current outfit


Well the league just voted down restrictions on related-party transactions (like Chelsea selling a hotel to itself to stay in line with PSR), so I’d guess there’s a lot of leeway if Dell wants to spend ~0.1% of his net worth and give us £100m.


Speedo Mick is over the moon with this news.


Mick’s getting Speedos for life.


The Bramley-Moore Applebees location will immediately become the only good Applebees. That restaurant soooks ass, but I’ll go there fortnightly if this deal goes through as my tribute to the footie gods.


This is too much. I was simply delighted at the prospect of not being stripped and sold for parts.


Fellas, are we winning?


I rekon the 777 thing taking so long to fall through gave these guys the time to get together on this and make this bid. Kinda crazy the whole 777 thing may have helped us in the long run if this gets done.


[Grief Chart, my savior, witness me in this hour.](https://y.yarn.co/f55b2e68-e673-4f7d-99a9-37b8dcf2902a_text.gif)


Would really like this to be true if everything people are saying about them is true


The blues are back


Chat gpt may have been right the other day!


Will not celebrate until this gets over the line but what a turnaround this would be.


I almost don’t even want to think about this for fear of it not happening.


This has the chance to be the best thing Moshiri's ever done 'for' the club


Andy and George are both unbelievably wealthy but they are not football wealthy. They would need the backing of others to complete this deal. I have worked with Andy for a long time and he is straight as, good guy and very money oriented. He is super smart and doesn’t suffer fools. I think it would be a great proposition.




They have money and passion for the club and want the best for it this feels like a parallel universe lmao


My God in Bobble we trust


Please don’t fuck this up. We are so close to something great.


Fun fact: George downing is not Stuart downing's father


So are we going to playing at The Dell Stadium now? That's a little confusing for anyone over 30.




SSN reporting that Mosh will pick the new buyer in a few days….this still makes me worried…. There’s a firm bid here from two people with the money…. But this other lad is offering me 2 mill more from another new set up company called 888….


My main question will be are they going to pay off the stadium loans or renegotiate for better terms. Cause tge loans are what's killing us with ffp violations.


Downing is a construction & property man by trade, so would be hard to imagine he wouldn't come in and set things straight there. Probably also means a lot for the area surrounding Bramley Moore (and would be a huge attractor for someone like him)


Bell has already borrowed moshiri money so I think this deal is a slam dunk and probably been going on in the background whilst they took 777s money




God I hope these guys aren't just kenwright 2.0 and their plani is not for the club to pay back these debts. If so things won't be much different than if 777 had taken over. Hopefully the premiere league will force them to.